1,015 research outputs found

    Transport Properties of Random Walks on Scale-Free/Regular-Lattice Hybrid Networks

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    We study numerically the mean access times for random walks on hybrid disordered structures formed by embedding scale-free networks into regular lattices, considering different transition rates for steps across lattice bonds (FF) and across network shortcuts (ff). For fast shortcuts (f/F1f/F\gg 1 ) and low shortcut densities, traversal time data collapse onto an universal curve, while a crossover behavior that can be related to the percolation threshold of the scale-free network component is identified at higher shortcut densities, in analogy to similar observations reported recently in Newman-Watts small-world networks. Furthermore, we observe that random walk traversal times are larger for networks with a higher degree of inhomogeneity in their shortcut distribution, and we discuss access time distributions as functions of the initial and final node degrees. These findings are relevant, in particular, when considering the optimization of existing information networks by the addition of a small number of fast shortcut connections.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures; expanded discussions, added figures and references. To appear in J Stat Phy

    Continuous Percolation Phase Transitions of Two-dimensional Lattice Networks under a Generalized Achlioptas Process

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    The percolation phase transitions of two-dimensional lattice networks under a generalized Achlioptas process (GAP) are investigated. During the GAP, two edges are chosen randomly from the lattice and the edge with minimum product of the two connecting cluster sizes is taken as the next occupied bond with a probability pp. At p=0.5p=0.5, the GAP becomes the random growth model and leads to the minority product rule at p=1p=1. Using the finite-size scaling analysis, we find that the percolation phase transitions of these systems with 0.5p10.5 \le p \le 1 are always continuous and their critical exponents depend on pp. Therefore, the universality class of the critical phenomena in two-dimensional lattice networks under the GAP is related to the probability parameter pp in addition.Comment: 7 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J.

    Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) maintains follicular ultrastructure and stimulates preantral follicle growth in caprine ovarian tissue cultured in vitro

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    O objetivo desse estudo foi investigar se o TGF-β afeta a sobrevivência, ativação e crescimento de folículos primordiais caprinos inclusos no córtex ovariano após o cultivo in vitro. Ovários de cabras foram coletados em abatedouro e fragmentos de tecido ovariano foram cultivados por um e sete dias em meio essencial mínimo alfa (α-MEM+) sozinho ou suplementado com TGF-β (1, 5, 10 ou 50ng/mL). Fragmentos ovarianos não cultivados e cultivados foram processados para análise histológica e ultraestrutural. Os resultados mostraram que, comparado ao controle fresco, houve diminuição no percentual de folículos morfologicamente normais em todos os tratamentos somente após sete dias de cultivo. O TGF-β não afetou a ativação folicular independente da concentração testada, contudo, o diâmetro folicular foi superior (P<0.05) no tratamento com 10ng/mL de TGF-β quando comparado ao controle fresco e aos demais tratamentos. Além disso, essa mesma concentração manteve a ultraestrutura normal dos folículos após sete dias de cultivo. Em conclusão, o TGF-β apresentou efeito adicional no crescimento folicular e na manutenção da integridade ultraestrutural de folículos pré-antrais caprinos inclusos no tecido ovariano quando utilizado na concentração de 10ng/mL durante sete dias de cultivo.The objectives of this study were to investigate whether TGF-β affect the survival, activation and further growth of goat primordial follicles enclosed in ovarian cortex after in vitro culture. Goat ovaries were collected from an abattoir and pieces of ovarian tissues were cultured for one or seven days in a supplemented alpha Minimum Essential Medium, alone or containing TGF-β (1, 5, 10 or 50ng/mL). Ovarian tissues from the fresh control as well as those cultured were processed for histological and ultrastructural studies. The results showed that when compared with fresh control, there was decrease in the percentages of histologically normal follicles in all treatments only after seven days culture. TGF-β did not affect the activation of preantral follicles regardless of its concentration, however, larger follicles diameter (P<0.05) was observed using 10ng/mL TGF-β than in the fresh control and other treatments. Moreover, this concentration maintained the normal ultrastructure after seven days of culture. In conclusion, TGF-β showed additional effect on the follicle growth and the maintenance of ultrastructural integrity of goat preantral follicles enclosed in ovarian tissue when used at 10ng/mL during seven days of culture

    Bad news travels fast! | Notícia ruim corre depressa!

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    Many proverbs are created through everyday experience. Although many of them are readily understood by ordinary people, the more detailed view generates many questions and doubts related to their credibility. Motivated by one of these proverbs, in the present paper, we analyse propagation of news in the network of electronic contacts (e-mails). More specifically, we propose transmission protocols intended to reproduce properties of real systems. These protocols are simulated in a real e-mail network and in the random network proposed by p. Erdos and a. Rényi prize. The results suggest that news spreads faster in the random network. The hubs in the real network tend to attract the news, in prejudice to the less connected nodes

    Transition from fractal to non-fractal scalings in growing scale-free networks

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    Real networks can be classified into two categories: fractal networks and non-fractal networks. Here we introduce a unifying model for the two types of networks. Our model network is governed by a parameter qq. We obtain the topological properties of the network including the degree distribution, average path length, diameter, fractal dimensions, and betweenness centrality distribution, which are controlled by parameter qq. Interestingly, we show that by adjusting qq, the networks undergo a transition from fractal to non-fractal scalings, and exhibit a crossover from `large' to small worlds at the same time. Our research may shed some light on understanding the evolution and relationships of fractal and non-fractal networks.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, definitive version accepted for publication in EPJ

