10 research outputs found


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    La lexicografia catalana actual

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    In this paper a general analysis of the evolution and current State of modem Catalan lexicography is undertaken, which starts with the setting up of a catalogue of lexicographic publications from 1940 onwards. In addition to the quantitative analysis of published dictionaries the paper introduces a typology study in order to sort out the variety and richness of modem Catalan lexicography. In the paper relevant data is presented on the situation of Catalan lexicography with respect to the quantity of existing dictionaries, and also on the factors that have determined their variety. Finally it can serve to establish the bases to build a lexicographic plan that helps to fill the gaps and avoids the unnecessary repetitions, so that Catalan can be given the same lexicographic resorts that are available for other widespread languages

    La enseñanza de la terminología en España: problemas y propuestas

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    El presente artículo analiza en detalle el estado de la enseñanza de la terminologñia en España. Para ello, se estudia las características y funciones de esta ciencia, los aciertos e insuficiencias de sus enfoques teóricos, y el estado de amplia diversidad actual el que se encuentra, antes de adentrarse en su enseñanza y en su alta rentabilidad para los traductoresThis article analyses the development of the teaching of terminology in Spain in detail. To begin with, it studies the characteristics and functions of this science, the landmarks and shortcomings of its theoretical approaches, and the current state of diversity it displays, before going into its teaching and its advantages for translator

    VariaciĂł per tema: el discurs especialitzat o la variaciĂł funcional determinada per la temĂ tica : noves perspectives

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    Specialised communication is increasingly becoming an interesting subject of study among linguists, particularly in Textual Linguistics. These linguists refer to specialised languages to indicate the particular resources used by the speakers in communicative situations which are involved in specialised transfer of knowledge. In this paper, the concept of specialised languages is redefined and stablished by the reduction of a language to its functional registers as determined by the communication topic and as placed within a grammar of variation. Consequently, we do not treat these functional resources as alanguage strictu sensu, that is, as a system with units and rules of different descriptive levels; but as a particular selection of possibilities offered by a grammar system. We also present idiosyncratic characteristics acquired by linguistic resources in a specialised communicative situation, and we propose a renewed theory of terminological units in the framework of different specialities

    La neologia: un nou camp a la cerca de la seva consolidaciĂł cientĂ­fica

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    En aquest text s’ofereix una panoràmica àmplia de la neologia com a camp de coneixement i com a camp de treball. Així mateix s’exploren les relacions que la neologia manté amb altres matèries com la psicologia i la sociologia, i les seves connexions amb les tecnologies. Els neologismes són l’objecte central de la neologia com a camp de coneixement. L’article mostra la dificultat de delimitar clarament aquest objecte per tal com es tracta d’un objecte relatiu, a més de polièdric. La relativitat dels neologismes obliga a definir-los sobre la base d’establir un punt de referència a partir del qual una unitat és neològica en funció de la producció, de la recepció o de la circulació social. L’article presenta també una sèrie de principis que si es respecten, podrien conduir a l’establiment de la neologia com un camp estructurat i estabilitzat entre els diversos camps del saber

    El nou diccionari normatiu de la llengua catalana

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    This article describes the process by which the Nou Diccionari Normatiu de la Llengua Catalana (NDNLC) has been made; this dictionary brings up to date and regularizes Pompeu Fabra’s Diccionari General de la Llengua Catalana (DGLC), which implies, on the one hand, adding to the dictionary new words brought about by different social habits and by the progress of Science and technology, and, on the other hand, bringing the contents of the dictionary up to date. This project has been carried out in three different phases. The first consisted in creating a general Computer data base (BDOL) which contains, besides the DGLC, words belonging both to the common language and to specific fields; in this first phase a study of the DGLC was also carried out, with two aims: a) to analyse the text itself and in doing so select whatever Information might be considered obsolete today, and b) to find out the criteria which Fabra used to make the dictionary, which are implicit in the text. In the second phase the lexicographic criteria by which the dictionary was to be made were established, its entries (both words and phrases) were selected, the old articles were revised and new ones were created. Finally, in the third phase the data base specifically for the NDNLC was created; this contains all the Information of the Nou Diccionari Normatiu de la Llengua Catalana, organised into articles

    Anàlisi contrastiva de la innovació lèxica en català i en castellà

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    The contrastive analysis of a corpus of neologisms is an appropriate way to describe and analyse the mechanisms of lexical innovation used to update the lexicon. It also shows the degree of linguistic coincidence and helps make hypotheses on the influence of some languages on others. The synchronic study of several neologisms from the Neology Observatory highlights the degree of coincidence and divergence between Catalan and Spanish with respect to two aspects: (i) the mechanisms of innovation (morphological, semantics and borrowings) and (ii) the resulting neologisms. This analysis also allows to make some hypotheses about the influence of Spanish and other languages on Catalan