103 research outputs found

    BRASIL, TURQUIA: algumas lições de Junho de 2013

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    O artigo faz uma breve análise da conjuntura do capitalismo mundial em crise e das estratégias dos países emergentes para perpetuar as suas taxas de crescimento. Destaca o caráter predatório, ecologicamente incorreto e desigual do desenvolvimento dessas economias emergentes do início do século XXI. Apresenta os movimentos democráticos das multidões de diferentes países, destacadamente da Tunísia, Turquia e Brasil. Enfâse analítca na última experiência recente brasileira, o movimento de junho de 2013. Discussão em torno do “despertar político global” para a consolidação de um modelo de sociedade mais democrático, de respeito aos direitos dos seus cidadãos.Palavras-chave: Crise, países emergentes, movimentos, democracia.BRAZIL, TURKEY: some lessons from June 2013Abstract: The article makes a brief analysis of the global crisis of capitalism and the strategies of emerging countries to perpetuate their growth rates. Highlights the predatory nature, ecologically incorrect and uneven development of these emerging economies of the beginning of twenty-first century. Displays the democratic’ movements of crowds of different countries, notably in Tunisia, Turkey and Brazil. Analytic emphasis on the last recent experience, the brazilian movement in June 2013. Discussion on "global political awakening" to consolidate a model of society more democratic, respect the rights of its citizens.Keywords: Crisis, emerging countries, movements, democracy

    Annie Thébaud-Mony, Travailler peut nuire gravement à votre santé

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    C’est un autre type de lien entre gestion de la main-d’œuvre et santé des travailleurs qu’éclaire crûment le livre d’Annie Thébaud-Mony : l’impact des stratégies de sous-traitance des risques. Puisant ses exemples dans de nombreux secteurs – le bâtiment, l’industrie nucléaire, l’équipement automobile, l’industrie navale..., elle montre en recoupant de multiples témoignages et enquêtes, comment les réorganisations des entreprises autour de leur cœur de métier et le recours accru à la filialisa..

    Política de emprego em época de "mundialização": o caso francês

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    Starting from a concise description of labor market in France, the author tries to outline globalization effects in that market. Next, the indirect impacts of this worldwide process on French economic policy are examined, leaving for last a series of specific topics on French labor policy. These steps take us to the paper's aim: labor policy, the French case.Starting from a concise description of labor market in France, the author tries to outline globalization effects in that market. Next, the indirect impacts of this worldwide process on French economic policy are examined, leaving for last a series of specific topics on French labor policy. These steps take us to the paper's aim: labor policy, the French case

    Le rôle des comités d’hygiène, de sécurité et des conditions de travail en France

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    L’article examine empiriquement, sur données françaises, deux questions : quels sont les déterminants de la présence de représentants des salariés en matière de santé-sécurité (CHSCT, comité d’hygiène, de sécurité et des conditions de travail), et quel est l’impact de cette présence sur la santé des salariés. La présence d’un CHSCT dépend notamment de la présence syndicale et du rapport de forces obtenu par les salariés dans l’établissement, ainsi que du niveau des risques liés au travail. La présence d’un CHSCT apparaît associée à une meilleure qualité des politiques de prévention de l’établissement, toutes choses égales par ailleurs, pour les risques chimiques et biologiques mais pas les risques physiques et organisationnels. On n’observe pas de lien entre la présence de CHSCT et la santé des salariés.The contribution of health and safety representatives in reducing occupational hazards has long been a scientific issue, and many empirical studies have documented the influence of workers’ representation on prevention policies and occupational health, most but not all of them finding positive and significant effects. This paper relies on a “politics of production” approach, according to which the mechanisms that underlie the effectiveness of employee health and safety representatives are of two kinds : cognitive (“worker knowledge”) and political (“worker power”). The issue formulates 3 sets of hypotheses, namely that 1. workers power at the establishment level is one of the determinant of the presence and activity of Health and Safety Committees in French establishments, 2. occupational hazards are another important determinant, and 3. when they are present, Health, Safety and Work Conditions Committees do have a positive influence on workers health, both by reinforcing firms prevention policies and workers awareness of risks (workers knowledge)

    David Graeber, Bullshit Jobs

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    Dans Bullshit Jobs, le regretté David Graeber soutient une thèse qui a rencontré un large écho : une part croissante et élevée des emplois n’a ni sens ni utilité et rend malades celles et ceux qui les occupent, « à l’idée qu’ils [elles] n’apportent aucun bienfait au monde » (p. 285). Il explore les facteurs économiques, politiques et sociaux qui expliquent cette prolifération des tâches inutiles, et cherche à comprendre pourquoi ces emplois sont souvent bien mieux rémunérés que d’autres emplo..

