128 research outputs found

    Social Interactions and Games

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    Digital games have been gradually transformed from single, co-located experiences into endless, socially oriented, multi-played configurations, due to greater technological affordances (Herodotou, 2009). Multi-User Online Games provide the opportunity to create a social environment for friendships and strengthen the relationships. However, some researchers support the idea that players seeking meaningful relationships within a game might have trouble forming meaningful relationships in the real life (Fang & Zhu, 2011; Peters & Malesky, 2008).  This study was conducted with the sample of 168 university students to explore the social interactions in and out of game environment in terms of personality type, gender and game preferences. As a result of the study, it was found that participants mostly prefer playing multi-player games with their real life friends and family members. While they tend to make friends in game environments, they do not prefer sharing sensitive issues with their gaming friends. Moreover; students who reported themselves more extraverted, spend more hours in games. This paper contributes to the debates on the impact of games on social interactions of gamers in and out of the game environment

    The Role of Attention for Visual Perception in Desktop Virtual Reality Environments

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    Virtual Reality Environments (VRE) is relatively new types of human-computer interaction interfaces in which users perceive and act in a 3D world. Researchers use it both as a tool and as an experimental area for their studies. In this study, a desktop VRE was created and used to explore the role of attention for visual perception of 60 university students who participated to the study. The findings showed that configurational knowledge can be attained in desktop VRE. Furthermore, it is found that visual attention has a significant role on forming cognitive maps since the incidental formation of a cognitive map seems to be not possible on the basis of our results

    Eye-hand coordination patterns of intermediate and novice surgeons in a simulation-based endoscopic surgery training environment

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    Endoscopic surgery procedures require specific skills, such as eye-hand coordination to be developed. Current education programs are facing with problems to provide appropriate skill improvement and assessment methods in this field. This study aims to propose objective metrics for hand-movement skills and assess eye-hand coordination. An experimental study is conducted with 15 surgical residents to test the newly proposed measures. Two computer-based both-handed endoscopic surgery practice scenarios are developed in a simulation environment to gather the participants’ eye-gaze data with the help of an eye tracker as well as the related hand movement data through haptic interfaces. Additionally, participants’ eye-hand coordination skills are analyzed. The results indicate higher correlations in the intermediates’ eye-hand movements compared to the novices. An increase in intermediates’ visual concentration leads to smoother hand movements. Similarly, the novices’ hand movements are shown to remain at a standstill. After the first round of practice, all participants’ eye-hand coordination skills are improved on the specific task targeted in this study. According to these results, it can be concluded that the proposed metrics can potentially provide some additional insights about trainees’ eye-hand coordination skills and help instructional system designers to better address training requirements

    The effect of uncertainty on learning in game-like environments

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Considering the role of games for educational purposes, there has an increase in interest among educators in applying strategies used in popular games to create more engaging learning environments. Learning is more fun and appealing in digital educational games and, as a result, it may become more effective. However, few research studies have been conducted to establish principles based on empirical research for designing engaging and entertaining games so as to improve learning. One of the essential characteristics of games that has been unexplored in the literature is the concept of uncertainty. This study examines the effect of uncertainty on learning outcomes. In order to better understand this effect on learning, a game-like learning tool was developed to teach a database concept in higher education programs of software engineering. The tool is designed in two versions: one including uncertainty and the other including no uncertainty. The experimental results of this study reveal that uncertainty enhances learning. Uncertainty is found to be positively associated with motivation. As motivation increases, participants tend to spend more time on answering the questions and to have higher accuracy in these questions

    Using Eye-Movement Events to Determine the Mental Workload of Surgical Residents

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    These days, eye-tracking is one of the promising technologies used in different fields. However, studies involving eye-tracking are rare in the field of endo-neurosurgery. This study aims to use this technology to promote our understanding of the effect related to computer-based instructional materials on mental workload of surgical residents. Four computer-based simulation scenarios are developed, two of them were designed as general models and the other two as simulated surgical models. During these surgical procedures, in real settings, surgical residents need to use their both hands simultaneously to control the endoscope and the operational tool in a coordinated fashion. Therefore, to shed light on the participants’ behaviors, these scenarios are performed with dominant-hand, non-dominant hand and, finally with both-hands. Twenty-three residents’ eye-movements were recorded while performing the scenarios. According to the results of this study, when performing the simulated surgical models, an increase in the participants’ mental workload was recorded when compared to the other scenarios. Accordingly, it can be concluded that the eye-movements of surgical residents can provide insights about the anticipated level of difficulty about the skill-based tasks. This information might be very critical to properly design and organize instructional materials for endo-neurosurgery, and also to better guide and evaluate the progress of trainees in computer simulation-based skill training environments

    Exploring MOOC Learners’ Behavioural Patterns Considering Age, Gender and Number of Course Enrolments: Insights for Improving Educational Opportunities

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    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) now offer a variety of options for everyone to obtain a high-quality education. The purpose of this study is to better understand the behaviours of MOOC learners and provide some insights for taking actions that benefit larger learner groups. Accordingly, 2,288,559 learners’ behaviours on 174 MITx courses were analysed. The results show that MOOCs are more attractive to the elderly, male, and highly educated groups of learners. Learners’ performance improves as they register for more courses and improve their skills and experiences on MOOCs. The findings suggest that, in the long run, learners’ adaptation to MOOCs will significantly improve the potential benefits of the MOOCs. Hence, MOOCs should continue by better understanding their learners and providing alternative instructional designs by considering different learner groups. MOOC providers’ decision-makers may take these findings into account when making operational decisions

    Are left- and right-eye pupil sizes always equal?

