4,252 research outputs found

    Experiencias cotidianas de padres con hijos discapacitados

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    A família é considerada um espaço de aprendizagem que está em constante renovação e enriquecimento, no entanto, quando um dos seus elementos é portador de deficiência, a família assume um papel primordial na reconstrução diária da vida intima e social dos seus membros. Os pais vivem com preocupação constante quem irá cuidar dos seus filhos, porque o envelhecimento é inevitável: logo, estes ficam cada vez mais dependentes, já que os progenitores enfrentam incapacidades físicas para cuidar dos filhos. Este estudo qualitativo tem características fenomenológicas, sendo igualmente exploratório descritivo, e surgiu da seguinte pergunta de partida. “Será que os pais de filhos portadores de deficiência na idade adulta expressam necessidades específicas?”. Com base na metodologia utilizada, a colheita de dados foi efetuada através de entrevista semiestruturada a cinco pais idosos que cuidam dos seus filhos deficientes e que frequentam o Centro de Educação e Formação Profissional Integrada (CEFPI). Dos resultados obtidos salientamos que estes pais vivem em função dos filhos e para os filhos; tal facto está inerente à dependência de cuidados em grau moderado, destacando-se o autocuidado higiene, deambular, vestir e despir. O cuidar dos filhos não é partilhado, cuidam sozinhos dos filhos e sentem-se sós no desempenho do seu papel

    Requerimento de água das culturas.

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    Características físico-hídricas e disponibilidade de água no solo.

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    Milk related excipients in medications: concerns with cow’s milk protein allergy

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    Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysis of drugs returned by inpatient services after unit dose distribution in a portuguese public hospital

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    Unit-dose has been considered the most effective dispensing system in hospital pharmacy, however not all drugs are administered, are then returned to the pharmacy. The analysis of non-administered drugs might provide important data regarding pharmacotherapeutic follow-up, but also regarding pharmacy management decisions. The present study aims at depicting the drugs returned to the pharmacy following their previous unit-dose dispensing. Methods: During a period of 45 days, the unused returned drugs of five different inpatient clinical services were analyzed regarding the state of conservation, justification for return, inpatient clinical service provenance, and dosage regimen. Of a total of 65280 unit-dose dispensed drugs, 25.2% were returned (n=16431) and 74.9% of SOS (i.e. medications prescribed as needed) drugs (n=6583) were unused. Excluding SOS drugs, more than a half of the returned drugs (52.4%, n=4967), were probably returned due to unintended omission of administration, after excluding patients that were not physically on the unit and patients whose treatments were modified. The large majority of returned drugs (98.6%, n=16201) were suitable for reintroduction in the medication circuit. In order to accomplish the basic principles of unit-dose dispensing genesis, the returned drugs must be kept to a minimum. Therefore, the suspension of dispensing SOS drugs by unit-dose should be considered. Additionally, the careful analysis of returned drugs should be promoted, in order to avoid, as much as possible, the omission of administration.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Compliance with intangible assets disclosure requirements: study of Portuguese non-financial companies

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    The present study aims to identify the degree of compliance with the intangible assets disclosure requirements outlined in the Accounting and Financial Reporting Standard (Norma Contabilística de Relato Financeiro – NCRF) 6 - Intangible Assets. It also seeks to analyse the factors influencing compliance with intangible assets mandatory disclosure requirements. An analysis of the 500 largest companies ranked by Exame Magazine, 2010, which are subject to the general Portuguese Accounting Standards System (Sistema de Normalização Contabilística - SNC), was conducted to check whether their Financial Statements for the years 2010 (transition year) and 2011 were made available on their websites. The methodology chosen to answer the research questions and achieve the proposed objectives was the content analysis of the financial statements of a sample of 37 Portuguese unlisted companies. The data collected in 2010 and 2011 allowed the construction of an index of intangible assets and the identification of disclosure explanatory factors. We tested six hypotheses for a possible association between the disclosure index and six explanatory variables through analysis, descriptive statistics, normality, differences in means, correlation and regression. Our results show an average of 30% in the disclosure index for intangible assets. Contrary to what was expected, results confirm that the adoption of SNC did not cause a higher level of disclosure over time. Companies’ size is the most influencing factor, indicating that larger companies disclose information on intangible assets basically to reduce agency costs, political costs related to their public visibility, and in such a way manage the relationship with their relevant stakeholders.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Feeding and Feedback in the Inner Kiloparsec of the Active Galaxy NGC2110

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    We present two-dimensional gaseous kinematics of the inner 1.1 x 1.6kpc^2 of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC2110, from optical spectra obtained with the GMOS integral field spectrograph on the Gemini South telescope at a spatial resolution of 100pc. Gas emission is observed over the whole field-of-view, with complex - and frequently double - emission-line profiles. We have identified four components in the emitting gas, according to their velocity dispersion (sigma), which we refer to as: (1) warm gas disk (sigma = 100-220km/s); (2) cold gas disk (sigma = 60-90km/s); (3) nuclear component (sigma = 220-600km/s); and (4) northern cloud (sigma = 60-80km/s). Both the cold and warm disk components are dominated by rotation and have similar gas densities, but the cold gas disk has lower velocity dispersions and reaches higher rotation velocities. We attribute the warm gas disk to a thick gas layer which encompasses the cold disk as observed in some edge-on spiral galaxies. After subtraction of a rotation model from the cold disk velocity field, we observe excess blueshifts of 50km/s in the far side of the galaxy as well as similar excess redshifts in the near side. These residuals can be interpreted as due to nuclear inflow in the cold gas, with an estimated ionized gas mass inflow rate of 2.2 x 10^(-2)Msun/yr. We have also subtracted a rotating model from the warm disk velocity field and found excess blueshifts of 100km/s to the SW of the nucleus and excess redshifts of 40km/s to the NE, which we attribute to gas disturbed by an interaction with a nuclear spherical outflow. This nuclear outflow is the origin of the nuclear component observed within the inner 300pc and it has a mass outflow rate of 0.9Msun/yr. In a region between 1" and 4" north of the nucleus we find a new low sigma component of ionized gas which we attribute to a high latitude cloud photoionized by the nuclear source.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, 1 table; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Metodologia para utilização de teste Elisa na diagnose de murcha bacteriana em batata (Solanum tuberosum)

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    Monitoramento de viroses em lavouras de batata-doce no Rio Grande do Sul.

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