16,263 research outputs found

    Modification of as-cast Al-Mg/B4C composite by addition of Zr

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    Zirconium was used in Al-Mg/B4C composite to improve compocasting efficiency by increasing particle incorporation. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) results revealed that by addition of zirconium a reaction layer containing Zr, Al, B and C is formed on the interface of B4C-matrix. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of extracted particles unveiled that the ZrB2 phase is the main constituent of this layer. Formation of ZrB2 is an exothermic reaction which can rise temperature locally around particles and agglomerates. Rising temperature around agglomerates in conjunction with turbulent flow of melt facilitates agglomerates wetting and dissolving into molten aluminum. As the result, final product contains more uniformly distributed B4C particles. Besides enhancing compocasting efficiency, addition of Zr and formation of reaction layer by improving particle matrix bonding quality, led to increase in ultimate tensile strength and elongation of the composite around 8% and 30%, respectively. SEM observations of the fracture surfaces confirmed that a proper bonding presents at the interface of particles and matrix in presence of Zr.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Limits to the presence of transiting circumbinary planets in CoRoT data

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    The CoRoT mission during its flight-phase 2007-2012 delivered the light-curves for over 2000 eclipsing binaries. Data from the Kepler mission have proven the existence of several transiting circumbinary planets. Albeit light-curves from CoRoT have typically lower precision and shorter coverage, CoRoT's number of targets is similar to Kepler, and some of the known circumbinary planets could potentially be detected in CoRoT data as well. The aim of this work has been a revision of the entire CoRoT data-set for the presence of circumbinary planets, and the derivation of limits to the abundances of such planets. We developed a code which removes the light curve of the eclipsing binaries and searches for quasi-periodic transit-like features in a light curve after removal of binary eclipses and instrumental features. The code needs little information on the sample systems and can be used for other space missions as well, like Kepler, K2, TESS and PLATO. The code is broad in the requirements leading to detections, but was tuned to deliver an amount of detections that is manageable in a subsequent, mainly visual, revision about their nature. In the CoRoT sample we identified three planet candidates whose transits would have arisen from a single pass across the central binary. No candidates remained however with transit events from multiple planetary orbits. We calculated the upper limits for the number of Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune sized planets in co-planar orbits for different orbital period ranges. We found that there are much less giant planets in short-periodic orbits around close binary systems than around single stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 11 pages, 4 figures and 4 tables. Updated to fix error in acknowledgemen

    Nonlinear spin-polarized transport through a ferromagnetic domain wall

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    A domain wall separating two oppositely magnetized regions in a ferromagnetic semiconductor exhibits, under appropriate conditions, strongly nonlinear I-V characteristics similar to those of a p-n diode. We study these characteristics as functions of wall width and temperature. As the width increases or the temperature decreases, direct tunneling between the majority spin bands decreases the effectiveness of the diode. This has important implications for the zero-field quenched resistance of magnetic semiconductors and for the design of a recently proposed spin transistor.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Trion dynamics in coupled double quantum wells. Electron density effects

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    We have studied the coherent dynamics of injected electrons when they are either free or bounded both in excitons and in trions (charged excitons). We have considered a remotely doped asymmetric double quantum well where an excess of free electrons and the direct created excitons generate trions. We have used the matrix density formalism to analyze the electron dynamics for different concentration of the three species. Calculations show a significant modification of the free electron inter-sublevel oscillations cWe have studied the coherent dynamics of injected electrons when they are aused by electrons bound in excitons and trions. Based on the present calculations we propose a method to detect trions through the emitted electromagnetic radiation or the current density.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    Heavy flavor in relativistic heavy-ion collisions

