119 research outputs found

    Effect of vibrations on the pre-edge features of x-ray absorption spectra

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    The influence of atomic vibrations on x-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) is calculated by assuming that vibrational energies are small with respect to the instrumental resolution. The resulting expression shows that, at the K-edge, vibrations enable electric dipole transitions to 3s and 3d final states. The theory is applied to the K-edge of Al in Al2O3 corundum and of Ti in TiO2 rutile and compared with experiment. At the Al K-edge, sizeable transitions towards 3s final states are obtained, leading to a clear improvement of the agreement with experimental spectra. At the Ti K-edge, electric dipole transitions towards 3d final states explain the temperature dependence of the pre-edge features.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Structural relaxations around Ti, Cr and Fe impurities in alpha-Al2O3 probed by x-ray absorption near edge structure combined with first-principles calculations

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    We determine the structural relaxations around paramagnetic impurities (Ti, Cr, Fe) in corundum (alpha-Al2O3), by combining x-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) experiments and ab initio calculations. The structural relaxations are found to be very local. We then show that XANES is sensitive to small variations in interatomic distances within the coordination shell of the absorbing atom. The experiments were carried out on single crystals of ruby and sapphires. Linear dichroic signals are essential to characterize the geometry of the impurity site. The calculations were performed within a self-consistent ``non muffin-tin'' framework, that uses pseudopotentials, plane-wave basis set, and the continued fraction for the absorption cross section

    X-ray Linear Dichroism in cubic compounds: the case of Cr3+ in MgAl2O4

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    The angular dependence (x-ray linear dichroism) of the Cr K pre-edge in MgAl2O4:Cr3+ spinel is measured by means of x-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy (XANES) and compared to calculations based on density functional theory (DFT) and ligand field multiplet theory (LFM). We also present an efficient method, based on symmetry considerations, to compute the dichroism of the cubic crystal starting from the dichroism of a single substitutional site. DFT shows that the electric dipole transitions do not contribute to the features visible in the pre-edge and provides a clear vision of the assignment of the 1s-->3d transitions. However, DFT is unable to reproduce quantitatively the angular dependence of the pre-edge, which is, on the other side, well reproduced by LFM calculations. The most relevant factors determining the dichroism of Cr K pre-edge are identified as the site distortion and 3d-3d electronic repulsion. From this combined DFT, LFM approach is concluded that when the pre-edge features are more intense than 4 % of the edge jump, pure quadrupole transitions cannot explain alone the origin of the pre-edge. Finally, the shape of the dichroic signal is more sensitive than the isotropic spectrum to the trigonal distortion of the substitutional site. This suggests the possibility to obtain quantitative information on site distortion from the x-ray linear dichroism by performing angular dependent measurements on single crystals

    Erythrocyte phospholipid and polyunsaturated fatty acid composition in diabetic retinopathy

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    Background: Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs) including docosahexaenoic acid and arachidonic acid are suspected to play a key role in the pathogenesis of diabetes. LCPUFAs are known to be preferentially concentrated in specific phospholipids termed as plasmalogens. This study was aimed to highlight potential changes in the metabolism of phospholipids, and particularly plasmalogens, and LCPUFAs at various stages of diabetic retinopathy in humans. Methodology and Principal Findings: We performed lipidomic analyses on red blood cell membranes from controls and mainly type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with or without retinopathy. The fatty acid composition of erythrocytes was determined by gas chromatography and the phospholipid structure was determined by liquid chromatography equipped with an electrospray ionisation source and coupled with a tandem mass spectrometer (LC-ESI-MS/MS). A significant decrease in levels of docosahexaenoic acid and arachidonic acid in erythrocytes of diabetic patients with or without retinopathy was observed. The origin of this decrease was a loss of phosphatidyl-ethanolamine phospholipids esterified with these LCPUFAs. In diabetic patients without retinopathy, this change was balanced by an increase in the levels of several phosphatidyl-choline species. No influence of diabetes nor of diabetic retinopathy was observed on the concentrations of plasmalogen-type phospholipids. Conclusions and Significance: Diabetes and diabetic retinopathy were associated with a reduction of erythrocyte LCPUFAs in phosphatidyl-ethanolamines. The increase of the amounts of phosphatidyl-choline species in erythrocytes of diabetic patients without diabetic retinopathy might be a compensatory mechanism for the loss of LC-PUFA-rich phosphatidyl-ethanolamines

    Méthode d'optimisation temporelle des algorithmes de vision

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    - Compte tenu de la puissance de calcul disponible sur les robots mobiles, la recherche d'une optimisation temporelle devient un élément fondamental. Dans ce papier, une méthode est proposée, illustrée par deux applications réalisées. Enfin, nous présentons des résultats numériques, issus de « benchmarks » quantifiant les améliorations réalisées

