3,454 research outputs found

    First detection of CF+ towards a high-mass protostar

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    We report the first detection of the J = 1 - 0 (102.6 GHz) rotational lines of CF+ (fluoromethylidynium ion) towards CygX-N63, a young and massive protostar of the Cygnus X region. This detection occurred as part of an unbiased spectral survey of this object in the 0.8-3 mm range, performed with the IRAM 30m telescope. The data were analyzed using a local thermodynamical equilibrium model (LTE model) and a population diagram in order to derive the column density. The line velocity (-4 km s-1) and line width (1.6 km s-1) indicate an origin from the collapsing envelope of the protostar. We obtain a CF+ column density of 4.10e11 cm-2. The CF+ ion is thought to be a good tracer for C+ and assuming a ratio of 10e-6 for CF+/C+, we derive a total number of C+ of 1.2x10e53 within the beam. There is no evidence of carbon ionization caused by an exterior source of UV photons suggesting that the protostar itself is the source of ionization. Ionization from the protostellar photosphere is not efficient enough. In contrast, X-ray ionization from the accretion shock(s) and UV ionization from outflow shocks could provide a large enough ionizing power to explain our CF+ detection. Surprisingly, CF+ has been detected towards a cold, massive protostar with no sign of an external photon dissociation region (PDR), which means that the only possibility is the existence of a significant inner source of C+. This is an important result that opens interesting perspectives to study the early development of ionized regions and to approach the issue of the evolution of the inner regions of collapsing envelopes of massive protostars. The existence of high energy radiations early in the evolution of massive protostars also has important implications for chemical evolution of dense collapsing gas and could trigger peculiar chemistry and early formation of a hot core.Comment: 6 page

    Variedades de abacaxi.

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    Todas as variedades de abacaxi cujo interesse é o fruto, seja para consumo in natura ou para processamento, pertencem à espécie Ananas comosus var. comosus. Alguns clones de Ananas comosus var. erectifolius, Ananas comosus var. ananassoides e Ananas comosus var. bracteatus são cultivados para produção de fibra ou para fins ornamentais. Recentemente, houve grande incremento nestas formas de utilização. A variedade de abacaxi predominantemente cultivada no mundo é a Smooth Cayenne, responsável por cerca de 70% da produção mundial de abacaxi. Contudo, outras variedades como Singapore Spanish, Queen, Red Spanish, Pérola e Perolera são muito cultivadas e difundidas em nível mundial (Leal, 1990). No Brasil, onde a área de plantio em 2002 foi de 62.597 ha, com produção de 1.430.018 mil frutos e rendimento de 22.845 frutos/ha (IBGE, 2003), a variedade mais plantada é a Pérola, responsável por cerca de 80% da produção brasileira de abacaxi havaiano, cujos plantios se concentram no Sudeste do país, principalmente em São Paulo e na região do Triângulo Mineiro.bitstream/item/81569/1/Circular-Tecnica-63-Variedade-Abacaxi-Renato-Cabral-2003.pdfMemória

    A planar Al-Si Schottky Barrier MOSFET operated at cryogenic temperatures

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    Schottky Barrier (SB)-MOSFET technology offers intriguing possibilities for cryogenic nano-scale devices, such as Si quantum devices and superconducting devices. We present experimental results on a novel device architecture where the gate electrode is self-aligned with the device channel and overlaps the source and drain electrodes. This facilitates a sub-5 nm gap between the source/drain and channel, and no spacers are required. At cryogenic temperatures, such devices function as p-MOS Tunnel FETs, as determined by the Schottky barrier at the Al-Si interface, and as a further advantage, fabrication processes are compatible with both CMOS and superconducting logic technology.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, minor changes from the previous version

    Flexible entity search on surfaces

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    Surface computing allows flexible search interaction where users can manipulate the representation of entities recommended for them to create new queries or augment existing queries by taking advantage of increased screen estate and almost physical tactile interaction. We demonstrate a search system based on 1) Direct Manipulation of Entity Representation on Surfaces and 2) Entity Recommendation and Document Retrieval. Entities are modeled as a knowledge-graph and the relevances of entities are computed using the graph structure. Users can manipulate the representation of entities via spatial grouping and assigning preferences on entities. Our contribution can help to design effective information exploration systems that take advantage of large surfaces

