10 research outputs found

    Use of Red Wine Polyphenols as a Natural Preservative in Health-Promoting Omega-3 Fatty Acids-Enriched Lamb Patties

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    eat consumption has been related to a higher risk of heart disease due to its saturated fat content. As a consequence, there has been a growth in research on how to increase unsaturated fat content in meat. However, a high content of unsaturated fat favours the development of oxidative processes. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a red wine extract (RWE) rich in polyphenols (50, 100, and 200 mg gallic acid equivalents/kg meat) as a natural antioxidant in lamb meat patties enriched with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) (100 mg n-3 PUFA/100 g meat), compared to using -tocopherol (TOC) (100 mg/kg meat). Adding RWE delayed metmyoglobin formation, lipid oxidation and loss of n-3 PUFA relative to controls, while TOC had no effect on preventing meat oxidation. Lamb odour was lower (p < 0.01) and odd odour higher (p < 0.001) in patties at the highest dose of RWE, compared to controls, but the overall liking score was not affected. The results suggest that RWE could be used as a natural antioxidant in the meat industry, even when n-3 PUFA content is high

    Efecto del tratamiento sobre el valor nutritivo de la paja tratada por urea

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    El experimento se ha diseñado, con el fin de determinar el efecto de un tratamiento con urea (6 p.100 de la MS) sobre la composición química y componentes nitrogenados de la paja de cebada, en función del nivel inicial de humedad (20 p.100, 30 p.100 y 40 p.100) y la temperatura de conservación (25°C y 35°C). El tratamiento afectó fundamentalmente al contenido de FND de la paja, que disminuye en general como consecuencia de una solubilización de la hemicelulosa, que es mayor al aumentar la temperatura del tratamiento y la humedad inicial de la paja, llegando a solubilizarse un 25 p.100 de la hemicelulosa a 35°C y un 40 p.100 de humedad. La fibra ácido detergente también aumenta con la humedad y la temperatura. El contenido de proteína bruta también fue modificado sustancialmente por los tratamientos, disminuyendo en todos los casos con la humedad y aumentando con la temperatura, como consecuencia de la transformación de la urea en amoníaco favorecida por ambos factores. La urea residual ha sido afectada fundamentalmente por la humedad, siendo muy elevada para el 20 p.100 de humedad y haciéndose casi nula para el 40. Un contenido inicial de humedad elevado (próximo al 40 p.100) es entonces necesario para conseguir que la urea sea hidrolizada en su totalidad, lo que favorece la solubilización de la hemicelulosa. La mejora es aún mayor cuando la hidrólisis se realiza a temperatura elevada (35oC). Estas condiciones son las que dan lugar también a una mayor retención de nitrógeno en función del aportado

    Valor nutritivo del ensilado de pulpa de remolacha prensada y efecto sobre el mismo de una complementación nitrogenada

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    Se ha estudiado el valor nutritivo y la calidad de ensilados de pulpa de remolacha prensada adicionada de diversas cantidades de urea (0, 1, 5, 4 y 7 Kg./Tm.) y de sal (7,5 Kg./Tm.). La digestibilidad de la pulpa fue elevada (83,8 %) para la M.O. mejorando con la adición de urea hasta alcanzar un máximo (88,9 %) para unas dosis de 4 Kg./Tm. Las materias nitrogenadas presentan en cambio una digestibilidad más baja {58,4 %) que aumenta significativamente (P < 0,01) hasta 80,7 % para la máxima adición de urea. Los valores energéticos (1,1 UF/Kg. de M.S.) y proteico (109 gr. de PDIE y 107 gr. de PDIN) óptimos se alcanzan para un aporte de urea de 4 Kg./Tm. La calidad del ensilado empeora con la adición de urea no aconsejándose el empleo de ésta para dosis superiores a 4 Kg./Tm. Los valores encontrados en el rumen para la concentración de amoníaco indican que con ninguno de los niveles de urea se produce un exceso de amoníaco en el rumen. La proporción media de ácido acético (64 % molar) y de propiónico (23 % molar) nos indican que se trata de un alimento que puede ser bien utilizado tanto en producción de leche como en engorde

    Use of whole barley with a protein supplement to fatten lambs under different management systems and its effect on meat and carcass quality

