17,267 research outputs found

    Title VII and Homosexual Harassment After Oncale: Was it a Victory?

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    Detta arbete har utförts för att se hur returfibermassans egenskaper varierar under en vanlig kraftlinerkampanj. De metoder som anvĂ€nts Ă€r standardiserade och omfattar malgradsmĂ€tning, styrkearkning och pappersprovning. Även pH-, konduktivitets- och redoxpotentialmĂ€tningar har utförts, samt askhaltsmĂ€tning. Resultaten visar pĂ„ att pH och redoxpotentialen sjunker och massan blir surare efter ca. ett dygn efter att kampanjen startat. Det medför Ă€ven att retentionen i massan försĂ€mras i och med att konduktiviteten ökar vid lĂ„gt pH-vĂ€rde och lĂ„g redoxpotential. I övrigt hĂ„ller de flesta mĂ€tningarna konstanta vĂ€rden

    Insiders and Outsiders: What the American Law Institute Has Done for Gay and Lesbian Families

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    Detta arbete handlar om ett elevperspektiv pĂ„ lĂ€rande och motivation gĂ€llande ett besök pĂ„ temat ”Luft och flyg” pĂ„ Flygvapenmuseum i Linköping. Deltagarna i denna studie bestĂ„r av grundskolelever i Ă„rskurs ett och tvĂ„. Undersökningens genomförande bestĂ„r av tvĂ„ delar. I den första delen har eleverna före besöket skriftligt fĂ„tt svara pĂ„ en frĂ„ga. Den andra delen bestĂ„r av fokusgruppsintervjuer som genomförts efter besöket. Sammanlagt har 41 elever intervjuats och dessa Ă€r indelade i sju fokusgrupper.   TvĂ„ huvudresultat Ă„terfinns: ”I och utanför skolan”, kopplat till studiens första frĂ„gestĂ€llning samt ”Yttre miljö för den inre motivationen”, kopplat till studiens andra frĂ„gestĂ€llning. Det första resultatet visar att eleverna under besöket fĂ„tt förstahandserfarenheter, vilka bidragit till deras lĂ€rande. Dessa erfarenheter Ă€r nĂ„got som enligt eleverna inte gĂ„r att fĂ„ i klassrummet. Det andra resultatet handlar frĂ€mst om att eleverna blivit motiverade till att vilja lĂ€ra sig mer gĂ€llande de aktuella Ă€mnena. Även hĂ€r spelar erfarenheterna de fĂ„tt pĂ„ museet en viktig roll. Besöket pĂ„ Flygvapenmuseum har pĂ„verkat deras inre motivation. Det konstateras ocksĂ„ att lĂ€rande och motivation Ă€r svĂ„ra att skilja Ă„t.   Resultatens innebörd diskuteras i relation till slutsatser som dels rör hur pass vĂ€l besöket genomförs med avseende pĂ„ efterarbetet i skolan och dels hur viktigt det Ă€r att skolan samarbetar med externa resursmiljöer.   Till syvende och sist handlar det om att involvera eleverna i meningsfulla kontexter. Det finns en vinning i, för bĂ„de elevers lĂ€rande och motivation, att de naturvetenskapliga Ă€mnena presenteras i en kontext som Ă€r begriplig för eleverna dĂ€r de ocksĂ„ fĂ„r bli delaktiga

    Contingency, Irony and Morality: A Critical Review of Rorty's. Notion of the Liberal Utopia

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    This paper introduces Richard Rorty’s notion of the liberal ironist and his vision of a liberal utopia and explores the implications of these for philosophical questions concerning morality, as well as morality in general. Rorty’s assertions of the contingency of language, society and self are explored. Under the contingency of language, the figure of the ironist is defined, and Rorty’s conception of vocabularies is discussed. Under the contingency of society, Rorty’s definition of liberalism, his opposition of literary culture to materialist and metaphysical culture, and his notions concerning utopian politics are discussed. Under the contingency of self, Rorty’s critique of Kantian and his appropriations of Deweyan and Freudian conceptions of morality are presented. Other key factors discussed are Rorty’s theory of the separation of the private and public spheres of life and his ideas concerning cruelty and human solidarity. In this way, a critical analysis of Rorty’s proposed balance between private, ironic doubt and public, liberal social hope is presented and assessed in terms of its merit as a system of thought suited to the needs of post-metaphysical, liberal societies

