85 research outputs found

    Tehnici de analiza a mediului concurential

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    Micromediul cunoscut si sub denumirea de mediul concurential include acele forte sau grupuri care influenteaza in mod direct operatiunile principale ale unei organizatii. O etapa fundamentala in cadrul marketingului strategic o reprezinta analiza si anticiparea modificarilor si elementelor principale din cadrul micromediului. Principalele tehnici de analiza ale mediului concurential (micromediului) sunt modelul celor cinci forte ale lui Porter, modelul analizei grupurilor strategice si modelul analizei concurentiala.mediu concurential, micromediu, modelul celor cinci forte ale lui Porter, analiza grupurilor strategice, analiza concurentiala, competitive environment, micro-environment, Porter’s five forces model, strategic group analyses, competitive analyses


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    Theme The situation analysis, as a separate component of the strategic planning, involves collecting and analysing relevant types of information on the components of the marketing environment and their evolution on the one hand and also on the organizationñ€(tm)s resources and capabilities on the other. Objectives of the Research The main purpose of the study of the analysis techniques of the internal environment is to provide insight on those aspects that are of strategic importance to the organization. Literature Review The marketing environment consists of two distinct components, the internal environment that is made from specific variables within the organization and the external environment that is made from variables external to the organization. Although analysing the external environment is essential for corporate success, it is not enough unless it is backed by a detailed analysis of the internal environment of the organization. The internal environment includes all elements that are endogenous to the organization, which are influenced to a great extent and totally controlled by it. The study of the internal environment must answer all resource related questions, solve all resource management issues and represents the first step in drawing up the marketing strategy. Research Methodology The present paper accomplished a documentary study of the main techniques used for the analysis of the internal environment. Results The special literature emphasizes that the differences in performance from one organization to another is primarily dependant not on the differences between the fields of activity, but especially on the differences between the resources and capabilities and the ways these are capitalized on. The main methods of analysing the internal environment addressed in this paper are: the analysis of the organizational resources, the performance analysis, the value chain analysis and the functional analysis. Implications Basically such an analysis of the internal environment allows the organization to identify its resources and capabilities as best as possible, in relation to the threats and opportunities brought about by the crisis situations. Authors(tm) Contribution The research allows the identification of the organizational behaviour of resource and capabilities capitalization that must be adopted during the economic crisis. The study may be useful to both the academic and the business environment.marketing environment, internal environment, resource analysis, performance analysis, value chain analysis


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    Positioning is a very important marketing concept. Its importance was strongly emphasized and implemented in the case of companies, but is somehow neglected when it comes to states. A country acquires a position in the mind of a person very much like any other product does, which is very important especially when that person exerts an executive role. Nowadays Russia has a poor image or no image at all, both internationally and in Romania. In order to regain an important position in the Balkans region, Russia must set aside any political agenda and reposition itself as a business partner on equal terms. The first goal of this article is to clarify Russia's position in the minds of future Romanian executives. The second goal is to outline a recommended course of actions for Russia's repositioning.marketing, positioning, strategy, Russia, marketing research

    Comportamentul de cumparare organizational

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    Relatiile de piata ale intreprinderilor au in vedere atat vanzarea, dar si cumpararea de bunuri materiale si/sau servicii. Daca importanta procesului de vanzare nu poate fi pusa la indoiala, deciziile care au in vedere procesul de aprovizionare sunt adeseori minimalizate ca importanta. Aceasta atitudine este, uneori, atat de nefasta pentru rentabilitatea activitatii intreprinderii incat, nu poate fi compensata nici de cea mai buna abordare a clientilor. Procesul de cumparare trebuie sa se desfasoare pe baza de performanta avand drept obiectiv procurarea unor bunuri materiale si/sau servicii care sa asigure buna desfasurare a activitatii intreprinderii, iar in cazul in care nu se reuseste acest lucru exista o probabilitate foarte mare sa se compromita insasi realizarea obiectului de activitate al intreprinderii.comportament de cumparare, centru de achizitie, business to business, marketing organizational, buying behavior, acquisition center, organizational marketing

    Managementul portofoliului de produse in planificarea strategica de marketing utilizand Metoda Boston Consulting Group

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    Instrumentele de analiza de portofoliu utilizate in analiza portofoliului de produse oferite pe piata business to business au in vedere atractivitatea pietei, competitivitatea produsului si ciclul de viata a produsului si a pietei in general. Acestea au in vedere modalitatea in care prin utilizarea unor instrumente precum ciclul de viata a produsului, metoda Boston Consulting Group, matricea General Electric sau matricea Arthur D. Little companiile de pe piata business to business pot obtine raspunsuri la intrebari precum care din produsele din portofoliu sunt profitabile, in care ar trebui sa investeasca, care ar trebui sa le dezvolte sau la care ar trebui sa renunte. Se doreste prezentarea in cadrul lucrarii a modului in care se intercoreleaza atractivitatea pietei, competitivitatea companiei si ciclul de viata a produselor sub forma metodei de analiza de portofoliu Boston Consulting Group cu scopul realizarii unui management de succes a portofoliului de produse.analiza de portofoliu, unitate strategica de afaceri, ciclu de viata a produsului