    Large-scale collective motion of RFGC galaxies

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    We processed the data about radial velocities and HI linewidths for 1678 flat edge-on spirals from the Revised Flat Galaxy Catalogue. We obtained the parameters of the multipole components of large-scale velocity field of collective non-Hubble galaxy motion as well as the parameters of the generalized Tully-Fisher relationship in the "HI line width - linear diameter" version. All the calculations were performed independently in the framework of three models, where the multipole decomposition of the galaxy velocity field was limited to a dipole, quadrupole and octopole terms respectively. We showed that both the quadrupole and the octopole components are statistically significant. On the basis of the compiled list of peculiar velocities of 1623 galaxies we obtained the estimations of cosmological parameters Omega_m and sigma_8. This estimation is obtained in both graphical form and as a constraint of the value S_8=sigma_8(Omega_m/0.3)^0.35 = 0.91 +/- 0.05.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    A first-principles approach to electrical transport in atomic-scale nanostructures

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    We present a first-principles numerical implementation of Landauer formalism for electrical transport in nanostructures characterized down to the atomic level. The novelty and interest of our method lies essentially on two facts. First of all, it makes use of the versatile Gaussian98 code, which is widely used within the quantum chemistry community. Secondly, it incorporates the semi-infinite electrodes in a very generic and efficient way by means of Bethe lattices. We name this method the Gaussian Embedded Cluster Method (GECM). In order to make contact with other proposed implementations, we illustrate our technique by calculating the conductance in some well-studied systems such as metallic (Al and Au) nanocontacts and C-atom chains connected to metallic (Al and Au) electrodes. In the case of Al nanocontacts the conductance turns out to be quite dependent on the detailed atomic arrangement. On the contrary, the conductance in Au nanocontacts presents quite universal features. In the case of C chains, where the self-consistency guarantees the local charge transfer and the correct alignment of the molecular and electrode levels, we find that the conductance oscillates with the number of atoms in the chain regardless of the type of electrode. However, for short chains and Al electrodes the even-odd periodicity is reversed at equilibrium bond distances.Comment: 14 pages, two-column format, submitted to PR

    Node-weighted measures for complex networks with spatially embedded, sampled, or differently sized nodes

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    When network and graph theory are used in the study of complex systems, a typically finite set of nodes of the network under consideration is frequently either explicitly or implicitly considered representative of a much larger finite or infinite region or set of objects of interest. The selection procedure, e.g., formation of a subset or some kind of discretization or aggregation, typically results in individual nodes of the studied network representing quite differently sized parts of the domain of interest. This heterogeneity may induce substantial bias and artifacts in derived network statistics. To avoid this bias, we propose an axiomatic scheme based on the idea of node splitting invariance to derive consistently weighted variants of various commonly used statistical network measures. The practical relevance and applicability of our approach is demonstrated for a number of example networks from different fields of research, and is shown to be of fundamental importance in particular in the study of spatially embedded functional networks derived from time series as studied in, e.g., neuroscience and climatology.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figure

    Analysis of the pharmaceutical assistance cycle in Romelândia, Santa Catarina, Brazil

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    The Pharmaceutical Assistance Cycle (PA) is the basis for healthcare services through which pharmaceutical assistance and expertise can be implemented in a functional and structured way to meet public health demands, adhere to the Brazilian Ministry of Health vision, and strike a balance in the contemporary struggle for health equity. The aim of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of the PA cycle in the city of Romel&#226;ndia (SC), through a study conducted at a Primary Healthcare Unit in the municipality. For the study, 120 patients (service users) and seven healthcare professionals were interviewed. The majority of patients confirmed that they were given advice and instruction on dosage during the dispensing process, as well as advice on the recommended use of medicines and course duration. A small number of service users, 4.1%, said that they received instructions on adverse drug interactions; 36.6% commented on a lack of access to medicines available in the municipal pharmacy, and 71.4% of the health professionals interviewed, identified non-availability of medicines in the pharmacy as the most pressing and telling problem facing the service. There is also no local Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, and the only selection criteria is the Ministry of Health essential medicines list. Our study has therefore identified several weaknesses facing the city healthcare service, namely: the shortage of medicines; a lack of resolute professional communication between pharmacist and service user; a lack of patient counseling during the dispensing process, and a lack of communication regarding patient follow-up treatment and wellbeing

    New data on OZI rule violation in bar{p}p annihilation at rest

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    The results of a measurement of the ratio R = Y(phi pi+ pi-) / Y(omega pi+ pi-) for antiproton annihilation at rest in a gaseous and in a liquid hydrogen target are presented. It was found that the value of this ratio increases with the decreasing of the dipion mass, which demonstrates the difference in the phi and omega production mechanisms. An indication on the momentum transfer dependence of the apparent OZI rule violation for phi production from the 3S1 initial state was found.Comment: 11 pages, 3 PostScript figures, submitted to Physics Letter