605 research outputs found


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    A área da flexura de Algibre apresenta-se carsificada, sendo uma área de recarga para os aquíferos formados no seu interior que, em alguns casos estão conectados com os da área envolvente. Aqui, as superfícies aplanadas e o carso nu e subcutâneo das formas de relevo mais salientes são importantes para a recarga de um aquífero cujas águas têm tendência incrustante. Uma recarga eficaz é importante para a manutenção das exsurgências com capacidade para a formação destes afloramentos de tufo calcário, como é o caso do Olho de Paris. A informação recolhida é sintetizada através de um esboço geomorfológico

    Os tufos calcários das áreas de Estói, Loulé e ribeira das Mercês (Algarve, Portugal): caracterização e significado paleoambiental

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    Nesta comunicação tentaremos estabelecer os principais tipos de fácies apresentadas pelos tufos desta área do Algarve Central, articulando os mesmos com os potenciais paleoambientes de formação. Os principais tipos de fácies identificadas correspondem a fácies detríticas (conglomerado e tufos pulverulentos) e de optimum de acumulação (tufo biohérmico), sendo que os primeiros podem corresponder às fases iniciais e erosivas do afloramento e os segundos a períodos construtivos dos tufos calcários

    Geomorphological settings and tufa models in Algibre flexure (Algarve, Portugal)

