1,002 research outputs found

    Self-Perceived Health, Life Satisfaction and Related Factors among Healthcare Professionals and the General Population: Analysis of an Online Survey, with Propensity Score Adjustment

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    Healthcare professionals (HCPs) often suffer high levels of depression, stress, anxiety and burnout. Our main study aimswereto estimate the prevalences of poor self-perceived health, life dissatisfaction, chronic disease and unhealthy habits among HCPs and to explore the use of machine learning classification algorithms to remove selection bias. A sample of Spanish HCPs was asked to complete a web survey. Risk factors were identified by multivariate ordinal regression models. To counteract the absence of probabilistic sampling and representation, the sample was weighted by propensity score adjustment algorithms. The logistic regression algorithm was considered the most appropriate for dealing with misestimations. Male HCPs had significantly worse lifestyle habits than their female counterparts, together with a higher prevalence of chronic disease and of health problems. Members of the general population reported significantly poorer health and less satisfaction with life than the HCPs. Among HCPs, the prior existence of health problems was most strongly associated with worsening self-perceived health and decreased life satisfaction, while obesity had an important negative impact on female practitioners’ self-perception of health. Finally, the HCPs who worked as nurses had poorer self-perceptions of health than other HCPs, and the men who worked in primary care had less satisfaction with their lives than those who worked in other levels of healthcare.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spai

    Calibrated prevalence of disabling chronic pain according to different approaches: a face-to-face cross-sectional population-based study in Southern Spain

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    Objectives To calculate the prevalence of disabling chronic pain (DCP) and to offer a more representative and accurate estimation by applying different calibration techniques. Settings 2011 Andalusian Health Survey, a cross-sectional population survey based on face-to-face home interviews. Participants 6507 people aged 16 years or older and living in Andalusia, Spain. Outcomes Design weights, linear calibration based on marginals and on crossings, and model-assisted calibration were used to estimate the prevalence and variance of DCP, for the whole sample and for the domains of sex and age groups (16–44; 45–64; +65). Results Calibration variables were sex, age groups and educational level. In the whole sample, DCP prevalence calibration reduced by more than 5.2% and 8.2% the estimated prevalences and variances, respectively, obtained with the design weights. Regarding the domains, prevalence reductions are from 33% to 1%, and variance reductions are from 0.2% to 1%. Model-assisted calibration is the best technique to estimate DCP prevalence for the whole population and crossing calibration for their domains, although with almost no differences compared to marginal calibration. Conclusions The validity and accuracy of estimations of DCP prevalence are improved by calibration adjustments. Model-assisted calibrated prevalence of DCP is 10.78% for the whole population, being at least 2-fold higher in women in all age groups. The results and methodology developed could be useful in clinical and population-based studies on chronic pain and disability.Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y DeporteMinistry of Health of the Andalusian Government, Seville, SpainAllergan Inc

    Alcohol, Tobacco and Psychotropic Drugs Use Among a Population with Chronic Pain in Southern Spain. A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background Substance use seems to be higher among populations with chronic pain. Aim The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between the quantity of alcohol, tobacco, and psychotropic drugs consumed and chronic pain among women and men. Method Linear and logistic regression analyses were carried out using data from the 2015-2016 adults’ version of the Andalusian Health Survey which is a representative cross-sectional population-based study (n = 6,569 adults aged >16 years; 50.8% women; 49.2% men). Results Disabling chronic pain was statistically associated with higher tobacco consumption among men (β = –30.0, 95% confidenct interval [CI] –59.5 to –0.60; t = –2.0; p < .05). Regarding alcohol, non-disabling chronic pain and a higher quantity of alcohol consumed are statistically associated for both sexes (women: β = 30.4, 95% CI 2.3-58.6; t = 2.12; p < .05 vs. men: β = 164.2, 95% CI 24.3-340.1); t = 2.30; p < .05). For women and men, both disabling chronic pain (women: odds ratio [OR] = 8.7, 95% CI 6.0-12.7); p < .05 vs. men: OR = 3.5, 95% CI 1.5-8.2); p < .05) and non-disabling chronic pain (women: OR = 3.7, 95% CI 2.0-7.0); p <.05 vs. men: OR = 4.7, 95% CI 95% CI 1.5-14.9); p < .05) were statistically significantly associated with a higher consumption of psychotropic drugs. Conclusions Chronic pain may be related to the quantity of alcohol, tobacco, and psychotropic drugs consumed, and disability appears to be one of the factors that modulates this relationship

    Distinctive Frontal and Occipitotemporal Surface Features in Neglectful Parenting.

