2,098 research outputs found

    Sistematización de experiencias del Colectivo Tierra de Sueños

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    Servicio Social ComunitarioSe trata de una sistematización de las experiencias en las dimensiones comunitarias, artísticas y pedagógicas de la comunidad de Tierra de Sueños realizada a través de procedimientos de investigación cualitativa como elaboración de diarios de campo, observaciones participantes y no participantes, entrevistas y grupos focales como también de la elaboración de una categorización con la información obtenida.PregradoPsicólog

    Successful treatment of neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism with cinacalcet in two patients

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    Neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism (NSHPT) is a rare disorder caused by inactivating calcium-sensing receptor (CASR) mutations that result in life-threatening hypercalcemia and metabolic bone disease. Until recently, therapy has been surgical parathyroidectomy. Three previous case reports have shown successful medical management of NSHPT with cinacalcet. Here we present the detailed description of two unrelated patients with NSHPT due to heterozygous R185Q CASR mutations. Patient 1 was diagnosed at 11 months of age and had developmental delays, dysphagia, bell-shaped chest, and periosteal bone reactions. Patient 2 was diagnosed at 1 month of age and had failure to thrive, osteopenia, and multiple rib fractures. Cinacalcet was initiated at 13 months of age in patient 1, and at 4 months of age in patient 2. We have successfully normalized their parathyroid hormone and alkaline phosphatase levels. Despite the continuance of mild hypercalcemia (11-12 mg/dl), both patients showed no hypercalcemic symptoms. Importantly, patient 1 had improved neurodevelopment and patient 2 never experienced any developmental delays after starting cinacalcet. Neither experienced fractures after starting cinacalcet. Both have been successfully managed long-term without any significant adverse events. These cases expand the current literature of cinacalcet use in NSHPT to five successful reported cases. We propose that cinacalcet may be considered as an option for treating the severe hypercalcemia and metabolic bone disease found in infants and children with inactivating CASR disorders. LEARNING POINTS: NSHPT due to mutations in the CASR gene occurs with hypercalcemia and metabolic bone disease, but not always with severe critical illness in infancy.NSHPT should be considered in the differential diagnosis for a newborn with a bell-shaped chest, osteopenia, and periosteal reactions.Neurodevelopmental consequences may occur in children with hypercalcemia and may improve during treatment.Calcimimetics can be used to successfully treat the pathophysiology of NSHPT directly to control serum calcium levels

    Climate change and respiratory disease: clinical guidance for healthcare professionals.

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    UNLABELLED Climate change is one of the major public health emergencies with already unprecedented impacts on our planet, environment and health. Climate change has already resulted in substantial increases in temperatures globally and more frequent and extreme weather in terms of heatwaves, droughts, dust storms, wildfires, rainstorms and flooding, with prolonged and altered allergen and microbial exposure as well as the introduction of new allergens to certain areas. All these exposures may have a major burden on patients with respiratory conditions, which will pose increasing challenges for respiratory clinicians and other healthcare providers. In addition, complex interactions between these different factors, along with other major environmental risk factors (e.g. air pollution), will exacerbate adverse health effects on the lung. For example, an increase in heat and sunlight in urban areas will lead to increases in ozone exposure among urban populations; effects of very high exposure to smoke and pollution from wildfires will be exacerbated by the accompanying heat and drought; and extreme precipitation events and flooding will increase exposure to humidity and mould indoors. This review aims to bring respiratory healthcare providers up to date with the newest research on the impacts of climate change on respiratory health. Respiratory clinicians and other healthcare providers need to be continually educated about the challenges of this emerging and growing public health problem and be equipped to be the key players in solutions to mitigate the impacts of climate change on patients with respiratory conditions. EDUCATIONAL AIMS To define climate change and describe major related environmental factors that pose a threat to patients with respiratory conditions.To provide an overview of the epidemiological evidence on climate change and respiratory diseases.To explain how climate change interacts with air pollution and other related environmental hazards to pose additional challenges for patients.To outline recommendations to protect the health of patients with respiratory conditions from climate-related environmental hazards in clinical practice.To outline recommendations to clinicians and patients with respiratory conditions on how to contribute to mitigating climate change