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    This study involved 53 Talaverana-breed lambs fattened until reaching a slaughter weight of 28 kg. After weaning at 45 days of age, the lambs were divided into four study groups. The lambs of two of the groups were fattened at pasture, while those of the other two groups were kept on a drylot. One group at pasture and another on the drylot received a commercial fattening concentrate. The other two groups received whole barley with a protein supplement. Drylot lambs displayed better carcass dressing, greater carcass fatness, higher carcass conformation values and a superior refrigerated carcass weight than lambs fattened at pasture. Lambs fattened with concentrate displayed better carcass dressing, higher carcass compactness and less digestive tract development (due to a lower proportion of stomach and digestive content) than those fed barley. The fat colour of lambs fattened at pasture was lighter (greater L^*) than that of the drylot lambs, and the lambs fed concentrate exhibited a higher redness index (a^*) than those fed barley. The longissimus dorsi (LD) muscle was used to evaluate meat quality. The lambs fattened at pasture displayed a lower lightness value, lower cooking losses and greater pleasantness scores in the sensorial analysis than drylot lambs. The lambs fattened at pasture presented lower values of fatty acids with an odd number of carbon atoms and monounsaturated fatty acids and higher linolenic acid (C18:3) levels than drylot lambs in both the intramuscular fat of the LD muscle and in subcutaneous fat. The lambs fed barley exhibited a higher proportion of fatty acids with an odd number of carbon atoms and lower C18:3 values than the lambs given the concentrate.Utilisation de l'orge entière pour l'engraissement d'agneaux avec des systèmes d'élevage différents. Effets sur la qualité de la carcasse et de la viande. Cinquante trois agneaux de la race Talaverana ont été engraissés jusqu'à un poids d'abattage de 28 kg. Après le sevrage à 45 jours d'âge, les agneaux ont été divisés en quatre lots expérimentaux, deux ont été engraissés au pâturage et deux autres en bergerie. Un des deux lots de chaque système d'engraissement a été nourri avec un aliment concentré commercial, tandis que l'autre a reçu de l'orge entière avec un supplément protéique. Les agneaux élevés en bergerie ont présenté un rendement de carcasse supérieur, des carcasses plus lourdes (poids de carcasse froide), un état d'engraissement plus important et une meilleure conformation que les agneaux élevés au pâturage. Les animaux qui ont reçu l'aliment commercial ont eu un rendement et une compacité de la carcasse plus élevés que ceux nourris avec l'orge. En revanche, le poids du tractus digestif plein a été moins important, en raison d'une moindre proportion d'estomacs et de contenu digestif. La luminosité (L^*) du gras chez les agneaux au pâturage a été plus élevée que celle des agneaux élevés en bergerie ; l'indice de rouge (a^*) a été supérieur chez les animaux nourris avec l'aliment commercial. L'évaluation de la qualité de la viande sur le muscle longissimus dorsi (LD) a montré que la luminosité (L^*) de la viande a été plus faible chez les agneaux au pâturage. De même, les pertes par cuisson ont été moindres. Lors de l'analyse sensorielle, les dégustateurs ont perçu cette viande comme plus agréable à consommer. Le gras intramusculaire (LD) et le gras sous-cutané des agneaux au pâturage ont présenté une plus petite quantité d'acides gras, soit à chaîne impaire, soit mono-insaturés, ainsi qu'une plus grande proportion d'acide linolénique (C18:3). En revanche, la quantité d'acides gras impairs a été plus importante alors que celle de C18:3 a été plus faible dans le gras des animaux nourris avec l'orge

    Use of Red Wine Polyphenols as a Natural Preservative in Health-Promoting Omega-3 Fatty Acids-Enriched Lamb Patties

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    Meat consumption has been related to a higher risk of heart disease due to its saturated fat content. As a consequence, there has been a growth in research on how to increase unsaturated fat content in meat. However, a high content of unsaturated fat favours the development of oxidative processes. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a red wine extract (RWE) rich in polyphenols (50, 100, and 200 mg gallic acid equivalents/kg meat) as a natural antioxidant in lamb meat patties enriched with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) (100 mg n-3 PUFA/100 g meat), compared to using -tocopherol (TOC) (100 mg/kg meat). Adding RWE delayed metmyoglobin formation, lipid oxidation and loss of n-3 PUFA relative to controls, while TOC had no effect on preventing meat oxidation. Lamb odour was lower (p &lt; 0.01) and odd odour higher (p &lt; 0.001) in patties at the highest dose of RWE, compared to controls, but the overall liking score was not affected. The results suggest that RWE could be used as a natural antioxidant in the meat industry, even when n-3 PUFA content is high. </ol

    Linseed, microalgae or fish oil dietary supplementation affects performance and quality characteristics of light lambs

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    <p>The aim of this work was to improve the fatty acid profile of meat from light lamb, frequently reared in Spain and in other Mediterranean countries. A total of 44 light lambs fed different n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids sources were studied: control (C) (palm oil), extruded linseed (L), extruded linseed mixed with microalgae (LM) and fish oil (FO). The productive performance from 14.7 to 26.2 kg of live weights and meat quality characteristics during refrigerated storage were assessed. Lambs fed FO showed lower feed intake (<em>p</em> &lt;0.001), average daily gain (<em>p</em> &lt;0.001) and higher feed conversion ratio (<em>p</em> &lt;0.001) than lambs from the other treatments. Fish oil meat had the lowest (<em>p</em> &lt;0.01) protein proportion and the highest (<em>p</em> &lt;0.001) C20:5n-3, C22:5n-3 and C22:6n-3 proportions, while L or LM produced the highest (<em>p</em> &lt;0.001) C18:3n-3 deposition. Fish oil meat had higher (<em>p</em> &lt;0.05) L* and lower (<em>p</em> &lt;0.001) a* than meats from the other treatments. After 7 days of storage, FO meat showed the highest TBARS (<em>p</em> &lt;0.001), while C meat showed similar value to 0 days of storage. Additionally, FO underwent higher microbial growth after 7 days of storage as compared to the other treatments. Dietary supplementation with L and LM leads to C18:3n-3 meat enrichment and to a microbial load and colour characteristics similar to those of C, without adverse effect on lamb performance. However the use of FO improves the fatty acid profile of meat, but negatively affects lamb performance and meat quality.</p

