9 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la sostenibilidad ambiental de la producción citrícola en el Uruguay mediante análisis de ciclo de vida

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    Los cítricos son el cultivo frutícola más importante de Uruguay en términos de producción, superficie y aporte económico. Considerando la gran contribución de los sistemas agroalimentarios a los impactos ambientales, evaluar aquellos asociados a la producción citrícola en el país cobra gran relevancia para transitar hacia sistemas alimentarios sostenibles. En esta línea, el objetivo de la presente tesis es evaluar estos impactos ambientales mediante la utilización del análisis de ciclo de vida (ACV) y estudiar aspectos metodológicos clave de su aplicación a la producción citrícola. Se lleva a cabo una revisión crítica de la literatura de ACV de cítricos y se desarrollan cuatro casos de estudio en establecimientos representativos de la región, en concreto, la producción de limones, mandarinas y naranjas, y la producción de plantones en vivero. Los impactos se evalúan de la cuna hasta la puerta del establecimiento, usando unidades funcionales tanto de masa como de área y datos primarios correspondientes a varias temporadas de cultivo. Los principales puntos críticos ambientales detectados son las emisiones de campo producto de la aplicación de fertilizantes, la irrigación, y la producción de óxidos de cobre. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, se destaca la importancia de usar distintas unidades funcionales y de abordar la variabilidad temporal y la especificidad según el sitio de los datos de inventario, así como de usar métodos de caracterización de impactos regionalizados. Se observa que la contribución de las primeras etapas del cultivo al impacto ambiental de la producción citrícola es baja.Agencia Nacional de Investigación e InnovaciónUniversidad de la República. Comisión Académica de Posgrad

    Projeto de um contêiner de alimentos sustentável, inteligente e interconectado, seguindo os princípios do berço ao berço e usando a Análise do Ciclo de Vida para avaliar os impactos ambientais

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    The main objective of the present work is to help combat food waste, which is one of the main problems of the food industry today, incorporating also sustainability concepts. According to the FDA each year about 1,300 million tons of food are thrown. Food is wasted mainly at household levels, which is why the choice of the sustainable design of an intelligent interconnected packaging for domestic use is made. To achieve this, the exploration of different technologies, materials, methodologies and innovative frameworks is carried out. Regarding materials, the possibility of using biodegradable, recycled, recyclable and bioplastics was studied, along with the research of the intelligent technology to use, which ended up being sensors. As to methodologies, Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and Cradle to Cradle philosophy (C2C) are deeply studied. Intelligent packaging systems are an option to contribute to minimization of food waste. The correct use of tools such as the LCA, along with the principles of the C2C, and the research on materials and technologies to be used can help designers to reach an optimal solution, minimizing environmental impacts.El objetivo principal del presente trabajo es ayudar a combatir el desperdicio de alimentos, que es uno de los principales problemas de la industria alimentaria actual, incorporando también conceptos de sostenibilidad. Según la FDA, cada año se arrojan alrededor de 1.300 millones de toneladas de alimentos. Los alimentos se desperdician principalmente a nivel de los hogares, por lo que se elige el diseño sostenible de un envase inteligente interconectado para uso doméstico. Para lograr esto, se lleva a cabo la exploración de diferentes tecnologías, materiales, metodologías y marcos innovadores. En cuanto a los materiales, se estudió la posibilidad de utilizar plásticos biodegradables, reciclados, reciclables y bioplásticos, junto con la investigación de la tecnología inteligente a utilizar, que terminó siendo sensores. Respecto a las metodologías, el análisis del ciclo de vida (ACV) y la filosofía Cradle to Cradle (C2C) se estudian en profundidad. Los sistemas inteligentes de envasado son una opción para contribuir a minimizar el desperdicio de alimentos. El uso correcto de herramientas como el ACV, junto con los principios del C2C, y la investigación sobre materiales y tecnologías que se utilizarán pueden ayudar a los diseñadores a alcanzar una solución óptima, minimizando los impactos ambientales

    Aspects of sustainability and design engineering for the production of interconnected smart food packaging

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    In the present work, the problem of food wastage and the concept of sustainability are studied. An analysis of Life Cycle Assessment as a tool and of the innovative concept of Cradle to Cradle is also carried out, together with an exhaustive comparison of these two approaches. Based on these concepts, an integrated methodology is proposed for the design of interconnected smart products. The smart packaging systems currently available are studied theoretically and a practical case is analysed using the proposed methodology through the design and Life Cycle Assessment of a smart interconnected container that is able to detect the ethylene emitted by climacteric fruit, thereby minimizing food wastage. For the case under study, a major impact is observed of the selected plastics in the resources category, and of the smart system in the human health category

