1,148 research outputs found

    Factores de riesgo para hipoglucemia neonatal transitoria en pacientes a término, estudio de casos y controles en un hospital de Bogotá

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    Introducción: la hipoglucemia neonatal es frecuente y puede presentarse de forma transitoria o persistente. Existen diferentes puntos de corte de glucemia para poder definirla y usualmente son menores de 47 mg/dL. Se han evidenciado factores de riesgo tanto maternos como neonatales para desarrollar esta enfermedad, que aumentan el riesgo de padecerla entre un 14,7 % y 83,2 % en comparación a un 5% respecto a los pacientes que no los poseen. Así mismo se ha demostrado que el retraso en el tratamiento de la hipoglucemia genera alteraciones en el neurodesarrollo. Objetivo: determinar los factores de riesgo asociados con hipoglucemia neonatal transitoria de recién nacidos a término sin factores de riesgo determinados por la guía de la Academia Americana de Pediatría, en el Hospital Universitario Clínica San Rafael en el período comprendido de enero de 2015 a enero de 2019. Metodología: estudio observacional analítico, retrospectivo de tipo casos y controles, desde enero de 2015 a enero de 2019. Se realiza el cálculo de muestra y se obtienen 35 casos y 35 controles mediante el software estadístico Real Statistics 6.9 de enero de 2020. Resultados: La mayor proporción de pacientes en el estudio fue de sexo femenino (61,43 %), 20 casos y 23 controles. El promedio de glucosa de ingreso de los casos fue de 40,8 mg/dL. Dentro de los factores de riesgo se encontró el sobrepeso materno (OR de 1,2), cesáreas (OR 2,5), hipertensión inducida por el embarazo (OR 4,38). Se encontró una asociación significativa con Apgar al minuto de 5 (3 pacientes [8,57 %]); primer aporte energético recibido del recién nacido (25 [71,4 %] recibieron lactancia materna), taquipnea transitoria del recién nacido (6 [17,14 %]) y policitemia (10 [28,57 %]) como variables en el recién nacido y el tiempo de apego como variable materna (7 [20 %]) en los casos que no la recibieron. Conclusiones: en la población a término considerada sana que desarrolla hipoglucemia neonatal transitoria se encontró asociación con un Apgar al minuto de 5, el primer aporte energético recibido, la taquipnea transitoria del recién nacido, la policitemia y el apego como factores que influyen en su aparición. Se hace un llamado para hacer una mayor vigilancia de este grupo de recién nacidos que, aunque presentan menor incidencia de hipoglucemia, sí necesitan del acompañamiento y seguimiento

    Tidally locked rotation of the dwarf planet (136199) Eris discovered from long-term ground based and space photometry

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    The rotational states of the members in the dwarf planet - satellite systems in the transneptunian region are determined by the formation conditions and the tidal interaction between the components, and these rotational characteristics are the prime tracers of their evolution. Previously a number of authors claimed highly diverse values for the rotation period for the dwarf planet Eris, ranging from a few hours to a rotation (nearly) synchronous with the orbital period (15.8 d) of its satellite, Dysnomia. In this letter we present new light curve data of Eris, taken with \sim1-2m-class ground based telescopes, and with the TESS and Gaia space telescopes. TESS data could not provide a well-defined light curve period, but could constrain light curve variations to a maximum possible light curve amplitude of Δm\Delta m \leq 0.03 mag (1-σ\sigma) for P \leq 24 h periods. Both the combined ground-based data and the Gaia measurements unambiguously point to a light curve period equal to the orbital period of Dysnomia, P = 15.8 d, with a light curve amplitude of Δm\Delta m \approx 0.03 mag, i.e. the rotation of Eris is tidally locked. Assuming that Dysnomia has a collisional origin, calculations with a simple tidal evolution model show that Dysnomia has to be relatively massive (mass ratio of q = 0.01--0.03) and large (radius of RsR_s \geq 300 km) to slow down Eris to synchronized rotation. These simulations also indicate that -- assuming tidal parameters usually considered for transneptunian objects -- the density of Dysnomia should be 1.8-2.4 gcm3g cm^{-3}, an exceptionally high value among similarly sized transneptunian objects, putting important constraints on the formation conditions.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters, data of tables A.1, A.2 and A.4 are available at https://cloud.konkoly.hu/s/ESiKi4GZyifJmj

    On stability of discretizations of the Helmholtz equation (extended version)

