239 research outputs found

    Flipped classroom evaluation using kahott and moodle in the undergraduate teaching lab

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    Comunicación presentada en EDULEARN 2018, 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (July 2-4, 2018, Palma, Mallorca, Spain).This article analyzes the implementation of a flipped classroom methodology in the undergraduate teaching labs of engineering degrees. The methodology is focused on providing the students, before the lab session, with audio-visual resources that cover the theoretical background and explanations needed to follow the session. At the beginning of each lab session, the preparatory work performed by the students is evaluated with an on-line test, which was performed using Kahoot and Moodle resources and has an impact on the mark of the session. This methodology is helpful in the sense that eliminates the frequently required theoretical introduction, allowing devoting more time to the experimental part. On the other hand, it provides an immediate information of the degree of prior knowledge gained by the students, so the weaker aspects can be reinforced during the lab session. An analysis of the advantages and disadvantages found for the two on-line resources employed, in conjunction with the impact produced on the students by the methodology is presented. Moodle was found to show greater seriousness and more versatility to introduce the test questions. However, the use of Kahoot was preferred by the students, since it creates a more relaxed lab atmosphere, which was also very useful to increase the participation of some students who were unmotivated. The students recognized that the methodology helped to better follow the lab sessions and improved the quality of their lab reports, which are the items used for their evaluation

    Teaching competences in physical education teacher initial training

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    Entre las competencias docentes, conocer los contenidos de la disciplina a impartir y cómo deben ser impartidos resulta de vital importancia. Esta investigación busca (a) conocer si existen diferencias en la percepción de egresados, alumnado y profesorado universitario sobre la adquisición de las competencias de conocimiento del contenido y de conocimiento pedagógico del contenido consideradas en la formación inicial del profesorado de educación física; y (b) conocer si existen diferencias en la percepción sobre la adquisición de estas competencias en función de la titulación (Maestro de Educación Física en Primaria o Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte). Se contó con 1982 participantes. Los resultados muestran diferencias de percepción en la adquisición de competencias docentes entre los grupos estudiados. Entre titulaciones aparecen diferencias en la promoción de hábitos saludables y la implementación de propuestas de contenidos motrices; en el conocimiento del contenido estas diferencias aparecen en contenidos de expresión corporal y de condición física y saludKnowledge of a discipline contents and how to teach them are among the most vital teaching competences. The aims of this research are: (a) to know whether there are differences in the perception of graduated, current students, and university teachers about the acquisition of content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge competences considered in physical education teacher initial training; and (b) to know if there are differences in the perception of the acquisition of teaching competences by Degree (Primary Education with Physical Education specialty or Physical Activity and Sport Sciences). There were 1,982 participants. The results showed differences of perception of the acquisition of teaching competences among the studied groups. Between degrees, differences appear in the promotion of healthy habits and the implementation of motor content proposals; in content knowledge competences these differences appear in body expression and physical fitness and health content

    Development of generic teaching competences during initial teacher training and implementation in their professional work

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    La formación inicial del profesorado debe dotar a los estudiantes del conjunto de competencias docentes necesarias para que pueden desarrollar con calidad su futura labor docente. El objetivo de esta investigación es conocer la valoración que los egresados en ejercicio realizan sobre el desarrollo de las competencias docentes durante su formación inicial y su utilidad para su puesta en práctica en su labor profesional. Se llevó a cabo un estudio de casos de carácter instrumental con 4 egresados de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid que desempeñan su labor profesional como docentes de Educación Física en Primaria y Secundaria. Se utilizaron entrevistas semi-estructuradas, observaciones no participantes y análisis documental. Los resultados muestran que es necesaria una mayor formación y un mayor trabajo de las competencias docentes durante la formación inicial para que el profesorado de Primaria y Secundaria llegase con una mejor preparación para enfrentarse a los retos de la práctica docente. Esto es especialmente destacado en el caso de los egresados de Magisterio de Educación PrimariaInitial teacher training must equip students with the set of necessary teaching competences so they can develop their future teaching work with quality. The aim of this research is to know the value graduates working as teachers give about the development of teaching competences during their initial training and their usefulness for putting them into practice in their professional work. An instrumental case study was developed with 4 graduates of the Autonomous University of Madrid who perform their professional work as Physical Education teachers in Primary and Secondary Education. Semi-structured interviews, nonparticipant observations and documentary analysis were used. The results show that it is necessary a greater training and a greater work of the teaching competences during the initial training so that the teachers of Primary and Secondary have a better preparation to face the challenges of the teaching practice. This is especially highlighted in the case of graduates of Primary Education Degre

