10 research outputs found

    Química nova na escola: um caso de sucesso

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    Seguindo uma sugestão dos editores da QNEsc para marcar este seu vigésimo aniversário, apresentam-se, neste estudo, contributos para uma melhor compreensão do papel tido da revista na valorização da educação em química em Portugal. Tais contributos podem ser organizados em dois grandes grupos segundo a sua pertinência para o ensino/formação ou para a investigação e têm por base quer a experiência de outros colegas por meio de registros que me foi possível consultar, quer a minha extensa experiência profissional. Os resultados mostram que a QNEsc tem uma penetração não negligenciável na educação em química em Portugal e um grande potencial de afirmação, em particular, no ensino e no apoio à formação de professores. A terminar, apresentam-se sugestões de melhoria para reflexão da direcção da revista.Química Nova na Escola: a successful story. Following a suggestion from editors of QNEsc to mark its twentieth anniversary, this study presents contributions to a better understanding of the role of QNEsc in fostering Chemical Education in Portugal. Such contributions can be organized into two major groups according to their relevance to the teaching or to the research and are based both on the experience of other colleagues and in my extensive professional experience. The results show that the QNEsc has a non-negligible influence in Chemical Education in Portugal and a great potential of affirmation, in particular in chemistry teaching and in teacher education. Finally, suggestions of improvement for reflection of the direction of the journal are presented

    Concepciones de futuros profesores del primer ciclo de primaria sobre la naturaleza de la ciencia : contribuciones de la formación inicial

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    Research studies have showen that the image of science that students construct during their formal learning is strongly influenced by the teacher's conceptions about the nature of scientific knowledge. It is then fundamental to investigate the impact of initial teacher's education in the development of those conceptions in future teachers. The aim of this article is to present a study about the contribution of the three year initial teacher education, of basic education teachers (1st cycle - 6/10 years olds), in the development of their conceptions about the nature of science. The results show that the initial teacher education, as it has been developed in teacher training institutions, does not significantly influence the ideas held by future teachers about the nature of science

    Technology as 'Applied Science': a Serious Misconception that Reinforces Distorted and Impoverished Views of Science

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    The current consideration of technology as 'applied science', this is to say, as something that comes 'after' science, justifies the lack of attention paid to technology in science education. In our paper we question this simplistic view of the science-technology relationship, historically rooted in the unequal appreciation of intellectual and manual work, and we try to show how the absence of the technological dimension in science education contributes to a na¿ ve and distorted view of science which deeply affects the necessary scientific and technological literacy of all citizens

    Un análisis de las concepciones acerca de la naturaleza del conocimiento científico de los profesores portugueses de la enseñanza secundaria

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    Secondary science teachers play an important role in forming the imagt: of science that is held by theirpupils. However, research suggests that quite often science teachers' conceptions of thr: nature of scientific knowledge are little better that of their students. In Portugal, there are no research studies which may help to characterise science teacher's epistemological views in order to design appropriate training courses. 'This study aims (I) to diagnose what conceptions (empirist/rationalistic) are held by Portuguese secondary science teacliers concerning the relationship between theory and observation and also about the called scientific method (II) to anaiyse the relationship between such conceptions, and the variables subject matter taught and professional experience. Basic data was generated from responses to a questionnaire (multiple choice questions) given by a representative sacnple of 464 science teachers. The results showed the predominance of empirist views (nearly 2/3 of the sample) about the two aspects investigated. Empirist views seem to be independent of the teaching subject and professional experierice. The need for adequate training courses is discussed and siíggestions concerning their design are proposed

    Un análisis de las concepciones acerca de la naturaleza del conocimiento científico de los profesores portugueses de la enseñanza secundaria

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    Secondary science teachers play an important role in forming the imagt: of science that is held by theirpupils. However, research suggests that quite often science teachers' conceptions of thr: nature of scientific knowledge are little better that of their students. In Portugal, there are no research studies which may help to characterise science teacher's epistemological views in order to design appropriate training courses. 'This study aims (I) to diagnose what conceptions (empirist/rationalistic) are held by Portuguese secondary science teacliers concerning the relationship between theory and observation and also about the called scientific method (II) to anaiyse the relationship between such conceptions, and the variables subject matter taught and professional experience. Basic data was generated from responses to a questionnaire (multiple choice questions) given by a representative sacnple of 464 science teachers. The results showed the predominance of empirist views (nearly 2/3 of the sample) about the two aspects investigated. Empirist views seem to be independent of the teaching subject and professional experierice. The need for adequate training courses is discussed and siíggestions concerning their design are proposed

    Enseñanza de las ciencias : revista de investigación y experiencias didácticas

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónResumen en inglésLos profesores de ciencias de educación secundaria desempeñan un papel importante en la formación de la imaginación de la ciencia sostenida por sus alumnos. Sin embargo, la investigación sugiere que con bastante frecuencia las concepciones de los profesores de ciencias sobre la naturaleza del conocimiento científico son un poco mejores que las de sus estudiantes. En Portugal, no hay estudios de investigación que puedan ayudar a caracterizar a los profesores de ciencias los puntos de vista epistemológicos para diseñar cursos de capacitación apropiados. Por tanto, se tiene como objetivo: 1) diagnosticar qué concepciones (empirista / racionalista) están en manos de los lectores Secundarios de ciencia portugueses sobre la relación entre la teoría y observación y también sobre el llamado método científico; 2)) para analizar la relación entre tales concepciones y las variables de la materia enseñada y experiencia profesional. Los datos básicos se generaron a partir de las respuestas a un cuestionario (preguntas de opción múltiple) dado por un grupo representativo de 464 profesores de ciencias. Los resultados mostraron el predominio de puntos de vista empiristas (casi 213 de la muestra) sobre los dos aspectos investigados. Las opiniones empiristas parecen ser mayoritarias independiente de la materia de enseñanza y la experiencia profesional. Se discute la necesidad de cursos de capacitación adecuados y se proponen consideraciones sobre su diseño.ES

    Educação em biossegurança e bioética: articulação necessária em biotecnologia Education on biosafety and bioethics: necessary articulation in biotechnology

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    A educação científica tem sido debatida em alguns segmentos da sociedade e organizações internacionais têm estimulado as nações a investirem nessa área tão estratégica. Nesse contexto, a educação em biossegurança e bioética explora um conteúdo rico em prevenção, normas e princípios éticos, que servem para nortear os caminhos trilhados pela biotecnologia. A valorização da biossegurança e da bioética como parte de uma política educacional científica, efetiva e consistente, pode estimular a formação de indivíduos com uma consciência científica e cidadã, em condições de participar das questões de natureza ética e tecnológica produzidas pela biotecnologia.<br>Science education has been discussed in some segments of the society and, international organizations have encouraged nations to invest in this strategic area. In this context, education in bioethics and biosafety explores a rich content on prevention, standards and ethical principles which serve to guide the paths track by biotechnology. The recovery of bioethics and biosafety, as part of an educational policy scientific, effective and consistent, can stimulate the formation of individuals with a scientific and citizen awareness, in a position to participate on ethical and technological issues produced by biotechnology