407 research outputs found

    Airborne pollen in Alpine sites

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    Airborne pollen is usually monitored at urban centers, where most people live, to provide information on types and amount of allergenic pollen. Thus, very few aerobiological data are available for remote, mountainous sites. This study aims to characterize the biological quality of the air in an alpine valley in Trentino (North Italy), a region highly interested by the presence of tourists (e.g., 9.3 million overnight stays registered during June - September 2021). Materials and Methods An aerobiological study was carried out during late spring and summer in 2020 and 2021 in Val di Rabbi, an alpine valley located in the Trentino sector of Stelvio National Park. Gravitational Sigma2 samplers were selected for the survey, for their reliability and efficiency (VDI_2119 2013) and easy handling at remote sites (Gottardini et al. 2021), and installed at 2 m above ground level in 5 sites located at altitudes ranging from 700 to 2000 m a.s.l. Sampling surfaces, treated with an adhesive medium, were analyzed by optical microscopy (OM; 400×; Leitz Diaplan) for pollen identification and count (weekly samples); the average daily sedimentation rate (P cm–2 d–1 ) was calculated for the June-August period. In 2021, an active Hirst-type sampler was concurrently installed in one of the five sites (daily samples). Samples were processed and analyzed following conventional techniques and standardized protocols (UNI EN 16868:2019). Results and Discussion In the two study periods, the number of identified pollen taxa ranged from 25 at the highest elevation site (2000 m a.s.l.) to 39 at the lowest elevation (700 m a.s.l.). The proportion of arboreal pollen slightly decreased with the altitude, from 51% to 42%. The three most abundant pollen taxa were pine (Pinus), grasses (Poaceae) and neetle (Urticaceae), even if in different proportion at each site. The only grass and nettle allergenic pollen represented on average the 52% of the total pollen. The pollen season peak for grasses showed a delay of about 4 days every 100 m of elevation (Figure 1). 47 pollen taxa were identified, by active sampling, 10 more than by the passive one. The most abundant pollen taxa detected by active sampling were pine, grasses, and nettle, as for passive sampling, with the last two representing even the 71% of the total. The pollen season peak for grasses was on 22nd June, coherently with the passive sampling results at the same site. Conclusions Our mountain aerobiological study reveals the presence of allergenic pollen even at high altitude, with noteworthy shifts in the pollen season. The surveyed data can be further exploited for studying the plant biodiversity in remote areas, as well as to provide useful information for allergic tourist and hikers. Moreover, passive sampling proved to be a feasible solution for aerobiological studies in remote or orographically complex areas, typically excluded in routine air quality monitoring. References Gottardini et al. (2021). AAQR, Vol. 21, https://doi.org/10.4209/aaqr.210010 VDI_2119 (2013). Ambient air measurements. Sampling of atmospheric particles > 2.5 μm on an acceptor surface using the Sigma-2 passive sampler. Characterization by optical microscopy and calculation of number settling rate and mass concentration. ICS: 13.040.01. Beuth Verlag, Berlin. Germany. Acknowledgements The study was partially financed by Provincia Autonoma di Trento (IT). We are grateful to Mattia Precazzini and Gabriele Canella for the support in field work, and to Maria Cristina Viola for the microscope pollen analysis

    Essais de production et de collecte d'embryons chez la vache Somba

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    Des essais de collecte d'embryons ont été menés dans un troupeau de vaches trypanotolérantes de race Somba, pendant quatre cycles de polyovulation réalisés en différentes saisons. Un progestatif (Norgestomet, Crestar® Intervet) et des gonadotrophines (soit p-FSH Pluset® Serono, soit Folltropin® Vetrepharm) ont été utilisés selon des dosages modifiés en raison du poids des animaux. Les donneuses ont été ensuite fécondées deux fois à 12 heures d'intervalle, par saillie naturelle ou insémination artificielle, la semence de trois taureaux ayant été récoltée et congelée sur place en paillettes. Le taux général de réponse à la polyovulation a été de 72 p. 100. Les embryons ont été collectés à 6,5 jours, au stade de morula compactée ou de jeune blastocyste. Sur l'ensemble des 30 collectes, 87 embryons ont pu être récupérés. Parmi ces embryons, 39 (45 p. 100) appartenaient aux catégories Q1 et Q2 et étaient congelables, 19 (22 p. 100) appartenaient à la catégorie Q3 et les 29 restants (33 p. 100) appartenaient à la catégorie Q4 (non transférables). La production moyenne d'embryons transférables (1,9 par donneuse) n'a pas été affectée significativement par le type de gonadotrophine utilisé, mais le taux d'embryons congelables a été plus élevé en saison humide fraîche qu'en saison humide chaude (respectivement 59 vs 38 p. 100)