    Mesurer l’impact du travail sur la santé : du longitudinal, oui, mais lequel ?

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    Cet article vise à réaliser une comparaison systématique des performances des modèles épidémiologiques dits « naïfs », expliquant la prévalence des troubles de santé par les seules caractéristiques actuelles du travail des salariés, avec des modèles plus rigoureux au plan théorique, incluant un historique de certaines expositions professionnelles passées (modèles statiques rétrospectifs), ou étudiant l’incidence (au lieu de la prévalence) des troubles en fonction soit de l’exposition à la date initiale (modèles longitudinaux standards), soit de l’évolution de l’exposition (modèles dynamiques).On montre dans un premier temps combien l’impact de la prise en compte des facteurs individuels de confusion – la consommation d’alcool et de tabac, les modes de vie des personnes ou leur historique médical – est faible : les corrélations entre la santé et les conditions actuelles de travail mises en évidence par les modèles naïfs n’en sont pratiquement pas modifiées. Cela ne signifie bien sûr pas que ces facteurs sont sans effets sur la santé des personnes – au contraire, l’analyse montre les effets importants de certains de ces facteurs – mais que les effets des facteurs professionnels et des facteurs personnels jouent de façon largement indépendante.On examine ensuite les mérites respectifs des modèles « standards » et « dynamiques » : les premiers expliquant l’incidence d’un trouble de santé entre deux dates par l’exposition à la date initiale, les seconds prenant pour variables explicatives l’évolution de l’exposition entre les deux dates. Pour ce qui concerne les (infra)pathologies liées au stress, les modèles standard apparaissent sous-performants, dans la mesure où ils sous-estiment nettement l’impact des expositions sur les troubles de santé. L’explication tient probablement à la plus grande réversibilité des troubles en cas de disparition de l’exposition, phénomène que le modèle standard confond avec une corrélation négative entre l’exposition et le trouble.This paper intends a systematic comparison of the performances of the “naive” epidemiologic models, explaining the prevalence of health issues through existing characteristics of workers. This would be compared to more rigorous models, that will include a history of some former professional exposures (retrospective static models), or will study the incidence (instead of the prevalence) of the disorders according to either the exposure from the initial date (longitudinal standard models), or the evolution of the exposure (dynamic models).We first show the weakness of the impact of the individual factors of confusion such as the consumption of alcohol and tobacco, living conditions or medical history. However, the correlations between health and employment characteristics highlighted by the naive models remain practically unmodified in the more thorough models. That doesn’t mean that these factors are without effects on health. On the contrary, the analysis shows the importance of some of these effects. But the effects of the professional and the personal factors act in a largely independent way.We then examine the respective merits of “standard” and “dynamic” models. The first explain the incidence of health disorders between two dates by the exposure from the initial date. The second take the evolution of the exposure between the two dates as explanatory variables. Concerning the (infra)pathologies related to stress, the “standard” models appear under-efficient, insofar as they clearly underestimate the impact of the exposures on health disorders. This lack of efficiency is probably due to the greatest reversibility of the disorders in the case of disappearance of the exposure, a phenomenon which the “standard” model confuses with negative correlation between the exposure and the disorder.Este artículo intenta realizar una comparación sistemática del desempeño de los modelos epidemiológicos llamados « ingenuos », modelos que explican la prevalencia de problemas de salud únicamente a partir de las características del trabajo de los asalariados, utilizando modelos más rigurosos desde un plano teórico, es decir que consideran el historial de exposiciones laborales (modelos estadísticos retrospectivos), o que estudian la incidencia (en lugar de la prevalencia) de los problemas ya sea en función de la exposición inicial (modelos longitudinales estandar), o en función de la evolución de la exposición (modelos dinámicos).Mostramos, en un primer momento, cuan débil es el impacto de los factores individuales de confusión – el consumo de alcohol y de tabaco, los modos de vida de las personas o su historial médico - : las correlaciones entre salud y condiciones de trabajo puestas en evidencia por los modelos « ingenuos » prácticamente no se ven modificadas. Esto no significa, por supuesto, que estos factores no tengan efectos sobre la salud de las personas - por el contrario, el análisis muestra efectos importantes de algunos de esos factores - pero que los efectos de los factores profesionales y personales intervienen de manera ampliamente independiente.Examinamos luego los méritos respectivos de los modelos « estandar » y « dinámico » : los primeros explican la incidencia de un problema de salud entre dos fechas por la exposición a la fecha inicial ; los segundos toman como variables explicativas la evolución de la exposición entre ambas fechas. En lo que a (infra) patologías ligadas al stress se refiere, los modelos estandar son sub-eficientes en la medida que sub-estiman netamente el impacto de las exposiciones sobre los problemas de salud. La explicación tiene seguramente que ver con una mayor reversibilidad de los problemas en caso de desaparición de la exposición, fenómeno que el modelo estandar confunde con una correlación negativa entre la exposición y el problema