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    INTRODUCTION Percolating water through organically enriched soil, raises the water pCO2 promoting an increase in carbonates dissolution. Following subaerial exposure, the water-atmosphere interaction, leads to an oversaturation of water CaCO3 and precipitation (PENTECOST, 2005; CHAFTEZ & FOLK, 1984). This precipitation can be inorganic, biologic or both (PEDLEY, 2009). The tufa facies presented in this work, follow GUERREIRO et alii (2010) and PEDLEY (1990) and the accumulation models follow PEDLEY (2009). In Central and Western Algarve over de Mesozoic limestone substrate, there are many tufa outcrops, with main outcrops occurring along the streams of Alte, Mercês, Cadouço, Rio Seco and Asseca. Algarve is the southernmost Portuguese region in the Iberian range, developed in three main geomorphological settings (FEIO, 1952). In the north, the mountainous area is mainly composed by Carboniferous schist and greywacke, and a Late Cretaceous intrusive massif in the west. In the south, develops the meridional Meso-Cenozoic Algarve basin, composed by the Triassic and Jurassic lithologies known as Barrocal with Cretaceous and Cenozoic sediments and the Littoral with Cenozoic topographically lower and eroded by the shore realm. HYDROLOGICAL SYSTEM The Algibre flexure is the main geomorphological feature in the area, where the karst is well developed as aquifer’s recharge area (ALMEIDA, 1985). The highest hills (350 to 380 m) are bare and soddy karst plain areas, where surface runoff is very low (e.g. Cabeça Gorda and Rocha). Lower colluvial areas have also low runoff conditions, because most are also low gradients (< 3°) and some have dolines and sinks (e.g. Campina dos Galegos or Rossinas). Discharge areas are located on the North and the South, but in different settings. Discharge to Mercês basin (North) is controlled by impermeable Triassic lithologies along high gradient slopes. All springs are intermittent and discharge is linked to the Mediterranean climate wet season. In the South, the discharge occurs along low gradient streams like Cadouço or São Lourenço. Different discharge settings result in different deposition systems as suggested in PEDLEY (2009). Fig. 1 PERCHED SPRINGLINE TUFA Springs in the Mercês basin are commonly perched and in low runoff karst, enhancing the development of perched springline model, where Pedley (1990) suggested proximal and distal deposits. Mature proximal deposits have wedge morphology with fan-shape, shaping low gradient terrace with a slow braided flow, sometimes with some ponds. In this area only the Olho de Paris can be classified as mature, with a 300 m long and wide, one small pond next to spring and many channels that spread from the old anthropic bank. High gradient at downstream edge enhance the sedimentation on cascades, producing moss curtains (subvertical moss laminar bioherm) intercalated by other bioherms and phytoclastic tufa on small pools and short low gradient channels where the upper macrophytes detritus (stems, fruits and leaves) accumulate leading to the development of tufa microdams and decimeter pools. Due to the high permeability in these systems, sometimes dissolution structures are present (ORDOÑEZ & GARCÍA DEL CURA, 1983). Decimeter scale holes in Penedos A. are covered by syngenetic speleothems and flowstones, however, there could have been a former hollow in the waterfall deposits now partially destroyed. Distal deposits in the above mentioned model are mainly composed by phytoclastic tufa and locally bioherm tufa developed on channels. However, in this model low gradient alluvial deposits exist downstream. Not only Olho de Paris but also Penedos Altos outcrops are followed by important stream sediments fed by the turbidite formations in the surrounding mountainous areas, with the high energy flow destroying the most recently deposited tufa. There are few situations where gravel and cobble is strongly cemented on modern stream, as in the case of the downstream of Olho de Paris or some strata from ancient accumulations. There are other incrusting springs in the area, but the low discharge related to the geomorphological or hydrogeological settings prevent the outcrops maintenance. FLUVIAL TUFA In the southern low-gradient streams, fluvial models develop. The main modern features in the area are the waterfalls up to 5 m and channels, where the main facies are macrophytes, moss and other lamellar bioherm tufa and oncoids. This is an intermediate model for braided fluvial model and barrage model, where valleys are incised but incipient discharge associated to the Mediterranean climate and small aquifer produce a cascade model. In the studied case lakes are absent and few small pools exist due to the low sedimentation. The São Lourenço stream outcrop is developed in a valley floor struggle, where ancient pebble conglomerates with massive carbonate cement are horizontally followed by curtain moss and algae laminar tufas and some low energy pool deposits. Despite the modern deposition, both valleys are currently incised in older tufa deposits which are present on river banks and terraces. The ancient structures show the same facies associations as the modern ones, with some tufa clasts and unconformities interlayered in some sequences of sedimentation. CONCLUSION Algibre flexure is the main geomorphological structure in the area, which include the recharge area feeding the springs on the northern and southern slopes. Geomorphological conditions result in distinct tufa structures, especially when considering slopes gradient. In the northern high gradient slopes, perched springline models are predominant. In low gradient streams like Cadouço and São Lourenço, deposits along the streams can occur. However, in this situation we don’t know lacustrine deposits like other Mediterranean outcrops despite the presence of modern and ancient waterfalls or just stream deposits. Spring regime with long discharges allows the development of bigger and more suitable structures to model the systems, especially when discharge extends to the warmer months like May or June. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Work financed by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia Ph.D. grant SFRH/BD/62323/2009. REFERENCES ALMEIDA, C. (1985) – Hidrogeologia do Algarve Central. Ph.D. thesis in Geol. Faculdade de Ciências da U. de Lisboa. CHAFTEZ, H., FOLK, R. (1984) – Travertines: depositional morphology and the bacterially constructed constituents. J. Sed. Petr., 54 (1), 289-316. FEIO, M. (1952) – A Evolução do Relevo do Baixo Alentejo e Algarve. Ph.D Thesis in Geogr. F. de Letras da U. de Lisboa. GUERREIRO, P.; CUNHA, L.; RIBEIRO, C.; CANDEIAS, A. (2010) – Os tufos calcários das áreas de Estoi, Loulé e ribeira das Mercês (Algarve, Portugal): caracterização e significado paleoambiental. In: e-Terra, 21 (7). [http://e-terra.geopor.pt]. 4 pp. ORDOÑEZ, S.; GARCÍA DEL CURA, M. (1983) – Recent and terciary fluvial carbonates in Central Spain. Spec. Publs. Int. Ass. Sed., 6, 485-497. PEDLEY, H.M. (1990) – Classification and environmental models of cool freshwater tufas. Sed. Geol., 68, 143-154. PEDLEY, H.M. (2009) – Tufas and travertines of the Mediterranean region: a testing ground for freshwater carbonate concepts and developments. Sedimentology, 56, 221-246. PENTECOST, A. (2005) – Travertine. Springer. 445 pp

    Revolução russa e ação política: militares na história

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    The objective of this reflection is to establish a dialogue with Lenin and his work on the military issue in the Russian revolution. To examine this confrontational relationship, in both political and theoretical perspectives, we used an approach with other authors, indicative of theses regarding political action that would evolve to the left in the Russian process with a view to a political revolutionary action.O objetivo dessa reflexão é estabelecer um diálogo com Lênin e sua obra sobre a questão militar na Revolução Russa. Ao examinar essa relação conflituosa, no plano político e teórico, recorremos a uma aproximação com outros autores, sinalizando teses concernentes a uma ação política que evoluiria à esquerda no processo russo tendo em vista uma ação política revolucionária