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    We review the stability properties of several discretizations of the Helmholtz equation at large wavenumbers. For a model problem in a polygon, a complete kk-explicit stability (including kk-explicit stability of the continuous problem) and convergence theory for high order finite element methods is developed. In particular, quasi-optimality is shown for a fixed number of degrees of freedom per wavelength if the mesh size hh and the approximation order pp are selected such that kh/pkh/p is sufficiently small and p=O(logk)p = O(\log k), and, additionally, appropriate mesh refinement is used near the vertices. We also review the stability properties of two classes of numerical schemes that use piecewise solutions of the homogeneous Helmholtz equation, namely, Least Squares methods and Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods. The latter includes the Ultra Weak Variational Formulation

    VHMPID: a new detector for the ALICE experiment at LHC

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    This article presents the basic idea of VHMPID, an upgrade detector for the ALICE experiment at LHC, CERN. The main goal of this detector is to extend the particle identification capabilities of ALICE to give more insight into the evolution of the hot and dense matter created in Pb-Pb collisions. Starting from the physics motivations and working principles the challenges and current status of development is detailed.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures. To be published in EPJ Web of Conference

    The Role of Spirituality Healing with Perceptions of the Medical Encounter among Latinos

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    Little is known about the relationship between spirituality healing and perceptions about the medical encounter among Latinos. To examine the association between spirituality healing and attitudes of self-reported perceptions about the medical encounter. A cross-sectional telephone survey. 3,728 Latinos aged ≥18 years residing in the United States from Wave 1 of the Pew Hispanic Center/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Latino Health Survey. Dependent variables were ever prayed for healing (yes/no), ever asked others to pray for healing (yes/no), considered important spiritual healing (very vs. somewhat or not important), and ever consulted a ‘curandero’ (folk healer in Latin America) (yes/no). The primary independent variables were feelings about the last time seeing a Doctor (confused by information given, or frustrated by lack of information) and perception of quality of medical care (excellent, good, fair or poor) within the past 12 months. Six percent of individuals reported that they had ever consulted a curandero, 60% prayed for healing, 49% asked others to pray for healing, and 69% considered spiritual healing as very important. In multivariable analyses, feeling confused was associated with increased odds of consulting a curandero (OR = 1.58; 95% CI, 1.02–2.45), praying for healing (OR = 1.30; 95% CI, 1.03–1.64), asking others to pray for healing (OR = 1.29; 95% CI, 1.03–1.62), and considering spiritual healing as very important (OR = 1.30; 95% CI, 1.01–1.66). Feeling frustrated by a lack of information was associated with asking others to pray for healing (OR = 1.29; 95% CI, 1.04–1.60). A better perception of quality of medical care was associated with lower odds of consulting a curandero (OR = 0.83; 95% CI, 0.70–0.98). Feelings about the medical encounter were associated with spirituality healing, praying for healing, and asking others to pray for healing. Feeling confused and perception of poor quality of medical care were associated with consulting a curandero

    Detection of a reservoir of bedaquiline / clofazimine resistance associated variants in Mycobacterium tuberculosis predating the antibiotic era

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    Drug resistance in tuberculosis (TB) poses a major ongoing challenge to public health. The recent inclusion of bedaquiline into TB drug regimens has improved treatment outcomes, but this advance is threatened by the emergence of strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) resistant to bedaquiline. Clinical bedaquiline resistance is most frequently conferred by resistance-associated variants (RAVs) in the Rv0678 gene which can also confer cross-resistance to clofazimine, another TB drug. We compiled a dataset of 3,682 Mtb genomes, including 223 carrying Rv0678 bedaquiline RAVs. We identified at least 15 cases where RAVs were present in the genomes of strains collected prior to the use of bedaquiline in TB treatment regimes. Phylogenetic analyses point to multiple emergence events and circulation of RAVs in Rv0678, often prior to the introduction of bedaquiline or clofazimine. We also identify one case where the RAV Ile67fs is estimated to have emerged prior to the antibiotic era. The presence of a pre-existing reservoir of bedaquiline-resistant Mtb strains augments the need for rapid drug susceptibility testing and individualised regimen selection to safeguard the use of bedaquiline in TB care and control

    CD4 Depletion in SIV-Infected Macaques Results in Macrophage and Microglia Infection with Rapid Turnover of Infected Cells

