136 research outputs found


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    The research was done in around Adi Soemarmo Airport, Solo, Central Java. The development and increasing water demand are the point of this research. The purpose of this research due to identify groundwater resources and to map the litology of research area. This Research using geoelectric method with Schlumberger configuration using Resistivitiy McOHMOYO Model 2119C-EL. The measurements were made by 6 points sounding, electrode AB/2 scattered around the Adi Soemarmo Airport with varying penetration depths ranging from 1.5 meters up to 400 meters with distance of the electrode reaches 800 meters. Furthermore, the value of resistivity in the field measurements made longitudinal section and water content analysis approached by using IP2WIN software. the results of the study showed that at the point of sounding 2, 1, and 3 at depths greater than 130 meters are identified as source of groundwater and the at point of sounding 7, 4, and 5 are more than 100 meters depth. Keywords: Resistivity, Schlumberger Configuration, Groundwater, Adi Soemarmo Airpor

    Reality check : gender mainstreaming in a JICA-funded disaster risk reduction and management project in the Philippines : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of International Development, Massey University, Manawatu, New Zealand

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    The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is one of the leading bilateral donor agencies which supports the Philippines in enhancing its resilience to natural disasters. Addressing human vulnerability is believed to be the key in strengthening community resiliency, and this includes minimising the disparate impacts of disaster on men and women. Linking these issues to the principles of aid effectiveness, this thesis explores how does one of the largest bilateral development actors, JICA, ensure that its disaster rehabilitation programmes are gender responsive? In particular, this research investigates how JICA mainstreams gender into a disaster risk reduction and management project in the Philippines. This research used a qualitative approach—drawing on semi-structured interviews, document analyses, and a non-participant structured observation—to explore JICA’s gender mainstreaming framework, how it affects a Philippines’ disaster risk reduction and management project, and how the local partners influenced the mainstreaming of gender within the rehabilitation programme. It followed JICA’s gender mainstreaming framework starting from the formulation of the policy in its Headquarters in Tokyo, and to the adoption by JICA’s country office in the Philippines based on the local context. It then examines how the framework is operationalised in the programme, and finally, the contribution of JICA counterparts in the city government of Tacloban in mainstreaming gender. The research found that JICA’s gender mainstreaming framework covers only its departments in Tokyo. It has minor impacts on JICA’s Philippines office and its operations. However, the local gender framework in Tacloban City was reflected in the bilateral programme, albeit with limitations. In examining the frameworks and mechanisms of JICA and Tacloban City, the study found that gender mainstreaming is inherently technical in nature, requiring expertise, resources, and processes to be in place in order to achieve its transformative potential. The research concluded that a gender policy alone is not enough to precipitate changes towards gender responsive operations and outcomes—it requires fundamental commitment to gender equality by agencies who aim to deliver equitable development outcomes. The research hopes to enhance understanding of how gender can be better integrated in the context of official development assistance and disaster-related interventions in the Philippines and elsewhere

    Thermometer with Arduino Implementation

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    Táto práce se zabývá návrhem a realizací desky teploměru založené na mikrokontroleru Atmega328P a sítovým zdrojem použitým k jejímu napájení. Teoretická část popisuje vývojovou deskou Arduino Uno obsaženou ve stavebnici a práci s mikrokontrolerem Atmega328P mimo modul stavebnice. Teorie také zahrnuje obecný přehled teploměrů a správný postup měření teploty. Výsledkem této práce je svépomoci vyrobená deska pro měření teploty a síťový zdroj napájení.This bachelor thesis deals with design and implementation of a thermometer boart based on the Atmega328P microcontroller and the power supply used to power it. In the theoretical part it describes the Arduino Uno development boards included in the kit and the work with the Atmega328P microcontroller stand alone on breadboard. The theory also includes a general overview of thermometers and the correct procedure for measuring temperature. The result of this work is a self made board for temperature measurement and mains power supply.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvelmi dobř

    Factors affecting people with disabilities in the employment sector

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    Since 1994, the South African Government has formulated various policies in an attempt to redress the previous political, economic and social imbalances within the country. The majority of the policies have focused on empowering previously disadvantaged groups including people with disabilities. Despite the interventions, literature reviewed reflects that there is very little progress made with regard to empowerment of people with disabilities in the employment sector. The study seeks to explore and identify factors that affect people with visual disabilities in the employment sector. The researcher used a qualitative approach to investigate the perceptions of people with visual disabilities through conducting focus groups interviews with participants that were recruited using a purposive sampling approach. A total of four groups from Pretoria have been used to draw findings for the research study. During the focus group discussions, a semi structured interview guide was used to generate more in‐depth interpretations from the participants and data was analysed using Tesch’s (1990) framework that is described in Creswell (2003). The findings of the research revealed that people with visual disabilities still have problems in accessing and retaining employment despite the South African favourable legislation. Dominating among the factors that are viewed by the participants to hinder their employability are societal negatives attitudes which include unequal treatment, discrimination when they seek employment, belittling and disregard by employers, coworkers and the society at large. There are also a number of factors that were perceived as barriers to job seekers with visual disabilities which include inaccessible advertising media for vacancies, inaccessible transports systems, inaccessible education and training and lack of funded positions suited for people with visual disabilities