    Allergies to food and airborne allergens in children and adolescents:role of epigenetics in a changing environment

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    Allergic diseases affect millions of children and adolescents worldwide. In this Review, we focus on allergies to food and airborne allergens and provide examples of prevalence trends during a time when climate change is of increasing concern. Profound environmental changes have affected natural systems in terms of biodiversity loss, air pollution, and climate. We discuss the potential links between these changes and allergic diseases in children, and the clinical implications. Several exposures of relevance for allergic disease also correlate with epigenetic changes such as DNA methylation. We propose that epigenetics could be a promising tool by which exposures and hazards related to a changing environment can be captured. Epigenetics might also provide promising biomarkers and help to elucidate the mechanisms related to allergic disease initiation and progress.</p

    Allergies to food and airborne allergens in children and adolescents: role of epigenetics in a changing environment.

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    Allergic diseases affect millions of children and adolescents worldwide. In this Review, we focus on allergies to food and airborne allergens and provide examples of prevalence trends during a time when climate change is of increasing concern. Profound environmental changes have affected natural systems in terms of biodiversity loss, air pollution, and climate. We discuss the potential links between these changes and allergic diseases in children, and the clinical implications. Several exposures of relevance for allergic disease also correlate with epigenetic changes such as DNA methylation. We propose that epigenetics could be a promising tool by which exposures and hazards related to a changing environment can be captured. Epigenetics might also provide promising biomarkers and help to elucidate the mechanisms related to allergic disease initiation and progress

    Allergies to food and airborne allergens in children and adolescents : role of epigenetics in a changing environment

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    Allergic diseases today affect millions of children and adolescents worldwide. In this review, we focus on allergies to food and airborne allergens, and provide examples of prevalence trends during a time when climate change is of increasing concern. Profound environmental changes have affected natural systems in terms of biodiversity loss, air pollution levels and climate change. We discuss potential links between these changes and allergic diseases in children, as well as clinical implications. Several exposures of relevance for allergic disease also correlate with epigenetic changes such as DNA-methylation levels. We propose that epigenetics may offer a promising tool by which exposures and hazards related to a changing environment may be captured. Epigenetics may also provide promising biomarkers and help elucidation of mechanisms related to allergic disease initiation and progress. Key messages: • Allergic diseases affect millions of children and adolescents worldwide; between 5 and 30% of adolescents report rhino-conjunctivitis symptoms and up to 10 % report food allergy. • Links between climate change and allergic diseases are of increasing concern, and these include: extended and altered pollen seasons, spread of allergens to new areas along with changing and warmer climate, air pollution exposures changes, increasing exposure to heat events, and altered biodiversity. • These new climate change aspects of allergic diseases have clinical implications for prevention, diagnostics and treatment. • Epigenetic changes, exemplified by DNA methylation, are associated both with environmental exposures and allergic diseases, although causality needs to be explored further. • There is potential in the use of epigenetic signatures and omics profiles to detect and monitor aspects of environmental exposures of relevance for health and disease in children and adolescents.H2020 research program (TRIBAL, No 757919; EXPANSE project, No 874627; Prominent)Swedish Research CouncilSwedish Heart-Lung FoundationRegion StockholmUS National Institutes of Health (R01 AI118833, R01 AI147028, U01 AI160082, and U19 AI136053)ZON-MW (VICI grant)Netherlands Lung FoundationGSKVertexTEVA the NetherlandsNovo Nordisk Foundation Challenge Programme (#NNF17OC0027812)Accepte

    ¿Educação? Por Deus! Arendt, Heidegger e la verdade. Ou por que a crise não perturba o sono de ninguém

