566 research outputs found

    Reanalysis of the GALLEX solar neutrino flux and source experiments

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    After the completion of the gallium solar neutrino experiments at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (GALLEX}: 1991-1997; GNO: 1998-2003) we have retrospectively updated the GALLEX results with the help of new technical data that were impossible to acquire for principle reasons before the completion of the low rate measurement phase (that is, before the end of the GNO solar runs). Subsequent high rate experiments have allowed the calibration of absolute internal counter efficiencies and of an advanced pulse shape analysis for counter background discrimination. The updated overall result for GALLEX (only) is (73.4 +7.1 -7.3) SNU. This is 5.3% below the old value of (77.5 + 7.5 -7.8) SNU (PLB 447 (1999) 127-133) with a substantially reduced error. A similar reduction is obtained from the reanalysis of the 51Cr neutrino source experiments of 1994/1995.Comment: Accepted by Physics Letters B January 13, 201

    Beta decay of 115-In to the first excited level of 115-Sn: Potential outcome for neutrino mass

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    Recent observation of beta decay of 115-In to the first excited level of 115-Sn with an extremely low Q_beta value (Q_beta ~ 1 keV) could be used to set a limit on neutrino mass. To give restriction potentially competitive with those extracted from experiments with 3-H (~2 eV) and 187-Re (~15 eV), atomic mass difference between 115-In and 115-Sn and energy of the first 115-Sn level should be remeasured with higher accuracy (possibly of the order of ~1 eV).Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures; talk at the NANP'05 Conferenc

    The Reactor Antineutrino Anomaly

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    Recently new reactor antineutrino spectra have been provided for 235U, 239Pu, 241Pu and 238U, increasing the mean flux by about 3 percent. To good approximation, this reevaluation applies to all reactor neutrino experiments. The synthesis of published experiments at reactor-detector distances <100 m leads to a ratio of observed event rate to predicted rate of 0.976(0.024). With our new flux evaluation, this ratio shifts to 0.943(0.023), leading to a deviation from unity at 98.6% C.L. which we call the reactor antineutrino anomaly. The compatibility of our results with the existence of a fourth non-standard neutrino state driving neutrino oscillations at short distances is discussed. The combined analysis of reactor data, gallium solar neutrino calibration experiments, and MiniBooNE-neutrino data disfavors the no-oscillation hypothesis at 99.8% C.L. The oscillation parameters are such that |Delta m_{new}^2|>1.5 eV^2 (95%) and sin^2(2\theta_{new})=0.14(0.08) (95%). Constraints on the theta13 neutrino mixing angle are revised.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures ; v2/3 include typos corrected ; v4 final version: add 5 Rovno & 2 Savannah River results + add additional constistency checks + add a discussion on the inverse beta decay cross section normlizatio

    Generic First Order Orientation Transition of Vortex Lattices in Type II Superconductors

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    First order transition of vortex lattices (VL) observed in various superconductors with four-fold symmetry is explained microscopically by quasi-classical Eilenberger theory combined with nonlocal London theory. This transition is intrinsic in the generic successive VL phase transition due to either gap or Fermi velocity anisotropies. This is also suggested by the electronic states around vortices. Ultimate origin of this phenomenon is attributed to some what hidden frustrations of a spontaneous symmetry broken hexagonal VL on the underlying four-fold crystalline symmetry.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, some typos are correcte

    Experimental Parameters for a Cerium 144 Based Intense Electron Antineutrino Generator Experiment at Very Short Baselines

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    The standard three-neutrino oscillation paradigm, associated with small squared mass splittings 0.1 eV2\ll 0.1\ \mathrm{eV^2}, has been successfully built up over the last 15 years using solar, atmospheric, long baseline accelerator and reactor neutrino experiments. However, this well-established picture might suffer from anomalous results reported at very short baselines in some of these experiments. If not experimental artifacts, such results could possibly be interpreted as the existence of at least an additional fourth sterile neutrino species, mixing with the known active flavors with an associated mass splitting 0.1 eV2\ll 0.1\ \mathrm{eV^2}, and being insensitive to standard weak interactions. Precision measurements at very short baselines (5 to 15 m) with intense MeV electronic antineutrino emitters can be used to probe these anomalies. In this article, the expected antineutrino signal and backgrounds of a generic experiment which consists of deploying an intense beta minus radioactive source inside or in the vicinity of a large liquid scintillator detector are studied. The technical challenges to perform such an experiment are identified, along with quantifying the possible source and detector induced systematics, and their impact on the sensitivity to the observation of neutrino oscillations at short baselines.Comment: 21 pages, 27 figures, generated with pdflatex, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The NuMI Neutrino Beam and Potential for an Off-Axis Experiment

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    The Neutrinos at the Main Injector (NuMI) facility at Fermilab is under construction and due to begin operations in late 2004. NuMI will deliver an intense νμ\nu_{\mu} beam of variable energy 2-20 GeV directed into the Earth at 58 mrad. Several aspects of the design are reviewed, and potential limitations to the ultimate neutrino flux are described. In addition, potential measurements of neutrino mixing properties are described.Comment: talk given at NuFact '02, Imperial College London, proceedings to appear in J. Phys. G, revised to add a referenc

    Gamow-Teller Strengths of the Inverse-Beta Transition 176Yb --> 176Lu for Spectroscopy of Proton-Proton and other sub-MeV Solar Neutrinos

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    Discrete Gamow-Teller (GT) transitions, 176Yb-->176Lu at low excitation energies have been measured via the (3He,t) reaction at 450 MeV and at 0 degrees. For 176Yb, two low-lying states are observed, setting low thresholds Q(neutrino)=301 and 445 keV for neutrino capture. Capture rates estimated from the measured GT strengths, the simple two-state excitation structure, and the low Q(neutrino) in Yb--Lu indicate that Yb-based neutrino-detectors are well suited for a direct measurement of the complete sub-MeV solar electron-neutrino spectrum (including pp neutrinos) where definitive effects of flavor conversion are expected

    GNO Solar Neutrino Observations: Results for GNOI

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    We report the first GNO solar neutrino results for the measuring period GNOI, solar exposure time May 20, 1998 till January 12, 2000. In the present analysis, counting results for solar runs SR1 - SR19 were used till April 4, 2000. With counting completed for all but the last 3 runs (SR17 - SR19), the GNO I result is [65.8 +10.2 -9.6 (stat.) +3.4 -3.6 (syst.)]SNU (1sigma) or [65.8 + 10.7 -10.2 (incl. syst.)]SNU (1sigma) with errors combined. This may be compared to the result for Gallex(I-IV), which is [77.5 +7.6 -7.8 (incl. syst.)] SNU (1sigma). A combined result from both GNOI and Gallex(I-IV) together is [74.1 + 6.7 -6.8 (incl. syst.)] SNU (1sigma).Comment: submitted to Physics Letters B, June 2000. PACS: 26.65. +t ; 14.60 Pq. Corresponding author: [email protected] ; [email protected]