    Characterization of thermal contacts between heat exchangers and a thermoelectric module by impedance spectroscopy

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    Heat to electricity energy conversion efficiency of a thermoelectric (TE) device is not only influenced by the TE materials properties, but it also depends on the temperature difference between both sides of the TE legs. Keeping this temperature difference as close as possible to the temperature difference between the heat sink and the heat source is crucial to maximize the TE device performance. However, achieving this is quite difficult, mainly due to the thermal contact resistance at the interfaces between the TE module and the heat sink/source. In this study, it is analyzed the effect of this thermal contact resistance on the impedance spectroscopy response of a TE module that is thermally contacted by two aluminum blocks, which act as heat exchangers. A new theoretical model (equivalent circuit) that takes into account the thermal contact resistance is developed, which includes two new elements that depend on this parameter. The equivalent circuit is tested with experimental impedance measurements where the thermal contact is varied. It is demonstrated that using this equivalent circuit the thermal contact resistivity can be easily determined, which opens up the possibility of using impedance spectroscopy as a tool to quantify and monitor this crucial property for the TE device performance

    The new doctrinal interpretation of the causes of the disinheritance

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    Trabajo de fin de Grado. Grado en Derecho. Curso académico 2016-2017[ES] El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un estudio extensivo sobre la institución de derecho sucesorio de la desheredación y sus causas. Para comprender el significado y origen de la desheredación nos remitimos al contexto histórico, que va desde Roma hasta la actualidad. Una vez visto esto, abordaremos las circunstancias que deben darse para que se produzca la denominada “desheredación justa”, centrándonos especialmente en las causas de desheredación de los descendientes o hijos, debido a la novedosa doctrina jurisprudencial que defiende una postura más encaminada hacia un cambio de interpretación de esas causas que aparecen en el Código Civil, y que abogan por una flexibilización de estas causas de desheredación. También trataremos la “desheredación injusta”, concretamente veremos qué efectos conlleva, cómo afecta al desheredado, y qué puede hacer al respecto este último. Por último, abordaremos la reconciliación y el perdón del ofendido como forma de dejar sin efecto la desheredación.[EN] The main objective of this paper is carry out an extensive study of the causes of the disinheritance. To understand the meaning and the origin of disheritance, we refer to the hsitorical context which goes from ancient Rome to the present day. Once we have seen this, we will address the circumstances that must occur in order to produce the so-called “fair disinheritance”, focusing especially on the causes of the own children or other descendants. The doctrine of case law defends a more flexibilization interpretation of those causes that appear in the Civil Code. Also, we will deal with “unfair disinheritance”, specifically we will see its effects, how it affects to disinherited and what he can do about that. Finally, we will see the reconciliation and forgiveness of the testator as a way of derógate the disinheritance

    The GREENBOT dataset: Multimodal mobile robotic dataset for a typical Mediterranean greenhouse

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    This paper introduces an innovative dataset specifically crafted for challenging agricultural settings (a greenhouse), where achieving precise localization is of paramount importance. The dataset was gathered using a mobile platform equipped with a set of sensors typically used in mobile robots, as it was moved through all the corridors of a typical Mediterranean greenhouse featuring tomato crop. This dataset presents a unique opportunity for constructing detailed 3D models of plants in such indoor-like space, with potential applications such as robotized spraying. For the first time to the best knowledge of authors, a dataset suitable to put at test Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) methods is presented in a greenhouse environment, which poses unique challenges. The suitability of the dataset for such goal is assessed by presenting SLAM results with state-of-the-art algorithms. The dataset is available online in \url{https://arm.ual.es/arm-group/dataset-greenhouse-2024/}.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figure

