51 research outputs found

    Experiencias visuales y cognitivas a través de GIFS en Educación Primaria

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    El GIF se ha convertido en un formato de expresión y comunicación habitual de las redes sociales, adquiriendo también protagonismo como un género artístico. Objetivos: El objetivo es generar experiencias cognitivas visuales en las que los niños sean protagonistas de su aprendizaje a través de ejemplos prácticos. Método: Para ello analizamos los archivos GIF clasificándolos a partir de tres criterios: intencionalidad, contexto y contenido, e identificando aplicaciones digitales (APPS) que permiten realizar GIFS. Asimismo, diseñamos una metodología bimodal que enlaza la identificación de APPS con la creación de GIFS. Resultados: Se han creado nueve GIFS a partir de contenidos curriculares artísticos utilizando APPS y procesos adecuados a la etapa de Primaria. Discusión: El análisis de APPS y los GIFS creados indican que ambos elementos asociados permiten trabajar contenidos en Educación Primaria presentando la información de un modo más dinámico y visual. Abstract: The GIF has become a habitual form of expression and communication in the social media, also acquiring importance as an artistic genre. Objectives: The aim is to generate visual cognitive experiences in which children are the protagonists of their learning through practical examples. Method: To this end, we analyse GIF files by classifying them according to three criteria: intentionality, context and content, and identifying digital applications (APPS) that allow GIFS to be made. We also designed a bimodal methodology that links the identification of APPS with the creation of GIFS. Results: Nine GIFS were created based on artistic curricular content using APPS and processes appropriate to the Primary level. Discussion: The analysis of APPS and the GIFS created indicate that both associated elements allow work on content in Primary Education presenting the information in a more dynamic and visual way

    Visual and cognitive experiences through GIFS in Primary Education

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    Autores:Martín Caeiro Rodríguez - Universidad Internacional de La Rioja- ORCID: 0000-0001-5616-3747Alberto Torres Pérez - Universidad Internacional de La Rioja - ORCID: 0000-0002-7991-1813María del Mar Martínez Oña - Universidad Internacional de La Rioja- ORCID: 0000-0001-9231-7264Recepción: 14.01.2019 | Aceptado: 21.01.2019Correspondencia con Matín Caeiro: [email protected] GIF se ha convertido en un formato de expresión y comunicación habitual de las redes sociales, adquiriendo también protagonismo como un género artístico. Objetivos: El objetivo es generar experiencias cognitivas visuales en las que los niños sean protagonistas de su aprendizaje a través de ejemplos prácticos. Método: Para ello analizamos los archivos GIF clasificándolos a partir de tres criterios: intencionalidad, contexto y contenido, e identificando aplicaciones digitales (APPS) que permiten realizar GIFS. Asimismo, diseñamos una metodología bimodal que enlaza la identificación de APPS con la creación de GIFS. Resultados: Se han creado nueve GIFS a partir de contenidos curriculares artísticos utilizando APPS y procesos adecuados a la etapa de Primaria. Discusión: El análisis de APPS y los GIFS creados indican que ambos elementos asociados permiten trabajar contenidos en Educación Primaria presentando la información de un modo más dinámico y visual.Abstract: The GIF has become a habitual form of expression and communication in the social media, also acquiring importance as an artistic genre. Objectives: The aim is to generate visual cognitive experiences in which children are the protagonists of their learning through practical examples. Method: To this end, we analyse GIF files by classifying them according to three criteria: intentionality, context and content, and identifying digital applications (APPS) that allow GIFS to be made. We also designed a bimodal methodology that links the identification of APPS with the creation of GIFS. Results: Nine GIFS were created based on artistic curricular content using APPS and processes appropriate to the Primary level. Discussion: The analysis of APPS and the GIFS created indicate that both associated elements allow work on content in Primary Education presenting the information in a more dynamic and visual way

    Efeitos do ruído na audição

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    Com a evolução da tecnologia, os jovens utilizam cada vez mais dispositivos portáteis para entretenimento, aprendizagem e como forma de comunicação. A maioria da utilização destes dispositivos envolve uma exposição excessiva e desnecessária ao ruído e/ou a sons de elevada intensidade, que podem provocar perda auditiva. O setor educacional, pela sua abrangência, é um parceiro importante para a concretização de sensibilizações e ações promotoras da saúde individual e de grupo tendo como objetivo o bem-estar de toda a comunidade escolar. Assim, as escolas serão o local de eleição na preservação auditiva e na sua promoção.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    What Is the Relation between Circular Economy and Sustainability? Answers from Frontrunner Companies Engaged with Circular Economy Practices