    Projeto de um contêiner de alimentos sustentável, inteligente e interconectado, seguindo os princípios do berço ao berço e usando a Análise do Ciclo de Vida para avaliar os impactos ambientais

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    El objetivo principal del presente trabajo es ayudar a combatir el desperdicio de alimentos, que es uno de los principales problemas de la industria alimentaria actual, incorporando también conceptos de sostenibilidad. Según la FDA, cada año se arrojan alrededor de 1.300 millones de toneladas de alimentos. Los alimentos se desperdician principalmente a nivel de los hogares, por lo que se elige el diseño sostenible de un envase inteligente interconectado para uso doméstico. Para lograr esto, se lleva a cabo la exploración de diferentes tecnologías, materiales, metodologías y marcos innovadores. En cuanto a los materiales, se estudió la posibilidad de utilizar plásticos biodegradables, reciclados, reciclables y bioplásticos, junto con la investigación de la tecnología inteligente a utilizar, que terminó siendo sensores. Respecto a las metodologías, el análisis del ciclo de vida (ACV) y la filosofía Cradle to Cradle (C2C) se estudian en profundidad. Los sistemas inteligentes de envasado son una opción para contribuir a minimizar el desperdicio de alimentos. El uso correcto de herramientas como el ACV, junto con los principios del C2C, y la investigación sobre materiales y tecnologías que se utilizarán pueden ayudar a los diseñadores a alcanzar una solución óptima, minimizando los impactos ambientales.The main objective of this work is to help combat food losses in the production chain, which is one of the main problems of the food industry today, incorporating also sustainability concepts. According to the FDA each year about 1,300 million tons of food are thrown. Food is wasted mainly at household levels, which is why the choice of the sustainable design of an intelligent interconnected packaging for domestic use is made. To achieve this, the exploration of different technologies, materials, methodologies and innovative frameworks is carried out. Regarding mate-rials, the possibility of using biodegradable, recycled, recyclable and bioplastics was studied, along with the research of the intelligent technology to use, which ended up being sensors. As to methodologies, Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and Cradle to Cradle philosophy (C2C) are studied. Intelligent packaging systems are an option to contribute to minimization of food waste. The correct use of tools such as the LCA, along with the principles of the C2C, and the research on materials and technologies to be used can help designers to reach an optimal solution, minimizing environmental impacts.The main objective of the present work is to help combat food waste, which is one of the main problems of the food industry today, incorporating also sustainability concepts. According to the FDA each year about 1,300 million tons of food are thrown. Food is wasted mainly at household levels, which is why the choice of the sustainable design of an intelligent interconnected packaging for domestic use is made. To achieve this, the exploration of different technologies, materials, methodologies and innovative frameworks is carried out. Regarding materials, the possibility of using biodegradable, recycled, recyclable and bioplastics was studied, along with the research of the intelligent technology to use, which ended up being sensors. As to methodologies, Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and Cradle to Cradle philosophy (C2C) are deeply studied. Intelligent packaging systems are an option to contribute to minimization of food waste. The correct use of tools such as the LCA, along with the principles of the C2C, and the research on materials and technologies to be used can help designers to reach an optimal solution, minimizing environmental impacts

    Multi-season environmental life cycle assessment of lemons: A case study in south Uruguay

