1,444 research outputs found

    Portwest’s future strategy: Achieving €1Billion Turnover – Portwest and the Global Workwear Market

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    Portwest is a global manufacturer and innovator of workwear, safetywear and PPE and one of the fastest growing workwear companies in the world. The company has pursed growth successfully for the last 20 years, successfully employing new market entry strategies along with strategic acquisitions to gain footholds in over 130 countries worldwide. The company has also maintained a vertically integrated supply chain, owning factories and distribution centres. Growth can come at a cost- increasingly complex operations, a growing product portfolio and an increased exposure to risk in terms of business continuity. Should Portwest continue to aggressively target growth through new territories, or consolidate existing markets and streamline existing operations

    Portwest’s Future Strategy: Fashionising Workwear – Threading The Needle

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    Portwest- should they further pursue the leisurewear / workwear market or should they focus on expanding the current range? Portwest is a global manufacturer and innovator of workwear, safetywear and Personal protective equipment (PPE) and one of the fastest growing workwear companies in the world. Recently, the company launched an “Inspired Workwear” collection targeting the leisurewear/workwear market. It is a departure from their traditional markets where their acquisition strategy has seen Portwest rapidly gain market share. Management are concerned that this new departure may take resources from the core business of Workwear and dilute key resources

    Fish assemblages of an artificial reef in Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile, 1813 meadow off the southern Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean)

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    The fish assemblage associated with an artificial reef composed of small blocks (12 m³) with high structural complexity set in a Posidonia oceanica (L) Delile, 1813 meadow has been studied for 2 years by means of visual censuses. The fish assemblage was dominated qualitatively by species with medium home ranges living; in the surrounding areas of the blocks (mainly Labridae species), and numerically by schooling mid water species. After 38 months of deployment the progressive colonisation of species living on the blocks and the surrounding areas was still ongoing. The colonisation process interacts with seasonal changes, and no clear variations in the fish community variables were observed. The type of block used and the situation of the reef seem inappropriate to the aims for which it was deployed.La evolución de la comunidad íctica de un arrecife artificial situado sobre pradera de Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile, 1813 y formado por pequeños bloques (12 m³) de gran complejidad estructural se ha estudiado mediante censos visuales durante dos años. Cualitativamente la comunidad íctica está dominada por especies con desplazamientos medios que viven en las proximidades de los módulos (principalmente lábridos) y cuantitativamente por especies gregarias que se distribuyen en la columna de agua. A los 38 meses del fondeo del arrecife aun se observa la colonización de los bloques por especies que viven en sus proximidades o sobre los mismos. El proceso de colonización interacciona con las variaciones estacionales, no observándose una tendencia clara en los parámetros poblacionales. El tipo de módulo utilizado y la localización del arrecife no parecen ser apropiados para la consecución de los objetivos perseguidos en su inmersión.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Atomic step motion during the dewetting of ultra-thin films

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    We report on three key processes involving atomic step motion during the dewetting of thin solid films: (i) the growth of an isolated island nucleated far from a hole, (ii) the spreading of a monolayer rim, and (iii) the zipping of a monolayer island along a straight dewetting front. Kinetic Monte Carlo results are in good agreement with simple analytical models assuming diffusion-limited dynamics.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Neutrino physics at accelerators

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    Present and future neutrino experiments at accelerators are mainly concerned with understanding the neutrino oscillation phenomenon and its implications. Here a brief account of neutrino oscillations is given together with a description of the supporting data. Some current and planned accelerator neutrino experiments are also explained.Comment: 23 pages, 24 figures. Talk given at the Corfu Summer Institute on Elementary Particle Physics 200


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    El proyecto propone identificar el impacto del cultivo (como elemento principal del sistema) sobre la composición florística y funcional de las comunidades de malezas en distintas secuencias de cultivos, considerando niveles variables de intensificación y diversificación. En función de esto se plantea la hipótesis “En los monocultivos, las comunidades de malezas tienden a ser menos diversas, caracterizadas por la dominancia de unas pocas especies relativamente abundantes. En contraste, en secuencias con una mayor diversidad de cultivos, la frecuencia de las especies de malezas predominantes disminuye, mostrando una distribución más uniforme de las abundancias entre las especies que componen la comunidad, sin evidenciar una clara estructura de dominancia”

    End-to-End V2X Latency Modeling and Analysis in 5G Networks

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    networks provide higher flexibility and improved performance compared to previous cellular technologies. This has raised expectations on the possibility to support advanced Vehicle to Everything (V2X) services using the cellular network via Vehicle-to-Network (V2N) and Vehicle-to-Network-to-Vehicle (V2N2V) connections. The possibility to support critical V2X services using 5G V2N2V or V2N connections depends on their end-to-end (E2E) latency. The E2E latency of V2N2V or V2N connections depends on the particular 5G network deployment, dimensioning and configuration, in addition to the network load. To date, few studies have analyzed the capabilities of V2N2V or V2N connections to support critical V2X services, and most of them focus on the 5G radio access network or consider dedicated 5G pilot deployments under controlled conditions. This paper progresses the state-of-the-art by introducing a novel E2E latency model to quantify the latency of 5G V2N and V2N2V communications. The model includes the latency introduced at the radio, transport, core, Internet, peering points and application server (AS) when vehicles are supported by a single mobile network operator (MNO) and when they are supported by multiple MNOs. The model can quantify the latency experienced when the V2X AS is deployed from the edge of the network (using MEC platforms) to the cloud. Using this model, this study estimates the E2E latency of 5G V2N2V connections for a large variety of possible 5G network deployments and configurations. The analysis helps identify which 5G network deployments and configurations are more suitable to meet V2X latency requirements. To this aim, we consider as case study the cooperative lane change service. The conducted analysis highlights the challenge for centralized network deployments that locate the V2X AS at the cloud to meet the latency requirements of advanced V2X services. Locating the V2X AS closer to the cell edge reduces the latency. However, it requires a higher number of ASs and also a careful dimensioning of the network and its configuration to ensure sufficient network and AS resources are dedicated to serve the V2X traffic

