396 research outputs found

    Effects of shared economy on tourism in Seville (Spain): the case of Airbnb

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    Shared economy has now become the buzzword and information technology is the fundamental force lying behind it. As information technology represents a major commodity in human lives, it also affects the tourism industry considerably. It is not only individuals that are directly benefitting from the shared economy framework, but the tourism industry itself is taking great advantage of this favourable situation in which technology is playing a most decisive role in all walks of human life. Internet has evidently become the facilitator in the matchmaking between the demand and supply sides of tourism. Spain is one the most important tourist countries in Europe as well as in the world, and tourism shapes a key driving force in Spanish economy. Seville, one of the most popular tourist destinations in Spain, with a vast history and culture in the background, grants us with a perfect example to test the potential benefits that shared economy and social websites such as Airbnb can bring to the tourism industry. The present work aims to make a research-based contribution to the current debate on the role of shared economy in Seville’s tourism. To do so, we will take the social website Airbnb as a case study to explore in detail how shared economy may influence the tourist industry in Seville. How are individuals taking benefit from new social websites? How is the synergy between shared economy, information technology and the internet affecting the culture of tourism in general? What are the pros and cons of shared economy for tourism in Seville? In order to explore all these questions a qualitative research approach will be adopted. The research data will be collected by means of interviews and a questionnaire. In this way, both online and offline interviews will be conducted; also, in order to be able to collect actual, updated, relevant data, Seville’s residents acting as hosts on Airbnb will be asked to complete an online questionnaire. It is expected that by carrying out such qualitative research we will gain a deeper understanding of the specific motives and experiences underpinning the topic under study in the Seville scenario. Future directions will also be succinctly outlined on how to further and diversify research into the booming shared economy phenomenon.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Turism

    Kinematic analysis of backard and forward walking on land and in shallow water

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar las variables cinemáticas de la marcha (hacia adelante -AD- y hacia atrás-AT-) en el medio terrestre y en el medio acuático. Ocho adultos (22.12 ± 1.13 años) realizaron el protocolo con el objeto de cubrir una distancia de 10 metros a velocidad confortable y con una frecuencia de paso controlada. Se colocaron marcadores reflectantes en las extremidades inferiores y, posteriormente, se digitalizaron para obtener información cinemática. En agua los valores de la velocidad, longitud de ciclo, longitud de paso y duración de la fase de soporte fueron menores mientras que los de simetría de longitud de paso fueron mayores (p<0.05 para todos) en comparación con el medio terrestre. Al inicio del contacto (IC), la marcha AD en agua estaba asociada con una mayor flexión de rodilla y cadera en comparación con la marcha en seco o AT. El tobillo tenía una mayor dorsiflexión en la marcha AT en seco que en agua. Al final de la fase de apoyo (FA), la rodilla y el tobillo estaban más flexionados en la marcha AD y la cadera más flexionada en la marcha AT en el medio acuático. El centro de masas (CM) de la cadera muestra una mayor inestabilidad en el plano mediolateral y vertical en agua que en tierra. Los resultados muestran que las adaptaciones que realizan los participantes en la marcha en el agua difieren de las realizadas en la marcha en el medio terrestre y proporcionan un punto de partida para el desarrollo y la prescripción de programas de rehabilitación.The aim of this study was to compare lower limbs and center of mass kinematics during walking (forward –FW- and backward –BW-) on land and in shallow water. Eight healthy adults (22.12 ± 1.13 years) performed the protocol to cover a distance of 10m at comfortable speed with controlled step frequency. Reflective markers were placed on the lower limbs and digitalized later to obtain kinematics information. In water the values of speed, stride length, step length and support phase were lower whilst those of symmetry of step length were greater (p<0.05 for all) than land conditions. At initial contact (IC), FW in water was associated with more knee and hip flexion compared to on land or at BW. Ankle was more dorsiflexed at BW on land than in water. At final stance (FS), the knee and ankle was more flexed at FW and the hip was more flexed at BW in water. The center of mass (COM) of the hip showed more instability at mediolateral and vertical plane in water than on land. The results suggest that the participants’ adaptations to walking in water differ from those in walking on land and provide a starting point for the development and prescription of rehabilitation programs.Universidad de Granada. Máster Universitario en Investigación de Actividad Física y Deport

    Can cognitive performance predict physical fitness and academic achievement one year later?