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    We study charm production in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions by using the Parton-Hadron-String Dynamics (PHSD) transport approach. The initial charm quarks are produced by the PYTHIA event generator tuned to fit the transverse momentum spectrum and rapidity distribution of charm quarks from Fixed-Order Next-to-Leading Logarithm (FONLL) calculations. The produced charm quarks scatter in the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) with the off-shell partons whose masses and widths are given by the Dynamical Quasi-Particle Model (DQPM), which reproduces the lattice QCD equation-of-state in thermal equilibrium. The relevant cross sections are calculated in a consistent way by employing the effective propagators and couplings from the DQPM. Close to the critical energy density of the phase transition, the charm quarks are hadronized into DD mesons through coalescence and/or fragmentation. The hadronized DD mesons then interact with the various hadrons in the hadronic phase with cross sections calculated in an effective lagrangian approach with heavy-quark spin symmetry. The nuclear modification factor RAAR_{AA} and the elliptic flow v2v_2 of D0D^0 mesons from PHSD are compared with the experimental data from the STAR Collaboration for Au+Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} =200 GeV and to the ALICE data for Pb+Pb collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} =2.76 TeV. We find that in the PHSD the energy loss of DD mesons at high pTp_T can be dominantly attributed to partonic scattering while the actual shape of RAAR_{AA} versus pTp_T reflects the heavy-quark hadronization scenario, i.e. coalescence versus fragmentation. Also the hadronic rescattering is important for the RAAR_{AA} at low pTp_T and enhances the DD-meson elliptic flow v2v_2.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, to be published in the Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter (SQM2015), 6-11 July 2015, JINR, Dubna, Russi

    Casimir effect in the nonequilibrium steady-state of a quantum spin chain

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    We present a fully microscopics-based calculation of the Casimir effect in a nonequilibrium system, namely an energy flux driven quantum XX chain. The force between the walls (transverse-field impurities) is calculated in a nonequilibrium steady state which is prepared by letting the system evolve from an initial state with the two halves of the chain prepared at equilibrium at different temperatures. The steady state emerging in the large-time limit is homogeneous but carries an energy flux. The Casimir force in this nonequilibrium state is calculated analytically in the limit when the transverse fields are small. We find that the the Casimir force range is reduced compared to the equilibrium case, and suggest that the reason for this is the reduction of fluctuations in the flux carrying steady state.Comment: 11 page

    Time series of high resolution spectra of SN 2014J observed with the TIGRE telescope

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    We present a time series of high resolution spectra of the Type Ia supernova 2014J, which exploded in the nearby galaxy M82. The spectra were obtained with the HEROS echelle spectrograph installed at the 1.2 m TIGRE telescope. We present a series of 33 spectra with a resolution of R = 20, 000, which covers the important bright phases in the evolution of SN 2014J during the period from January 24 to April 1 of 2014. The spectral evolution of SN 2014J is derived empirically. The expansion velocities of the Si II P-Cygni features were measured and show the expected decreasing behaviour, beginning with a high velocity of 14,000 km/s on January 24. The Ca II infrared triplet feature shows a high velocity component with expansion velocities of > 20, 000 km/s during the early evolution apart from the normal component showing similar velocities as Si II. Further broad P-Cygni profiles are exhibited by the principal lines of Ca II, Mg II and Fe II. The TIGRE SN 2014J spectra also resolve several very sharp Na I D doublet absorption components. Our analysis suggests interesting substructures in the interstellar medium of the host galaxy M82, as well as in our Milky Way, confirming other work on this SN. We were able to identify the interstellar absorption of M82 in the lines of Ca II H & K at 3933 and 3968 A as well as K I at 7664 and 7698 A. Furthermore, we confirm several Diffuse Interstellar Bands, at wavelengths of 6196, 6283, 6376, 6379 and 6613 A and give their measured equivalent widths.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Magnetotransport in the Kondo model with ferromagnetic exchange interaction

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    We consider the transport properties in an applied magnetic field of the spin S=1/2 Kondo model with ferromagnetic exchange coupling to electronic reservoirs, a description relevant for the strong coupling limit of underscreened spin S=1 Kondo impurities. Because the ferromagnetic Kondo interaction is marginally irrelevant, perturbative methods should prove accurate down to low energies. For the purpose of this study, we use a combination of Majorana diagrammatic theory with Density Matrix Numerical Renormalization Group simulations. In the standard case of antiferromagnetic Kondo exchange, we first show that our technique recovers previously obtained results for the T-matrix and spin relaxation at weak coupling (above the Kondo temperature). Considering then the ferromagnetic case, we demonstrate how the low-energy Kondo anomaly splits for arbitrary small values of the Zeeman energy, in contrast to fully screened Kondo impurities near the strong coupling Fermi liquid fixed point, and in agreement with recent experimental findings for spin S=1 molecular quantum dots.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, minor changes in V
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