2,397 research outputs found

    Atlas proteómico del bulbo olfatorio humano

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    Effectiveness of a temperature control system in home induction hobs to reduce acrylamide formation during pan frying

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    Three trials were conducted to determine the influence of the use of temperature control systems on physico-chemical characteristics and acrylamide formation in the domestic preparation of potatoes. French fries were pre-treated by soaking in water or acidified water, and then they were cooked using a range of home-cooking procedures. Soaking raw potatoes in acidified water (pH=3.17) before frying at a controlled temperature (180 °C) was the most efficient pretreatment for reducing acrylamide formation (76%). For the same temperature, roasted frozen par-fried potatoes contained less fat and acrylamide than similar pan-fried potatoes. Potatoes butter fried at 140 °C had an acrylamide concentration similar to that of potatoes fried in oil at 180 °C, but this value was reduced by 71% when the frying was carried out using a temperature control system. Controlling the frying temperature reduced acrylamide formation at all the temperatures studied

    Age- and stress-associated C. elegans granulins impair lysosomal function and induce a compensatory HLH-30/TFEB transcriptional response.

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    The progressive failure of protein homeostasis is a hallmark of aging and a common feature in neurodegenerative disease. As the enzymes executing the final stages of autophagy, lysosomal proteases are key contributors to the maintenance of protein homeostasis with age. We previously reported that expression of granulin peptides, the cleavage products of the neurodegenerative disease protein progranulin, enhance the accumulation and toxicity of TAR DNA binding protein 43 (TDP-43) in Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans). In this study we show that C. elegans granulins are produced in an age- and stress-dependent manner. Granulins localize to the endolysosomal compartment where they impair lysosomal protease expression and activity. Consequently, protein homeostasis is disrupted, promoting the nuclear translocation of the lysosomal transcription factor HLH-30/TFEB, and prompting cells to activate a compensatory transcriptional program. The three C. elegans granulin peptides exhibited distinct but overlapping functional effects in our assays, which may be due to amino acid composition that results in distinct electrostatic and hydrophobicity profiles. Our results support a model in which granulin production modulates a critical transition between the normal, physiological regulation of protease activity and the impairment of lysosomal function that can occur with age and disease

    The Effect of Pre-Harvest Application of Pectic Oligosaccharides and Abscisic Acid on Technological Ripening and Anthocyanin Profile of ‘Syrah’ Must and Grapes Grown in a Warm Climate

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    The progressive increase of environmental temperature as a consequence of climate change is a challengefor the wine industry. Elevated temperatures during grape ripening affect the development of grape skincolor by inhibiting the synthesis of pigments and promoting their degradation, which causes an imbalancein the chromatic quality of must and red wine. The application of pectic oligosaccharides (POs) and abscisicacid (ABA) triggers the phenylpropanoid pathway and increases the color index in grapes. Since the atharvestpigments and phenolic compounds are determinant for wine quality, this work addressed the preharvestapplication of POs and ABA as an in-field strategy for improving the quality of Syrah must andgrapes grown in a warm climate. The color development, physicochemical parameters, phenolic content,and pigments in berries and must were evaluated. Results showed POs and ABA improved berry colordevelopment and anthocyanin content during ripening. Musts from POs-treated berries exhibited thehighest phenols concentration and the most intense color, related to higher chroma values and anthocyanincontent, particularly delphinidin, petunidin, and malvidin 3-glucosides, while ABA improved must tonalityby reducing the hue angle. In summary, POs and ABA application at veráison, differentially modulatedthe technological ripening of Syrah grapes and can be an alternative to conventional agrochemicals topreserve the quality of musts elaborated from grapes grown in warm climates, by increasing the content ofphenolic compounds and enhancing berry skin color development through the differential accumulationof anthocyanins

    Focusing in bioproduction science

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    As in other Biotechnological fields, the microbial production of recombinant proteins and other biomolecules can be approached from multiple angles through the help of diverse technologies of increasing complexity. To better reach all the specialized niches in bioproduction, Microbial Cell Factories is now inviting authors to prepare concise Reviews (eventually miniReviews), covering relevant areas that deserve specific and highly focused attention. By the publication of such contributions, the journal will promote the revision of new insights around the Cell Factory concept in a highly comprehensive way, in molecular, cellular and environmental contexts


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    En esta investigación se valoró la satisfacción del usuario adulto de los servicios de hospitalización de un hospital de tercer nivel. Se consideró que la opinión de los usuarios es esencial para evaluar la calidad del cuidado de salud. La muestra fue de 210 personas, hospitalizadas en esta área, realizándose un estudio descriptivo, de campo y prospectivo. Los datos fueron obtenidos a través de un cuestionario diseñado por García (1993) el cual fue adaptado para esta población. Los resultados evidencian que el 82 % considera que el trato del personal de Enfermería es bueno y un 78 % opina que cuando requirieron la atención fueron atendidos satisfactoriamente. El 54 % respondió que fue atendido oportunamente, no así el 46 % por la alta demanda de usuarios. El 85 % de los usuarios expresan que el cuidado de Enfermería es bueno y que se les informaba sobre los medicamentos administrados. Se sugiere incentivar al personal de salud a continuar gestionando la calidad del servicio