    Medir o impacto do trabalho sobre a saúde : estudos longitudinais, sim, mas quais ?

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    Este artigo visa realizar uma comparação sistemática das performances dos modelos epidemiológicos ditos “naïfs”, explicando a prevalência das perturbações de saúde através das únicas características actuais do trabalho dos assalariados, com modelos mais rigorosos no plano teórico, incluindo um histórico de certas exposições profissionais anteriores (modelos estatísticos retrospectivos), ou estudando a incidência (em lugar da prevalência) das perturbações em função, seja da exposição à data inicial (modelos longitudinais standard), seja da evolução da exposição (modelos dinâmicos).Mostra-se num primeiro momento quanto o impacto da consideração de factores individuais de confusão — o consumo de álcool e de tabaco, os modos de vida as pessoas ou o seu historial médico — é fraco : as correlações entre a saúde e as condições actuais de trabalho evidenciadas pelos modelos naïfs permanecem inalteradas. Isso não significa, certamente, que esses factores não tenham efeitos na saúde das pessoas — pelo contrário, a análise mostra os efeitos importantes de alguns desses factores — mas os efeitos dos factores profissionais e dos factores pessoais agem de maneira largamente independente.De seguida serão examinados os méritos respectivos dos modelos standard e dinâmicos : os primeiros explicando a incidência de uma perturbação de saúde entre duas datas pela exposição à data inicial, os segundos usando como variáveis explicativas a evolução da exposição entre as duas datas. No que respeita às (infra)patologias ligadas ao stress, os modelos standard aparentam ser menos performantes, na medida em que subestimam claramente o impacto das exposições sobre as perturbações de saúde. A explicação está provavelmente relacionada com a maior reversibilidade das perturbações em caso de desaparecimento da exposição, fenómeno que o modelo standard confunde com uma correlação negativa entre a exposição e a perturbação.Este artículo intenta realizar una comparación sistemática del desempeño de los modelos epidemiológicos llamados “ ingenuos », modelos que explican la prevalencia de problemas de salud únicamente a partir de las características del trabajo de los asalariados, utilizando modelos más rigurosos desde un plano teórico, es decir que consideran el historial de exposiciones laborales (modelos estadísticos retrospectivos), o que estudian la incidencia (en lugar de la prevalencia) de los problemas ya sea en función de la exposición inicial (modelos longitudinales estandar), o en función de la evolución de la exposición (modelos dinámicos).Mostramos, en un primer momento, cuan débil es el impacto de los factores individuales de confusión – el consumo de alcohol y de tabaco, los modos de vida de las personas o su historial médico : las correlaciones entre salud y condiciones de trabajo puestas en evidencia por los modelos “ ingenuos » prácticamente no se ven modificadas. Esto no significa, por supuesto, que estos factores no tengan efectos sobre la salud de las personas por el contrario, el análisis muestra efectos importantes de algunos de esos factores pero que los efectos de los factores profesionales y personales intervienen de manera ampliamente independiente. Examinamos luego los méritos respectivos de los modelos “ estandar » y “ dinámico » : los primeros explican la incidencia de un problema de salud entre dos fechas por la exposición a la fecha inicial ; los segundos toman como variables explicativas la evolución de la exposición entre ambas fechas. En lo que a (infra) patologías ligadas al stress se refiere, los modelos estandar son sub-eficientes en la medida que sub-estiman netamente el impacto de las exposiciones sobre los problemas de salud. La explicación tiene seguramente que ver con una mayor reversibilidad de los problemas en caso de desaparición de la exposición, fenómeno que el modelo estandar confunde con una correlación negativa entre la exposición y el problema.Cet article vise à réaliser une comparaison systématique des performances des modèles épidémiologiques dits “ naïfs », expliquant la prévalence des troubles de santé par les seules caractéristiques actuelles du travail des salariés, avec des modèles plus rigoureux au plan théorique, incluant un historique de certaines expositions professionnelles passées (modèles statiques rétrospectifs), ou étudiant l’incidence (au lieu de la prévalence) des troubles en fonction soit de l’exposition à la date initiale (modèles longitudinaux standards), soit de l’évolution de l’exposition (modèles dynamiques).On montre dans un premier temps combien l’impact de la prise en compte des facteurs individuels de confusion – la consommation d’alcool et de tabac, les modes de vie des personnes ou leur historique médical – est faible : les corrélations entre la santé et les conditions actuelles de travail mises en évidence par les modèles naïfs n’en sont pratiquement pas modifiées. Cela ne signifie bien sûr pas que ces facteurs sont sans effets sur la santé des personnes – au contraire, l’analyse montre les effets importants de certains de ces facteurs – mais que les effets des facteurs professionnels et des facteurs personnels jouent de façon largement indépendante.On examine ensuite les mérites respectifs des modèles “ standards » et “ dynamiques » : les premiers expliquant l’incidence d’un trouble de santé entre deux dates par l’exposition à la date initiale, les seconds prenant pour variables explicatives l’évolution de l’exposition entre les deux dates. Pour ce qui concerne les (infra)pathologies liées au stress, les modèles standard apparaissent sous-performants, dans la mesure où ils sous-estiment nettement l’impact des expositions sur les troubles de santé. L’explication tient probablement à la plus grande réversibilité des troubles en cas de disparition de l’exposition, phénomène que le modèle standard confond avec une corrélation négative entre l’exposition et le trouble.This paper intends to present a systematic comparison between the performances of ìnaiveî epidemiological models, explaining the prevalence of health issues through existing characteristics of workers, and more rigorous models that include a history of some former professional exposures (retrospective statistical models), or models that study the incidence (instead of the prevalence) of the disorders, according to either the exposure from the initial date (longitudinal standard models), or the evolution of the exposure (dynamic models). We first show the weakness of considering the impact of individual misleading factors such as the consumption of alcohol and tobacco, living conditions or medical history. However, the correlations between health and employment characteristics highlighted by the naive models remain practically unmodified in the more thorough models. That does not mean that these factors have no effects on health. On the contrary, the analysis shows the importance of some of these effects. But the effects of the professional factors and of the personal ones act independently.We then examine the respective merits of ìstandardî and ìdynamicî models. The first ones explain the incidence of health disorders by exposure between two dates with reference to the initial date. The second ones take the evolution of the exposure between the two dates as explanatory variables. Concerning the (infra)pathologies related to stress, the ìstandardî models appear under-efficient, insofar as they clearly underestimate the impact of exposures on health disorders. This lack of efficiency is probably due to the greater reversibility of disorders in the case of the disappearance of exposure, a phenomenon that the ìstandardî model confuses with a negative correlation between the exposure and the disorder

