2,429 research outputs found

    Participatory Approach in Decision Making Processes for Water Resources Management in the Mediterranean Basin

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    This paper deals with the comparative analysis of different policy options for water resources management in three south-eastern Mediterranean countries. The applied methodology follows a participatory approach throughout its implementation and is supported by the use of three different software packages dealing with water allocation budget, water quality simulation, and Multi Criteria Analysis, respectively. The paper briefly describes the general objectives of the SMART project and then presents the three local case studies, the valuation objectives and the applied methodology - developed as a general replicable framework suitable for implementation in other decision-making processes. All the steps needed for a correct implementation are therefore described. Following the conceptualisation of the problem, the choice of the appropriate indicators as well as the calculation of their weighting and value functions are detailed. The paper concludes with the results of the Multi Criteria and the related Sensitivity Analyses performed, showing how the different policy responses under consideration can be assessed and furthermore compared through case studies thanks to their relative performances. The adopted methodology was found to be an effective operational approach for bridging scientific modelling and policy making by integrating the model outputs in a conceptual framework that can be understood and utilised by non experts, thus showing concrete potential for participatory decision making.Scientific Advice, Policy-Making, Participatory Modelling, Decision Support

    Imaging by CT and MR in primary aldosteronism: in a pilot study, the AVIS-2-IM study and the AVIS-2-Young study

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    The present thesis is a collection of the main research studies concerning imaging in PA, conducted during the PhD Course. In the second and third chapters, starting from the large cohort of PA patients recruited in the AVIS-2 study, we investigated respectively: a) if imaging by CT and/or MR could permit an accurate detection of PA and identification of unilateral PA; b) if a unilateral hypodense adrenal nodule alongside a contralateral normally appearing adrenal gland at imaging, can allow an accurate identification of unilateral surgically curable PA in patients aged 45 years or younger. In the fourth chapter I discussed the limitation of imaging in the diagnosis of PA and in its subtyping and which are the new possible algorithms and applications of imaging in PA, starting from the results obtained in the studies shown

    The Rising of the Cosmopolitan Personalities

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    This short essay wants to look at beat literature as a medium that has re-introduced in popular feelings the possibility to change the world, transforming its social rules by using new technologies as instruments for emancipation. Stating this, the essay links the beat movement to hipster’s hopes of the beginning of the XX century, with the need to reflect on the meaning of two WW as barriers to people’s emancipation. From the non-academic side of the perspective, the essay indicates some special sources, trying to demonstrate how beat literature has shaped new meanings to words like “occult”, “magic”, linking them with other words like “awareness” and “emancipation”. Doing this, a tribute is given to the historical role played by the magazine “International Times” as living witness of the years when beat literature was germinating into the generational protest. The conclusions are oriented towards the meaning in the present for a beat attitude to (social) life, with the new awareness of the way indicated by Allen Ginzberg about the unuseful dimension of drugs as instruments to get the vision, and the need to substitute them with natural tools to be able to extract them from unconscious through yoga and meditation systems. This may help to create a new kind of people, involved in a cosmopolitan interpretation of life, able to interconnect by the new information and communication technologies, ready to create a new social intellect. Of course, we do not pretend to present this work of network as a strong link, rather, it seems to be a weak tie. Nevertheless, this weak tie in sociology is a concept used to indicate a relationship that is not as strong as quotidian family or professional relationships. The strength of weak ties theory affirms that weak ties provide access to new audiences where you could find opportunities or contrary opinions that would make ideas stronger, looking at how a person’s network can contribute to their success. Ideas are like germs and they don’t diffuse through populations of people at random, instead, they make their way through networks – that is the kind of relationships we may have with people, creating connections with others. The changes in communication system (Internet, on the immaterial side, the mobility system on the physical side) are creating new opportunities to create network both on the immaterial and on the physical side. Conference driven by intellectual affinities and wishes to know better each others culture seems to generate the conditions of a new kind of people, creating cosmopolitan attitude as something that can be shared by an increasing number of people