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    In rhesus macaques (RMs), experimental depletion of CD4+ T-cells prior to SIV infection results in higher viremia and emergence of CD4-independent SIV-envelopes. In this study we used the rhesus recombinant anti-CD4 antibody CD4R1 to deplete RM CD4+ T-cells prior to SIVmac251 infection and investigate the sources of the increased viral burden and the lifespan of productively infected cells. CD4-depleted animals showed (i) set-point viral load two-logs higher than controls; (ii) macrophages constituting 80% of all SIV vRNA+ cells in lymph node and mucosal tissues; (iii) substantial expansion of pro-inflammatory monocytes; (iv) aberrant activation and infection of microglial cells; and (v) lifespan of productively infected cells significantly longer in comparison to controls, but markedly shorter than previously estimated for macrophages. The net effect of CD4+ T-cell depletion is an inability to control SIV replication and a shift in the tropism of infected cells to macrophages, microglia, and, potentially, other CD4-low cells which all appear to have a shortened in vivo lifespan. We believe these findings have important implications for HIV eradication studies

    The HY5-PIF regulatory module coordinates light and temperature control of photosynthetic gene transcription

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    The ability to interpret daily and seasonal alterations in light and temperature signals is essential for plant survival. This is particularly important during seedling establishment when the phytochrome photoreceptors activate photosynthetic pigment production for photoautotrophic growth. Phytochromes accomplish this partly through the suppression of phytochrome interacting factors (PIFs), negative regulators of chlorophyll and carotenoid biosynthesis. While the bZIP transcription factor long hypocotyl 5 (HY5), a potent PIF antagonist, promotes photosynthetic pigment accumulation in response to light. Here we demonstrate that by directly targeting a common promoter cis-element (G-box), HY5 and PIFs form a dynamic activation-suppression transcriptional module responsive to light and temperature cues. This antagonistic regulatory module provides a simple, direct mechanism through which environmental change can redirect transcriptional control of genes required for photosynthesis and photoprotection. In the regulation of photopigment biosynthesis genes, HY5 and PIFs do not operate alone, but with the circadian clock. However, sudden changes in light or temperature conditions can trigger changes in HY5 and PIFs abundance that adjust the expression of common target genes to optimise photosynthetic performance and growth

    Longitudinal blood biomarker trajectories in preclinical Alzheimer's disease

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    INTRODUCTION: Plasma biomarkers are altered years prior to Alzheimer's disease (AD) clinical onset. METHODS: We measured longitudinal changes in plasma amyloid-beta (Aβ)42/40 ratio, pTau181, pTau231, neurofilament light chain (NfL), and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in a cohort of older adults at risk of AD (n = 373 total, n = 229 with Aβ and tau positron emission tomography [PET] scans) considering genetic and demographic factors as possible modifiers of these markers' progression. RESULTS: Aβ42/40 ratio concentrations decreased, while NfL and GFAP values increased over the 4-year follow-up. Apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4 carriers showed faster increase in plasma pTau181 than non-carriers. Older individuals showed a faster increase in plasma NfL, and females showed a faster increase in plasma GFAP values. In the PET subsample, individuals both Aβ-PET and tau-PET positive showed faster plasma pTau181 and GFAP increase compared to PET-negative individuals. DISCUSSION: Plasma markers can track biological change over time, with plasma pTau181 and GFAP markers showing longitudinal change in individuals with preclinical AD. HIGHLIGHTS: Longitudinal increase of plasma pTau181 and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) can be measured in the preclinical phase of AD. Apolipoprotein E ε4 carriers experience faster increase in plasma pTau181 over time than non-carriers. Female sex showed accelerated increase in plasma GFAP over time compared to males. Aβ42/40 and pTau231 values are already abnormal at baseline in individuals with both amyloid and tau PET burden

    Topology by Design in Magnetic nano-Materials: Artificial Spin Ice

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    Artificial Spin Ices are two dimensional arrays of magnetic, interacting nano-structures whose geometry can be chosen at will, and whose elementary degrees of freedom can be characterized directly. They were introduced at first to study frustration in a controllable setting, to mimic the behavior of spin ice rare earth pyrochlores, but at more useful temperature and field ranges and with direct characterization, and to provide practical implementation to celebrated, exactly solvable models of statistical mechanics previously devised to gain an understanding of degenerate ensembles with residual entropy. With the evolution of nano--fabrication and of experimental protocols it is now possible to characterize the material in real-time, real-space, and to realize virtually any geometry, for direct control over the collective dynamics. This has recently opened a path toward the deliberate design of novel, exotic states, not found in natural materials, and often characterized by topological properties. Without any pretense of exhaustiveness, we will provide an introduction to the material, the early works, and then, by reporting on more recent results, we will proceed to describe the new direction, which includes the design of desired topological states and their implications to kinetics.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figures, 116 references, Book Chapte