500 research outputs found

    El soft law y su aplicación en el derecho comercial internacional

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    Within the agitated rhythm of profound transformations that international law is experiencing, soft law emerges as an alternative to the more traditional hard law. Little by little, soft law has been acquiring a greater role in the international law scene, positioning itself as a tool that parties count with to generate agreements that are voluntary, but not binding. In this way, soft law is comprised by a large spectrum of instruments, which are accepted in varied legal systems, in several areas of law and give a transversal response to the different needs of stakeholders. For the aforementioned, it becomes relevant to analyze this new current on an international level and its dynamic inclusion in legal instruments.Dentro del agitado ritmo de profundas transformaciones que se encuentra experimentando el derecho internacional, el soft law emerge como una alternativa al más tradicional hard law. Poco a poco el soft law ha ido adquiriendo un mayor protagonismo en el escenario jurídico internacional, posicionándose como una herramienta de la que gozan las partes para conciliar acuerdos revestidos de voluntariedad pero no de vinculatoriedad. De este modo, el soft law se compone de un amplio espectro de instrumentos, los que encuentran aceptación en los diferentes sistemas jurídicos, en variadas áreas del derecho y dan respuesta transversalmente a las necesidades de los diferentes interesados. Por lo anterior, resulta relevante analizar esta nueva corriente a nivel internacional y su incorporación dinámica en instrumentos jurídicos

    Impedance-compensated grid synchronisation for extending the stability range of weak grids with voltage source converters

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    This paper demonstrates how the range of stable power transfer in weak grids with voltage source converters (VSCs) can be extended by modifying the grid synchronisation mechanism of a conventional synchronous reference frame phase locked loop (PLL). By introducing an impedance-conditioning term in the PLL, the VSC control system can be virtually synchronised to a stronger point in the grid to counteract the instability effects caused by high grid impedance. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach, the maximum static power transfer capability and the small-signal stability range of a system with a VSC HVDC terminal connected to a weak grid are calculated from an analytical model with different levels of impedance-conditioning in the PLL. Such calculations are presented for two different configurations of the VSC control system, showing how both the static power transfer capability and the small-signal stability range can be significantly improved. The validity of the stability assessment is verified by time-domain simulations in the Matlab/Simulink environment.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Affaire Khlaifia et autres v. Italie: Standards of due process of law applied to administrative procedure of migration and deportation

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    En septiembre de 2015, el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos resolvió el caso caratulado Affaire Khlaifia et autres v. Italie (Caso Khlaifia y otros c. Italia), relativo al reclamo presentado contra Italia por la retención ilegal, condiciones de detención, e infracciones al debido proceso de migrantes tunecinos que ingresaron ilegalmente al país, a través de embarcaciones ligeras. El fallo es sumamente interesante, pues analiza ciertos estándares jurídicos que deben aplicarse al procedimiento administrativo observado por el Estado, para la expulsión del país de los inmigrantes. El presente trabajo busca identificar los principales criterios establecidos en la sentencia, y compararlos con los estándares establecidos previamente por la doctrina y los otros sistemas de derechos humanos.In September, 2015, the European Court of Human Rights ruled the case Affaire Khlaifia et autres v. Italie (Khlaifia and others v. Italy) relative to the claim filed by Tunisian migrants who entered Italy through light boats, for the unlawful procedure of detention and deportation of the Italian authorities. The judgment is very interesting, because apply the standards originated in the due process of law, to the administrative procedure of expulsion of immigrants. This article seeks to identify the main criteria established in the judgment, and compare it with previously standards set by doctrine and other human rights systems


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    El hombre desde la antigüedad ha buscado en las plantas la curación para sus diversas enfermedades. Las ha utilizado para tratar padecimientos como afecciones de la piel, del sistema circulatorio, endocrino, nervioso, reproductor, respiratorio y urinario; también para el cáncer y las infecciones

    Mexico´s Regionalization by means of a Human Capital Index

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    In the present work we make a proposal of regionalization of Mexico by means of a human capital index elaborated with the factorial analysis of eight referring variables to education and health (corresponding to year 2000), same that, according to different empirical studies, gives to account of the economic variable investment in human capital including in the models of economic growth.capital humano; analisis multivariante; analisis factorial; Mexico

    Regional Convergence in Mexico: A Cointegration Test with Price Index

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    This paper use the Times Series scope to find the convergence between six regions in México used the Prices Series Index. We stand the integration order about the particular series and we found all them are I(1). We proof the cointegration each one about the national series and we found all of them are CI(1,-1), then, we found convergence in the price index level between all regions. This result is suitable respect other similar works. At the end, We append a technical notes about the proofs we employed.Cointegracion; Convergencia; Mexico

    The direct foreign investment like a solution to the problem of the gap of capital assets and knowledge in Mexico

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    In this work we made an empirical application of the model of Romer (1993) for the 32 states of Mexico on period 1990-2000, in order to determine if this country faces a gap of physical goods or a technological gap in the ample sense (that is to say, that inlcluye knowledge and ideas). We found that in the indicated period, Mexico faces both gaps, and therefore, it can take advantage from the direct foreign Investment to cover both.inversion extranjera directa; capital humano; crecimiento; Mexico

    Desarrollo de una plataforma informática para la búsqueda de nuevos fármacos

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento de Física Teórica de la Materia Condensada. Fecha de lectura: 29-11-2013El estudio del espacio farmacológico es una tarea muy compleja y la utilización de la gran cantidad de información que contiene con el fin de desarrollar nuevos fármacos obliga a aplicar un gran número de técnicas y aproximaciones En este trabajo se han aplicado dos rutas diferentes para construir una plataforma computacional que permita el descubrimiento de nuevos fármacos. Por un lado se han desarrollado herramientas para el análisis y la simulación de las interacciones intermoleculares entre los fármacos y sus dianas presentes en los complejos tridimensionales, lo que nos permite predecir la afinidades de unión y proponer nuevas moléculas candidatas. Por otro lado, se ha introducido un cambio radical en el concepto tradicional de diseño asistido por ordenador al incluir la farmacología de sistemas y el análisis de múltiples variables del espacio químico-biológico para poder estimar perfiles polifarmacológicos, efectos adversos y los complejos caminos de optimización que llevan desde un posible candidato a un nuevo fármaco.The study of pharmacological space is indeed a complex task because its tortuous nature demands a large number of techniques and approximations to exploit the information that it contains with the aim of developing new drugs. For dealing with the complexities involved in the construction of a fully functional computational platform for drug discovery In this work we have developed several tools for: (1) simulation and analysis of intermolecular interactions present in three-dimensional complexes comprising compounds and targets; and (2) approaching systems pharmacology and multivariate analysis of chemico-biological space with a view to predicting polypharmacology binding profiles, side effects and complex optimization routes from promising candidates to full drugs

    Decentralization and Fiscal Federalism in Mexico

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    In this paper we analyze the evolution and current situation of the Mexican Fiscal Federalism. Our diagnosis showed that deep structural inequalities in the country is present, both internally and in comparison with the countries of the OECD. We pointed out the low financial autonomy of the subnational governments and the system of transferences in force is examined. Also, we evaluate the current transferences and we conclude that deep innefficiency and inequality problems remains.Descentralización; Federalismo Fiscal; Transferencias; México

    La fera d'ulls de color mel. El seu retorn a Catalunya

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    Treball presentat a l'assignatura de Deontologia i Veterinària Legal (21223