    Designing a Tensegrity Form of an Outdoor Hydroponic System Utilizing Bamboo (Bambusoideae) and Abaca Fiber (Musa textilis)

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unemployment and a lack of food. Filipinos have turned to indoor and outdoor gardening as an alternative source of income and food. However, one of the problems faced by home gardeners is space insufficiency. This research aims to find a solution to this problem by designing an outdoor tensegrity hydroponic system and constructing its model using Bamboo (Bambusoideae) and Abaca Fiber (Musa textilis). The research followed a system called the ADDIE Model to execute its methodology. The dimensions of the tensegrity hydroponic system design were planned during the Analysis phase. Freehand sketches of proposed designs were created during the Design phase. The three chosen proposed designs were rendered using Sketch-up in the Development phase. The best design was picked by comparing the three proposed designs in FreeCAD. The selected design was constructed in the Implementation phase and was evaluated during the Evaluation phase. The chosen design, table-top design, had the highest pascals (Pa) under a Generic Wood stressor in the Von Mises Stress test. The structure maintained its balance and withstood a load of three liters of greywater

    Designing for Exploratory Search on Touch Devices

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    Exploratory search confront users with challenges in expressing search intents as the current search interfaces require investigating result listings to identify search directions, iterative typing, and reformulating queries. We present the design of Exploration Wall, a touch-based search user interface that allows incremental exploration and sense-making of large information spaces by combining entity search, flexible use of result entities as query parameters, and spatial configuration of search streams that are visualized for interaction. Entities can be flexibly reused to modify and create new search streams, and manipulated to inspect their relationships with other entities. Data comprising of task-based experiments comparing Exploration Wall with conventional search user interface indicate that Exploration Wall achieves significantly improved recall for exploratory search tasks while preserving precision. Subjective feedback supports our design choices and indicates improved user satisfaction and engagement. Our findings can help to design user interfaces that can effectively support exploratory search on touch devices

    Carnitine partially improves oxidative stress, acrosome integrity, and reproductive competence in doxorubicin-treated rats

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    Doxorubicin has been largely used in anticancer therapy in adults, adolescents, and children. The efficacy of l-carnitine as an antioxidant substance has been confirmed both in humans and rats. Carnitine, present in testis and epididymis, is involved in sperm maturation. It is also effective in infertility treatment. As a continuation of a previous study, we evaluated whether some spermatic qualitative parameters, DNA integrity, chromatin structure, and fertility status, could be ameliorated by the carnitine treatment in adult rats, which were subsequently exposed to doxorubicin at pre-puberty. Pre-pubertal male rats were distributed into four groups: Sham ControlDoxorubicinl-carnitinel-carnitine+Doxorubicin (l-carnitine injected 1h before doxorubicin). At 100days of age, all groups were reassigned into two sets: One set was submitted to the evaluation of sperm motility, acrosome integrity, mitochondrial activity, sperm chromatin structure analysis (SCSA), and evaluation of the oxidative stress. The other set of rats was destined to the evaluation of reproductive competence. The percentage of spermatozoa with intact acrosome integrity was higher in the Carnitine+Doxorubicin group when compared with the Doxorubicin group. However, sperm motility and mitochondrial activity were not improved by carnitine pre-treatment. Both values of malondialdehyde and nitrite (indirect measurement of nitric oxide) concentrations were statistically higher in the only doxorubicin-treated group when compared to the Carnitine+Doxorubicin group. Fertility index and implantation rate were lower in Doxorubicin group, when compared to Carnitine+Doxorubicin group. Moreover, the percentage of spermatozoa with damaged DNA was higher in the Doxorubicin-treated group when compared to the Carnitine+Doxorubicin group. l-carnitine, when administered before doxorubicin, partially preserved the acrosome integrity, an important feature related to sperm fertilization ability that positively correlated with the reproductive competence and sperm DNA integrity at adulthood. In conclusion, l-carnitine attenuated the long-term alterations caused by doxorubicin in the germ cells and improved male reproductive capacity in adulthood.National Council for the Improvement of Higher Education (CAPES/Brazil)Fed Univ Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Lab Dev Biol, Dept Morphol & Genet, Botucatu St 740,Leitao da Cunha Bldg,2nd Floor, BR-04023900 Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilFed Univ Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Lab Dev Biol, Dept Morphol & Genet, Botucatu St 740,Leitao da Cunha Bldg,2nd Floor, BR-04023900 Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc