373 research outputs found

    57-Fe Mossbauer study of magnetic ordering in superconducting K_0.85Fe_1.83Se_2.09 single crystals

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    The magnetic ordering of superconducting single crystals of K_0.85Fe_1.83Se_2.09 has been studied between 10K and 550K using 57-Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy. Despite being superconducting below T_sc ~30K, the iron sublattice in K_0.85Fe_1.83Se_2.09 clearly exhibits magnetic order from well below T_sc to its N\'eel temperature of T_N = 532 +/- 2K. The iron moments are ordered perpendicular to the single crystal plates, i.e. parallel to the crystal c-axis. The order collapses rapidly above 500K and the accompanying growth of a paramagnetic component suggests that the magnetic transition may be first order, which may explain the unusual temperature dependence reported in recent neutron diffraction studies.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures Submitted to Phys.Rev.

    The quality of sales manager:salesperson exchanges perspective under problem resolution conditions

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    Building on social exchange theory and qualitative inquiry, managerial responsiveness, caring, and aggressiveness were uncovered as three key social exchange dimensions used by sales managers when dealing with problem situations in the salesforce. We used Australian data to develop measures of these three constructs. Results of the development process indicate that the measures show good validity. Further to this, we also provide examination of the relationship of the three exchange dimensions with key organizational outcomes. Overall the findings suggest that the three constructs are important in sales manager problem resolution exchanges, and that they may ultimately influence the success of sales organizations

    Neutron diffraction and Mössbauer study of the magnetic structure of YFe6Sn6

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    We have used time-of-flight (TOF) neutron powder diffraction, and both 57 Fe and 119 Sn Mössbauer spectroscopy over the temperature range 2–600 K to determine the magnetic ordering mode of the Fe sublattice in YFe6Sn6. The crystal structure is orthorhombic (space group Immm). The Fe sublattice orders antiferromagnetically with a Néel temperature of 558(5) K. The TOF neutron diffraction patterns obtained at 4 and 293 K show that the antiferromagnetic ordering of the Fe sublattice is along [100] with a propagation vector q=[010]. The magnetic space group is IPm′m′m′. This magnetic structure is confirmed by our 119 Sn Mössbauer spectra

    Correction: How within-person research can extend marketing knowledge (Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, (2023), 10.1007/s11747-023-00978-8)

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    Table A1 and Table A2 of the Supplementary file that was originally published with this article contain a small mistake. The original supplementary material has been corrected

    Stereotypes of salespeople in Taiwan:an empirical examination and research agenda

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    Stereotypes of salespeople are common currency in US media outlets, and research suggests that these stereotypes are uniformly negative. However there is no reason to expect that stereotypes will be consistent across cultures. The present paper provides the first empirical examination of salesperson stereotypes in an Asian country, specifically Taiwan. Using accepted psychological methods, Taiwanese salesperson stereotypes are found to be twofold, with a negative stereotype being quite congruent with existing US stereotypes, but also a positive stereotype, which may be related to the specific culture of Taiwan

    How within-person research can extend marketing knowledge

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    Much existing research in marketing examines theory using between-persons research designs, yet draws implications that are based on within-person causal logics. This mismatch is problematic in developing marketing knowledge, and in impacting marketing practice effectively. The present article discusses the importance of conducting within-person research in marketing, alongside suggesting marketing constructs that could benefit from within-person analyses. We provide details on how to conceptualize within-person theories, and compare them with the more common between-persons approach. Furthermore, a set of important methodological considerations and recommendations for designing within-person studies is elaborated on, and theoretical and empirical principles are applied to an empirical demonstration. The results show how theories and relationships can sometimes differ across levels, but in other instances can remain consistent. We draw out a set of important implications and directions for future marketing research, and encourage researchers to incorporate within-person approaches into their toolkit of theoretical and empirical methods

    Resource gain or resource pain? How managerial social support resources influence the impact of sales anxiety on burnout

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    There is growing recognition that many salespeople frequently experience anxiety, which may impact salesperson mental health and well-being. Unfortunately, there is little empirical evidence on how to manage this situation. Using a longitudinal sample of 156 business-to-business salespeople, the present study examines the impact of sales anxiety on the key mental health outcome of burnout, alongside providing recommendations to sales managers on how to manage this impact. The results suggest that sales anxiety is positively related to each individual component of burnout, and that positive supervisor feedback plays a mitigating role in each of these relationships. By contrast, however, a social climate of autonomy can strengthen the impact of sales anxiety on emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. The present study contributes to the developing literature on salesperson mental health, further advancing emerging evidence that autonomy can result in detrimental outcomes. Implications, limitations, and future research avenues are discussed

    High Altitude Long Endurance Air Vehicle Analysis of Alternatives and Technology Requirements Development

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    The objective of this study was to develop a variety of High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) conceptual designs for two operationally useful missions (hurricane science and communications relay) and compare their performance and cost characteristics. Sixteen potential HALE UAV configurations were initially developed, including heavier-than-air (HTA) and lighter-than-air (LTA) concepts with both consumable fuel and solar regenerative (SR) propulsion systems. Through an Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) down select process, the two leading consumable fuel configurations (one each from the HTA and LTA alternatives) and an HTA SR configuration were selected for further analysis. Cost effectiveness analysis of the consumable fuel configurations revealed that simply maximizing vehicle endurance can lead to a sub-optimum system solution. An LTA concept with a hybrid propulsion system (solar arrays and a hydrogen-air proton exchange membrane fuel cell) was found to have the best mission performance; however, an HTA diesel-fueled wing-body-tail configuration emerged as the preferred consumable fuel concept because of the large size and technical risk of the LTA concept. The baseline missions could not be performed by even the best HTA SR concept. Mission and SR technology trade studies were conducted to enhance understanding of the potential capabilities of such a vehicle. With near-term technology SR-powered HTA vehicles are limited to operation in favorable solar conditions, such as the long days and short nights of summer at higher latitudes. Energy storage system specific energy and solar cell efficiency were found to be the key technology areas for enhancing HTA SR performance
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