605 research outputs found

    Classical properties of algebras using a new graph association

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    We study the relation between algebraic structures and Graph Theory. We have defined five different weighted digraphs associated to a finite dimensional algebra over a field in order to tackle important properties of the associated algebras, mainly the nilpotency and solvability in the case of Leibniz algebras

    HPLC-CUPRAC Post-Column Derivatization Method for the Determination of Antioxidants: A Performance Comparison Between Porous Silica and Core-Shell Column Packing

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    Background: An HPLC method employing a post-column derivatization strategy using the cupric reducing antioxidant capacity reagent (CUPRAC reagent) for the determining antioxidants in plant-based materials leverages the separation capability of regular HPLC approaches while allowing for detection specificity for antioxidants. Methods: Three different column types, namely core-shell and porous silica including two chemically different core-shell materials (namely phenyl-hexyl and C18), were evaluated to assess potential improvements that could be attained by changing from a porous silica matrix to a core-shell matrix. Tea extracts were used as sample matrices for the evaluation specifically looking at catechin and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Results: Both the C18 and phenyl-hexyl core-shell columns showed better performance compared to the C18 porous silica one in terms of separation, peak shape, and retention time. Among the two core-shell materials, the phenyl-hexyl column showed better resolving power compared to the C18 column. Conclusions: The CUPRAC post-column derivatization method can be improved using core-shell columns and suitable for quantifying antioxidants, exemplified by catechin and EGCG, in tea samples

    Síndrome de Lynch. Prevalencia, características clínicas y tratamiento

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    El cáncer colorrectal hereditario no polipósico (HNPCC) o síndrome de Lynch es de transmisión autosómica dominante con una penetrancia del 85% y representa alrededor del 5% de todos los cánceres colorrectales. El presente trabajo se realizó para establecer la prevalencia del síndrome de Lynch y comparar, sus características clínicas y tipos de tratamientos empleados, con los pacientes con cáncer colorrectal esporádico. Es un estudio observacional descriptivo con componente analítico donde se incluyeron todos los pacientes con cáncer colorrectal demostrado por estudio histopatológico que concurrieron entre junio del 1999 a abril del 2005 a los servicios de cirugía general del Hospital de Clínicas e Instituto de Previsión Social. Se contactó en forma personal con el paciente o familiar de primer grado para evaluar los antecedentes familiares de otras neoplasias y así reunir información para el diagnóstico del síndrome de Lynch utilizando los criterios de Amsterdam II. Fueron estudiados 324 pacientes con cáncer colorrectal y la prevalencia del síndrome de Lynch fue de 2,7% (IC 95% 0,9-4,5). La mediana de edad fue significativamente más baja, mientras que, la presencia de tumores sincrónicos y metacrónicos fueron significativamente más alta en los sujetos con síndrome de Lynch que en los pacientes con cáncer colorrectal esporádico. No se encontró diferencia significativa en el estadío evolutivo de los tumores y ninguna diferencia en el tipo de resecciones quirúrgicas en ambos grupos de pacientes. La prevalencia del síndrome de Lynch en pacientes con cáncer colorrectal fue baja, sus características clínicas fueron significativamente diferentes al de cáncer colorrectal esporádico, mientras que el tipo de resecciones quirúrgicas no difiere en ambos grupos de pacientes

    A considerable fraction of soil-respired CO2 is not emitted directly to the atmosphere

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    All data used in this study are freely available (http://criticalzone.org/ catalina-jemez/data/datasets/). The authors wish to thank Rebecca Larkin Minor and Nate Abramson for their careful operation and maintenance of the field measurement devices. The program “Unidades de Excelencia Científica del Plan Propio de Investigación de la Universidad de Granada” funded the cost of this publicationSoil CO2 efflux (Fsoil) is commonly considered equal to soil CO2 production (Rsoil), and both terms are used interchangeably. However, a non-negligible fraction of Rsoil can be consumed in the subsurface due to a host of disparate, yet simultaneous processes. The ratio between CO2 efflux/O2 influx, known as the apparent respiratory quotient (ARQ), enables new insights into CO2 losses from Rsoil not previously captured by Fsoil. We present the first study using continuous ARQ estimates to evaluate annual CO2 losses of carbon produced from Rsoil. We found that up to 1/3 of Rsoil was emitted directly to the atmosphere, whereas 2/3 of Rsoil was removed by subsurface processes. These subsurface losses are attributable to dissolution in water, biological activities and chemical reactions. Having better estimates of Rsoil is key to understanding the true influence of ecosystem production on Rsoil, as well as the role of soil CO2 production in other connected processes within the critical zoneThis project and data were supported by NSF awards 1417101 and 1331408, as well as by the European Commission project DIESEL (FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IOF, 625988) and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (IJCI-2016-30822)

    Effects of varying the intensity of the primary tones on the amplitudes of Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions (OAEdp) in patients with normal hearing