    Identifying an Optimal Dining Plan System for the Entertainment Industry

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    The Disney Dining Plan (DDP) is a pre-paid meal plan guests can purchase when they make their reservation at Walt Disney World (WDW). Under the current system, the information provided to guests explaining the program is unclear which leads to confusion for guests. For example, guests are not sure what food they can purchase using the DDP or at which dining locations they can use the DDP. Given these problems, the present study evaluated a new information system for the DDP. The independent variables in this study were symbol type, the symbols used in the current DDP and new symbols created for this study, and system type, the current paper-based system and an electronic, integrated system. Participants (N = 44) were randomly assigned to one of four conditions (old symbols-paper system, new symbols-paper system, old symbols-electronic system, and new symbols-electronic system). After reviewing the DDP, participants then completed a series of tasks including scenario-based task, a multiple-choice test based on the DDP, a symbol discriminability measure, and a measure of system usability (System Usability Scale [SUS]). In addition, participants provided open-ended feedback to the researcher about their experience with the system. Results indicated no significant difference between the type of symbols used and the amount of time it took to complete the scenario, the amount of time it took to complete the questionnaire, accuracy on the symbol discriminability task, or the overall system usability scale (SUS) score. However, significant differences were found between the type of symbol used and the accuracy and confidence rating of varying symbols in the symbol discriminability task. Furthermore, there was a significant main effect for system type with participants using the electronic system taking longer to complete the questionnaire. Although results showed that it took participants significantly longer to answer the questions during the multiple-choice task, there are factors that could have a played a role; scanning-time, click-throughs and motivation. Participants in the paper-based group were able to scan over a list of all the dining locations whereas participants in the electronic version were forced to click through multiple screens to view various dining locations. This test, however, does not accurately represent how the electronic application would be used but it did demonstrate that participants were able to answer the DDP questionnaire regardless of system. In the field, guests would most likely access one theme park or resort and view the various dining locations in the area they are in. This study forced participants to constantly switch between theme parks and resorts. If participants were also in a theme-park environment, they may also be more motivated to use the application

    Commento e Traduzione del romanzo "Hamish and the Worldstoppers" di Danny Wallace

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    La mia tesi ha come argomento la traduzione del romanzo per ragazzi "Hamish and the Worldstoppers", dello scrittore inglese Danny Wallace. Essa si articola in tre capitoli nei quali, dopo aver analizzato in generale le caratteristiche della letteratura per ragazzi, mi soffermo sulle problematiche che ho dovuto affrontare nella traduzione del testo scelto

    Connecting Future Teachers to Study Abroad

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    This study investigated the perceived benefits and barriers that impact study abroad for pre-service teachers and how participation might be increased. The literature review found that students have positive perceptions towards study abroad and that there are benefits for teachers who participate in study abroad. It also revealed that many barriers exist towards study abroad and that addressing financial concerns and having faculty support and encourage study abroad would help increase participation. A survey was designed for first year pre-service teachers at MNSU-Mankato to understand the pre-service teachers\u27 perceptions towards study abroad, the barriers that they have towards study abroad, and what they believe can be done to increase study abroad participation. The survey results demonstrated that pre-service teachers do have a positive perception toward study abroad and that financial concerns and lack of knowledge are barriers to study abroad. The research suggests that addressing financial concerns and educating pre-service teachers on the benefits of study abroad could increase study abroad participation

    Analysis of stall flutter of a helicopter radar blade

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    A study of rotor blade aeroelastic stability was carried out, using an analytic model of a two-dimensional airfoil undergoing dynamic stall and an elastomechanical representation including flapping, flapwise bending and torsional degrees of freedom. Results for a hovering rotor demonstrated that the models used are capable of reproducing both classical and stall flutter. The minimum rotor speed for the occurrence of stall flutter in hover, was found to be determined from coupling between torsion and flapping. Instabilities analogous to both classical and stall flutter were found to occur in forward flight. However, the large stall-related torsional oscillations which commonly limit aircraft forward speed appear to be the response to rapid changes in aerodynamic moment which accompany stall and unstall, rather than the result of an aeroelastic instability. The severity of stall-related instabilities and response was found to depend to some extent on linear stability. Increasing linear stability lessens the susceptibility to stall flutter and reduced the magnitude of the torsional response to stall and unstall

    The Secret Life of a Sugar Baby

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    Cash-strapped college students seem to be seeking arrangements

    Investigation of plasma accelerator /cyclotron resonance propulsion system/ Final report

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    Electron cyclotron resonance plasma accelerators for space propulsion system
