155 research outputs found

    Titolazioni chelometriche con EDTA: considerazioni sul grafico di Reilley

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    Theory and procedure on which Reilley curve is based are discussed; it defines the minimum pH for an effective metal titration with EDTA. This curve, widely reported in Analytical Chemistry textbooks, was originally presented in an implicit way by Reilley, who assumed a 106 conditional constant for 0.01 M metal concentration. We report here the conditional constants necessary for 99, 99.9 and 99.99 complex formation percentage at various analytical concentration. An updated Reilley plot is furthermore presented, which takes into consideration all formation constants at 20°C reported till 1998 for EDTA complexes

    Iron chelating agents for iron overload diseases

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    Although iron is an essential element for life, an excessive amount may become extremely toxic both for its ability to generate reactive oxygen species, and for the lack in humans of regulatory mechanisms for iron excretion. Chelation therapy has been introduced in clinical practice in the seventies of last century to defend thalassemic patients from the effects of iron overload and, in spite of all its limitations, it has dramatically changed both life expectancy and quality of life of patients. It has to be considered that the drugs in clinical use present some disadvantages too, this makes urgent new more suitable chelating agents. The requirements of an iron chelator have been better and better defined over the years and in this paper they will be discussed in detail. As a final point the most interesting ligands studied in the last years will be presented

    Arsenic toxicity: Molecular targets and therapeutic agents

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    High arsenic (As) levels in food and drinking water, or under some occupational conditions, can precipitate chronic toxicity and in some cases cancer. Millions of people are exposed to unacceptable amounts of As through drinking water and food. Highly exposed individuals may develop acute, subacute, or chronic signs of poisoning, characterized by skin lesions, cardiovascular symptoms, and in some cases, multi-organ failure. Inorganic arsenite(III) and organic arsenicals with the general formula R-As2+ are bound tightly to thiol groups, particularly to vicinal dithiols such as dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA), which together with some seleno-enzymes constitute vulnerable targets for the toxic action of As. In addition, R-As2+-compounds have even higher affinity to selenol groups, e.g., in thioredoxin reductase that also possesses a thiol group vicinal to the selenol. Inhibition of this and other ROS scavenging seleno-enzymes explain the oxidative stress associated with arsenic poisoning. The development of chelating agents, such as the dithiols BAL (dimercaptopropanol), DMPS (dimercapto-propanesulfonate) and DMSA (dimercaptosuccinic acid), took advantage of the fact that As had high affinity towards vicinal dithiols. Primary prevention by reducing exposure of the millions of people exposed to unacceptable As levels should be the prioritized strategy. However, in acute and subacute and even some cases with chronic As poisonings chelation treatment with therapeutic dithiols, in particular DMPS appears promising as regards alleviation of symptoms. In acute cases, initial treatment with BAL combined with DMPS should be considered

    Chelating Agents in Soil Remediation: A New Method for a Pragmatic Choice of the Right Chelator

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    Soil pollution by metal ions constitutes one of the most significant environmental problems in the world, being the ecosystems of extended areas wholly compromised. The remediation of soils is an impelling necessity, and different methodologies are used and studied for reaching this goal. Among them, the application of chelating agents is one of the most promising since it could allow the removal of metal ions while preserving the most meaningful properties of the original soils. The research in this field requires the joined contribute of different expertise spanning from biology to chemistry. In this work, we propose a parsimonious and pragmatic approach for screening among a range of potential chelating agents. This methodology, the Nurchi's method, is based on an extension of the Reilley procedure for EDTA titrations. This allows forecasting the binding ability of chelating agents toward the target polluting metal ions and those typically found in soils, based on the knowledge of the related protonation and complex formation constants. The method is thoroughly developed, and then tested by application to some representative cases. Its use and relevance in biomedical and industrial applications is also discussed

    A speciation study on the perturbing effects of iron chelators on the homeostasis of essential metal ions

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    A number of reports have appeared in literature calling attention to the depletion of essential metal ions during chelation therapy on beta-thalassaemia patients. We present a speciation study to determine how the iron chelators used in therapy interfere with the homeostatic equilibria of essential metal ions. This work includes a thorough analysis of the pharmacokinetic properties of the chelating agents currently in clinical use, of the amounts of iron, copper and zinc available in plasma for chelation, and of all the implied complex formation constants. The results of the study show that a significant amount of essential metal ions is complexed whenever the chelating agent concentration exceeds the amount necessary to coordinate all disposable iron-a frequently occurring situation during chelation therapy. On the contrary, copper and zinc do not interfere with iron chelation, except for a possible influence of copper on iron speciation during deferiprone treatment

    A Speciation study on the perturbing effects of iron chelators on the homeostasis of essential metal ions