    Projet NoBaby : Apprentissage de la conception/réalisation de produits en mode projet

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    L'Institut Supérieur d'ingénieur de Franche-Comté est une jeune école d'ingénieurs spécialisée dans le génie biomédical. Les étudiants recrutés viennent d'horizons et de cultures scientifique et technique très différents. Dans le cadre des enseignements de construction mécanique, on propose de concevoir et réaliser un système mécanique. Les étudiants doivent concevoir un prototype fonctionnel du produit. Il est ensuite réalisé par prototypage rapide. On propose ici de donner la structuration pédagogique de ce type de projet et des démarches à suivre

    Transposition of a triphosgene-based process for pharmaceutical development: from mg·h-1 to kg·h-1 of an unsymmetrical urea

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    A two reaction synthesis of a urea, using triphosgene, was studied. The objective was to transpose the process from laboratory scale to pre-industrial plant. The whole study was performed in a continuous process, adapting the characteristic dimensions and length of the reactor. In this paper, the development of the process is presented, and the choices about safety and operating conditions constraints are discussed. The final operation allows a 70% global yield in a 7 week study. Furthermore, the use of microreactors not only permits an exhaustive study of the process operating parameters, but also provides feedback on the developed chemistry itself. The results obtained are a demonstration of the use of continuous processes in small scale reactors for complex molecule development. The mg·h-1 to kg·h-1 is a key transposition in the pharmaceutical industries project development, as it can help to accelerate the first lot production used in toxicological or pre-clinic stages

    A new HPLC-ESI-MS/MS method to characterize and quantify phosphatidyl-choline with VLC-PUFA: Application to human retina

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    Purpose: Mutations in the ELOVL4 gene have been found in Stargardt-like macular dystrophy or STD3. Previous studies have shown that ELOVL4 is involved in the biosynthesis of very long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (VLC-PUFA). The aim of this work was to develop a HPLC-ESI-MS/MS method of characterization and quantification of dipolyunsaturated phosphatidyl-choline (PC) molecular species containing VLC-PUFA and to apply it on retinas from human donors. Methods: Eyeballs were collected from calf as well as from nine human donors (body donation to Science). The neural retina was dissected from the RPE/choroid. Following lipid extraction, phosphorus content of total phospholipids was determined.Using a triple quadrupole MS instrument, PC molecular species were structurally characterized by collision-induced dissociation in the negative mode with a method based on normal-HPLC-ESIMS/MS. PC molecular species were then quantified using precursor ion scanning of m/z 184amu in the positive mode. Results: The characterization of PC species was done on bovine retinas. Among them, 28 were dipolyunsaturated PC species containing one VLC-PUFA (C24 to C36) with three to six double bonds. VLC-PUFA were always in the sn-1 position whilst PUFA at the sn-2 position was exclusively docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6.n-3). Most of these VLC-PUFA-containing dipolyunsaturated PC were detected and quantified in human retinas. The main represented compounds were those having VLC-PUFA of 32 carbon atoms (C32:3, C32:4, C32:5 and C32:6) and 34 carbon atoms (C34:3, C34:4, C34:5 and C34:6). Dipolyunsaturated PC with 36:5 and 36:6 were detected in lower quantities. Conclusions: This new HPLC-ESI-MS/MS method is sensitive and specific enough to structurally characterize and quantify all molecular species of PC, including those esterified with VLC-PUFA. This technique is valuable for a precise characterization of PC containingVLC-PUFA in retina and may be useful for better understanding their implication in the pathogenesis of STD3

    Bone Marrow Concentrate (BMC) Therapy in Musculoskeletal Disorders: Evidence-Based Policy Position Statement of American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP)

