66 research outputs found

    The buying center concept as a milestone in industrial marketing: Review and research agenda

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    The buying center (BC) has captivated the attention of researchers for >50 years, becoming a central element of organizational buying behavior. While it seems easy to identify the BC participants in any given situation, the marketing literature lacks an integrative framework for examining the nature of BC. The purpose of this study is threefold: (1) to develop a rigorous BC conceptual model; (2) to provide an assessment of the BC state-of-the-art; and (3) to identify key opportunities for future research. Based on a systematic literature review, the descriptive findings indicate a decreasing number of publications since the late 2000s and that top-tier marketing journals have been almost silent since the early 90s. The domain-based findings suggest a three-layer model driving a thorough understanding of the concept, the main stages associated with BC deployment (formation, dynamics, and outcomes), and the contextual factors influencing BC decision-making

    Online reverse auctions research in marketing versus SCM: A review and future directions

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    An online reverse auction (ORA) is a dynamic procurement mechanism that allows suppliers to compete in real time via a platform to gain a buyer’s business. The ORA is a technological tool introduced in the late 1990s, gaining proponents and detractors among practitioners and academics. Remarkably, while practitioner interestin ORAs has grown, related marketing and supply chain management (SCM) research has declined. This contradiction between theory and practice suggests the need to conduct a systematic review to provide readers with a state-of-the-art understanding of ORAs and recommend fruitful avenues for further research. We focus on the marketing literature and contrast the findings with SCM literature, in such an analysis practical relevance is stressed. Our study offers three main contributions: (1) integration of the cumulative marketing knowledge on ORAs in the 2002–2020 period, (2) development of a three-layer framework of the ORA domain (i.e., conceptualization, ORA as a process, and research setting), and (3) construction of a new research agenda to deal with scholarly challenges and emerging trends.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. GPC ED431B 2022/10Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Why firms relocate their production overseas? The answer lies inside: corporate, logistic and technological determinants

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    The paper analyses the drivers of international production relocation using a model built on intra-corporate factors. The results of an empirical research on an original and thorough data base for the Spanish automobile parts sector over the period 2001-2008 show the impact of corporate restructuring strategies on flexibility for transferring resources overseas. In particular, the larger the number of alternative plants in other countries, the greater the operational flexibility and, therefore, the more likely relocation will be. Second, lean supply requirements and technological complexity in the product or process at production plant level are both serious barriers to mobility. Finally, our results confirm that sunk costs are irrelevant in comparison with corporate factors

    The Impact of COVID-19 in Social Sustainability

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    The idea of UN Sustainable Development Goals that no one is left behind is gaining higher importance, especially during the pandemic. Despite social sustainability is a complex topic due to the absence of a clear definition and its subjectivity. It relates with existing social problems, where the COVID-19 pandemic has also increased these problems in the food value chain: poor decent working conditions, lack of occupational health and safety at the workplace, forced labor, and intensive hours of work, among others. As half of the world's workforce is involved in the food industry, the better understanding of its associated value chains in times of pandemic can contribute to improve social sustainable practices. With this aim the current paper identifies and analyzes current challenges and problems linked to social sustainability in times of COVID-19, identifying key actors and potential solutions and recommendations. The research adopts a qualitative and exploratory method applied through the Grounded Theory analysis combining desk research with inputs from a multi-stakeholder consultation of 35 fishery experts from all over the world. The paper provides new insights and shared experiences about social sustainability in the fish value chain to overcome the crisis times we are living in

    Business models in times of disruption: the connected and autonomous vehicles (uncertain) domino effect

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    The ongoing digitalization of the economy is challenging the value creation process in traditional business. In the mobility-related industry, the disruptive potential of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) has the capacity to transform business models. However, great uncertainty exists regarding the technological evolution and social trends that will condition businesses in the near future. This paper intends to use contingency theory to shed light on this topic and better understand the enhancers and barriers that managers should deal with to create, deliver, and capture value associated to CAV. With this aim, the paper adopts a qualitative approach based on in-depth interviews with high-level managers from different industries. The findings suggest the importance of data management to better understand the needs of the customer and vehicle requirements so that differential value can be provided. Two potential solutions that have emerged are, first, the establishment of alliances between companies competing in different areas and, second, digital platforms in order to enhance customer experience and the evolution from B2C to B2B markets associated with growing servitization.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2020-116040RB-I00Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431B 2022/10Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Mobility business models toward a digital tomorrow: Challenges for automotive manufacturers