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    Although the brain signatures of adaptive human parenting are well documented, the cortical features associated with maladaptive caregiving are underexplored. We investigated whether cortical thickness and surface area vary in a small group of mothers who had neglected their children (24 in the neglect group, NG) compared to a control group of mothers with non-neglectful caregiving (21 in the control group, CG). We also tested whether the cortical differences were related to dyadic mother-child emotional availability (EA) in a play task with their children and whether alexithymia involving low emotional awareness that characterizes the NG could play a role in the cortical-EA associations. Whole-brain analysis of the cortical mantle identified reduced cortical thickness in the right rostral middle frontal gyrus and an increased surface area in the right lingual and lateral occipital cortices for the NG with respect to the CG. Follow-up path analysis showed direct effects of the right rostral middle frontal gyrus (RMFG) on the emotional availability (EA) and on the difficulty to identify feelings (alexithymia factor), with a marginal indirect RMFG-EA effect through this factor. These preliminary findings extend existing work by implicating differences in cortical features associated with neglectful parenting and relevant to mother-child interactive bonding

    Distinctive Frontal and Occipitotemporal Surface Features in Neglectful Parenting

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    Published: 18 March 2021Although the brain signatures of adaptive human parenting are well documented, the cortical features associated with maladaptive caregiving are underexplored. We investigated whether cortical thickness and surface area vary in a small group of mothers who had neglected their children (24 in the neglect group, NG) compared to a control group of mothers with non-neglectful caregiving (21 in the control group, CG). We also tested whether the cortical differences were related to dyadic mother-child emotional availability (EA) in a play task with their children and whether alexithymia involving low emotional awareness that characterizes the NG could play a role in the cortical-EA associations. Whole-brain analysis of the cortical mantle identified reduced cortical thickness in the right rostral middle frontal gyrus and an increased surface area in the right lingual and lateral occipital cortices for the NG with respect to the CG. Follow-up path analysis showed direct effects of the right rostral middle frontal gyrus (RMFG) on the emotional availability (EA) and on the difficulty to identify feelings (alexithymia factor), with a marginal indirect RMFG-EA effect through this factor. These preliminary findings extend existing work by implicating differences in cortical features associated with neglectful parenting and relevant to mother-child interactive bonding.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund, grant number RTI2018‐098149‐B‐I00 to M.J.R. and I.L, and by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Sklodowska‐Curie Individual Fellowship, grant agreement number 893329 to L.G.P

    ¿Qué opinan profesionales y jóvenes sobre las intervenciones para la prevención de la transmisión sexual del VIH y del consumo de drogas?

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    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las opiniones de adolescentes, jóvenes y profesionales que trabajan en contacto directo con estas poblaciones sobre las intervenciones para la prevención de las infecciones de transmisión sexual y del consumo de drogas.Para ello se ha empleado una metodología descriptiva cualitativa. Se han analizado 21 entrevistas semiestructuradas a profesionales y jóvenes informantes claves, además de 14 grupos focales con adolescentes y jóvenes. Los resultados fueron triangulados aplicando un análisis cruzado entre investigadores.El análisis se organiza en torno a 3 temáticas fundamentales: los modelos y metodologías de intervención; las instituciones responsables y los lugares desde los que se interviene; y las estrategias de comunicación, los mensajes y el público al que se dirigen. En cada una de ellas, se articulan una serie de discursos de profesionales y jóvenes participantes en la investigación, en los que se exponen y razonan necesidades y cambios deseables en el ámbito preventivo, así como se vislumbran significados atribuidos a aspectos relacionados con el VIH y otras Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual y el consumo de drogas, que pueden ayudar a una mejor comprensión de determinadas situaciones del ámbito preventivo actual

    Comparabilidad de las ediciones 2006/07 y 2011/12 de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud de España