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    [EN] Lemons are a relevant agricultural commodity in Uruguay, mainly exported for fresh consumption. Food ecolabels are on the rise worldwide as consumers and authorities are increasingly demanding them. However, there is a lack of scientific studies estimating the environmental impacts of Uruguayan citrus production. This study aims to assess the environmental performance of lemon production in Uruguay taking into account interseasonal variability by applying the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology and following the Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) guidelines. A cradle-to-farm gate assessment was carried out based on both mass and spatial functional units. Primary data was gathered from a representative orchard of the region for four harvest seasons (2016¿2020). Environmental impact categories recommended by EN 15804 + A2 standard were assessed. Specifically, blue water scarcity was assessed using the AWARE method. In addition, human and freshwater ecotoxicity were assessed using USEtox. Results show that on-field emissions and input production are critical for most of the categories assessed (on average, 84% CC, 88% Ac, 98% MEu, and 85% TEu), whereas blue water consumed for irrigation is the main hotspot in blue water scarcity (86%, on average). As expected, interseasonal impacts present higher variability when expressing results per tonne vs. per hectare because, although agricultural inputs applied are the same, climatic variability influences water requirements and also affects yield. Blue water scarcity exhibits the highest variability because water consumption depends strongly on agroclimatic conditions, mainly on rain and irrigated water and on water dynamics in soil. Nitrate leaching is a key emission for freshwater eutrophication and, to a minor degree, for climate change, which also depends on the water dose and timing, either from rain or irrigation. Optimising the N application is crucial to minimise on-field emissions, a hotspot in the present study. Along these lines, improved agricultural practices are suggested to enhance the environmental profile of Uruguayan lemons. Replacement or minimisation of the dose of certain inputs (e.g., copper oxide) through the implementation of complementary agricultural practices is suggested. Finally, up-todate techniques to decrease blue water scarcity are proposed. Methodological recommendations for future studies include modelling N emissions using mechanistic models, incorporating potential reductions in N emissions due to certain agricultural practices, and harmonizing the methodology to quantify water consumption. This study sets a baseline LCA for Uruguayan citrus fruit production. It highlights inter-seasonal variability as an issue to be considered, even when agricultural practices do not change, and especially relevant in countries with high climatic variability like Uruguay. The study also provides scientific and quantitative evidence to support the environmental decisions of both citrus producers and consumers.Maria Inés Cabot is the recipient of a PhD scholarship (POS_EXT_2018_1_154319) from the National Agency for Research and Innovation (ANII, Uruguay). The authors particularly acknowledge UPEFRUY-Uruguay fruits (http://uruguayfruits.com.uy/en) for their sincere collaboration and for sharing their data for this study. The authors also especially acknowledge Dr. Matías Manzi from the Soil Fertility group, Soil and Water Department, at the Estacion ¿ Experimental de Facultad de Agronomía, Salto, Uruguay, for his suggestions and recommendations to improve the manuscript.Cabot, MI.; Lado, J.; Sanjuán Pellicer, MN. (2023). Multi-season environmental life cycle assessment of lemons: A case study in south Uruguay. Journal of Environmental Management. 326. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.11671932

    Evaluación de la sostenibilidad ambiental de la producción citrícola en el Uruguay mediante análisis de ciclo de vida