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloIntroducción: Las emisiones otoacústicas (EOA) son sonidos generados por las células ciliadas externas (CCE). Se ha visto que la generación y registro de las EOA evocadas depende de factores técnicos de evaluación como el nivel de intensidad de los tonos primarios, relación frecuencial entre los tonos, etc. Objetivos: Estudiar el efecto de la variación de la intensidad de los tonos primarios en la amplitud de la respuesta de las EOA producto de distorsión (pd) en individuos con audición normal. Material y método: Se evaluaron 35 individuos a los cuales se les midieron EOApd utilizando diferentes intensidades de tonos primarios: Intensidad baja (I1=50dBSPL e I2=50dBSPL), intensidad media (I1=55dBSPL e I2=65dBSPL) e intensidad alta (I1=70dBSPL e I2=70dBSPL). Resultados: Se observó que para tonos primarios a bajas intensidades (I1=50dBSPL e I2=50dBSPL) existe una disminución tanto en amplitud y presencia de las EOApd, mientras que para tonos primarios a intensidades mayores (I1=55dBSPL e I2=65dBSPL - I1=70dBSPL e I2=70dBSPL) se evidenció un aumento en amplitud y presencia de EOApd en los sujetos estudiados. Conclusión: Se evidencian diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la amplitud de las EOApd al variar la intensidad de los tonos primarios. Por lo cual se puede establecer que las intensidades medias-altas son las más adecuadas para la evaluación de EOApd en sujetos con audición normal.Introduction: Otoacoustic emissions (OAE) are sounds produced by outer hair cells. The generation and recording of evoked OAE depends on technical factors such as level of intensity of primary tones, frequency relationship between the tones, etc. Aim: To study the effect of varying the intensity of primary tones in the amplitude of the response of Distortion Product OAE (DP) in individuals with normal hearing. Material and method: 35 individuals were measured using different intensities OAEdp primary tones: Low Intensity (I1= I2 =50dBSPL 50dBSPL e), Medium Intensity (11= I2 =65dBSPL 55dBSPL e) and High Intensity (I1 =70dBSPL and I2 =70dBSPL). Results: Using Low primary tones (I1 =I2 =50dBSPL 50dBSPL) there is a decrease in amplitude and presence of DPOAE, while for primary tones at higher intensities (I1 and I2 = = 55dBSPL 65dBSPL -11 =70dBSPL and I2 =70dBSPL) an increase in amplitude and presence of OAEdp in subjects with normal hearing was observed . Conclusion: There are statistically significant differences in OAEdp amplitude by varying the intensity of the primary tones. Therefore medium-high intensities are best suited for the evaluation of OAEdp in subjects with normal hearing.http://ref.scielo.org/36dbs

    Harmonic generation by atomic and nanoparticle precursors in a ZnS laser ablation plasma

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    Harmonic generation of a driving laser propagating across a laser ablation plasma serves for the diagnosis of multicomponent plumes. Here we study the contribution of atomic and nanoparticle precursors to the generation of coherent ultraviolet and vacuum ultraviolet light as low-order harmonics of the fundamental emission (1064 nm) of a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser in a nanosecond infrared ZnS laser ablation plasma. Odd harmonics from the 3rd up to the 9th order (118.2 nm) have been observed with distinct temporal and spatial characteristics which were determined by varying the delay between the ablation and driving nanosecond pulses and by spatially scanning the plasma with the focused driving beam propagating parallel to the target. At short distances from the target surface (≤1 mm), the harmonic intensity displays two temporal components peaked at around 250 ns and 10 μs. While the early component dies off quickly with increasing harmonic order and vanishes for the 9th order, the late component is notably intense for the 7th harmonic and is still clearly visible for the 9th. Spectral analysis of spontaneous plume emissions help to assign the origin of the two components. While the early plasma component is mainly constituted by neutral Zn atoms, the late component is mostly due to nanoparticles, which upon interaction with the driving laser are subject to breakup and ionization. With the aid of calculations of the phase matching integrals within the perturbative model of optical harmonic generation, these results illustrate how atom and nanoparticle populations, with differing temporal and spatial distributions within the ablation plasma, contribute to the nonlinear medium.Funding has been provided by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) of Spain under Project CTQ2013-43086-P. I.L-Q., A.B-C. and M.O. thank respectively MINECO, for a FPI fellowship (BES-2011-044738), CSIC, for a JAE-TEC 2010 contract and CSIC for a contract. Fruitful discussions with Dr. Mikel Sanz and Prof. A. Gonzalez-Arroyo are acknowledged.Peer reviewe

    Eficiência energética na fabricação de placas cerãmicas mediante a utilização de óleo térmico

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    O processo de fabricação de placas cerâmicas consome uma grande quantidade de energia, maioritariamente energia térmica, que se obtém da combustão de gás natural. O aumento do custo deste combustível, assim como a situação económica do presente, faz com que este custo seja crítico para as empresas e pode minar a sua competitividade. O processo de cozedura das placas cerâmicas em fornos de rolos não se destaca precisamente pelo aproveitamento da energia utilizada, visto que aproximadamente 50% perdese através das chaminés de fumos e de arrefecimento do forno. Com o propósito de melhorar o aproveitamento da energia consumida durante a operação de cozedura instalaramse, nas chaminés de um forno, dois permutadores de calor, nos quais os gases provenientes do forno cedem o seu calor sensível a um óleo térmico, que posteriormente o transfere, através de outros dois permutadores, aos gases de secagem nas condutas de recirculação de um secador vertical. Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma instalação industrial experimental, na qual os resultados obtidos de economia energética se situam num valor médio de 650 kW, dependendo das condições de funcionamento e dos materiais processados

    Análisis de la superficie de cultivo para la producción de bioplásticos

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    El presente trabajo establece el potencial de mercado de los Bioplásticos (BPL), en tres escenarios: Escenario CB (crecimiento bajo), Escenario CM (crecimiento medio) y Escenario CR (crecimiento rápido). El objetivo final es Obtener las superficies de cultivo necesarias para satisfacer la demanda de las empresas productoras de BPL, según los tres escenarios. Las regiones geográficas estudiadas son: La Unión Europea (UE-27), Estados Unidos (EE.UU) y la región de Asia-Pacífico, entendiéndose, que esta última región comprende la parte del Centro, Este y Sur de Asia, además de Australia y Nueva Zelanda. Son las principales zonas donde se encuentran las empresas productoras de los BPL estudiados. Más del 95% de los BPL son elaborados en estas regiones. Se han realizado tres proyecciones para los años 2010, 2015 y 2020