105 research outputs found

    Predictive hematological and immunological parameters associated with postpartum progressed Covid-19 disease

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    Background: In pregnancy, Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) infection disease may be more severe due to existingphysiological changes. Similarly, changes during and after birth can make the patient more subceptible. Objective: To investigate possible laboratory findings that was related to postpartum progression of COVID-19 disease. Methods: Pregnant women who are pregnant at 28 weeks or more and who are COVID-19 positive at the time of delivery were investigated in this study. Progressed post- delivery and non-progressed COVID-19 positive pregnants’ laboratory findings were analyzed. Hematological and immunological parameters associated with postpartum progressed COVID-19 disease were evaluated. Results: Totally 151 individuals were conducted to the study. In the prenatal analysis, higher BMI and lower albumin levels were detected in the progressed group (p<0.05). In the postpartum analysis; White Blood Cell, lymphocyte and albumin were increased, while neutrophil, NLR, LDH, CK, D-DIMER, Ferritin, CRP and IL-6 were decreased in the non-progressed group as opposite of the progressed group (p<005). Conclusion: We observed that prenatal low albumin and high BMI may be related to progression of the COVID-19 disease after delivery. In progressed group, inflammatory markers were increased after delivery while in non-progressed group they were improved. These markers may be warning for the postpartum progression of COVID-19 disease. Keywords: COVID-19; delivery; albumin; neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio; pregnancy

    Ganglion Impar block improves neuropathic pain in coccygodynia: A preliminary report

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    Aim of the study To define the effectiveness of ganglion Impar block in improving neuropathic pain. Materials and methods Patients who had pain around the coccyx for more than three months and did not respond to conservative treatment were included in this study. All the patients underwent fluoroscopy guided transsacrococcygeal ganglion Impar block with injecting 3 mL of 0.5% bupivacaine, 2 mL saline, and 1 mL (40 mg) of methylprednisolone. Patients were evaluated with visual analog scale (VAS) for pain, Leeds assessment of neuropathic symptoms and signs scale (LANSS) for neuropathic pain, Beck depression Inventory (BDI) for mood and Short-form 12 (SF-12) for quality of life before, 1 month 3 months and 6 months after the injection. Patients’ painless sitting duration was also recorded. Results A total of 28 patients were included in the final analyses. VAS and LANSS scores improved significantly throughout the follow-up periods. BDI scores also improved while SF-12 scores did not show significant changes. Painless sitting period of the patients’ improved significantly. Conclusions Ganglion Impar block is effective in decreasing the neuropathic component of chronic coccygodynia. This improves painless sitting in patients but its reflections on quality of life is not clear

    Total bilirubin and fasting plasma glucose levels are associated with coronary collateral development in elderly patients

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    Background and objective: We aimed to investigate biochemical factors affecting coronary collateral circulation development in an elderly population aged 75 years and over. Material and methods: The study group consisted of patients with a prior coronary angiography for stable coronary artery disease (CAD). Patients with total occlusion of at least one vessel were included in the study. Enrolled patients were divided into two groups, good collateral (GC; n = 73) and bad collateral (BC; n = 55), in accordance with the Cohen-Rentop’s classification system. Results: In comparison to the GC group, bilirubin levels were significantly lower (p < 0.001), and fasting plasma glucose (FPG) levels were significantly higher in the BC group (p = 0.026). Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels were significantly lower in the BC group when compared to the GC group (p = 0.002 and p < 0.001, respectively). Backward elimination stepwise logistic regression analysis identified bilirubin and FPG as variables that strongly predicted the presence of a well-developed coronary collateral circulation and a poorly developed coronary collateral circulation, respectively. Conclusion: Bilirubin and FPG were seemed as the most important factors affecting coronary collateral circulation development in patients with stable CAD who were older than 75 years

    Within- and between-subject biological variation data for serum zinc, copper and selenium obtained from 68 apparently healthy Turkish subjects

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    Postponed access: the file will be available after 2022-10-22Objectives: Trace elements (TrEL) are nutritionally essential components in maintaining health and preventing diseases. There is a lack of reliable biological variation (BV) data for TrELs, required for the diagnosis and monitoring of TrEL disturbances. In this study, we aimed to provide updated within- and between-subject BV estimates for zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and selenium (Se). Methods: Weekly serum samples were drawn from 68 healthy subjects (36 females and 32 males) for 10 weeks and stored at −80 °C prior to analysis. Serum Zn, Cu and Se levels were measured using inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Outlier and variance homogeneity analyses were performed followed by CV-ANOVA (Røraas method) to determine BV and analytical variation estimates with 95% CI and the associated reference change values (RCV) for all subjects, males and females. Results: Significant differences in mean concentrations between males and females were observed, with absolute and relative (%) differences for Zn at 0.5 μmol/L (3.5%), Cu 2.0 μmol/L (14.1%) and Se 0.06 μmol/L (6.0%). The within-subject BV (CVI [95% CI]) estimates were 8.8% (8.2–9.3), 7.8% (7.3–8.3) and 7.7% (7.2–8.2) for Zn, Cu and Se, respectively. Within-subject biological variation (CVI) estimates derived for male and female subgroups were similar for all three TrELs. Marked individuality was observed for Cu and Se. Conclusions: The data of this study provides updated BV estimates for serum Zn, Cu and Se derived from a stringent protocol and state of the art methodologies. Furthermore, Cu and Se display marked individuality, highlighting that population based reference limits should not be used in the monitoring of patients.publishedVersio

