8 research outputs found

    We produce garbage therefore we exist

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    Aplicación de un camino interpretativo como herramienta de educación ambiental

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    Nosso objetivo foi analisar o papel de uma trilha interpretativa como forma de passar conceitos de Educação Ambiental. Estruturada no entorno do Instituto de Física da Universidade Federal Fluminense, em Niterói, e contendo onze pontos interpretativos, a trilha foi aplicada em visitantes da Casa da Descoberta, o Museu de Ciências da UFF. Através da aplicação de questionários pré e pós-trilha, observou-se lacunas na formação dos visitantes de diferentes segmentos em relação à educação ambiental, um quadro que foi parcialmente revertido com a aplicação deste trabalho. Conclui-se que a trilha interpretativa é um dispositivo adequado para programas de Educação Ambiental no próprio espaço da universidade ressignificando os seus jardins para além dos fins estéticos, mas em espaços educativos.   Our goal was to analyze the role of an interpretative track as a form of learning concepts of Environmental Education. Structured around the Instituto de Física of the Universidade Federal Fluminense, located in Niterói, and including eleven interpretative points, the track was tested with Casa da Descoberta (the UFF Science Museum) visitors. Through the application of questionnaires, we observed the existence of gaps in the formative process of the visitors of different segments concerning environmental education, a situation that was partially reversed with the application of the present work. We concluded that the interpretative track is an adequate tool for the practice of Environmental Education programs inside the university, resignifying their gardens in educative spaces. Nuestro objetivo fue analizar el papel de un camino interpretativo como una forma de transmitir los conceptos de Educación Ambiental. Estructurado alrededor del Instituto de Física de la Universidade Federal Fluminense, en Niterói, y con once puntos de interpretación, el sendero se aplicó a los visitantes de la Casa da Descoberta, el Museo de Ciencias de la UFF. Mediante la aplicación de cuestionarios previos y posteriores al seguimiento, se observaron vacios en la capacitación de visitantes de diferentes segmentos en relación a la educación ambiental, una situación que se revirtió parcialmente con la aplicación de este trabajo. Se concluye que el sendero interpretativo es un dispositivo adecuado para los programas de Educación Ambiental en el espacio de la universidad, dando a sus jardines un nuevo significado más allá de los propósitos estéticos, sino en espacios educativos.

    AIP1 is a novel Agenet/Tudor domain protein from Arabidopsis that interacts with regulators of DNA replication, transcription and chromatin remodeling

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    Background: DNA replication and transcription are dynamic processes regulating plant development that are dependent on the chromatin accessibility. Proteins belonging to the Agenet/Tudor domain family are known as histone modification "readers" and classified as chromatin remodeling proteins. Histone modifications and chromatin remodeling have profound effects on gene expression as well as on DNA replication, but how these processes are integrated has not been completely elucidated. It is clear that members of the Agenet/Tudor family are important regulators of development playing roles not well known in plants. Methods: Bioinformatics and phylogenetic analyses of the Agenet/Tudor Family domain in the plant kingdom were carried out with sequences from available complete genomes databases. 3D structure predictions of Agenet/Tudor domains were calculated by I-TASSER server. Protein interactions were tested in two-hybrid, GST pulldown, semi-in vivo pulldown and Tandem Affinity Purification assays. Gene function was studied in a T-DNA insertion GABI-line. Results: In the present work we analyzed the family of Agenet/Tudor domain proteins in the plant kingdom and we mapped the organization of this family throughout plant evolution. Furthermore, we characterized a member from Arabidopsis thaliana named AIP1 that harbors Agenet/Tudor and DUF724 domains. AIP1 interacts with ABAP1, a plant regulator of DNA replication licensing and gene transcription, with a plant histone modification "reader" (LHP1) and with non modified histones. AIP1 is expressed in reproductive tissues and its down-regulation delays flower development timing. Also, expression of ABAP1 and LHP1 target genes were repressed in flower buds of plants with reduced levels of AIP1. Conclusions: AIP1 is a novel Agenet/Tudor domain protein in plants that could act as a link between DNA replication, transcription and chromatin remodeling during flower development

    Método para promover um aumento da biomassa e produtividade vegetal e da tolerância à seca