    Organizational commitment: current perspectives and future trends

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    O comprometimento organizacional está entre os temas mais estudados nas últimas décadas. Parte do interesse pelo tema justifica-se pelas constantes mudanças ocorridas no ambiente de trabalho. Assim, o construto do comprometimento organizacional insere-se na longa tradição dos estudos que procuram identificar e compreender os fatores pessoais que determinam o comportamento humano. Este artigo pretende mostrar a evolução dos estudos sobre o tema até os dias atuais, a partir de um percurso histórico do desenvolvimento teórico e empírico do construto comprometimento, com ênfase, em especial, ao modelo Tridimensional de Meyer e Allen (1991), seguido pelas críticas ao desenvolvimento do conceito, os estudos atuais e perspetivas futuras da investigação.Organizational commitment is among the most studied topics in recent decades. Part of the interest in the topic is justified by the constant changes in the work environment. Thus, the construct of organizational commitment is part of the long tradition of studies that seek to identify and understand the personal factors that determine human behavior. This article intends to show the evolution of studies on the subject up to the present day, from a historical path of the theoretical and empirical development of the commitment construct, with emphasis, in particular, to the three-dimensional model of Meyer and Allen (1991), followed for the criticisms to the development of the concept, the current studies and the future perspective of the investigation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Caracterização do aquecimento no futebol. Estudo realizado com os treinadores, treinadores adjuntos e preparadores físicos das equipas profissionais de futebol da I e II Ligas da Federação Portuguesa de Futebol (época 2016/2017)

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    No futebol, consideramos todos os aspectos fundamentais na procura da melhoria do rendimento e da performance dos jogadores. Porém, e tendo em conta que o aquecimento é um momento integrante de todas as sessões de treino e em períodos fundamentais em contexto de jogo (antes e durante), entendemos que face às exigências cada vez maiores do futebol de elite, esse tema se constituía como fonte de preocupação na realização do nosso estudo. Deste modo, pretendemos caracterizar o aquecimento das equipas profissionais de futebol da I e II Ligas da Federação Portuguesa de Futebol (época 2016/2017), salientando a importância do aquecimento num jogador de futebol, perspetivar e organizar conhecimentos específicos acerca do aquecimento, perceber se o aquecimento e as suas interações estão relacionados com a performance do futebolista e perceber de que forma o aquecimento como processo de ensino-aprendizagem/treino-jogo pode promover a melhoria do desempenho do futebolista. Sendo assim, a amostra do nosso estudo é constituída por 7 treinadores e 9 treinadores adjuntos e/ou preparadores físicos de 9 clubes da I Liga Profissional de Futebol e por 7 treinadores e 7 treinadores adjuntos e/ou preparadores físicos de 7 clubes da II Liga Profissional de Futebol, bem como por 1 treinador e 1 treinador adjunto e/ou preparador físico da Federação Portuguesa de Futebol. Foi aplicado um inquérito validado de acordo com a metodologia de investigação a todos os treinadores e treinadores adjuntos e/ou preparadores físicos que foram informados sobre a forma como poderiam responder ao inquérito. Neste sentido, através da análise às respostas do inquérito por parte dos técnicos inquiridos, verificamos que os resultados obtidos nem sempre estavam de acordo com os estudos evidenciados na literatura feitos nesta área. O aquecimento, visto sob a perspectiva das componentes do rendimento tática, técnica, física e psicológica, apresentam valores de importância diferentes, isto é, os treinadores e treinadores adjuntos e/ou preparadores físicos em relação ao aquecimento valorizam mais a componente físico/fisiológica e psicológica comparativamente com a técnica e tática. No aquecimento, quanto à duração, não existe unanimidade. Esta unanimidade existe quando o aquecimento é visto sob a perspetiva dos exercícios aplicados, objetivos e importância antes do jogo de futebol. Existe uma padronização dos exercícios no aquecimento para todos os jogos, e para os jogadores suplentes quando saem do banco e vão para a zona de aquecimento. A maioria dos técnicos manda aquecer só os jogadores que poderão entrar no jogo. Existe ainda preocupação no aquecimento com a prevenção de lesões, condições climatéricas e com a forma como pode influenciar o rendimento da equipa nos minutos iniciais do jogo. Permanece a subvalorização do reaquecimento antes do início da 2ª parte, do aquecimento dos suplentes antes do jogo e intervalo, bem como na interação com a performance do futebolista da não utilização de meios auxiliares para controlar a intensidade dos exercícios e otimização do aquecimento.In football we consider all the fundamental aspects in the search of the improvement of the performance of players. However, given that the warm-up is a part of all training sessions, including before and during the game, we understand that due to the increasing demands of elite football, it would be a major concern in our study. Therefore, we intend to characterize the warm-up of professional football teams of the 1st and 2nd Portuguese Football Federation Leagues (season 2016/2017), stressing the importance of warm-up in a football player, prospecting and organizing specific knowledge about warming, understanding if the warm-up and its interactions are related to the football player performance and to understand how the warm-up as a teaching-learning / practice-game process can promote the improvement of the football player performance. Thus, the sample of our study is made up by 7 coaches and 9 assistant coaches and / or fitness coaches from 9 teams of the 1st Professional Football League and 7 coaches and 7 assistant coaches and / or fitness coaches from 7 teams of the 2nd League of Professional Football, as well as by 1 coach and 1 assistant coach and / or fitness coach of the Portuguese Football Federation. A validated survey according to the research methodology was applied to all coaches and assistant coaches and / fitness coach who were informed on how they could respond to the survey. This way, through the analysis of responses to the survey by the interviewed technicians, we verified that the results obtained were not always in agreement with the existing studies evidenced in literature in this area. And also that the warming-up seen from the perspective of tactical, technical, physical and psychological components presents different values of importance, that is to say, the coaches and assistant coaches and / or fitness coaches in relation to the warm-up value more the physical / physiological component when compared to technique and tactics. There is no unanimity in warm-up concerning its duration, except when warm-up is seen from the perspective of applied exercises, goals and importance before the football game. There is a standardization of the warm-up exercises for all games, and for the substitute players when they leave the bench and go to the warm-up area. Most technicians only use warm-up exercises to players who might enter the game. When warming-up, there are also concerns with injury prevention, weather conditions and how it can influence team performance in the early minutes of the game. Rewarming is still underestimated before the start of the second part, the warm-up of the substitute players before the game and break, as well as in the interaction with the player's performance with the non-use of auxiliary means to control the intensity of the exercises and optimization of the warm-up