    The Diverse Function of Macrophages in Renal Disease

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    Experimental and human studies indicate that macrophages play a key role within the diseased kidney and represent a target for novel therapies. This brief review outlines the involvement and nature of macrophages in renal disease and highlights the phenotypic plasticity of these cells and their responsiveness to the renal microenvironment

    Determination of the Proteolytic Cleavage Sites of the Amyloid Precursor-Like Protein 2 by the Proteases ADAM10, BACE1 and Îł-Secretase

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    Regulated intramembrane proteolysis of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) by the protease activities α-, ÎČ- and Îł-secretase controls the generation of the neurotoxic amyloid ÎČ peptide. APLP2, the amyloid precursor-like protein 2, is a homolog of APP, which shows functional overlap with APP, but lacks an amyloid ÎČ domain. Compared to APP, less is known about the proteolytic processing of APLP2, in particular in neurons, and the cleavage sites have not yet been determined. APLP2 is cleaved by the ÎČ-secretase BACE1 and additionally by an α-secretase activity. The two metalloproteases ADAM10 and ADAM17 have been suggested as candidate APLP2 α-secretases in cell lines. Here, we used RNA interference and found that ADAM10, but not ADAM17, is required for the constitutive α-secretase cleavage of APLP2 in HEK293 and SH-SY5Y cells. Likewise, in primary murine neurons knock-down of ADAM10 suppressed APLP2 α-secretase cleavage. Using mass spectrometry we determined the proteolytic cleavage sites in the APLP2 sequence. ADAM10 was found to cleave APLP2 after arginine 670, whereas BACE1 cleaves after leucine 659. Both cleavage sites are located in close proximity to the membrane. Îł-secretase cleavage was found to occur at different peptide bonds between alanine 694 and valine 700, which is close to the N-terminus of the predicted APLP2 transmembrane domain. Determination of the APLP2 cleavage sites enables functional studies of the different APLP2 ectodomain fragments and the production of cleavage-site specific antibodies for APLP2, which may be used for biomarker development


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    Theme The situation analysis, as a separate component of the strategic planning, involves collecting and analysing relevant types of information on the components of the marketing environment and their evolution on the one hand and also on the organization’s resources and capabilities on the other. Objectives of the Research The main purpose of the study of the analysis techniques of the internal environment is to provide insight on those aspects that are of strategic importance to the organization. Literature Review The marketing environment consists of two distinct components, the internal environment that is made from specific variables within the organization and the external environment that is made from variables external to the organization. Although analysing the external environment is essential for corporate success, it is not enough unless it is backed by a detailed analysis of the internal environment of the organization. The internal environment includes all elements that are endogenous to the organization, which are influenced to a great extent and totally controlled by it. The study of the internal environment must answer all resource related questions, solve all resource management issues and represents the first step in drawing up the marketing strategy. Research Methodology The present paper accomplished a documentary study of the main techniques used for the analysis of the internal environment. Results The special literature emphasizes that the differences in performance from one organization to another is primarily dependant not on the differences between the fields of activity, but especially on the differences between the resources and capabilities and the ways these are capitalized on. The main methods of analysing the internal environment addressed in this paper are: the analysis of the organizational resources, the performance analysis, the value chain analysis and the functional analysis. Implications Basically such an analysis of the internal environment allows the organization to identify its resources and capabilities as best as possible, in relation to the threats and opportunities brought about by the crisis situations. Authors’ Contribution The research allows the identification of the organizational behaviour of resource and capabilities capitalization that must be adopted during the economic crisis. The study may be useful to both the academic and the business environment


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    Strategic marketing planning requires that the marketing objectives strategies for a specific product-market configuration be in full correlation with the directions and the resources allocated at the corporate level or at the strategic business unit one. Such a correlation is more than necessary under the current market conditions, when the economic crisis affects both consumer behavior and corporate decisions. This article focuses on the particularities of strategic marketing planning in sport, given the fact that the vast majority of sports organizations in Romania, although very active on the reference market, do not have a marketing activity correlated with the medium and long term market needs. One of these needs refers to quality of life improvement, knowing that sport activities have positive influence on many dimensions of quality of life, such as health, education, social inclusion, relaxation and leisure. The improvement within the population participation in sport (both as an active participant and as a spectator), the increased duration of leisure and the development of private financing have led to the creation of a large market, where marketing plays a central role. Therefore the marketing management process must also be implemented within the sports organization, in order to make it easier in building and maintaining a relationship with the customer, especially if the organization wants a customer orientation strategy. Such an orientation includes identifying the current needs as well as the future ones in terms of target audience, to offer a series of sports products and services that bring their significant contribution to improving the quality of life. In this paper are highlighted the influences that consumer requirements concerning quality of life have on all components of marketing management process, starting with sports organization mission statement, up to establish strategies for the marketing mix (product, price, distribution and promotion)
