33 research outputs found

    Early childhood education and care: a challenge for the educational system

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    This paper addresses the problem of supporting the development of infants and young children in the context of the challenges posed by the organization of the state system. Considering the importance of the fi rst years of life for future development, current social policy and education in Europe and around the world puts a strong emphasis on systemic and integrated approach to early childhood education and care, based on scientifi c evidence justifying the selection of a specifi c social and educational solutions. The implementation of this idea requires both the defi nition of the most important aspects of the development, requiring special support in the early stages of child development and system design early care and education with regard to the resulting knowledge. The following analysis is an attempt to identify the most important factors and social conditions indispensable to fulfi ll both the universal and the individual needs of the child in the context of the challenges they pose for organizers of the system of early childhood education and care

    A review of the provision of social and emotional learning in Australia, the United States, Poland, and Portugal

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    The aim of this research is to gather preliminary information from a range of countries to develop an international perspective on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). Currently, there is no cohesive international statement on the minimum requirements to provide SEL in schools. By bringing together a range of international perspectives it is intended that clarity will be provided from which new approaches and initiatives can be developed and researched. International researchers familiar with SEL programs in their country were asked to answer five questions about the context and processes used to teach SEL in specific countries to begin an understanding and synthesis of best practice. These questions relate to: (1) sociocultural contexts of school systems, (2) the range of SEL programs presented in each country and what is common about these programs, (3) the effectiveness of prominent SEL programs, (4) the facilitators and barriers that exist to effectively present SEL programs within the country, and (5) recommendations for the future of SEL programs. A synthesis is followed by a discussion of the future of SEL and how the SEL Interest Group may make a contribution to the current state of the literature, curriculum, pedagogy, and research that informs SEL in schools

    Human impacts and their interactions in the Baltic Sea region

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    Coastal environments, in particular heavily populated semi-enclosed marginal seas and coasts like the Baltic Sea region, are strongly affected by human activities. A multitude of human impacts, including climate change, affect the different compartments of the environment, and these effects interact with each other. As part of the Baltic Earth Assessment Reports (BEAR), we present an inventory and discussion of different human-induced factors and processes affecting the environment of the Baltic Sea region, and their interrelations. Some are naturally occurring and modified by human activities (i.e. climate change, coastal processes, hypoxia, acidification, submarine groundwater discharges, marine ecosystems, non-indigenous species, land use and land cover), some are completely human-induced (i.e. agriculture, aquaculture, fisheries, river regulations, offshore wind farms, shipping, chemical contamination, dumped warfare agents, marine litter and microplastics, tourism, and coastal management), and they are all interrelated to different degrees. We present a general description and analysis of the state of knowledge on these interrelations. Our main insight is that climate change has an overarching, integrating impact on all of the other factors and can be interpreted as a background effect, which has different implications for the other factors. Impacts on the environment and the human sphere can be roughly allocated to anthropogenic drivers such as food production, energy production, transport, industry and economy. The findings from this inventory of available information and analysis of the different factors and their interactions in the Baltic Sea region can largely be transferred to other comparable marginal and coastal seas in the world


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    Obecna wiedza psychologiczna jasno wskazuje, że doświadczenie przez dziecko zaniedbania i krzywdzenia emocjonalnego ma destrukcyjny wpływ na jego dalsze funkcjonowanie społeczno-emocjonalne. Skutki tego rodzaju krzywdzenia są równie poważne jak konsekwencje przemocy fizycznej czy seksualnej i są tym większe, im wcześniej ma ono miejsce w życiu dziecka. Niestety te rodzaje krzywdzenia często pozostają niezauważane przez otoczenie lub są jedynie powodem do krytyki, ale nie podjęcia interwencji i terapii. W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe informacje dotyczące problemu krzywdzenia emocjonalnego, jego przejawów i konsekwencji, a także szczegółowo opisano oznaki krzywdzenia emocjonalnego służące do rozpoznawanie tego zjawiska i podejmowania decyzji o interwencji. Coraz szerzej prowadzone w tym obszarze badania wskazują, że jednym z bardzo częstych następstw traumatycznych doświadczeń w obszarze relacji z innymi są – ciągle jeszcze rzadko rozpoznawane i opisywane – zaburzenia dysocjacyjne. Dlatego też szczególny nacisk położono w artykule na przybliżenie tego zjawiska – definicję, opis rodzajów dysocjacji oraz objawów w zachowaniu dziecka świadczących o jej występowaniu.Current psychological knowledge clearly indicates that the child’s experience of neglect and emotional abuse has a destructive impact on his further socio-emotional functioning. The effects of this kind of abuse are as serious as the consequences of physical or sexual violence. They are all the more serious the sooner they occur in the child’s life. Unfortunately, these types of abuse often go unnoticed by the close social environment or, they are just a reason to criticism but not to intervene and treatment. The following text will present basic information about the problem of emotional abuse, its manifestations and consequences, as well as detailed descriptions of signs of emotional abuse to help to recognize this phenomenon and make decisions about intervention. Increasingly widespread research in this area indicates that one of the very common consequences of traumatic experiences in the area of relationships with others are, still rarely recognized and described, dissociative disorders. Therefore, special emphasis was placed in the article on familiarizing readers with the phenomenon of dissociation - the definition, description of the types of dissociation and symptoms in child’s behavio