    Analysis of navigation pattern in the sport of rowing

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    The effect of weather and environmental conditions on sports has been extensively studied over the last few years (Pezzoli et al., 2010). Based upon the studies of Lobozewicz (1981) and of Kay and Vamplew (2002), Pezzoli and Cristofori (2008) have studied the impact of some specific environmental parameters over different sports using a particular impact index divided into five classes. This analysis clearly shows that most of the outdoor sport activities are strongly influenced by the variation of meteorological parameters. However the impact of meteorological conditions on outdoor sport activities has not yet been extensively studied. The aim of this research is to show that an accurate assessment of wind and wave parameters enables decisive improvements in both training and race strategy planning. Furthermore this analysis provide a very innovative working method for the applied sport research. The work has been based on in-situ measurements of both environmental and performance parameters (wind direction, wind velocity, boat speed and stroke rate) made over different classes and in different race conditions during the 2009 FISA World Championship (Poznan, Poland). In particular a detailed environmental analysis was performed by measuring the wind direction, the wind speed and by evaluating the significant wave height and the wave peak period for each class during the semi-final phase and the final phase. It should be noted that, since wind is a key parameter affecting not only the boat speed but also the race strategy, the assessment of the wind velocity and of the wind direction has been made in connection with the boat movement. The comparison between coupled wind-wave data, boat speed and stroke rate evidently demonstrates that only crews that managed the adaption to changing in the environmental conditions from semi-final to final phase of the race, were able to get better results. References Kay, J., & Vamplew, W. (2002) Weather beaten: sport in the British climate. London: Ed. Mainstream Publishing. Lobozewicz, T. (1981) Meteorology in sport. Frankfurt: Ed. Sportverlag. Pezzoli, A,, Moncalero, M., Boscolo, A., Cristofori, E., Giacometto, F., Gastaldi, S., & Vercelli, G. (2010) The meteo-hydrological analysis and the sport performance: which are the connections? The case of the XXI Winter Olympic Games, Vancouver 2010, Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 50: 19-20. Pezzoli, A., & Cristofori, E. (2008) Analisi, previsioni e misure meteorologiche applicate agli sport equestri, in: 10th Congress "New findings in equine practices, Druento: Centro Internazionale del Cavallo Ed., p.38-4

    Airborne pollen: a potential warning alert for tickborne encephalitis risk

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    The circulation of tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEv) depends on population dynamics of host tick and rodents, which in turn depend on nutrient resources. Tree seeds are the main food for rodents, and their fluctuating production is strongly correlated to pollen abundance. Our study aims to fill the gap and investigate whether airborne pollen is directly associated to recorded TBEv human cases in the Alpine biogeographical region. Materials and Methods We focused our study within the province of Trento (northern Italy, 6,000km2, 500,000 inhabitants). The territory is included in the Alpine biogeographical region (EEA Report No 1/2002) and the main forest tree species growing within a 5-km radius from the pollen sampler are represented by hop-hornbeam (Ostrya carpinifolia Scop.), beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), spruce (Picea abies L.), pine (Pinus sylvestris L. and P. nigra J. F. Arnold), downy oak (Quercus pubescens Willd.), manna ash (Fraxinus ornus L.), and hazel (Corylus avellana L.). Airborne pollen concentration has been monitored since 1989 at Fondazione Edmund Mach, in San Michele all’Adige (Latitude 46.19 N, Longitude 11.13 E, 220 m a.s.l.), while TBEv human cases have been recorded since 1992 by the local Public Health Agency. Airborne pollen was sampled by a Hirst-type trap, processed, and analyzed following conventional techniques and standardized protocols (UNI EN 16868:2019). First, we statistically investigated the association between the annual total pollen concentration of the dominant arboreal plant taxa and the annual number of TBEv human cases (1989-2020) with different time lags by univariate linear models. Consequently, we built a full model by considering all significant covariates, we computed all possible sub-models and finally we selected the best (the one with the lowest Akaike’s Information Criterion score). Results and Discussion We found a significant positive association between pollen abundances for beech (p=0.04), oak p=0.012), hop hornbeam (p=0.013) and TBEv human cases with a two-year lag (Figure 1). All other lags and taxa resulted in non-significant relationships. Subsequently, we identified the best model, which considered only hop-hornbeam and oak pollen quantities, both with positive coefficients, consistently with the univariate analysis. Conclusions To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt at quantifying the potential relationship between airborne pollen abundances of tree species and TBEv infections, based on a three-decade time series of data. If validated at a larger spatial scale, pollen data might therefore be used to realize an early warning system for the risk of TBEv transmission, two years in advance. Moreover, as pollen monitoring is routinely performed worldwide at multiple sites and provides quantitative measures, the association between pollen abundances and TBEv infections could be replicated in different biogeographical regions