    Modelling Inter-Organizational Business Processes Governance

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    Digital transformation requires decentralizing business process governance due to the increasing interdependencies of organizations and more complex business pipelines enabled by information technologies. We present a modelling approach to assist companies in their inter-organizational business process governance (IO-BPG). The results emerge from a design science research conducted with a major European telecommunications service provider. They include (1) the key domain attributes, (2) a domain-specific ontology, and (3) a BPMN extension instantiated in IO-BPG scenarios of Software-as-a-Service, covering structure, processes, and relational mechanisms. For theory, this paper extends the literature on business process governance with a modelling approach evaluated in one of the most regulated and dynamic economic sectors. For practice, our proposal may help appraise accountability, confidentiality, compliance, autonomy, authority, traceability, and collaboration configurations that are crucial to IO-BPG

    Sustainable Data Governance: A Systematic Review and a Conceptual Framework

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    We present a systematic literature review based on bibliometric analysis to clarify the role of data governance in sustainable development. We made a concept-centric review of 35 relevant papers (out of an initial set of 2214) selected from Scopus and Web of Science and classified them into (1) sector-specific, (2) causal relationships and approaches, (3) data accessibility for sustainable development, and (4) smart contexts. Our contribution includes a conceptual framework for sustainable data governance in product lifecycles. Pursuing data-driven sustainability requires actions in structure, processes, and relational mechanisms. Data attributes (e.g., privacy, immutability, permissions, fairness), scope of data to be covered, and supporting technology are increasingly important to reduce all forms of waste while ensuring a long-term strategy to generate sustainable value from data

    Imagem, Cultura Visual e Publicidade: Convergências e Universos Plurais

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    Contem versão em inglês[Excerto] Um texto de apresentação para este número da revistaVista, cuja secção temáticaé publicidade e cultura visual, exige um amplo olhar, breve que seja, capaz detocar algumas das problemáticas associadas, as quais, por si só, são universosinesgotáveis. A imagem é uma dessas entidades sendo, nesse sentido, basilar nestetexto. Talvez por isso, a necessidade sentida de lhe dar uma certa amplitudetemporal; a fixar, dentro desse olhar histórico, indicar a sua importância naconstrução do indivíduo e, consequentemente, do social; sem esquecer o quetalvez seja a questão mais determinante: afinal, o que é a imagem?[Excerpt] The introduction to this issue ofVistajournal, whose thematic section delvesinto advertising and visual culture, requires a broad look, yet brief, touchingupon some of the related topics which, in themselves, are inexhaustible universes.The image is one of these entities, and, in this sense, it is fundamental to thistext. Perhaps that is why we felt the need to give it a certain temporal breadth,to fix it within this historical perspective, to demonstrate its importance in theconstruction of the individual and, hence, of society, keeping in view what isperhaps the most decisive question: what is the image, anyway