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    Eye movements provide very critical information about the cognitive load and behaviors of human beings. Earlier studies report that under normal conditions, the left- and right-eye pupil sizes are equal. For this reason, most studies undertaking eye-movement analysis are conducted by only considering the pupil size of a single eye or taking the average size of both eye pupils. This study attempts to offer a better understanding concerning whether there are any differences between the left- and right-eye pupil sizes of the right-handed surgical residents while performing surgical tasks in a computer-based simulation environment under different conditions (left hand, right hand and both hands). According to the results, in many cases, the right-eye pupil sizes of the participants were larger than their left-eye pupil sizes while performing the tasks under right-hand and both-hands conditions. However, no significant difference was found in relation to the tasks performed under left-hand condition in all scenarios. These results are very critical to shed further light on the cognitive load of the surgical residents by analyzing their left-eye and right-eye pupil sizes. Further research is required to investigate the effect of the difficulty level of each scenario, its appropriateness with the skill level of the participants, and handedness on the differences between the left- and right-eye pupil sizes

    Multimodal Comprehension of Language and Graphics: Graphs with and without annotations

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    An experimental investigation into interaction between language and information graphics in multimodal documents served as the basis for this study. More specifically, our purpose was to investigate the role of linguistic annotations in graph-text documents. Participants were presented with three newspaper articles in the following conditions: one text-only, one text plus non-annotated graph, and one text plus annotated graph. Results of the experiment showed that, on one hand, annotations play a bridging role for integration of information contributed by different representational modalities. On the other hand, linguistic annotations have negative effects on recall, possibly due to attention divided by the different parts of a document


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    Carotenoids are naturally occurring pigments in plants, algae, fungi, insects, and crustaceans. Krill and prawns contain high levels of some value-added nutrients for the aquaculture industry, such as astaxanthin which is used as a colouring agent. In birds with ornamental plumage, such as canaries, the carotenoid-pigmented plumage and red hues are exclusively due to the diet. In this regard, our aim was to study the possibilities of using shrimp waste for feather colouring in canary Serinus canaria domestica. Shrimp Pandalus borealis dried waste was included in the feed of six female red lipochrome mosaic canaries Serinus canaria domestica for three months during their third molt. The basic diet consisted of a seed mixture (canary seed, sunflower seed without shell, linseed, and rapeseed), rearing food (Quiko®Bianco), and conditioning food (Quiko®Rusk) with the supplementation of an oil suspension of dried shrimp waste (3%). The ad libitum-fed birds had additional free access to pasta (Legazin® Procria White Morbida). To evaluate the effect of shrimp waste on feather colouring, covert feathers were taken from the tail in the region of the uropygial gland. Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy of the most intensely coloured parts of the feathers was measured by a spectrophotometer. The chromaticity coordinates in a CIE xyY colour space were calculated from the measured spectroscopy. The results of the experiment showed that shrimp waste increased chromaticity and had no negative effect on the canaries. On this basis, the authors assumed that dried shrimp waste could be an alternative to synthetic dyes.Karotenoidi su prirodni pigmenti u biljkama, algama, gljivama, kukcima i rakovima. Kril račići i kozice sadrže visoke razine određenih hranjivih tvari koje imaju dodatnu vrijednost za industriju akvakulture, poput astaksantina koji se koristi kao bojilo. Kod ptica s ukrasnim perjem, kao što su kanarinci, karotenoidno pigmentirano perje i crvene nijanse isključivo su posljedica prehrane. Cilj nam je bio istražiti mogućnosti korištenja otpadaka račića za bojanje perja kanarinca Serinus canaria domestica. Osušeni otpad račića Pandalus borealis uključen je u hranu šest ženki crvenih lipokromnih mozaičnih kanarinaca Serinus canaria domestica tri mjeseca tijekom njihovog trećeg linjanja. Osnovna prehrana sastojala se od mješavine sjemenki (kanarinčeve sjemenke, sjemenke suncokreta bez ljuske, lanene sjemenke i sjemenke uljane repice), hrane za uzgoj (Quiko®Bianco) i hrane za kondicioniranje (Quiko®Rusk) s dodatkom uljne suspenzije osušenih otpadaka račića (3%). Ad libitum hranjene ptice imale su dodatni slobodan pristup tjestenini (Legazin® Procria White Morbida). Kako bi se procijenio učinak otpadaka račića na boju perja, pokrovno perje uzeto je iz repa u području uropigijske žlijezde. Spektrofotometrom je mjerena spektroskopija difuzne refleksije najintenzivnije obojenih dijelova perja. Koordinate kromatičnosti u CIE xyY prostoru boja izračunate su iz izmjerene spektroskopije. Rezultati eksperimenta pokazali su da otpad od račića povećava kromatičnost i nema negativan učinak na kanarince. Na temelju toga, autori su pretpostavili da bi osušeni otpad od račića mogao biti alternativa sintetskim bojama