    Microbiological Quality and Sensory Properties of Tarhanas Produced by Addition Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Sourdough as Starter Culture after Different Fermentation Periods

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    Aims:&nbsp;The aim of this study was to investigate some effects of different starter cultures (Saccharomyces cerevisiae&nbsp;and sourdough) and different fermentation times (7, 14 and 21 days) on tarhana. Place and Duration of Study:&nbsp;Food Engineering Department, Namık Kemal University, Tekirdag, Turkey,&nbsp; October 2017. Methodology:&nbsp;Wheat flour, full-fat commercial set-type yoghurt made from cow milk, starter culture (sourdough and dried baker’s yeast as&nbsp;Saccharomyces cerevisiae), fresh red pepper, onion, tomato, dill, parsley, dry mint, table salt and ground black pepper were used as materials. Tarhana doughs prepared using these materials were fermented for 7, 14 and 21 days. Physicochemical and microbiological analyses of tarhana samples were performed using standard methods. Tarhana soups were evaluated by panelists in terms of sensory properties at the end of the 21st&nbsp;day. Results:&nbsp;pH values of baker's yeast added samples were lower than the others and their acidity were higher than the others during the fermentation period. Dry matter of samples increased with the prolongation of fermentation time. The dry matter of the sample produced using baker's yeast was slightly higher than that of the other sample at day 21. Total mesophilic aerobic bacteria and lactic acid bacteria (mesophilic rod) counts of tarhana samples with sourdough were always higher than the others during the fermentation. Yeast-mould counts of tarhana samples with baker’s yeast decreased slightly during the fermentation period, but were higher than the others. The coliform group bacteria was not detected on the 7th&nbsp;day of fermentation. Samples were left to fermentation for 7 and 14 days were less favoured than those were left to fermentation for 21 days. On the 21st&nbsp;day of fermentation, the sample added dry baker’s yeast was the most favoured sample. Conclusion:&nbsp;As a result of the sensory analysis, considering the total score, although the difference between them is slight, baker's yeast added tarhana soups were more favoured than the others. Also, with the prolongation of the fermentation period, in terms of sensory properties, tarhanas were more favoured and microbiologically safer tarhanas were obtained


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    The purposes of this study were to investigate the relationship between Social Physique Anxiety (SPA) and Body Image Satisfaction (BIS) and to determine the differences in SPA and BIS between female and male dancers. Thirty nine female and twenty three male dancers from different faculties in Cukurova University were voluntarily participated in this study. “Social Physique Anxiety Scale” and “Body Image Satisfaction Questionnaire” were administered to participants. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, independent t-test and Pearson correlation analysis. Pearson correlation analysis revealed negative correlation between BIS and “the expectation of negative evaluation of one’s physique by others” subscales of SFA (r = -.57; p<0.05) and between BIS and “feeling of discomfort about one physique” subscales of SFA (r = -. 64, p<0.05). The t-test results revealed significant differences in “feeling discomfort about one physique” subscales of SPA between female and male dancers (t = .041; p<0.05). In conclusion, female dancers had more negative feelings about own physical appearance compared in male dancers

    Effects of pine honey on the physicochemical, microbiological and sensory properties of probiotic yoghurt

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    Abstract In this study, physicochemical, microbiological and sensory properties of probiotic yoghurt samples added different rates (2%, 4% and 6%) of pine honey on days 1, 7, 14, 21 of refrigerated storage were investigated. pH, serum separation values, water holding capacity decreased and titratable acidity increased with increasing the ratio of the added honey during the storage. Lactobacillus. delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus and Lactobacillus acidophilus counts were statistically significantly (P<0.01) lower than control samples in honey added yoghurt samples from the beginning to the end of storage. Streptococcus thermophilus counts did not change much during storage and were higher than control samples in yoghurt samples with honey from the beginning. The brightness (L*) decreased with increasing honey ratio. The a * and b * values of all honey-added yoghurt samples were higher than those without honey. Although yoghurt with 2% pine honey had the same points as the yoghurt with 4% pine honey in terms of some sensory properties, it was the most liked yoghurt. For people who do not like to consume plain yoghurt, honey added yogurt can be a good alternative functional food. Producers should produce formulations for this type of yogurt and the consumption of yogurt should be increased

    Psödoanevrizmayı taklit eden bir malign fibröz histiositoma olgusu

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    Malign fibröz histiositoma, erişkinlerde görülen en sık yumuşak doku tümörüdür. Psödoanevrizma ise arter duvarı rüptürü sonucu gelişir. Her iki lezyon da ekstremitede bir kitle şeklinde kendini gösterir. Burada psödoanevrizmayı taklit eden bir malign fibröz histiositoma olgusunu sunarak, bu iki farklı lezyonun benzerlikleri ve farklılıklarını tartışıyoruz.Malignant fibrous histiocytoma is the most common soft tissue tumor encountered in adults. A pseudoaneurysm is defined as a contained rupture of the artery wall. Each lesion may be present as a mass in the extremities. We present a case with malignant fibrous histiocytoma mimicking pseudoaneurysm, and discuss similarities and differences of these different lesions