    Medida de magnitudes con GeoGebra en la formación de maestros

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    En este trabajo presentamos una propuesta de trabajo diseñada con GeoGebra centrada en la medida de magnitudes continuas y dirigida a estudiantes de tercer ciclo de Educación Primaria. Esta propuesta se organiza en torno a tres módulos. El primero se centra en el manejo de algunas herramientas básicas de medida e incluye el uso de la cuadrícula de GeoGebra para realizar medidas de manera directa. El segundo módulo explora las condiciones que deben satisfacer tres segmentos para que pueda construirse con ellos un triángulo. El tercer módulo analiza la relación entre área y perímetro en un cuadrilátero. Tras realizar esta actividad con futuros maestros, en el contexto de la primera asignatura de matemáticas que cursan en el Grado en la Universidad de Granada, presentamos el análisis de las respuestas obtenidas

    Improving attitudes toward brands with environmental associations: an experimental approach

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    Purpose – The purpose of this article is to determine the relative importance of the ecological attribute when other attributes referring to the functional performance of a brand are taken into account, and check the effectiveness of environmental labels. Design/methodology/approach – The paper establishes an experiment in which 352 women responsible for the household shopping are exposed to different levels of environmental information. The study analyses the effect said information has on product attitude and purchase intention. In order to transmit the information, a leaflet specifically designed for the research was used. Findings – This study confirms the presence of a positive effect of environmental associations on brand attitude, though this effect is smaller than that of other functional attributes. It also demonstrates that using independent environmental certifications strengthens beliefs in the product's ecological performance. Research limitations/implications – The use of washing powder can limit the feasibility of extrapolation of the results to other products. Therefore, a replication in other product categories is necessary/advisable. Practical implications – In the light of the results, using environmental associations certified by independent bodies is recommended. This would help improve both brand attitude and brand equity. Originality/value – This paper increases the knowledge about the precise commercial usefulness of environmental associations in relation with other attributes.Grupo de Investigación ADEMA

    Vitamin C activates young LINE-1 elements in mouse embryonic stem cells via H3K9me3 demethylation

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    This work was supported by grants from the Wellcome Trust/Royal Soci‑ ety (101225/Z/13/Z) and MRC (MR/X008487/1) to M.R.B.; and BBSRC (BB/ T000031/1) to M.R.B. and J.M.F.Background Vitamin C (vitC) enhances the activity of 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases, including TET enzymes, which catalyse DNA demethylation, and Jumonji-domain histone demethylases. The epigenetic remodelling promoted by vitC improves the efficiency of induced pluripotent stem cell derivation, and is required to attain a ground-state of pluripotency in embryonic stem cells (ESCs) that closely mimics the inner cell mass of the early blastocyst. However, genome-wide DNA and histone demethylation can lead to upregulation of transposable elements (TEs), and it is not known how vitC addition in culture media affects TE expression in pluripotent stem cells. Results Here we show that vitC increases the expression of several TE families, including evolutionarily young LINE-1 (L1) elements, in mouse ESCs. We find that TET activity is dispensable for L1 upregulation, and that instead it occurs largely as a result of H3K9me3 loss mediated by KDM4A/C histone demethylases. Despite increased L1 levels, we did not detect increased somatic insertion rates in vitC-treated cells. Notably, treatment of human ESCs with vitC also increases L1 protein levels, albeit through a distinct, post-transcriptional mechanism. Conclusion VitC directly modulates the expression of mouse L1s and other TEs through epigenetic mechanisms, with potential for downstream effects related to the multiple emerging roles of L1s in cellular function.Wellcome Trust/Royal Society (101225/Z/13/Z)MRC (MR/X008487/1)BBSRC (BB/T000031/1

    Algunas reflexiones sobre la resolución del problema del tablero de ajedrez

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    En este trabajo se parte de la perspectiva constructivista de la enseñanza y aprendizaje de las matemáticas y se considera la resolución de problemas como una actividad interesante y formativa. Se presenta el problema del tablero de ajedrez y distintos itinerarios para su trabajo, siguiendo las fases de Polya (1982) para la resolución de problemas. Finalmente se presentan algunas reflexiones sobre la resolución del problema, sobre el análisis de esta resolución y sobre la utilidad y conveniencia de este tipo de análisis para el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de las matemáticas