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    Previous studies have shown that physical activity, fitness and academic achievement might predict cognitive performance later in life . However, to the best of our knowledge, there are no studies examining the inverse relationship, that is, whether cognition may predict fitness and academic achievement in adolescents one year later . Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the associations between cognitive performance and physical fitness and academic achievement one year later .Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Criterion‑Related Validity of Field‑Based Methods and Equations for Body Composition Estimation in Adults: A Systematic Review

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    Purpose of Review Overweight and obesity are associated to health prognosis. Therefore, body composition assessment is an important health outcome, especially in adult population. We analyzed the criterion-related validity of existing field-based methods and equations for body composition estimation in adults aged 19–64 years. Recent Findings One hundred studies met inclusion criteria. The field-based methods, waist circumference (WC), body adiposity index (BAI), and body mass index (BMI) are valid to indicate body adiposity. Likewise, several equations, including the classical Durnin/Womersley equation, Jackson/Pollock equation (males), and Jackson, Pollock, and Ward equation (females), are valid to estimate total body fat mass or body fat percentage. Summary Anthropometric field methods can provide a simple, quick, and easy informative indicators of adiposity in adults. Classical equations, such as Durnin/Womersley equation, Jackson/Pollock equation, and Jackson, Pollock, and Ward equation, are still valid to estimate total body fat mass or body fat percentage in adult population. When choosing estimation equations, specific population characteristics, such as age, weight status, or race ethnicity, should be taken into account. (Trial Registration: Registered on PROSPERO (CRD42020194272)).Ministry of Economy, Industry and CompetitivenessNational Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and of Innovation 2017-2020 DEP201788043-RJunta de AndaluciaUniversity of Cadiz PPIT-FPI19Spanish Government FPU19/0296

    COX7A2L Is a Mitochondrial Complex III Binding Protein that Stabilizes the III2+IV Supercomplex without Affecting Respirasome Formation

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    Mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC) complexes I, III, and IV associate into a variety of supramolecular structures known as supercomplexes and respirasomes. While COX7A2L was originally described as a supercomplex-specific factor responsible for the dynamic association of complex IV into these structures to adapt MRC function to metabolic variations, this role has been disputed. Here, we further examine the functional significance of COX7A2L in the structural organization of the mammalian respiratory chain. As in the mouse, human COX7A2L binds primarily to free mitochondrial complex III and, to a minor extent, to complex IV to specifically promote the stabilization of the III+IV supercomplex without affecting respirasome formation. Furthermore, COX7A2L does not affect the biogenesis, stabilization, and function of the individual oxidative phosphorylation complexes. These data show that independent regulatory mechanisms for the biogenesis and turnover of different MRC supercomplex structures co-exist.Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grant numbers PI11-00182 and PI14-00209 to C.U., PI12-01683 to M.A.M., and PI12-00933 to S.C.), by Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (P2010/BMD-2361 to C.U. and P2010/BMD-2402 to M.A.M. and S.C.), by European FEDER Funds, by Association Française contre les Myopathies (16086) to E.F.V., by an European Research Council advanced investigator grant (268897) and grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB829) and the Swedish Research Council (2015-00418) to N.G.L., and by NIH-NIGMS (1R01GM105781-01) to C.U.Peer Reviewe

    Differences in specific abdominal fat depots between metabolically healthy and unhealthy children with overweight/obesity: The role of cardiorespiratory fitness

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    Objectives: Fat depots localization has a critical role in the metabolic health status of adults. Nevertheless, whether that is also the case in children remains under-studied. Therefore, the aims of this study were: (i) to examine the differences between metabolically healthy (MHO) and unhealthy (MUO) overweight/ obesity phenotypes on specific abdominal fat depots, and (ii) to further explore whether cardiorespiratory fitness plays a major role in the differences between metabolic phenotypes among children with overweight/obesity. Methods: A total of 114 children with overweight/obesity (10.6 ± 1.1 years, 62 girls) were included. Children were classified as MHO (n = 68) or MUO. visceral (VAT), abdominal subcutaneous (ASAT), intermuscular abdominal (IMAAT), psoas, hepatic, pancreatic, and lumbar bone marrow adipose tissues were measured by magnetic resonance imaging. Cardiorespiratory fitness was assessed using the 20 m shuttle run test. Results: MHO children had lower VAT and ASAT contents and psoas fat fraction compared to MUO children (difference = 12.4%–25.8%, all p < 0.035). MUO-unfit had more VAT and ASAT content than those MUO-fit and MHO-fit (difference = 34.8%–45.3%, all p < 0.044). MUO-unfit shows also greater IMAAT fat fraction than those MUO-fit and MHO-fit peers (difference = 16.4%–13.9% respectively, all p ≤ 0.001). In addition, MHO-unfit presented higher IMAAT fat fraction than MHO-fit (difference = 13.4%, p < 0.001). MUO-unfit presented higher psoas fat fraction than MHO-fit (difference = 29.1%, p = 0.008). Conclusions: VAT together with ASAT and psoas fat fraction, were lower in MHO than in MUO children. Further, we also observed that being fit, regardless of metabolic phenotype, has a protective role over the specific abdominal fat depots among children with overweight/obesity.Spanish Ministry of Health “Fondos de Investigación Sanitaria del Instituto de Salud Carlos III” (PI13/01335)EU Fondos Estructurales de la Unión Europea (FEDER) funds (“Una manera de hacer Europa”)Department of Economic Development of the Government of Navarra (0011-1365- 2019- 000085)Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (FJC2018-037925- I)European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska Curie grant agreement No. 101028929European Union NextGeneration EU and the Spanish Ministry of Universities (postdoctoral fellowship Margarita Salas, 572827-MS15