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    ¿Hay realmente una crisis humana? De ser cierta –y tal vez no lo sea–, ¿en qué consistiría esa crisis?, es decir, ¿cuál sería el sentido oculto tras palabras como “humano”, “humana”, “humanidad” y otras tantas, similares? La llamada crisis del humanismo es un hecho, pero para los occidentales contemporáneos los “ismos” son asuntos pasados y de este modo, o bien la crisis es meramente un asunto académico especializado o, simplemente, no hay tal crisis. Como sea, las humanidades, en nuestro tiempo, vienen sobrando. Tal vez, sobraron siempre. No en vano Foucault aproxima cronológicamente la formación de esas prácticas discursivas conocidas genéricamente bajo los nombres de ciencias sociales y humanas, con el acontecimiento llamado por él “la muerte del hombre”, como si, paradójicamente, las ciencias hubieran nacido justo cuando su objeto dejó de existir. Ahora bien, el humanismo, concebido como “club de lectores”, tal cual hace Sloterdijk, da cuenta de un acontecimiento histórico auténtico, real. Realmente hubo una lectura canónica que por más de dos mil años nutrió a ciertos seres humanos. Hay innumerables testimonios de la historicidad y facticidad de la lectura como práctica de subjetivación. ¿Habrá, después de todo, una relación esencial entre humanismo, crisis y palabra?Is there really a human crisis? If true - and perhaps it is not -, what would that crisis consist of? That is, what would be the hidden meaning behind words like "human", "human being", "humanity" and many others, similar? The so-called crisis of humanism is a fact, but for contemporary Westerners "isms" are past issues and thus, either the crisis is merely a specialized academic issue or, simply, there is no such crisis. However, the humanities, in our time, have been left over. Maybe, they always were. Not in vain, Foucault approximates (chronologically speaking) the formation of those discursive practices known generically under the names of social and human sciences, with the event called by him "the death of man", as if, paradoxically, the sciences had been born just when their object left to exist. Now, humanism, conceived as a "club of readers," as Sloterdijk does, accounts for an authentic, real historical event. There really was a canonical reading that for more than two thousand years nourished certain human beings. There are innumerable testimonies of the historicity and facticity of reading as a practice of subjectivation. Will there be, after all, an essential relationship between humanism, crisis and word?Existe realmente uma crise humana? Se for verdade - e talvez não seja - em que consistiria essa crise, isto é, qual seria o significado oculto por trás de palavras como "humano", "homem", "humanidade" e tantas outras, semelhantes? A chamada crise do humanismo é um fato, mas para os ocidentais contemporâneos os "ismos" são assuntos do passado e assim ou a crise é meramente uma questão acadêmica especializada ou simplesmente não existe tal crise. No entanto, as humanidades, no nosso tempo, são supérfluas. Talvez tenham sido sempre inúteis. Não é em vão que Foucault aproxima cronologicamente a formação dessas práticas discursivas, conhecidas genericamente sob os nomes das ciências sociais e humanas, com o acontecimento, por ele chamado, "a morte do homem", como se, paradoxalmente, as ciências tivessem nascido precisamente quando o seu objecto deixou de existir. Agora, o humanismo, concebido como um "clube de leitores", como Sloterdijk faz, nomeia um evento histórico autêntico e real. Houve realmente uma leitura canônica que alimentou certos seres humanos por mais de dois mil anos. São inúmeros os testemunhos da historicidade e da factualidade da leitura como prática de subjetivação. Haverá, afinal, uma relação essencial entre humanismo, crise e palavra

    Aproximaciones históricas constitucionales de la objeción presidencial en Colombia (1810-1886)