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    Fundamentos: La Encuesta Nacional de Salud de España (ENSE) es una de las fuentes principales sobre determinantes sociales de la salud. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron describir el procedimiento de fusión de las ediciones 2006/07 y 2011/12 de la ENSE, y proporcionar acceso libre a las bases de datos y directorio de variables. Resultados: Identificamos 188 variables potencialmente comparables. Un 36,7% tuvieron algún problema para su comparabilidad y un 8% tuvieron que ser eliminadas, fundamentalmente en la muestra de adultos. El ámbito con peores consecuencias de la falta de comparabilidad fue el de condiciones de trabajo y empleo en la muestra de adultos. Conclusión: La fusión de ambas ediciones de la ENSE tuvo muchas incidencias en la muestra de adultos, afectando de manera importante a su comparabilidad. Este trabajo es útil para evaluar, diseñar y fusionar estas y otras ediciones de la ENSE, e incluso sirve como modelo para la fusión de otras encuestas transversales de base poblacional.Background: The Spanish Health Survey (SHS) is one of the main sources on social determinants of health. The objectives were to describe the data merging process of the 2006/07 and 2011/12 SHS editions, as well as to provide the merged databases and the directory of the variables. Results: 188 variables were identified as potentially comparable ones. 36,7% of them had difficulties for being comparable and 8% had to be removed. The topic with the worst consequences due to the lack of comparability was the working conditions and employment from the adult sample. Conclusion: The merging of both SHS editions had a lot of problems, especially in the adult’s sample. That affects to its comparability. This work may be useful to assess, design and merge these and other editions of the SHS, as well as to serve as a model to be applied in other cross-sectional population-based surveys.Este trabajo ha contado con la financiación del Subprograma de Investigación en Crisis y Salud del CIBER de Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP)

    Control of medical records classified by pathologies through a web application

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    Introduction: web applications are currently essential for data management in any organization, they allow the user to access and use information from anywhere in the world. The use of web applications has led to the streamlining of several processes. Objective: to use a web application developed using free software for the control and classification of medical records for different pathologies in the Health and Life Medical Center of Ibarra, Ecuador. Method: a qualitative-quantitative mixed modality research was applied, which allowed us to identify the real needs of the patients and professionals of this health home. The use of historical research helped to know each of the processes that were taken into account in the generation of the clinical history and how to classify them by pathologies. With the help of bibliographic research, it was possible to compile the necessary definitions to argue the theoretical basis of the article; Through the survey and interview, patient dissatisfaction was identified due to factors such as waiting time, search deficiency and, even worse, not being registered. Results: the agility in the patient registration processes and each one with their respective medical history allows the specialists to continue with their diagnosis in the next appointments. Conclusions: the web application effectively streamlines the processes related to medical records, which contributes to the control and classification of said documentation

    Impact of COVID-19 on the Health of the General and More Vulnerable Population and Its Determinants: Health Care and Social Survey–ESSOC, Study Protocol

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    This manuscript describes the rationale and protocol of a real-world data (RWD) study entitled Health Care and Social Survey (ESSOC, Encuesta Sanitaria y Social). The study’s objective is to determine the magnitude, characteristics, and evolution of the COVID-19 impact on overall health as well as the socioeconomic, psychosocial, behavioural, occupational, environmental, and clinical determinants of both the general and more vulnerable population. The study integrates observational data collected through a survey using a probabilistic, overlapping panel design, and data from clinical, epidemiological, demographic, and environmental registries. The data will be analysed using advanced statistical, sampling, and machine learning techniques. The study is based on several measurements obtained from three random samples of the Andalusian (Spain) population: general population aged 16 years and over, residents in disadvantaged areas, and people over the age of 55. Given the current characteristics of this pandemic and its future repercussions, this project will generate relevant information on a regular basis, commencing from the beginning of the State of Alarm. It will also establish institutional alliances of great social value, explore and apply powerful and novel methodologies, and produce large, integrated, high-quality and open-access databases. The information described here will be vital for health systems in order to design tailor-made interventions aimed at improving the health care, health, and quality of life of the populations most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.Andalusian Institute of Statistics and Cartography (IECA)Andalusian School of Public Health (EASP)SUPERA COVID-19 Fund of Santander Universities (SAUN)Conference of Spanish University Rectors (CRUE, Conferencia de Rectores de Universidades EspañolasSpanish National Research Council (CSIC, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas)COVID-19 Competitive Grant Program from Pfizer Global Medical GrantsIMAG–Maria de Maeztu grantMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spai