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    The circular economy (CE) concept has become a major interest for companies, promising new business opportunities and a decrease in environmental impacts. Though research on circular business models has recently increased, few scholars have investigated how companies engaged with CE view the connection between CE and sustainability. To address this gap, this paper uses a semi-quantitative survey and semi-structured interviews conducted with companies based in Italy and the Netherlands. Purposive sampling was employed to target firms associated with national and international CE networks, as these companies already engage with CE practices. The survey was distributed online to over 800 firms, of which 155 provided information on their understanding of the CE concept and its relationship with sustainability. The survey results are complemented through findings from 43 interviews with a subset of the survey respondents. The survey answers show that companies view CE as one of the tools to achieve sustainable development, particularly in the environmental domain, where the focus lies on environmentally friendly resource use. Yet, the respondents are less confident whether CE increases economic and social benefits of firms. Interviews show that a majority of respondents position sustainability as the overarching concept. However, most companies advocate that the private sector should strive for both sustainability and circularity, though the distinction between the two concepts in daily business operations seems synthetic and futile to some. These findings provide an important stepping stone for better understanding how firms could apply CE practices to move towards a more sustainable society

    Management of Open Fracture

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    Open fractures are common and their prevalence is increasing in elderly people. The burden of open fractures is high because of economic and social costs. Most open fractures occur in lower limbs. The use of validated protocols, will optimize our outcomes when treating open fractures. The first step began with the proper identification of the fracture characteristics and the hidden soft tissue injury. The use of an adequate and early antibiotic prophylaxis is mandatory and then, we have to perform adequate irrigation and debridement. Finally, we have to decide to temporally fix the fracture or proceed with the definitive fixation method. Recently, the creation of dedicated “orthoplastic” units has increased the outcomes in high-energy tibial fractures. These fractures should be managed in adequate trauma centers that should be used to face all the complications that will appear during the reconstruction procedure because complications can be as high as 50% in high-energy open fractures

    Exploring assessment practices of companies actively engaged with circular economy

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    An emerging research area is dedicated to developing approaches for assessing the ‘circularity’ of companies and their products, within the context of sustainability goals. However, empirical evidence on the uptake of these assessment approaches remains scarce. Using a purposive sampling, we conducted a survey receiving 155 responses and held 43 semi-structured interviews with Dutch and Italian companies active in circular economy (CE), pursuing three research aims: to explore the use of CE and sustainability assessment approaches; to study the process of developing assessment approaches; and to uncover benefits of—and barriers to—CE assessment. While we find high variability of assessment approaches, most often, companies develop tailor-made sustainability indicators and apply life cycle assessments to CE strategies. Importantly, assessment development for CE practices requires and facilitates collaboration with external stakeholders. Finally, we reflect on the paradox of standardisation versus tailoring of assessment approaches within the CE reality and recommend establishing company needs and capabilities before designing assessment approaches

    Validación de un instrumento de evaluación de apps de arte que permiten desarrollar la competencia artística en entornos digitales

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    En el contexto digital encontramos como re­curso didáctico apps que permiten al profesora­do de artes trabajar aspectos relacionados direc­tamente con la competencia artística y a las que en este estudio hemos denominado apps de arte. Objetivo: validar un instrumento de medida de aplicaciones digitales a partir de los resultados obtenidos en la primera fase de su diseño para ajustar los ítems e identificar los factores. Me­todología: en esta segunda fase se han seguido tres procesos. Un análisis factorial exploratorio medinet, un análisis preconfirmatorio y el análi­sis factorial confirmatorio ajustado mediante los índices de Ajuste Global o Absoluto en todas las escalas de la prueba. Se partió de una batería de evaluación compuesta por 98 ítems distribuidos en tres dimensiones y cuatro escalas: dimensión artística (dominio expresivo y perceptivo), di­mensión técnica y dimensión pedagógica. Resul­ tados: se consigue un modelo definitivo de todas las escalas con unos valores óptimos en todos los indicadores de ajuste. Discusión/Conclusión: una vez finalizado el proceso se diseña la prueba definitiva en base a los resultados del ajuste. Te­niendo en cuenta el número de ítems resultante (74), el número de factores (8) y la redacción de cada uno, consideramos que es una herramienta útil y viable para evaluar apps de arte articulan­do las dimensiones artística, técnica y pedagógi­ca conforme a las necesidades y posibilidades de las experiencias formativas