    Specificity of the father-child relationship in the first years from the perspective of the attachment theory

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    Artykuł zawiera przegląd badań dotyczących roli ojca w kształtowaniu się przywiązania dziecka oraz uwarunkowań przywiązania dającego poczucie bezpieczeństwa w odniesieniu do roli każdego z rodziców. Wnioski płynące z badań w obszarze przywiązania wskazują na komplementarne role matki i ojca w rozwoju dziecka. Z jednej strony potwierdzają znaczenie zaangażowania każdego z nich w opiekę i wychowanie począwszy od narodzin, z drugiej dostarczają dowodów na różnice ról i wagę każdej z nich w prawidłowym rozwoju dziecka. Wyniki badań wskazują również na znaczenie współrodzicielstwa w kształtowaniu się poczucia bezpieczeństwa i podstaw zdrowej adaptacji. Porozumienie i wspólne wychowywanie dziecka odgrywają istotną, bezpośrednią i pośrednią, rolę w podnoszeniu jakości opieki nad dzieckiem.The article contains a review of research findings on the role of the father in shaping of the child’s attachment model and conditions of attachment which give the sense of safety in relations of the role of each of the parents. Conclusions drawn from the research on attachment point to the complementarity of roles of mothers and fathers in children’s development. On one hand, they stress the importance of involvement of both parents in the care and upbringing of the child starting from its birth, and on the other – they bring evidence on the differences between those roles and importance of each of them for an adequate development of the child. The research findings draw also attention to the significance of co-parenting in shaping of the child’s sense of safety and basis for healthy adaptation. Agreement and shared upbringing of the child plays an important role in increasing the quality of child care, both directly and indirectly

    Short- and longterm benefits from early care and education of children

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    The Western societies idea of need to invest in early care and education of the youngest citizens become more and more prevalent and is supported by scientific research. The condition of the young people in our country, indicates the need to promote the idea also in Poland. The paper contains an analysis of the research on the effectiveness of early educational interventions. Research confirms the positive impact of early educational effects on the functioning in the school and the duration of the education, as well as on social functioning measured by the level of employment, income and assets. The benefits of early childhood education are also visible in the lower criminality. Conducted research also indicates that from the point of view of state economics, early care and education is beneficial.Coraz szerzej rozpowszechniony w społeczeństwach zachodnich pogląd mówiący o konieczności inwestowania w edukację i opiekę nad najmłodszymi obywatelami znajduje potwierdzenie w badaniach naukowych i staje się, zważywszy na kondycję młodych ludzi w naszym kraju, konieczny do upowszechnienia także w Polsce. Artykuł zawiera analizę badań dotyczących efektywności wczesnych oddziaływań edukacyjnych. Badania potwierdzają pozytywny wpływ wczesnych oddziaływań edukacyjnych zarówno na funkcjonowanie w szkole i czas trwania nauki, jak i na funkcjonowanie społeczne mierzone poziomem zatrudnienia, dochodów i stanu posiadania. Korzyści z wczesnej edukacji widoczne są także w zakresie niższej przestępczości. Prowadzone badania wskazują również, iż z punktu widzenia ekonomii państw, wczesna opieka i edukacja przynosi wymierne korzyści


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    Well-organized unitary system of early childhood education and care is a great challenge for every country. It requires changes in public awareness among the professionals, parents and politicians and considerable financial outlay also. However, investment in this area ensures proper development of children during first years of life, significantly increases the chances of continuing education and labor market efficiency. It also prevents social exclusion. The article presents recommendations, which include the principles of the early childhood education and care system, resulting from research and practice

    Early childhood education and care in Poland in the European context

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    The paper presents the contemporary approach to education understood as a process starting from the beginning of life. Describes the basic quality benchmarks of early childhood education and care and shows the status of the system existing in Poland, compared to solutions and requirements in Europe. It also indicates the need to introduce changes in Poland. Considering the need for change, the authors, in the analysis of the current system of early childhood education and care, suggest to use the U. Bronfenbrenner’s ecological approach to development and the P. B. Baltes’s concept of resources – SOC (selection, optimization, compensation).Artykuł przedstawia współczesne podejście do edukacji ujmowanej jako proces rozpoczynający się od początku życia. Opisuje podstawowe wymogi jakości wczesnej edukacji i opieki nad dzieckiem i przedstawia stan istniejący w Polsce na tle rozwiązań i wymogów stosowanych w Europie. Wskazuje również na zmiany konieczne do wprowadzenia w Polsce. Rozpatrując potrzebę zmian, autorki, do analizy systemu wczesnej opieki i edukacji, proponują przyjęcie, za U. Bronfenbrennerem, podejścia ekologicznego oraz koncepcji SOC - P. B. Baltesa, dotyczącej modyfikacji zasobów – selekcji, optymalizacji i kompensacji