    Precision glasscutter

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    Glass is positioned against preset stops; and glasscutter, which is permanently mounted in carrier support by cutter guide rails, is used to scribe glass at predetermined length. Glass is placed against predetermined groove at opposite end to correspond with setting of cutter carrier support and it is broken on end of cutter base

    Reuleaux plasticity : improving Mohr-Coulomb and Drucker-Prager.

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    The yielding of soil exhibits both a Lode angle dependency and a dependency on the intermediate principal stress. Ignoring these leads to a loss of realism in geotechnical analysis, yet neither of the widely used Mohr-Coulomb (M-C) or Drucker-Prager (D-P) models include both. This paper presents a simple pressure-dependent plasticity model based on a modified Reuleaux (mR) triangle which overcomes these limitations and yet (like the M-C and D-P formulations) allows for an analytical backward-Euler stress integration solution scheme. This latter feature is not found in more sophisticated (and computationally expensive) models. The mR deviatoric function is shown to provide a significantly improved fit to experimental data when compared with the M-C and D-P functions. Finite deformation finite-element analysis of the expansion of a cylindrical cavity is presented, verifying the use of the mR constitutive model for practical analyses

    Applying self-organised learning to develop critical thinkers for learning organisation: a conversational action research report.

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    The information explosion characteristic of a knowledge-based economy is fuelled by rapid technological changes. As technology continues to permeate our lives, there will be fresh demands upon the conduct of learning and teaching to ensure that learners are equipped with new economy skills and dispositions for creating significant and relevant meaning out of the large chunks of transmitted data. In the spirit of building learning organisations, this paper proposes that a two-pronged strategy of promoting self-organised learning (SoL) amongst educators and students be adopted. As an enabling framework based on social constructivism, the model of SoL, originally developed by Harri-Augstein & Thomas, is described and applied to an educational setting. For educators engaged in action research, SoL is suited as an approach for managing and reflecting upon change. The use of two such thinking tools, the Personal Learning Contract and the Purpose-Strategy-Outcome-Review (PSOR) reflective learning scaffolds are considered. For students who are now expected to learn independently in situations requiring problem-solving skills, much akin to real life contexts, this article also considers the application of Learning Plans as a conversational tool for personal project management. The authors conclude that SoL promotes skilful critical thinking through a systems thinking process of continuous reflective learning. It is proposed that these are essential qualities for citizens working in a technological age. Case study samples of the thinking tools used in this action research project are included as appendices and evaluated in this article

    Introducing Microcells into Macrocellular Networks: A Case Study

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    Abstract?The performance in terms of signal-to-interference ratio (SIR), teletraffic, and spectral efficiency of a combined macrocellular and microcellular network is investigated when either both types of cells share the same channel set, or when the channel set is partitioned between the macrocells and the microcells. The analysis is for time-division multiple access (TDMA) with frequency hopping, power control, and discontinuous transmission, and the radio channel is composed of an inverse fourth-power path loss law with log-normal fading. We commence by introducing a single microcell into a hexagonal cluster of macrocells before considering clustered microcells. Both omni-directional and sectorized cells are examined. We find that high reuse factors are required when channel sharing is employed. When channel partitioning is used, no co-channel interference occurs between the microcells and the macrocells allowing them to be planned independently. The reuse factors in the microcells and macrocells therefore do not need to be increased beyond conventional values. The outcome is that by opting for channel partitioning, the improvement in spectral efficiency compared to channel sharing is two to three times greater. Index Terms?Co-channel interference, land mobile radio cel-lular systems, time division multiaccess
