27 research outputs found

    Current Status in Intestinal Parasitic Infections: A Reference Laboratory Results

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of examination for intestinal parasites in fecal samples sent to our laboratory by obtaining from patients applied to the hospital because of various complaints

    Investigation of Antibodies Against Listeria monocytogenes in Ram and Ewes in Ankara Province

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    GAZYAGCI, SERKAL/0000-0002-0043-6942WOS: 000274088000027This study was conducted on determination seroprevalance of listeriosis in sacrifial ewes and rams in Ankara. Antibody titers were detected against Listeria monocytogenes by Osebold Agglutination Test ( OAT). 112 sera of 205 were found as seropositive (%54.6) against Listeriosis. According to this study, Listeria monocytogenes was determined as a common disease in rams and ewes for sacrify in Ankara

    Reactivated and clinical Toxoplasma gondii infection in young lambs: Clinical, serological and pathological evidences

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    Babur, Cahit/0000-0002-6524-3260; ATMACA, HASAN TARIK/0000-0001-8379-4114WOS: 000305100900054In this study, fatal toxoplasmosis with severe neurological clinical signs was evaluated in 20 lambs of a sheep flock containing 90 Akkaraman sheep, 60 lambs and 3 rams. The clinical signs in infected lambs (n = 20) included incoordination, head shaking, tremors, shaking up, difficulty walking and subsequent death. No incidence of abortion observed in pregnant ewes. Two lambs with severe clinical signs were euthanized and necropsied following clinical and hematological examinations. Blood samples were also collected from the mothers of dead lambs and rams for Sabin-Feldman dye test to detect Toxoplasma gondii-specific antibodies. T. gondii infection was further confirmed by PCR analysis using T. gondii B1 gene specific primers. The histopathological findings included non-purulent myositis with T. gondii-like tissue cysts in the heart and skeletal musculature, severe necrotic vasculitis and multifocal necroses in the brain, liver and lungs. T. gondii immunoreactivity was present in the lungs, liver and spleen as well as tissue cyst-like structures. In differential diagnosis, Neospora caninum infection was excluded by immunohistochemical and PCR analyses. According to current literature, there has been no previous report on clinical toxoplasmosis in newborn lambs or goat kids, and the number of reports on clinical toxoplasmosis in small ruminants is limited to two adult goats with fatality following systemic toxoplasmosis. Our study indicated that toxoplasmosis occurs in lambs with severe neurological signs and subsequent death. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Kirikkale University Research CouncilKirikkale University [21/2006]This study is financially supported by Kirikkale University Research Council Project with 21/2006 project number. The clinical toxoplasmosis cases were presented as oral presentation at XXIVth World Buiatrics Congress, 2008 Hungary and at the 4th national Veterinary Pathology Congress, 2008, Antalya, Turkey

    Influence of experimentally induced. toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma gondii) on the pharmacokinetics of levofloxacin

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    The pharmacokinetics of levofloxacin was evaluated in Toxoplasma gondii infected and control mice. Single dose of levofloxacin (10 mg/kg b.w.) was administered orally to the T. gondii infected and control mice. The experimental infection was done by intraperitoneal administration of 200 W of antigen solution (antigen solution concentrations were prepared under microscope at x40: 5, 10, and 20 trophozoites per microscopic field) per mouse from each concentration. Plasma concentrations of levofloxacin were determined by high performance liquid chromatography. Following the administration of levofloxacin, T. gondii infection resulted in significant reduction (p<0.05) of the distribution half life (t(1/2 alpha)) parameters and also in increase of the peak drug concentration (C-max) compared with in control group. Also the area under curve (AUC) and mean resistance time (MRT) values of levonoxacin in T. gondii infected group (4.72 +/- 1.03 and 6.63 +/- 0.71, respectively) were found smaller than in control group (6.12 +/- 0.72 and 8.46 +/- 0.27, respectively). The study results show that a clinician may have to suitably modify the dosage regimens of the levofloxacin while setting up therapy of bacterial infection or other disease

    Influence of experimentally induced. toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma gondii) on the pharmacokinetics of levofloxacin

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    The pharmacokinetics of levofloxacin was evaluated in Toxoplasma gondii infected and control mice. Single dose of levofloxacin (10 mg/kg b.w.) was administered orally to the T. gondii infected and control mice. The experimental infection was done by intraperitoneal administration of 200 W of antigen solution (antigen solution concentrations were prepared under microscope at x40: 5, 10, and 20 trophozoites per microscopic field) per mouse from each concentration. Plasma concentrations of levofloxacin were determined by high performance liquid chromatography. Following the administration of levofloxacin, T. gondii infection resulted in significant reduction (p<0.05) of the distribution half life (t(1/2 alpha)) parameters and also in increase of the peak drug concentration (C-max) compared with in control group. Also the area under curve (AUC) and mean resistance time (MRT) values of levonoxacin in T. gondii infected group (4.72 +/- 1.03 and 6.63 +/- 0.71, respectively) were found smaller than in control group (6.12 +/- 0.72 and 8.46 +/- 0.27, respectively). The study results show that a clinician may have to suitably modify the dosage regimens of the levofloxacin while setting up therapy of bacterial infection or other disease


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    WOS: 000260354600028Aim of the present investigation was to study seroprevalence T Gondii in turkeys from Nigde province of Turkey.National Agricultural Technology; Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, IndiaThe author thank the National Agricultural Technology Project, Indian-Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, India for funding this project

    Prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii antibodies and intestinal parasites in stray cats from Nigde, Turkey

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    WOS: 000254814500011The prevalence of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii was investigated by the Sabin-Feldman Dye test (SFDT) in 72 stray cats from Nigde, Turkey. A total of 55 (76.4%) of the analysed sera had antibodies to T. gondii. The seropositivity of T. gondii was 77.1% in male and 75.7% in female cats (P>0.05). Faeces of these cats were also examined by zinc sulphate flotation method for the presence of parasite oocysts and eggs of other parasites. Two protozoan parasites were identified as Isospora spp. (12.5%) and Eimeria spp. (4.1%) in cats. Toxoplasma gondii oocysts were not found in any faecal samples analysed. Two parasitic helminth species were observed: Toxocara cati (15.2%) and Toxascaris leonina (20.8%). These common ascarids were recorded for the first time in cats from Nigde

    Detection of Entamoeba histolytica/Entamoeba dispar in stool specimens by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

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    Entamoeba histolytica actually comprises two genetically distinct but morphologically indistinguishable species. E. histolytica can cause invasive intestinal and extra intestinal disease, while E. dispar cannot. Identification and differentiation of E. dispar and E. histolytica in stool sample by microscopy is imprecise. Several weeks of culture and isoenzyme analysis are required to differentiate E. histolytica from E. dispar. In this study, we have used an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detection of E. histolytica/E.dispar and compared it with microscopy. Eighty-eight samples were evaluated, trichrome staining was positive in 20.4% (18) and ELISA was positive in 29.5% (26). Both tests were positive in 14 (15.9%) samples, 4 (4.5%) only with direct microscopy, and 12 (13.6%) only with ELISA. Both tests were negative in 58 (65.9%) samples. Microscopy has low sensitivity and high specificity, low negative predictive value and high positive predictive value in comparison with ELISA. E. histolytica/E. dispar antigen detection ELISA tests are inexpensive compared to the specific tests, yield objective results and do not require experienced microscopists and can therefore be recommended for screening of stools worldwide and the results can be taken for treatment that are fitting with its clinic