    An analysis of innovation in textile companies: an efficiency approach

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    [EN] The elimination of trade contingency measures in 2005 triggered a process of renewal in the textile sector, requiring major investments. The divide between efficiency and innovation has become an issue of major importance for decision-making in the Spanish textile sector. This study provides quantitative data on the efficiency levels of innovative Spanish textile companies. The aim is to identify their distinguishing features and establish a possible pattern to follow. In addition, truncated regression is used to estimate the determinants of efficiency, in order to check the significance of innovation processes for firms.Puertas Medina, RM.; Martí Selva, ML.; Calafat Marzal, MC. (2020). An analysis of innovation in textile companies: an efficiency approach. Bulletin of Economic Research (Online). 72(1):63-76. https://doi.org/10.1111/boer.12210S6376721Banker, R. D., Charnes, A., & Cooper, W. W. (1984). Some Models for Estimating Technical and Scale Inefficiencies in Data Envelopment Analysis. Management Science, 30(9), 1078-1092. doi:10.1287/mnsc.30.9.1078Bastos F. &Nasir J.(2004).Productivity and the investment climate: What matters most?World Bank Policy Research Working Paper3335.Becker, S. O., & Egger, P. H. (2009). Endogenous product versus process innovation and a firm’s propensity to export. Empirical Economics, 44(1), 329-354. doi:10.1007/s00181-009-0322-6Beneito, P., Coscollá-Girona, P., Rochina-Barrachina, M. E., & Sanchis, A. (2015). Competitive Pressure and Innovation at the Firm Level. The Journal of Industrial Economics, 63(3), 422-457. doi:10.1111/joie.12079Bhandari, A. K., & Ray, S. C. (2011). TECHNICAL EFFICIENCY IN THE INDIAN TEXTILES INDUSTRY: A NON-PARAMETRIC ANALYSIS OF FIRM-LEVEL DATA. Bulletin of Economic Research, 64(1), 109-124. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8586.2010.00381.xCassiman, B., Golovko, E., & Martínez-Ros, E. (2010). Innovation, exports and productivity. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 28(4), 372-376. doi:10.1016/j.ijindorg.2010.03.005Crépon B. Duguet E. &Mairesse J.(1998).Research innovation and productivity an econometric analysis at the firm level. NBER Working Paper 6696.https://doi.org/10.1080/10438599800000031De Jorge-Moreno, J., & Rojas Carrasco, O. (2015). Technical efficiency and its determinants factors in Spanish textiles industry (2002-2009). Journal of Economic Studies, 42(3), 346-357. doi:10.1108/jes-06-2013-0085Diaz-Balteiro, L., Casimiro Herruzo, A., Martinez, M., & González-Pachón, J. (2006). An analysis of productive efficiency and innovation activity using DEA: An application to Spain’s wood-based industry. Forest Policy and Economics, 8(7), 762-773. doi:10.1016/j.forpol.2005.06.004Duch N.(2006).Posición competitiva y estrategias de las empresas catalanas. Análisis del Programa Créixer (2003–2005). Documents de treball. CIDEM. Generalitat de Catalunya.Goedhuys, M., & Veugelers, R. (2012). Innovation strategies, process and product innovations and growth: Firm-level evidence from Brazil. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 23(4), 516-529. doi:10.1016/j.strueco.2011.01.004Harrison, R., Jaumandreu, J., Mairesse, J., & Peters, B. (2014). Does innovation stimulate employment? A firm-level analysis using comparable micro-data from four European countries. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 35, 29-43. doi:10.1016/j.ijindorg.2014.06.001Huergo, E., & Jaumandreu, J. (2004). Firms’ age, process innovation and productivity growth. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 22(4), 541-559. doi:10.1016/j.ijindorg.2003.12.002Kouliavtsev, M., Christoffersen, S., & Russel, P. (2006). Productivity, Scale and Efficiency in the U.S. Textile Industry. Empirical Economics, 32(1), 1-18. doi:10.1007/s00181-006-0069-2Sanchez R. &Diaz A.(2013).Are large innovative firms more efficient?MRPA Paper n° 44592.Sellers R. Nicolau J. L. &Mas F. J.(2002).Eficiencia en la distribución: Una aplicación en el sector de agencias de viaje. Working paper serie ED N°17. Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas. Retrieved fromhttp://hdl.handle.net/10045/23320Zheng J. Liu X. &Bigsten A.(2000).Efficiency Technical Progress and Best Practice in Chinese State Enterprises (1980–1994). Working Papers in Economics n 30 Department of Economics. Göteborg.https://doi.org/10.1016/S0147-5967(02)00010-