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    A number of reports have appeared in literature calling attention to the depletion of essential metal ions during chelation therapy on β-thalassaemia patients. We present a speciation study to determine how the iron chelators used in therapy interfere with the homeostatic equilibria of essential metal ions. This work includes a thorough analysis of the pharmacokinetic properties of the chelating agents currently in clinical use, of the amounts of iron, copper and zinc available in plasma for chelation, and of all the implied complex formation constants. The results of the study show that a significant amount of essential metal ions is complexed whenever the chelating agent concentration exceeds the amount necessary to coordinate all disposable iron —a frequently occurring situation during chelation therapy. On the contrary, copper and zinc do not interfere with iron chelation, except for a possible influence of copper on iron speciation during deferiprone treatment

    Chelation therapy: evaluation of the coordination ability of bis-kojic and hydroxypyridinone derivative ligands towards Cd<sup>II</sup> ions <i>via</i> NMR spectroscopy

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    The soft acid CdII is an accumulative toxic metal ion which is able to substitute for the essential borderline ZnII ion in many zinc enzymes. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used to assess the coordination ability of two ligands, an amine-bearing bis-kojic acid: 6'-(2-(diethylamino)ethylazanediyl)bis(methylene)bis(5-hydroxy-2-hydroxymethyl-4H-pyran-4-one) [1,2] and a hydroxypiridinone derivative: 5-hydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)pyridin-4(1H)-one [3], for their use as potential chelating molecules towards CdII ions in detoxification treatments. A combination of 1D, 2D total correlation spectroscopy (TOCSY), heteronuclear single quantum coherence spectroscopy (HSQC) and rotating-frame Overhauser effect spectroscopy (ROESY) experiments was used to assign the signals of both free and metal-bound ligands, as previously reported for similar systems [4-6]. The metal-ligand system was studied at physiological pH and different temperature values. Competition experiments with essential ZnII ions were also performed

    Alarming use of chelation therapy

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    Chelation therapy is a consolidated medical procedure used primarily to hinder the effects of toxic metal ions on human tissues. Its application spans a broad spectrum of disorders, ranging from acute metal intoxication to genetic metal-overload. The use of chelating agents is compromised by a number of serious side effects, mainly attributable to perturbed equilibrium of essential metal ion homeostasis and dislocation of complexed metal ions to dangerous body sites. For this reason, chelation therapy has been limited to specific critical and otherwise untreatable conditions and needs to be monitored within an appropriate clinical context. An alarming issue today is that fraudsters use the term “chelation therapy” to take advantage of and make profit from people with tragic health problems. We believe that scientists working in this field have the corollary obligation to deter these frauds and to inform the scientific community of the possible side effects and complications of chelation therapy. This duty is all the more important if we consider the detrimental and even life threatening consequences that can occur in subjects with no clear clinical and laboratory evidence of metal intoxication. The aim of this communication is to present how this “false chelation therapy” developed and in which diseases it is currently applied

    Thermodynamic Study of Oxidovanadium(IV) with Kojic Acid Derivatives: A Multi-Technique Approach

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    The good chelating properties of hydroxypyrone (HPO) derivatives towards oxidovanadium(IV) cation, VIVO2+, constitute the precondition for the development of new insulinmimetic and anticancer compounds. In the present work, we examined the VIVO2+ complex formation equilibria of two kojic acid (KA) derivatives, L4 and L9, structurally constituted by two kojic acid units linked in position 6 through methylene diamine and diethyl-ethylenediamine, respectively. These chemical systems have been characterized in solution by the combined use of various complementary techniques, as UV-vis spectrophotometry, potentiometry, NMR and EPR spectroscopy, ESI-MS spectrometry, and DFT calculations. The thermodynamic approach allowed proposing a chemical coordination model and the calculation of the complex formation constants. Both ligands L4 and L9 form 1:1 binuclear complexes at acidic and physiological pHs, with various protonation degrees in which two KA units coordinate each VIVO2+ ion. The joined use of different techniques allowed reaching a coherent vision of the complexation models of the two ligands toward oxidovanadium(IV) ion in aqueous solution. The high stability of the formed species and the binuclear structure may favor their biological action, and represent a good starting point toward the design of new pharmacologically active vanadium species

    A Review on Coordination Properties of Thiol-Containing Chelating Agents Towards Mercury, Cadmium, and Lead

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    The present article reviews the clinical use of thiol-based metal chelators in intoxications and overexposure with mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb). Currently, very few commercially available pharmaceuticals can successfully reduce or prevent the toxicity of these metals. The metal chelator meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) is considerably less toxic than the classical agent British anti-Lewisite (BAL, 2,3-dimercaptopropanol) and is the recommended agent in poisonings with Pb and organic Hg. Its toxicity is also lower than that of DMPS (dimercaptopropane sulfonate), although DMPS is the recommended agent in acute poisonings with Hg salts. It is suggested that intracellular Cd deposits and cerebral deposits of inorganic Hg, to some extent, can be mobilized by a combination of antidotes, but clinical experience with such combinations are lacking. Alpha-lipoic acid (α-LA) has been suggested for toxic metal detoxification but is not considered a drug of choice in clinical practice. The molecular mechanisms and chemical equilibria of complex formation of the chelators with the metal ions Hg2+, Cd2+, and Pb2+ are reviewed since insight into these reactions can provide a basis for further development of therapeutics