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    The development of digital business models is impacting the traditional value chain for mobility, implying changes as well as future challenges for automotive manufacturers. Taking a Global Value Chain approach, this work analyses the recent evolution, short-term direction, and medium- to long-term future vision of the adoption of digital mobility business models by automotive manufacturers. Results suggest that, while the firms analysed are currently incorporating relevant business models through autonomous vehicles, digital platforms, connectivity, and carsharing, they are mostly focused on marketplace exploitation through digital platforms and services related to connectivity. Key elements for the development of future mobility business models include data collection and management as well as interconnection. At the same time, digitalization is expected to reconfigure not only associated business models but also the relationships among actors within the value chain. These relationships will become more complex for automotive manufacturers, who may lose control of value-added activities and acquire dependence on certain actors such as technology and service partners, which are expected to play a pivotal role in meeting new opportunities. As a result, the decision-making power of value chain participants will likely be more widely distributed.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2020-116040RB-I00Xunta de Galicia | Ref. GPC-ED431B 2022/10Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Evolución de la periferia europea en la cadena de valor automotriz: lecciones aprendidas de Galicia (España)

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    La industria automotriz llegó hace casi 60 años a Galicia de la mano de la empresa francesa Peugeot-Citroën. En este lapso de tiempo se han producido cambios en el sistema productivo que ha permitido una evolución hacia actividades de mayor valor añadido. La disponibilidad de un tejido institucional sólido, la alta cualificación del empleo y el desarrollo de un entramado productivo con base local, han sido algunos de los factores clave en esta evolución. Las lecciones obtenidas pueden constituir una referencia para otras regiones periféricas del sector automotriz. Sin embargo, la industria de la región vislumbra una serie de retos que tendrá que acometer y que serán extensibles a otras regiones. Estos retos exigen un enfoque que integre al tejido productivo, las administraciones públicas y la sociedad

    The Firm Competencies as Profitability's Key

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    Texto dispoñible en galego e españolUnha das principais vías de investigación no campo da dirección estratéxica é explicar por que as empresas son diferentes entre si e cales son as bases das vantaxes competitivas. En particular, co presente artigo pretendemos desenvolver unha nova contribución sobre este debate. Para iso, realizamos unha revisión teórica sobre os principais enfoques que tratan de explicar as fontes de competitividade; a partir desta, propoñemos unha serie de hipóteses que pretenden achegar indicios sobre a validez de cada unha das aproximacións identificadas. Con este obxecto, recorremos á descomposición da varianza da rendibilidade económica co fin de determinar cales dos enfoques posúen un maior valor, sobre unha mostra de empresas representativa da economía españolaUna de las principales vías de investigación en el campo de la dirección estratégica es explicar por qué las empresas son diferentes entre sí y cuáles son las bases de las ventajas competitivas. En particular, con el presente artículo pretendemos desarrollar una nueva aportación sobre este debate. Para ello, hemos realizado una revisión teórica sobre los principales enfoques que tratan de explicar las fuentes de competitividad; a partir de esta, proponemos una serie de hipótesis que pretenden aportar indicios sobre la validez de cada una de las aproximaciones identificadas. Con este objeto, hemos recurrido a la descomposición de la varianza de la rentabilidad económica con el fin de determinar cuáles de los enfoques poseen un mayor valor, sobre una muestra de empresas representativa de la economía españolaWhy the firms are so different between them and which are the sources of competitive advantage are questions very investigated in the strategic management arena. Particularly, in the present paper, we try to develop a contribution about the discussion. In this way, it is presented a theoretical revision about the main streams which try to explain the sources of competitiveness; from this revision, are proposed the hypothesis which try to offer evidences about the validity of each one of the identified approaches. Based on this goal, we used the estimation of the variance components of the return on assets to assess the approaches with higher power in the explanation of this economical magnitude. The sample analysed tries to be representative of the Spanish economyS

    Can the periphery achieve core? The case of the automobile components industry in Spain

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    The paper analyses changes experienced by Spain, as a European Peripheral region, in the spatial concentration of value-added and high-skill activities, and generation of technology in the automobile components industry. The analysis of plants set up (investments) and relocated (divestments) by multinationals (MNEs) between 2001 and 2010 show that Spain is no longer a place for labour-intensive activities and standardized processes using simple technologies in comparison to other peripheral regions. However, the continuing majority presence of foreign-owned companies is limiting decision power for generating and transferring technology, concentrating it mainly in those which Spanish MNEs have specialise

    Gestión del circulante. Una aplicación práctica para la PYME

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    Nunca a liquidez foi un ben tan prezado. A Gran Crise de 2008 contraeu a demanda e estrangulou o crédito. E a que apunta tras a sacudida do COVID confirma que o que ten liquidez quizá poida aguantar e sobrevivir. Esa é a terapia que se prescribe ás empresas desde as políticas públicas. A xestión do circulante debe orientarse, máis que nunca, a preservar a liquidez e, tamén, a apoiar a rendibilidade. Este traballo tratar de ocupar un espazo de coñecemento útil para un estudante de finanzas e para un xestor financeiro. Faio coa humildade que debe ter o coñecemento cando un financeiro ha de enfrontarse ás súas limitacións