    Linseed, microalgae or fish oil dietary supplementation affects performance and quality characteristics of light lambs

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    The aim of this work was to improve the fatty acid profile of meat from light lamb, frequently reared in Spain and in other Mediterranean countries. A total of 44 light lambs fed different n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids sources were studied: control (C) (palm oil), extruded linseed (L), extruded linseed mixed with microalgae (LM) and fish oil (FO). The productive performance from 14.7 to 26.2 kg of live weights and meat quality characteristics during refrigerated storage were assessed. Lambs fed FO showed lower feed intake (p < 0.001), average daily gain (p < 0.001) and higher feed conversion ratio (p < 0.001) than lambs from the other treatments. Fish oil meat had the lowest (p < 0.01) protein proportion and the highest (p < 0.001) C20:5n-3, C22:5n-3 and C22:6n-3 proportions, while L or LM produced the highest (p < 0.001) C18:3n-3 deposition. Fish oil meat had higher (p < 0.05) L* and lower (p < 0.001) a* than meats from the other treatments. After 7 days of storage, FO meat showed the highest TBARS (p < 0.001), while C meat showed similar value to 0 days of storage. Additionally, FO underwent higher microbial growth after 7 days of storage as compared to the other treatments. Dietary supplementation with L and LM leads to C18:3n-3 meat enrichment and to a microbial load and colour characteristics similar to those of C, without adverse effect on lamb performance. However the use of FO improves the fatty acid profile of meat, but negatively affects lamb performance and meat qualit

    Desempenho e características de carcaça de cordeiros alimentados em comedouros privativos recebendo rações contendo semente de girassol Performance and carcass traits of lambs fed diets containing sunflower seed in creep feeding

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    Avaliaram-se o desempenho e as características quali e quantitativas da carcaça de cordeiros alimentados com ração contendo semente de girassol. Utilizaram-se 16 cordeiros distribuídos aleatoriamente em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos (0,00; 6,60; 13,20 ou 19,80% de semente de girassol na matéria natural), cada um com quatro repetições, totalizando 16 cordeiros. As dietas continham 2,65; 2,78; 2,89 e 2,93 Mcal/kg de energia metabolizável e 18,38; 18,75; 19,98 e 21,18% de proteína bruta, respectivamente, e foi fornecida ad libitum. Os cordeiros foram pesados a cada 14 dias e mantidos com as ovelhas até atingirem 28 kg, quando foram abatidos, após jejum de sólidos por 18 horas, para obtenção do peso vivo ao abate e registro do peso da carcaça quente e do conteúdo gastrintestinal, utilizados no cálculo do peso de corpo vazio. As carcaças foram mantidas por 24 horas em câmara frigorífica em temperatura de 5ºC para obtenção do peso de carcaça fria. Os níveis de semente de girassol na dieta não afetaram as características de desempenho dos cordeiros. No entanto, os pesos de carcaça quente e de carcaça fria; os pesos de pescoço, baixo, paleta, costela descoberta, costela, lombo; e os rendimentos comerciais de carcaça e costela descoberta, costela, lombo, paleta, pescoço e baixo sofreram efeito da adição da semente de girassol. O fornecimento de semente de girassol na dieta não influencia as características qualitativas e morfométricas da carcaça de cordeiros.<br>Performance and quantitative and qualitative carcass traits of lambs fed with diets containing sunflower seed were evaluated. Sixteen lambs were randomly distributed to a completely randomized design with four diets (0.00, 6.60, 13.20 or 19.80% of sunflower seed, % as fed), with 4 replications. The diets contained 2.65, 2.78, 2.89 and 2.93 Mcal / kg of metabolize energy and 18.38, 18.75, 19.98 and 21.18% crude protein, respectively, and was ad libitum fed. The lambs were weighed every 14 days and kept with the ewes until they reached 28 kg, when were slaughtered, after solid fasting for 18 hours, to obtain slaughter body weight and recording hot carcass weight and gastrointestinal content, used in the calculation of empty body weight. The carcasses were kept for 24 hours in a cold room temperature of 5ºC to obtain cold carcass weight. Sunflower seed levels in the diet did not affect the performance characteristics of lambs. However, the hot carcass weight and cold carcass weight, the weights of neck, low, shoulder, rib, thru rib, loin and carcass commercial yields and rib, thru rib, loin, shoulder, neck and low showed effect of sunflower seed addition. The addition of sunflower seed in the diet does not influence the qualitative and morphometric characteristics of carcass of lambs