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    BACKGROUND: The use of bone marrow concentrate (BMC) for treatment of musculoskeletal disorders has become increasingly popular over the last several years, as technology has improved along with the need for better solutions for these pathologies. The use of cellular tissue raises a number of issues regarding the US Food and Drug Administration\u27s (FDA) regulation in classifying these treatments as a drug versus just autologous tissue transplantation. In the case of BMC in musculoskeletal and spine care, this determination will likely hinge on whether BMC is homologous to the musculoskeletal system and spine. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this review is to describe the current regulatory guidelines set in place by the FDA, specifically the terminology around minimal manipulation and homologous use within Regulation 21 CFR Part 1271, and specifically how this applies to the use of BMC in interventional musculoskeletal medicine. METHODS: The methodology utilized here is similar to the methodology utilized in preparation of multiple guidelines employing the experience of a panel of experts from various medical specialties and subspecialties from differing regions of the world. The collaborators who developed these position statements have submitted their appropriate disclosures of conflicts of interest. Trustworthy standards were employed in the creation of these position statements. The literature pertaining to BMC, its effectiveness, adverse consequences, FDA regulations, criteria for meeting the standards of minimal manipulation, and homologous use were comprehensively reviewed using a best evidence synthesis of the available and relevant literature. RESULTS/Summary of Evidence: In conjunction with evidence-based medicine principles, the following position statements were developed: Statement 1: Based on a review of the literature in discussing the preparation of BMC using accepted methodologies, there is strong evidence of minimal manipulation in its preparation, and moderate evidence for homologous utility for various musculoskeletal and spinal conditions qualifies for the same surgical exemption. Statement 2: Assessment of clinical effectiveness based on extensive literature shows emerging evidence for multiple musculoskeletal and spinal conditions. • The evidence is highest for knee osteoarthritis with level II evidence based on relevant systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials and nonrandomized studies. There is level III evidence for knee cartilage conditions. • Based on the relevant systematic reviews, randomized trials, and nonrandomized studies, the evidence for disc injections is level III. • Based on the available literature without appropriate systematic reviews or randomized controlled trials, the evidence for all other conditions is level IV or limited for BMC injections. Statement 3: Based on an extensive review of the literature, there is strong evidence for the safety of BMC when performed by trained physicians with the appropriate precautions under image guidance utilizing a sterile technique. Statement 4: Musculoskeletal disorders and spinal disorders with related disability for economic and human toll, despite advancements with a wide array of treatment modalities. Statement 5: The 21st Century Cures Act was enacted in December 2016 with provisions to accelerate the development and translation of promising new therapies into clinical evaluation and use. Statement 6: Development of cell-based therapies is rapidly proliferating in a number of disease areas, including musculoskeletal disorders and spine. With mixed results, these therapies are greatly outpacing the evidence. The reckless publicity with unsubstantiated claims of beneficial outcomes having putative potential, and has led the FDA Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to issue multiple warnings. Thus the US FDA is considering the appropriateness of using various therapies, including BMC, for homologous use. Statement 7: Since the 1980\u27s and the description of mesenchymal stem cells by Caplan et al, (now called medicinal signaling cells), the use of BMC in musculoskeletal and spinal disorders has been increasing in the management of pain and promoting tissue healing. Statement 8: The Public Health Service Act (PHSA) of the FDA requires minimal manipulation under same surgical procedure exemption. Homologous use of BMC in musculoskeletal and spinal disorders is provided by preclinical and clinical evidence. Statement 9: If the FDA does not accept BMC as homologous, then it will require an Investigational New Drug (IND) classification with FDA (351) cellular drug approval for use. Statement 10: This literature review and these position statements establish compliance with the FDA\u27s intent and corroborates its present description of BMC as homologous with same surgical exemption, and exempt from IND, for use of BMC for treatment of musculoskeletal tissues, such as cartilage, bones, ligaments, muscles, tendons, and spinal discs. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the review of all available and pertinent literature, multiple position statements have been developed showing that BMC in musculoskeletal disorders meets the criteria of minimal manipulation and homologous use. KEY WORDS: Cell-based therapies, bone marrow concentrate, mesenchymal stem cells, medicinal signaling cells, Food and Drug Administration, human cells, tissues, and cellular tissue-based products, Public Health Service Act (PHSA), minimal manipulation, homologous use, same surgical procedure exemption

    Extending the clinical spectrum of X-linked Tonne-Kalscheuer syndrome (TOKAS):new insights from the fetal perspective

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    INTRODUCTION: Tonne-Kalscheuer syndrome (TOKAS) is a recessive X-linked multiple congenital anomaly disorder caused by RLIM variations. Of the 41 patients reported, only 7 antenatal cases were described.METHOD: After the antenatal diagnosis of TOKAS by exome analysis in a family followed for over 35 years because of multiple congenital anomalies in five male fetuses, a call for collaboration was made, resulting in a cohort of 11 previously unpublished cases.RESULTS: We present a TOKAS antenatal cohort, describing 11 new cases in 6 French families. We report a high frequency of diaphragmatic hernia (9 of 11), differences in sex development (10 of 11) and various visceral malformations. We report some recurrent dysmorphic features, but also pontocerebellar hypoplasia, pre-auricular skin tags and olfactory bulb abnormalities previously unreported in the literature. Although no clear genotype-phenotype correlation has yet emerged, we show that a recurrent p.(Arg611Cys) variant accounts for 66% of fetal TOKAS cases. We also report two new likely pathogenic variants in RLIM, outside of the two previously known mutational hotspots.CONCLUSION: Overall, we present the first fetal cohort of TOKAS, describe the clinical features that made it a recognisable syndrome at fetopathological examination, and extend the phenotypical spectrum and the known genotype of this rare disorder.</p