    Arabidopsis thaliana DOF6 negatively affects germination in non-after ripened seeds and interacts with TCP14

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    Seed dormancy prevents seeds from germinating under environmental conditions unfavourable for plant growth and development and constitutes an evolutionary advantage. Dry storage, also known as after-ripening, gradually decreases seed dormancy by mechanisms not well understood. An Arabidopsis thaliana DOF transcription factor gene (DOF6) affecting seed germination has been characterized. The transcript levels of this gene accumulate in dry seeds and decay gradually during after-ripening and also upon seed imbibition. While constitutive over-expression of DOF6 produced aberrant growth and sterility in the plant, its over-expression induced upon seed imbibition triggered delayed germination, abscisic acid (ABA)-hypersensitive phenotypes and increased expression of the ABA biosynthetic gene ABA1 and ABA-related stress genes. Wild-type germination and gene expression were gradually restored during seed after-ripening, despite of DOF6-induced over-expression. DOF6 was found to interact in a yeast two-hybrid system andin planta with TCP14, a previously described positive regulator of seed germination. The expression of ABA1 and ABA-related stress genes was also enhanced in tcp14 knock-out mutants. Taken together, these results indicate that DOF6 negatively affects seed germination and opposes TCP14 function in the regulation of a specific set of ABA-related gene

    Disidentes y visionarias de los nuevos feminismos

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    The world has experienced undeniable changes provoked by the first, second and third wave feminisms from the nineteenth century. We are used to conceptualizing and labeling everything, and nowadays we are facing the fourth wave, a less compact, more fragmented and plural ideology that, as Elena Gascón-Vera (Professor at Wellsley College) explains, combines feminism and fights for the rights of queer and other pro-sex movements. The fourth wave, according to the British journalist Kira Cochrane, is focused on small more specific causes, and supports its claims on digital tools. It would be very interesting to assess whether this is a breakthrough or just the development of postmodern uncertainty supported by 3.0. technology. In any case, Feminist Utopia has led society to errors that are often not acknowledged and, if they are, they are justified as a price to pay. In many cases, the victims are the women themselves. The Italian politician and writer Eugenia Roccella considers that utopias have moved from social conflict to mere biology, making women choose between destroying both maternity and sexual difference, or defending these differences at all costs. Eveyne Sullerot, a French feminist sociologist, regrets the dramatic fragility established in society, as a consequence of frequent breakups and abortion, justified by the cry of “my belly is mine”, which take the meaning out of parenthood. Feminism, as it is conceived, is not the panacea. We still have a long road ahead. We can glimpse a need to develop the ecologic trend. The recession and family difficulties of the first years of the 21st Century have become a challenge for many feminists from the 60s and 70s. Some of them, such as the above or the American Christina Hoff Somersson, Eugenia Roccella, Karen DeKrow or Camille Paglia, have already started to reword their messages. In this article we discuss the contributions of these dissident or visionary women.Desde el siglo XIX hasta hoy son innegables los cambios generados por el feminismo de la primera, segunda y tercera ola. Aficionados a conceptualizar y etiquetar, actualmente enfilamos la entrada a la cuarta ola, una ideología menos monolítica, más fragmentaria y plural que, según Elena Gascón-Vera, profesora en Wellesley College, combina feminismo, lucha por los derechos queer y otros movimientos pro-sex. Un movimiento, según la periodista británica Kira Cochrane, centrado en las pequeñas causas concretas que basa sus reivindicaciones en las herramientas digitales. Merece la pena valorar si se trata de un avance o un desarrollo de la indeterminación postmoderna apoyada por la tecnología 3.0. En todo caso, la Utopía Feminista ha dejado también cadáveres en el camino que no siempre asumimos y reconocemos o si lo hacemos es como precio a pagar. Muchas veces las víctimas son las propias mujeres. La política y escritora italiana Eugenia Roccella considera que las utopías se han desplazado de lo social a la biología y dejan a la mujer ante la encrucijada de deconstruir lo materno y la diferencia sexual o defender a ultranza esa diferencia. Eveyne Sullerot, socióloga feminista francesa, lamenta la fragilidad dramática que se ha instalado en la sociedad, por la frecuencia de las separaciones y la deriva del aborto que al grito de “mi vientre es mío” vacían de sentido la paternidad. El feminismo tal y como se concibe no es la puerta del paraíso. Todavía queda mucho camino que recorrer. Se atisba una necesidad de desarrollar la vertiente ecológica. La crisis y las dificultades familiares de estos primeros años del siglo XXI han supuesto un buen desafío para muchas de las feministas de los años 60 y 70. Algunas, como las citadas o las estadounidenses Christina Hoff Somersson, Eugenia Roccella, Karen DeCrow o Camille Paglia, han revisado sus mensajes. En este artículo comentaremos las aportaciones de estas disidentes o visionarias