5,506 research outputs found

    College Students’ Personality Traits in Relation to Career Readiness

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    This study examined sixty-one Gettysburg College juniors and seniors (31 males, 30 females) to measure how the Big Five personality traits, and whether a student has Type D characteristics, determines if a student is career ready. We collected data through an in-person survey, with questions about personality traits, ambition, career readiness, and demographics. Regression was used to statistically analyze our first hypothesis. The results found that there is a significant positive association between conscientiousness and career readiness, but there is no significant association between extraversion and career readiness. For the second hypothesis, a mediation model was used. We found that ambition is not a mediator between Type D personality characteristics and career readiness. However, there is a significant positive association between Type D personality traits and career readiness. We explored whether gender plays a role in ambition responses. We concluded that there were no significant differences between males and females

    The Stationary Phase Method for a Wave Packet in a Semiconductor Layered System. The applicability of the method

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    Using the formal analysis made by Bohm in his book, {\em "Quantum theory"}, Dover Publications Inc. New York (1979), to calculate approximately the phase time for a transmitted and the reflected wave packets through a potential barrier, we calculate the phase time for a semiconductor system formed by different mesoscopic layers. The transmitted and the reflected wave packets are analyzed and the applicability of this procedure, based on the stationary phase of a wave packet, is considered in different conditions. For the applicability of the stationary phase method an expression is obtained in the case of the transmitted wave depending only on the derivatives of the phase, up to third order. This condition indicates whether the parameters of the system allow to define the wave packet by its leading term. The case of a multiple barrier systems is shown as an illustration of the results. This formalism includes the use of the Transfer Matrix to describe the central stratum, whether it is formed by one layer (the single barrier case), or two barriers and an inner well (the DBRT system), but one can assume that this stratum can be comprise of any number or any kind of semiconductor layers.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures although figure 4 has 5 graph

    An artificial neural network technique for downscaling GCM outputs to RCM spatial scale

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    Abstract. An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) approach is used to downscale ECHAM5 GCM temperature (T) and rainfall (R) fields to RegCM3 regional model scale over Europe. The main inputs to the neural network were the ECHAM5 fields and topography, and RegCM3 topography. An ANN trained for the period 1960–1980 was able to recreate the RegCM3 1981–2000 mean T and R fields with reasonable accuracy. The ANN showed an improvement over a simple lapse-rate correction method for T, although the ANN R field did not capture all the fine-scale detail of the RCM field. An ANN trained over a smaller area of Southern Europe was able to capture this detail with more precision. The ANN was unable to accurately recreate the RCM climate change (CC) signal between 1981–2000 and 2081–2100, and it is suggested that this is because the relationship between the GCM fields, RCM fields and topography is not constant with time and changing climate. An ANN trained with three ten-year "time-slices" was able to better reproduce the RCM CC signal, particularly for the full European domain. This approach shows encouraging results but will need further refinement before becoming a viable supplement to dynamical regional climate modelling of temperature and rainfall

    On a new theoretical framework for RR Lyrae stars I: the metallicity dependence

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    We present new nonlinear, time-dependent convective hydrodynamical models of RR Lyrae stars computed assuming a constant helium-to-metal enrichment ratio and a broad range in metal abundances (Z=0.0001--0.02). The stellar masses and luminosities adopted to construct the pulsation models were fixed according to detailed central He burning Horizontal Branch evolutionary models. The pulsation models cover a broad range in stellar luminosity and effective temperatures and the modal stability is investigated for both fundamental and first overtones. We predict the topology of the instability strip as a function of the metal content and new analytical relations for the edges of the instability strip in the observational plane. Moreover, a new analytical relation to constrain the pulsation mass of double pulsators as a function of the period ratio and the metal content is provided. We derive new Period-Radius-Metallicity relations for fundamental and first-overtone pulsators. They agree quite well with similar empirical and theoretical relations in the literature. From the predicted bolometric light curves, transformed into optical (UBVRI) and near-infrared (JHK) bands, we compute the intensity-averaged mean magnitudes along the entire pulsation cycle and, in turn, new and homogenous metal-dependent (RIJHK) Period-Luminosity relations. Moreover, we compute new dual and triple band optical, optical--NIR and NIR Period-Wesenheit-Metallicity relations. Interestingly, we find that the optical Period-W(V,B-V) is independent of the metal content and that the accuracy of individual distances is a balance between the adopted diagnostics and the precision of photometric and spectroscopic datasets.Comment: 51 pages, 20 figures, 9 tables, accepted for publication on Ap

    Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) characterization of 13.5 Cr oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steel for fusion applications

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    Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) has been utilized for micro-structural investigation on laboratory heats of oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) 13.5 Cr wt % ferritic steel, with 0.3 wt% Y2_{2}O3_{3} and with variable Ti and W contents. The results show that increasing the Ti content from 0.2 to 0.4 wt% a distribution of nano-clusters develops, tentatively identified as Y2_{2}Ti2_{2}O7_{7}, with average radii as small as 6.5 Å and volume fractions increasing from 0.021 to 0.032. The measured SANS cross-sections show also the growth of much larger defects, possibly Cr oxides. Furthermore, the ratio of magnetic to nuclear SANS components shows that the defect composition varies both with their size and with the Ti and the W content. These results are in qualitative agreement with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations, showing a striking influence of Ti addition on particle size refinement. However, while TEM is limited in statistics and minimum observable size of the Ti-rich nano-clusters, the defect distributions obtained by these SANS measurements provide complementary information useful for morphological characterization of the micro-structure in the investigated material

    Identification of an Efficient Gene Expression Panel for Glioblastoma Classification.

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    We present here a novel genetic algorithm-based random forest (GARF) modeling technique that enables a reduction in the complexity of large gene disease signatures to highly accurate, greatly simplified gene panels. When applied to 803 glioblastoma multiforme samples, this method allowed the 840-gene Verhaak et al. gene panel (the standard in the field) to be reduced to a 48-gene classifier, while retaining 90.91% classification accuracy, and outperforming the best available alternative methods. Additionally, using this approach we produced a 32-gene panel which allows for better consistency between RNA-seq and microarray-based classifications, improving cross-platform classification retention from 69.67% to 86.07%. A webpage producing these classifications is available at http://simplegbm.semel.ucla.edu