    Association of liquid-assisted grinding with aging accelerates the inherently slow slipping-on of a dibenzo-24-crown-8 over the N -hydroxysuccinimide ester of an ammonium-containing thread

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    International audienceSolvent-free and solvent-less slipping-on of the dibenzo-24-crown-8 (DB24C8) over the N-hydroxysuccinimide end of an ammonium-containing thread has been studied and compared to the same reaction operated in solution. Slippage proved to be possible in solvent-free conditions, but the fastest slippage was obtained under heating when preliminary Liquid-Assisted Grinding (LAG) conditions were applied to the reactants followed by aging under an atmosphere of acetonitrile. The recently awarded 2016 Nobel Prize in chemistry 1 has put a light on molecular machines. 2 Some of these machines benet from their interlocked molecular architecture 3 so that the relative displacement of one interlaced element among others becomes possible and controllable. Hence, the straightforward synthesis of interlocked molecules is appealing in order to access novel molecular machines. Using the slippage strategy, 4 we recently reported the preparation of an insulated and stor-able, albeit activated, N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) ester-containing [2]rotaxane building block (Scheme 1 and entry 1 of Table 1). 5 This compound is a valuable activated building block for post-interlocking elongation of the encircled axle using bulky amino compounds. 6 As the mechanism of such aminolysis reactions preserves the mechanical bond, it allowed the efficient and straightforward preparation of more sophisticated interlocked compounds such as [2] and [3]rotaxane molecular shuttles. 5,6 Improving the access to the NHS ester-containing [2]rotaxane building block 2 is therefore of real interest. This is particularly justied since in acetonitrile solution , the slipping-on of the DB24C8 (3 equiv.) over the NHS extremity of an ammonium-containing thread (at a concentration of 3 Â 10 À2 M) is very slow and necessitates heating (13 days and 333 K, respectively). In this paper, we wondered if this slipping-on process could be possible, nay improved, by drastically reducing the amount of solvent. Since solvent-free/ solvent-less conditions are highly prone to induce mass transfer limitations, utilisation of ball-milling was envisaged. Indeed it was previously shown that ball-milling could improve the speed of inherently slow reactions. 7 A few examples of solvent-free/solvent-less synthesis of rotaxanes have been reported to date, 8 and to the best of our knowledge, only three of these examples are related to slippage process through a co-melting process 9 or an immediate solvent evaporation method. 10 Herein, different experimental procedures were considered to yield the activated [2]rotaxane 2: solvent-free grinding, 11 Liquid-Assisted Grinding (LAG), 12 and aging by heating with or without an acetonitrile atmosphere. 13 LAG is dened as the use of small amounts of a non-reactive liquid during grinding. 14 It has been shown by us and by other research groups to have a considerable effect on the course of reactions run under mechanical forces. 15 Besides, aging is the action of letting the reaction take place in the absence of any mechanical agitation. This reactivity Scheme 1 Slippage process of the NHS ester-containing molecular axle 1 by the DB24C8