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Los cítricos son el cultivo frutícola más importante de Uruguay en términos de producción, superficie y aporte económico. Considerando la gran contribución de los sistemas agroalimentarios a los impactos ambientales, evaluar aquellos asociados a la producción citrícola en el país cobra gran relevancia para transitar hacia sistemas alimentarios sostenibles. En esta línea, el objetivo de la presente tesis es evaluar estos impactos ambientales mediante la utilización del análisis de ciclo de vida (ACV) y estudiar aspectos metodológicos clave de su aplicación a la producción citrícola. Se lleva a cabo una revisón crítica de la literatura de ACV de cítricos y se desarrollan cuatro casos de estudio en establecimientos representativos de la región, en concreto, la producción de limones, mandarinas y naranjas, y la producción de plantones en vivero. Los impactos se evalúan de la cuna hasta la puerta del establecimiento, usando unidades funcionales tanto de masa como de área y datos primarios correspondientes a varias temporadas de cultivo. Los principales puntos críticos ambientales detectados son las emisiones de campo producto de la aplicación de fertilizantes, la irrigación, y la producción de óxidos de cobre. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, se destaca la importancia de usar distintas unidades funcionales y de abordar la variabilidad temporal y la especificidad según el sitio de los datos de inventario, así como de usar métodos de caracterización de impactos regionalizados. Se observa que la contribución de las primeras etapas del cultivo al impacto ambiental de la producción citrícola es baja.[CA] Els cítrics són el cultiu de fruita més important de l'Uruguai en termes de producció, superfície i aportació econòmica. Considerant la gran contribució dels sistemes agroalimentaris als impactes ambientals, avaluar aquells associats a la producció citrícola del país cobra gran rellevància per a transitar cap a sistemes alimentaris sostenibles. En aquesta línia, l'objectiu de la present tesi és avaluar aquests impactes ambientals utilitzant l'anàlisi de cicle de vida (ACV) i estudiar aspectes metodològics claus de la seua aplicació a la producció citrícola. Es fa una revisió crítica de la literatura d'ACV de cítrics i es desenvolupen quatre casos d'estudi en explotacions representatives de la regió, en concret, la producció de llimes, mandarines i taronges, i la producció de plançons en viver. Els impactes s'avaluen del bressol fins a la porta de l'establiment, usant unitats funcionals tant de massa com d'àrea i dades primàries corresponents a diverses temporades de cultiu. Els principals punts crítics ambientals detectats són les emissions de camp, producte de l'aplicació de fertilitzants, la irrigació, i la producció d'òxids de coure. Des del punt de vista metodològic, es destaca la importància d'usar diferents unitats funcionals i d'abordar la variabilitat temporal i els aspectes lloc-específics de les dades d'inventari, així com d'usar mètodes de caracterització d'impactes regionalitzats. S'observa que la contribució de les primeres etapes del cultiu a l'impacte ambiental de la producció citrícola és baixa.[EN] Citrus is the most important fruit crop in Uruguay in terms of production, area, and economy. Considering the great contribution of agri-food systems to environmental impacts, evaluating those associated with citrus production in the country becomes highly relevant to move towards sustainable food systems. In this line, the goal of this dissertation is to evaluate these environmental impacts using life cycle assessment (LCA) and to study key methodological aspects of its application to citrus production. Literature on citrus LCA is critically reviewed and four case studies are developed in representative agricultural holdings of the region, specifically, the production of lemons, mandarins and oranges, and the production of seedlings in nurseries. Impacts are assessed from cradle to gate, using both mass and area functional units and primary data for several growing seasons. The main environmental hotspots detected are on-field emissions from fertiliser application, irrigation, and copper oxides production. As to methodology, the relevance of using different functional units and addressing temporal variability and site-specificity of inventory data is highlighted, as well as using regionalised impact characterisation methods. It is observed that the contribution of the first stages of the crop to the environmental impacts of citrus production is low.Maria Inés Cabot is the recipient of a PhD scholarship (POS_EXT_2018_1_154319) from the National Agency for Research and Innovation (ANII, Uruguay) and received a support scholarship for the completion of postgraduate studies (BFPD_2023_1#46477920) from the Postgraduate Academic Commission (CAP, University of the Republic).Cabot Lujambio, MI. (2023). Evaluación de la sostenibilidad ambiental de la producción citrícola en el Uruguay mediante análisis de ciclo de vida [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/199490Compendi

    Bioprocess intensification for isopropanol, butanol and ethanol (IBE) production by fermentation from sugarcane and sweet sorghum juices through a gas stripping-pervaporation recovery process

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    Producción CientíficaButanol and isopropanol are important commodity chemicals with a variety of applications. One of the main obstacles for biobutanol production by IBE (isopropanol–butanol–ethanol) fermentation is the intensive energy consumption for product recovery by conventional distillation due to low butanol titer in fermentation broth caused by butanol toxicity to cells. In the present study, butanol production by batch IBE fermentation coupled to an in situ gas stripping-pervaporation process to recover the butanol is proposed using Clostridium beijerinckii DSM 6423 and a mixture of sugarcane-sweet sorghum juices as substrate. Gas stripping was used to continuously remove butanol from the fermentation broth, followed with pervaporation to further concentrate butanol. The strategy used allows alleviating butanol inhibition and to recuperate a condensate containing high butanol concentration (559 g/L). A kinetic model describing butanol production by IBE fermentation was developed. Kinetic parameters and experimental data were used to estimate the energy consumption of the sugarcane-sweet sorghum IBE production process. It was found that although the IBE production process showed less energy consumption (15%) than the butanol production process by ABE (acetone-butanol-ethanol) fermentation, a substantial improvement is still necessary for the process to be energetically/economically attractive.Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación (ANII), Uruguay ( FSE 102720

    Aspects of sustainability and design engineering for the production of interconnected smart food packaging.

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    In the present work, the problem of food wastage and the concept of sustainability are studied. An analysis of Life Cycle Assessment as a tool and of the innovative concept of Cradle to Cradle is also carried out, together with an exhaustive comparison of these two approaches. Based on these concepts, an integrated methodology is proposed for the design of interconnected smart products. The smart packaging systems currently available are studied theoretically and a practical case is analysed using the proposed methodology through the design and Life Cycle Assessment of a smart interconnected container that is able to detect the ethylene emitted by climacteric fruit, thereby minimizing food wastage. For the case under study, a major impact is observed of the selected plastics in the resources category, and of the smart system in the human health category