    Conditions of emergence of the Sooty Bark Disease and aerobiology of Cryptostroma corticale in Europe

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    The sooty bark disease (SBD) is an emerging disease affecting sycamore maple trees (Acer pseudoplatanus) in Europe. Cryptostroma corticale, the causal agent, putatively native to eastern North America, can be also pathogenic for humans causing pneumonitis. It was first detected in 1945 in Europe, with markedly increasing reports since 2000. Pathogen development appears to be linked to heat waves and drought episodes. Here, we analyse the conditions of the SBD emergence in Europe based on a three-decadal time -series data set. We also assess the suitability of aerobiological samples using a species-specific quantitative PCR assay to inform the epidemiology of C. corticale, through a regional study in France comparing two-year aerobiological and epidemiological data, and a continental study including 12 air samplers from six countries (Czechia, France, Italy, Portugal, Sweden and Switzerland). We found that an accumulated water deficit in spring and summer lower than-132 mm correlates with SBD outbreaks. Our results suggest that C. corticale is an efficient airborne pathogen which can dis-perse its conidia as far as 310 km from the site of the closest disease outbreak. Aerobiology of C. corticale followed the SBD distribution in Europe. Pathogen detection was high in countries within the host native area and with longer disease presence, such as France, Switzerland and Czech Republic, and sporadic in Italy, where the pathogen was reported just once. The pathogen was absent in samples from Portugal and Sweden, where the disease has not been reported yet. We conclude that aerobiological surveillance can inform the spatial distribution of the SBD, and contribute to early detection in pathogen-free countries

    Conditions of emergence of the Sooty Bark Disease and aerobiology of Cryptostroma corticale in Europe

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    The sooty bark disease (SBD) is an emerging disease affecting sycamore maple trees (Acer pseudoplatanus) in Europe. Cryptostroma corticale, the causal agent, putatively native to eastern North America, can be also pathogenic for humans causing pneumonitis. It was first detected in 1945 in Europe, with markedly increasing reports since 2000. Pathogen development appears to be linked to heat waves and drought episodes. Here, we analyse the conditions of the SBD emergence in Europe based on a three-decadal time- series data set. We also assess the suitability of aerobiological samples using a species-specific quantitative PCR assay to inform the epidemiology of C. corticale, through a regional study in France comparing two- year aerobiological and epidemiological data, and a continental study including 12 air samplers from six countries (Czechia, France, Italy, Portugal, Sweden and Switzerland). We found that an accumulated water deficit in spring and summer lower than -132 mm correlates with SBD outbreaks. Our results suggest that C. corticale is an efficient airborne pathogen which can dis- perse its conidia as far as 310 km from the site of the closest disease outbreak. Aerobiology of C. corticale followed the SBD distribution in Europe. Pathogen detection was high in countries within the host native area and with longer disease presence, such as France, Switzerland and Czech Republic, and sporadic in Italy, where the pathogen was reported just once. The pathogen was absent in samples from Portugal and Sweden, where the disease has not been reported yet. We conclude that aerobiological surveillance can inform the spatial distribution of the SBD, and contribute to early detection in pathogen-free countriesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Enfermedad de Erdheim-Chester. Serie de diecinueve casos y un diagnóstico diferencial de relevancia

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    La enfermedad de Erdheim-Chester (EEC) es una histiocitosis de células no Langerhans de presentación proteiforme y escaso conocimiento. Se presenta una serie de 19 casos de 4 centros, registrados de junio de 2012 a junio de 2019. Se incluyeron aquellos pacientes con clínica, anatomía patológica e inmunohistoquímica característica de la enfermedad. Se excluyeron pacientes con hallazgos indefinidos. Resultados: al igual que en la literatura, el compromiso más frecuente fue el óseo por imagenología, la mitad de estos sintomático. Nuestra serie presenta mayor incidencia de mujeres (casi 70%). Siete pacientes presentaron nódulo mamario como forma de presentación. La mayoría recibieron dosis media de esteroides asociado a otra droga inmunosupresora. La mortalidad fue del 16%