134 research outputs found

    The most common applications in language learning

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    The present paper reveals how the use of technological tools is extremely important within the educational sector for the development of skills implemented in the teaching-learning process, since nowadays they are of great interest within the same area, due to the fact that since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, it has been affected. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to introduce the different learning and teaching techniques, software, websites, educational platforms and applications that make the development of a class in a virtual environment easier, more efficient and modern. Likewise, to have the opportunity to experiment and create with technological applications, software and digital platforms, such as: Flipgrid, Edpuzzle, Flippity, Liveworksheet, Powtoon, Youtube, Openshot, Free Windows 10 Video Editor. Through these practices, students now know that it is possible to continue the teaching process through different technological tools such as podcasts, educational videos, interactive images that today are part of our vocabulary in the online teaching of foreign languages. Keywords: Technological tools ; Software ; Virtual environment ; Podcasts ; Websites

    Mission specification in underwater robotics

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    This paper describes the utilization of software design patterns and plan-based mission specification in the definition of AUVs missions. Within this approach, a mission is described in terms of a set of task-oriented plans in order to simplify mission definition and favor reutilization of some aspects of a mission. Each plan organizes how and when basic tasks like measurement sampling, navigation or communication are to be carried out. The usage of design patterns for AUVs has been considered in order to ease system architecture design.This work has been partially supported by the following research projects: Project PI2007/039 funded by the Autonomous Government of Canary Islands (Gobierno de Canarias — Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes, Spain) with FEDER funding; and Project TIN2008-06068 funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Investigación, Gobierno de España

    Training in Spanish organizations: trends and future perspectives

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    Purpose: This study aims to identify training trends in Spanish organizations. Design/methodology/approach: A survey methodology is conducted and the questionnaire is the strategy to collect information. In order to construct the sample, a previous selection of enterprises was done out of the 50 000 enterprises registered at DICODI (Data base of main Spanish societies 2004/2005). The sampling was done by quotas. The quotas or categories selected were: the enterprises’ activity sector, gender and job position. Findings: The research describes the actual state of training trends and the changes that seem to glimpse out of the considered dimensions: training planning, goals, recipients, modalities, resources, evaluation, training professionals and outsourcing. Research limitations: The study was carried out through a not randomized sample, so the results cannot be generalized. Practical implications: Organizations can make future proposals from the facts exposed in our research. Originality/value: Is the first time in our context that a research of this type is performed, showing significant matches in the results with other studies of international reference.Peer Reviewe

    La dinámica de la enseñanza de la matemática/ The dynamics of teaching mathematics

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    Objective. In the teaching of mathematics, students are still facing difficulties in problem-solving. This paper aims at describing a system of procedures to design the dynamics of the process of mathematics.Methods. Theoretical methods were used for the construction of a reference framework. Modeling for the construction of the system of procedures for the design of the dynamics of the teaching-learning process of mathematics. The evaluation of the relevance and feasibility of the proposal was developed based on the experts' criteria.Results. The essential contribution of the study is the system of procedures devised for the design of the dynamics of the teaching-learning process of mathematics.Conclusions. The design of the dynamics of the teaching process of mathematics taking into account the relationship between the operational structure of the skill, the level of depth of the content and the ways for skill training contributes to overcoming students’ learning difficulties in solving problems.Objetivo. En la enseñanza de la matemática persisten insuficiencias que se manifiestan en los estudiantes al resolver los problemas propios de temas de la disciplina. El objetivo del trabajo que se presenta es la elaboración de un sistema de procedimientos para diseñar la dinámica del proceso de enseñanza de la matemática. Métodos. Se utilizaron, los métodos del nivel teórico para la construcción de un marco teórico. La modelación en la construcción del sistema de procedimientos para el diseño de la dinámica del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de la Matemática. La valoración de la pertinencia y factibilidad de la propuesta se desarrolló a partir del criterio de expertos. Resultados. El resultado y aporte esencial del estudio consiste en el sistema de procedimientos para el diseño de la dinámica del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de la Matemática. Conclusiones. Un diseño de la dinámica del proceso de enseñanza de la Matemática que tome en cuenta la relación entre la estructura operacional de la habilidad, el nivel de profundidad del contenido y las vías para la formación de una habilidad contribuye a resolver las insuficiencias que manifiestan los estudiantes al resolver los problemas propios de temas de la disciplina Matemática