    The meteo-hydrological analysis and the sport performance: which are the connections? The case of the XXI Winter Olympic Games, Vancouver 2010

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    The main goal of this research is to show how the climatological and meteorological analysis, relatively to a determinate geographical zone and with reference to a specific period of interest, are able be used in sport area for the amelioration of the athlete’s performance

    Experimental Investigation of a Novel Formulation of a Cyanoacrylate-Based Adhesive for Self-Healing Concrete Technologies

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    The selection of an appropriate healing agent is critical to the success of vascular and mini-vascular networks. In self-healing concrete technology, commercially available cyanoacrylate (CA) adhesives have been shown to produce good strength recoveries; however, their rapid curing rate and short shelf-life make them unsuitable for site application. The aim of this study was to develop a modified cyanoacrylate (n-CA) with an extended shelf-life suitable for incorporation in a self-healing system. A series of n-CAs were formed from a commercial Ethyl Cyanoacrylate adhesive mixed with acrylic acid (AA) and nitro-anthraquinone (nAq) in varying ratios. When encapsulated within 3D printed mini-vascular networks (MVNs), the n-CAs remained dormant in liquid form for up to 5 days. The contact angle between the n-CAs and the cement mortar substrate, as measured via the sessile drop technique, decreased significantly with increasing AA content. The mechanical properties (bond strength) and the polymerization hardening of the n-CAs were evaluated over a curing period of 7–21 days, via a series of pull-off tests using cement mortar cubes. The 4:1:02 (CA:AA:nAq) n-CA formulation showed a significant increase in bond strength from 14 to 21 days, with a ceiling value of 2.6 MPa, while the 2:1 (CA:AA) n-CA formulation exhibited a good bond strength after 21 days (1 MPa). Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) conducted on the n-CAs suggested the formation of several new polymeric species, whilst differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) on the pre- and post-printed MVN material confirmed no significant changes in chemistry with no evidence of polymer degradation. Considered together, the experimental results show the potential for different n-CA formulations to act efficiently as a healing agent

    A Mechatronic Cardiovascular Simulation System for Jugular Venous Echo-Doppler Training

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    Echo-doppler examination of the jugular vessel is a powerful tool for the early diagnosis of cardiovascular disorders that can be further related to central nervous system diseases. Unfortunately, the ultrasound technique is strongly operator-dependent, so the quality of the scan, the accuracy of the measurement, and therefore the rapidity and robustness of the diagnosis reflect the degree of training. The paper presents the development of a mechatronic simulation system for improving the skill of novice physicians in echo-doppler procedures. The patient is simulated by a silicone manikin whose materials are designed to have a realistic ultrasound response. Two tubes allow blood-mimicking fluid to flow inside the manikin, simulating the hemodynamics of the internal jugular vein. The mechatronic system is designed for controlling the flow waveform, to reproduce several clinical cases of interest for diagnosis. The experiments investigate the accuracy of the echo-doppler measurements performed on the proposed system by novice operators using a real ultrasound scanner

    4-PAM Dispersion-Uncompensated Transmission with Micro-Ring Resonator Enhanced 1.55-µm DML

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    International audienceReal-time transmission of 14-GBd 4-PAM signal is demonstrated by combining a commercial 1.55-µm DML with a silicon MRR. BER below the HD-FEC threshold is measured after 26-km SSMF transmission without offline digital signal processing
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