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    There have been many government ways that have been developed throughout history searching to establish what it would be considered the most convenient form of association in order to govern people’s destinations, who were recently liberated and who sought to govern in favor of all its inhabitants. &nbsp; In any of the ways in which the new states were organized, they claim the idea of separation of powers and their complementarity, which is why, since the first constitutions, the figure of the presidential objection was based on the shared function between the executive and the legislative power, through laws creation. In fact, it is common to find their praxis in a constant alloy between these concepts. &nbsp; By writing this article, it was taken into account the almost 35 constitutions that warped our constitutional history, in which, when carrying out an exploration of a detailed and complete character, we can appreciate the swing in the treatment that heroes of homeland, followed by the local constitutionalist, imparted to the figure of the presidential objection. According to what is extracted, it was of significant importance the balance -or what Montesquieu would call ‘the checks and balances’ between the legislative power and the executive power. Without ignoring that in certain periods of history, the judicial power had a leading role for the formation and subsequent expedition, sanction, promulgation, execution or simply the sealing. Similar terms used in the past to signify the implementation of law and its binding nature. &nbsp; It is striking how, even when legal battles were fought among the new states, and the form of operation of the presidential objection was adjusted, passing its action by the people as the first constituent, succeeded in turn by the executive power. Nevertheless, it rests once more on the constituent power, which, by giving up its sovereignty to its representatives, arranged through the constitutional texts to adopt the decision to share the task of formation and enforcement of the laws between the legislative power -where per excellence takes place the legal debate- and the executive power, in charge of giving its approval. In the event that the latter had a different opinion, it was empowered in all Constitutions to oppose the execution of the law, invoking reasons of inconvenience, serious public or unconstitutional prejudice, circumstances in which a range of possibilities arose in order to give course law.Múltiples han sido las formas de gobierno que se han desarrollado a lo largo de nuestro trasegar en búsqueda de establecer la que se creyera la más conveniente forma de asociación, a fin de regir los destinos de un pueblo que recién se halló liberado y que buscaba gobernar en beneficio de todos sus habitantes. &nbsp; En cualquiera de las formas en que se organizaron los nuevos estados, mantuvieron firme y clara la idea de la separación de los poderes y de la complementariedad de los mismos, razón por la cual, desde las primeras constituciones, la figura de la objeción presidencial se enmarcó dentro de la función compartida entre el poder ejecutivo y el poder legislativo, en el proceso de formación de las leyes; por esto, no es extraño que su praxis se encuentre en una constante aleación entre este y aquel. &nbsp; El desarrollo del presente artículo tuvo como aliadas principales las casi 35 constituciones que urdieron nuestra historia constitucional. En ellas, al realizar una exploración de carácter&nbsp; detallada y completa, se logra apreciar el vaivén en el tratamiento que los próceres de la patria, seguido de los constitucionalistas criollos, le impartieron a la figura de la objeción presidencial pues, de acuerdo con lo que se logra extractar, fue de gran importancia el equilibrio o lo que llamaría Motesquieu ‘checks and balances’ entre el poder legislativo y el poder ejecutivo, sin desconocer que en ciertos periodos de la historia el poder judicial contó con un papel protagónico para la formación y posterior expedición, sanción, promulgación, ejecución o simplemente el sellamiento; términos similares utilizados en otrora para significar la puesta en marcha de la ley y su carácter vinculante. &nbsp; Llama la atención como, a medida que se libraban las batallas de tipo jurídico entre los flamantes Estados, se ajustaba la forma de operancia de la objeción presidencial, pasando su actuar por el pueblo como primer constituyente, sucedido a su vez por el poder ejecutivo y no obstante ello, recaer una vez más en el poder constituyente, quien al ceder su soberanía a sus representantes, dispusieron mediante los textos constitucionales adoptar la decisión de compartir la tarea de formación y puesta en vigencia de las leyes entre el poder legislativo -órgano donde por excelencia se origina el debate de orden legal- y el poder ejecutivo,-encargado de dar su aprobación-. Y en la eventualidad en que este último no lo considerara así, fue facultado en todas las constituciones para oponerse a la ejecución de la ley, invocando razones de inconveniencia; grave perjuicio público o inconstitucional, circunstancias en las cuales surgía un abanico de posibilidades a fin de dar curso a la Ley