    El desarrollo de habilidades sociales en un escolar con síndrome de Asperger: estudio de caso/The development of social skills in a student with Asperger syndrome: a case study

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    Through a preliminary examination, the presence of difficulties in the inclusion process of a schoolboy with Asperger's syndrome who attends primary school was detected. A case study was   carried out where difficulties were found in the social skills of the schoolchild, detecting that the fundamental cause was found in the lack of coordination in the work that teachers and the family must develop together, from the educational process. Theoretical methods were used: analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, and empirical methods; the case study, class observation and document analysis. A sociogram was carried out; The SWOT matrix technique was used and an interview was applied to teachers (7) and family members (4). Finally, an educational strategy for the development of social skills was designed, which was submitted to the criteria of specialists for its application in educational practice.Mediante una exploración preliminar, se detectó la presencia de dificultades en el proceso de inclusión, de un escolar con síndrome de Asperger que asiste a la escuela primaria. Se realizó un estudio de caso donde se constataron dificultades en las habilidades sociales del escolar, detectándose que la causa fundamental se encontraba en la falta de coordinación en el trabajo que de conjunto deben desarrollar los docentes y la familia, desde el proceso educativo. Se utilizaron los métodos teóricos; analítico-sintético, inductivo-deductivo y modelación y del nivel empírico; el estudio de caso, la observación a clases y el análisis de documentos. Se realizó un sociograma; se utilizó la técnica de la matriz FODA y se aplicó una entrevista a docentes (7) y familiares (4). Finalmente, se diseñó una estrategia educativa para el desarrollo de las habilidades sociales, que fue sometida a criterio de especialistas para su aplicación en la práctica educativa

    Crystallization kinetics and soft magnetic properties in metalloid-free (Fe, Co)90Zr10 amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys

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    Microstructure and magnetic properties of metalloid-free (Fe100- xCox)90Zr10 amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys were characterized. Devitrification of these amorphous alloys occurs in two overlapped transformations leading to the formation of α-Fe(Co) and Fe(Co)Zr2 phases. Constant local Avrami exponents have been found for each individual process. Although Co-free alloy shows a larger grain size, crystalline fractions are similar for both alloys after equivalent annealing. Good soft magnetic properties at room temperature have been observed for amorphous and nanocrystalline alloy with x = 30, which exhibits an amorphous Curie temperature of 735 K. The x = 0 amorphous alloy is paramagnetic at room temperature and nanocrystalline samples exhibit a transition to superparamagnetic behavior.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España)FEDER MAT 2010-20537Junta de Andalucía P10-FQM-646

    Manifestaciones nasales por infección de lepra. Presentación de un paciente

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    A patient who presented to the Emergency Department of Otolaryngology Specialty with abundant and fetid nasal discharge, nasal obstruction and the presence of larvae in the nasal cavity is presented. Nasal myiasis was diagnosed, he received treatment and by the presence of disorder of sensation in the nasal mucosa and skin lesions was requested a valuation of Dermatology Specialist. By studying the case it is concluded of diagnosis of multibacillary  lepromatous leprosy  of delayed diagnosis and disability grade II.Se presenta un paciente que acudió al Cuerpo de Guardia de la Especialidad de Otorrinolaringología con secreciones nasales abundantes y fétidas, obstrucción nasal y presencia de larvas en la cavidad nasal. Se diagnosticó miasis nasal, recibió  tratamiento y por la presencia de trastorno de la sensibilidad en la mucosa nasal y las lesiones cutáneas se solicitó la valoración del Especialista en Dermatología. Al estudiar el caso se concluyó el diagnóstico de lepra lepromatosa multibacilar de diagnóstico tardío y discapacidad grado II