16 research outputs found

    Prototipo de sistema e-health, utilizando la plataforma mysignals hw 2.0.

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    The incorporation of new technologies that involve telemedicine, is considered as an effective and long time solution that can be used to solve some of the National Health System issues. It was seen what is its development in Colombia and the world in general, besides the way in which this project can help the local incorporation of e-Health systems, through the application of engineering and especially electronics. These developments were reviewed at a national and international level, as well as the way in which this project can help the local incorporation of e-Health systems, through the application of engineering and especially electronics. The company Libellium has launched platform models for e-Health uses. The project uses MySignals HW 2.0 designed only for researchers and developers, this platform in conjunction with the development platform works as an e-Health system, it addresses the implementation of this system in order to have approval in our local area Barranquilla for generate reliable results, susceptible as an alternative solution to the national health system. Then, the results obtained by the system were analyzed, making a calibration between patterns and the sensors with which the device is available. Verifying the effectiveness of the project by calculating the errors in each case. The final report of the project titled prototype of e-Health system using Mysignals HW 2.0 platform showing the functioning of the system, coupling and results is presentedDentro de las problemáticas que presenta el Sistema de salud Nacional, se abordó como una solución efectiva y a largo plazo la incorporación de nuevas tecnologías que permiten aplicar la telemedicina, como una solución válida para mejorar las prestaciones de salud en el país. Se revisaron estos desarrollos a nivel nacional e internacional, además la forma en que este proyecto puede ayudar a la incorporación local de los sistemas e-Health, por medio de la aplicación de la ingeniería y especialmente de la electrónica. La empresa Libellium ha lanzado modelos de plataformas para usos de e-Health. En el proyecto se utiliza MySignals HW 2.0 diseñada solo para investigadores y desarrolladores , dicha plataforma en conjunto con plataforma de desarrollos funciona como un sistema e-Health, se aborda la implementación de este sistema con el fin de tener aprobación en nuestra área local Barranquilla para generar resultados confiables, susceptible como alternativa de solución el sistema de salud nacional Luego se analizaron los resultados obtenidos por el sistema, realizando una calibración entre patrones y los sensores con los que dispone el dispositivo realizado. Verificando la efectividad del proyecto mediante el cálculo de los errores en cada caso. Se presenta el informe final del proyecto titulado prototipo de sistema e-Health usando plataforma Mysignals HW 2.0 mostrando el funcionamiento del sistema, acople y resultado

    Equipo de obtención de información en obras e infraestructuras basado en un vehículo aéreo no tripulado

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    Equipo de obtención de información en obras e infraestructuras basado en vehículo aéreo no tripulado, (UAV) que comprende, al menos: (i) un vehículo aéreo no tripulado (UAV) que comprende medios para su control y operación desde tierra, medios de adquisición y medios de registro sincronizado de imágenes y datos; y (ii) una estación en tierra (ET) comprendiendo, a su vez, un dispositivo de radio-control, y un computador para ayuda a la operación comprendiendo medios para la planificación, construcción y mantenimiento de obras e infraestructuras, incluyendo la georeferenciación de las imágenes, la construcción de mapas en dos y tres dimensiones, y la obtención de medidas entre puntos y rasgos característicos.Españ

    Circonscription et mise en valeur des patrimoines universitaires

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    Le travail que nous vous présentons porte le patrimoine universitaire et sa valorisation au centre du questionnement. Nous avons entrepris de circonscrire la notion de patrimoine immatériel universitaire afin de vous la présenter. Celle-ci est de manière diachronique et synchronique à l’échelle européenne et nationale.Cette contextualisation permet une exemplification par le patrimoine universitaire d’Aix-Marseille Université. Nous partirons de références larges puis viendrons nous concentrer sur le cas plus spécifique d’Aix-Marseille Université. La présentation se déroule en trois grands mouvements qui permettront en un premier temps de circonscrire le patrimoine universitaire et plus précisément le patrimoine immatériel universitaire. Le second mouvement présentera les entités constitutives de ces patrimoines universitaires sans perdre de vue la prédominance de notre intérêt pour le patrimoine immatériel. Car le troisième mouvement sera dédié à la communication aux publics de cette mise en valeur du patrimoine immatériel universitaire

    Cultural Differences in Attitudes Toward Action and Inaction : The Role of Dialecticism

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    The current research examinedwhether nations differ in their attitudes toward action and inaction. Itwas anticipated that members of dialectical EastAsian societies would show a positive association in their attitudes toward action/inaction.However,members of nondialectical European-American societieswere expected to showa negative association in their attitudes toward action/inaction. Young adults in 19 nations completed measures of dialectical thinking and attitudes toward action/inaction. Results frommulti-level modeling showed, as predicted, that people fromhigh dialecticism nations reported amore positive association in their attitudes toward action and inaction than people from low dialecticism nations. Furthermore, these findings remained after controlling for cultural differences in individualism-collectivism, neuroticism, gross-domestic product, and response style. Discussion highlights the implications of these findings for action/inaction goals, dialecticism, and culture

    Cultural Differences in Attitudes Toward Action and Inaction: The Role of Dialecticism

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    The current research examined whether nations differ in their attitudes toward action and inaction. It was anticipated that members of dialectical East Asian societies would show a positive association in their attitudes toward action/inaction. However, members of non-dialectical European-American societies were expected to show a negative association in their attitudes toward action/inaction. Young adults in 19 nations completed measures of dialectical thinking and attitudes toward action/inaction. Results from multi-level modeling showed, as predicted, that people from high dialecticism nations reported a more positive association in their attitudes toward action and inaction than people from low dialecticism nations. Furthermore, these findings remained after controlling for cultural differences in individualism-collectivism, neuroticism, gross-domestic product, and response style. Discussion highlights the implications of these findings for action/inaction goals, dialecticism, and culture. © The Author(s) 2013

    Cultural Differences in Attitudes Toward Action and Inaction: The Role of Dialecticism

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    The current research examined whether nations differ in their attitudes toward action and inaction. It was anticipated that members of dialectical East Asian societies would show a positive association in their attitudes toward action/inaction. However, members of non-dialectical European-American societies were expected to show a negative association in their attitudes toward action/inaction. Young adults in 19 nations completed measures of dialectical thinking and attitudes toward action/inaction. Results from multi-level modeling showed, as predicted, that people from high dialecticism nations reported a more positive association in their attitudes toward action and inaction than people from low dialecticism nations. Furthermore, these findings remained after controlling for cultural differences in individualism-collectivism, neuroticism, gross-domestic product, and response style. Discussion highlights the implications of these findings for action/inaction goals, dialecticism, and culture. © The Author(s) 2013