    The impact of culture on neuropsychological performance: A global social cognition study across 12 countries

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    AbstractBackgroundDecades of researches aiming to unveil truths about human neuropsychology may have instead unveil facts appropriate to only a fraction of the world's population: those living in western educated rich democratic nations (Muthukrishna et al., 2020 Psych Sci). So far, most studies were conducted as if education and cultural assumptions on which neuropsychology is based were universals and applied everywhere in the world. The importance given to sociological or cultural factors is thus still relatively ignored. With the growth of international clinical studies on dementia, we believe that documenting the potential inter‐cultural differences at stake in a common neuropsychological assessment is an essential topic. This study thus aimed to explore these potential variations in two classical tasks used in neuropsychology that are composing the mini‐SEA (Bertoux et al., 2012 JNNP), i.e. a reduced version of the well‐known Ekman faces (FER), where one has to recognize facial emotions, and a modified version of the Faux Pas test (mFP), where one has to detect and explain social faux.MethodThe data of 573 control participants were collected through the Social Cognition & FTLD Network, an international consortium investigating social cognitive changes in dementia covering 3 continents (18 research centres in 12 countries). Impact of demographic factors and the effect of countries on performance (mini‐SEA, FER, mFP) were explored through linear mixed‐effects models.ResultAge, education and gender were found to significantly impact the performance of the mini‐SEA subtests. Significant and important variations across the countries were also retrieved, with England having the highest performance for all scores. When controlling for demographical factors, differences within countries explained between 14% (mFP) and 24% (FER) of the variance at the mini‐SEA. These variations were not explained by any economical or sociological metrics.ConclusionImportant variations of performance were observed across the 12 countries of the consortium, showing how cultural differences may critically impact neuropsychological performance in international studies

    Does Culture Shape Our Understanding of Others’ Thoughts and Emotions? An Investigation Across 12 Countries

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    Q2Q2Measures of social cognition have now become central in neuropsychology, being essential for early and differential diagnoses, follow-up, and rehabilitation in a wide range of conditions. With the scientific world becoming increasingly interconnected, international neuropsychological and medical collaborations are burgeoning to tackle the global challenges that are mental health conditions. These initiatives commonly merge data across a diversity of populations and countries, while ignoring their specificity. Objective: In this context, we aimed to estimate the influence of participants’ nationality on social cognition evaluation. This issue is of particular importance as most cognitive tasks are developed in highly specific contexts, not representative of that encountered by the world’s population. Method: Through a large international study across 18 sites, neuropsychologists assessed core aspects of social cognition in 587 participants from 12 countries using traditional and widely used tasks. Results: Age, gender, and education were found to impact measures of mentalizing and emotion recognition. After controlling for these factors, differences between countries accounted for more than 20% of the variance on both measures. Importantly, it was possible to isolate participants’ nationality from potential translation issues, which classically constitute a major limitation. Conclusions: Overall, these findings highlight the need for important methodological shifts to better represent social cognition in both fundamental research and clinical practice, especially within emerging international networks and consortia.https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9422-3579https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6529-7077Revista Internacional - IndexadaA2N