    Equipment for Raw Materials Sorting

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá projekčně – konstrukčním návrhem zařízení pro vytřiďování surovin. Úvodní část práce je věnována popisu technologie třídění, jejímu rozdělení a jsou v ní popsány roštové třídiče, na jejichž principu pracuje navržené zařízení. Následně jsou představeny tři návrhy zařízení, z nichž je vybrán jeden, kterým je roštový třídič s kombinací pevných a pohyblivých roštnic a separátor, jímž je rotující hřídel s lopatkami, ten je dále detailně představen a popsán. Následuje výpočtová část a k práci je přiložena příslušná výkresová dokumentace.The bachelor thesis is dealing with the projection – design solution equipment for raw materials sorting. The introductory part of the work is devoted to the description of sorting technology, its classification and there are described grate sorters, on the principle of which the designed equipment works. Subsequently, three designs of devices are presented, one of them is selected, which is a grate sorter with a combination of fixed and movable grate rods, and a separator, which is a rotating shaft with blades, which is further described and described in detail. The computational part follows and the relevant drawing documentation is attached to the work.340 - Katedra výrobních strojů a konstruovánívýborn

    Modern Technology of Printed Circuit Boards Production

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    Import 26/06/2013V dnešní době představují plošné spoje nezbytnou součást každého zařízení. Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou právě plošných spojů, jejichž správný návrh je čím dál tím důležitější. Hlavním cílem této práce je zaměření na správný návrh DPS, na který se dá poohlížet jak ze stránky technologické, tak i ze stránky ekonomické. Moderní technologie jsou směřovány na oblast povrchové montáže SMT, proto je zde těmto moderním technologiím věnovaná podstatná část obsahu. Je zde také uveden výčet technologií pro tvorbu vodivých obrazců se stručnou charakteristikou a aplikace vhodných materiálů v závislosti právě na těchto technologiích.Printed circuit boards form an integral part of each device in present time. This thesis describes in full a questions of printed circuit boards, whose correct proposal is more and more important. The principal aim of this thesis is focused on the accurate proposal of PCB, namely from technical aspects and also from economical aspects. Modern technologies tend to the surface mounting SMT, therefore these technologies make a main part of the contents. There is also a list of technologies for the production of conductive patterns with brief characteristic and with application of appropriate materials based on these technologies.430 - Katedra elektronikyvýborn

    Control of Laboratory Model of Small Hydropower Plants

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    Import 22/07/2015Malé vodní elektrárny představují v současnosti zajímavou oblast obnovitelných zdrojů elektrické energie. Tato diplomová práce se zabývá řízením malé vodní elektrárny. Je zde provedená analýza laboratorního modelu malé vodní elektrárny a měření provozních stavů této elektrárny. Hlavním cílem této diplomové práce je získání vzájemných závislostí mezi hydrodynamickými, mechanickými a elektrickými veličinami.The small hydropower plants represent interesting part of renewable resources of electrical energy in present time. This thesis deal with control of small hydropower plant. There is analysis of laboratory model of small hydropower plant and measuring operating conditions of this plant. The principal aim of this thesis is focused on the measuring interdependencies of hydrodynamical, mechanical and electrical physical quantities.430 - Katedra elektronikyvýborn

    The characterization and electrochemistry of dye-sensitized solar cells

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    In this study a presentation of the technology behind dye-sensitized solar cells, their design as well as the role of the different parts of the cell. The characterization of the cell is divided into four sections namely: the characterization of the paste required to make the TiO2 film and its optical properties using SEM-EDX and XRD analytical techniques; Analysis of the various absorptions of three Ru-based dyes using UV-Vis spectroscopy, Photoluminescence and Fourier Transform Infra-Red spectroscopy; the characterization and the analyses of the entire cell using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. The nine cells were prepared by examining RuL2(CN)2 , RuL2(NCS)2 or N3 dye and RuL2(NCS)2 TBA+ or N719 dye. [L = 2,2'-bipyridyl-4,4'-dicarboxylic acid ;TBA = tetra-butyl ammonium] were combined with three electrolytes namely: Z–150 , AN–50 and PN–50. The Iodolyte PN–50 is an iodide based low viscosity electrolyte with 50 mM of tri-iodide dissolved in a solvent called propionitrile (PN). The Iodolyte AN–50 is an iodide based low viscosity electrolyte with 50 mM of tri-iodide dissolved in a solvent called acetonitrile (AN). The Iodolyte Z–150 is an iodide based low viscosity electrolyte with 150 mM of tri-iodide dissolved in a solvent called 3-methoxypropionitrile (MPN) and with additives such an ionic liquid, malkylbenziimidazole and guanidine thiocyanate. A solar simulator was utilized with which the standard solar irradiation can be created in laboratory conditions. The fill factors as well as overall performance efficiencies of the these cells are quite low < 1.0%,