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    DepositadaA presente invenção se refere a um método para promover um aumento da biomassa de vegetais, e da sua produtividade. O referido aumento tem seus efeitos visíveis em órgãos como folha, caule, raiz e na produção de frutos e sementes. Além disso, a invenção é capaz de aumentar a tolerância dos referidos vegetais à seca

    Confabulaciones entre casa-grande e senzala e o ensino da Biologia

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    In the present work, we sought to explore the possibilities of dialogue between the essay Casa-grande e senzala, by the sociologist Gilberto Freyre, and the teaching of Biology. Therefore, an analysis of the work was carried out, from which a conceptual map was developed for each chapter, organizing topics related to Biology in five thematic axes: “Sex, gender and sexuality”, “Human Health in Colonial Brazil”, “Middle Environment in Colonial Brazil”, “Genetics” and “Racialization and Ethnic-Racial Relations”. It was observed that this controversial essay is able to give us systemic pedagogical approaches that integrate the Biological Sciences and the Humanistic Sciences and allow us to discuss topics such as Sexual Education and Education of Ethnic-Racial Relations in a greater degree of integrity.En el presente trabajo, buscamos explorar las posibilidades de diálogo entre el ensayo Casa-grande e senzala, del sociólogo Gilberto Freyre, y la enseñanza de la Biología. Para ello, se realizó un análisis de la obra, a partir del cual se elaboró un mapa conceptual para cada capítulo, organizando temas relacionados con la Biología en cinco ejes temáticos: “Sexo, género y sexualidad”, “Salud Humana en el Brasil Colonial”, “Medio Ambiente en el Brasil Colonial”, “Genética” y “Racialización y Relaciones Étnico-Raciales”. Se observó que este controvertido ensayo es capaz de darnos enfoques pedagógicos sistémicos que integran las Ciencias Biológicas y las Ciencias Humanísticas y nos permiten discutir temas como la Educación Sexual y la Educación de las Relaciones Étnico-Raciales en un mayor grado de integridad

    The plant cell cycle: Pre-Replication complex formation and controls

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    The multiplication of cells in all living organisms requires a tight regulation of DNA replication. Several mechanisms take place to ensure that the DNA is replicated faithfully and just once per cell cycle in order to originate through mitoses two new daughter cells that contain exactly the same information from the previous one. A key control mechanism that occurs before cells enter S phase is the formation of a pre-replication complex (pre-RC) that is assembled at replication origins by the sequential association of the origin recognition complex, followed by Cdt1, Cdc6 and finally MCMs, licensing DNA to start replication. The identification of pre-RC members in all animal and plant species shows that this complex is conserved in eukaryotes and, more importantly, the differences between kingdoms might reflect their divergence in strategies on cell cycle regulation, as it must be integrated and adapted to the niche, ecosystem, and the organism peculiarities. Here, we provide an overview of the knowledge generated so far on the formation and the developmental controls of the pre-RC mechanism in plants, analyzing some particular aspects in comparison to other eukaryotes

    ABAP1 is a novel plant Armadillo BTB protein involved in DNA replication and transcription

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    In multicellular organisms, organogenesis requires a tight control of the balance between cell division and cell differentiation. Distinct signalling pathways that connect both cellular processes with developmental cues might have evolved to suit different developmental plans. Here, we identified and characterized a novel protein that interacts with pre-replication complex (pre-RC) subunits, designated Armadillo BTB Arabidopsis protein 1 (ABAP1). Overexpression of ABAP1 in plants limited mitotic DNA replication and decreased cell proliferation in leaves, whereas ABAP1 downregulation increased cell division rates. Activity of ABAP1 in transcription was supported by its association with the transcription factor AtTCP24. The ABAP1–AtTCP24 complex bound specifically to the promoters of AtCDT1a and AtCDT1b in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, expression levels of AtCDT1a and AtCDT1b were reduced in ABAP1-overexpressing plants and they were increased in plants with reduced levels of ABAP1. We propose that ABAP1 participates in a negative feedback loop regulating mitotic DNA replication during leaf development, either by repressing transcription of pre-RC genes and possibly by regulating pre-RC utilization through direct association with pre-RC components