256 research outputs found

    A scalable architecture for real-time monitoring of large information systems

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    Data centers supporting cloud-based services are characterized by a huge number of hardware and software resources often cooperating in complex and unpredictable ways. Understanding the state of these systems for reasons of management and service level agreement requires scalable monitoring architectures that should gather and evaluate continuosly large flows in almost real-time periods. We propose a novel monitoring architecture that, by combining a hierarchical approach with decentralized monitors, addresses these challenges. In this context, fully centralized systems do not scale to the required number of flows, while pure peer-to-peer architectures cannot provide a global view of the system state. We evaluate the monitoring architecture for computational units of gathering and evaluation in real contexts that demonstrate the scalability potential of the proposed system

    Verifiable Delegated Authorization for User-Centric Architectures and an OAuth2 Implementation

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    Delegated authorization protocols have become wide-spread to implement Web applications and services, where some popular providers managing people identity information and personal data allow their users to delegate third party Web services to access their data. In this paper, we analyze the risks related to untrusted providers not behaving correctly, and we solve this problem by proposing the first verifiable delegated authorization protocol that allows third party services to verify the correctness of users data returned by the provider. The contribution of the paper is twofold: we show how delegated authorization can be cryptographically enforced through authenticated data structures protocols, we extend the standard OAuth2 protocol by supporting efficient and verifiable delegated authorization including database updates and privileges revocation

    Assessing the overhead and scalability of system monitors for large data centers

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    Current data centers are shifting towards cloud-based architectures as a means to obtain a scalable, cost-effective, robust service platform. In spite of this, the underlying management infrastructure has grown in terms of hardware resources and software complexity, making automated resource monitoring a necessity.There are several infrastructure monitoring tools designed to scale to a very high number of physical nodes. However, these tools either collect performance measure at a low frequency (missing the chance to capture the dynamics of a short-term management task) or are simply not equipped with instrumentation specific to cloud computing and virtualization. In this scenario, monitoring the correctness and efficiency of live migrations can become a nightmare. This situation will only worsen in the future, with the increased service demand due to spreading of the user base.In this paper, we assess the scalability of a prototype monitoring subsystem for different user scenarios. We also identify all the major bottlenecks and give insight on how to remove them

    A software architecture for the analysis of large sets of data streams in cloud infrastructures

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    System management algorithms in private andpublic cloud infrastructures have to work with literally thousands of data streams generated from resource, applicationand event monitors. This cloud context opens two novel issuesthat we address in this paper: how to design a softwarearchitecture that is able to gather and analyze all informationwithin real-time constraints; how it is possible to reduce theanalysis of the huge collected data set to the investigationof a reduced set of relevant information. The application ofthe proposed architecture is based on the most advancedsoftware components, and is oriented to the classification of thestatistical behavior of servers and to the analysis of significantstate changes. These results guide model-driven managementsystems to investigate only relevant servers and to applysuitable decision models considering the deter

    Detecting attacks to internal vehicle networks through Hamming distance

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    Analysis of in-vehicle networks is an open research area that gained relevance after recent reports of cyber attacks against connected vehicles. After those attacks gained international media attention, many security researchers started to propose different algorithms that are capable to model the normal behaviour of the CAN bus to detect the injection of malicious messages. However, despite the automotive area has different constraint than classical IT security, many security research have been conducted by applying sophisticated algorithm used in IT anomaly detection, thus proposing solutions that are not applicable on current Electronic Control Units (ECUs). This paper proposes a novel intrusion detection algorithm that aims to identify malicious CAN messages injected by attackers in the CAN bus of modern vehicles. Moreover, the proposed algorithm has been designed and implemented with the very strict constraint of low-end ECUs, having low computational complexity and small memory footprints. The proposed algorithm identifies anomalies in the sequence of the payloads of different classes of IDs by computing the Hamming distance between consecutive payloads. Its detection performance are evaluated through experiments carried out using real CAN traffic gathered from an unmodified licensed vehicle

    Real-time adaptive algorithm for resource monitoring

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    In large scale systems, real-time monitoring of hardware and software resources is a crucial means for any management purpose. In architectures consisting of thousands of servers and hundreds of thousands of component resources, the amount of data monitored at high sampling frequencies represents an overhead on system performance and communication, while reducing sampling may cause quality degradation. We present a real-time adaptive algorithm for scalable data monitoring that is able to adapt the frequency of sampling and data updating for a twofold goal: to minimize computational and communication costs, to guarantee that reduced samples do not affect the accuracy of information about resources. Experiments carried out on heterogeneous data traces referring to synthetic and real environments confirm that the proposed adaptive approach reduces utilization and communication overhead without penalizing the quality of data with respect to existing monitoring algorithms

    Dynamic request management algorithms for Web-based services in cloud computing

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    Service providers of Web-based services can take advantage ofmany convenient features of cloud computing infrastructures, but theystill have to implement request management algorithms that are able toface sudden peaks of requests. We consider distributed algorithmsimplemented by front-end servers to dispatch and redirect requests amongapplication servers. Current solutions based on load-blind algorithms, orconsidering just server load and thresholds are inadequate to cope with thedemand patterns reaching modern Internet application servers. In thispaper, we propose and evaluate a request management algorithm, namelyPerformanceGain Prediction, that combines several pieces ofinformation (server load, computational cost of a request, usersession migration and redirection delay) to predict whether theredirection of a request to another server may result in a shorterresponse time. To the best of our knowledge, no other studycombines information about infrastructure status, user requestcharacteristics and redirection overhead for dynamic requestmanagement in cloud computing. Our results showthat the proposed algorithm is able to reduce the responsetime with respect to existing request management algorithmsoperating on the basis of thresholds

    A symmetric cryptographic scheme for data integrity verification in cloud databases

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    Cloud database services represent a great opportunity for companies and organizations in terms of management and cost savings. However, outsourcing private data to external providers leads to risks of confidentiality and integrity violations. We propose an original solution based on encrypted Bloom filters that addresses the latter problem by allowing a cloud service user to detect unauthorized modifications to his outsourced data. Moreover, we propose an original analytical model that can be used to minimize storage and network overhead depending on the database structure and workload. We assess the effectiveness of the proposal as well as its performance improvements with respect to existing solutions by evaluating storage and network costs through micro-benchmarks and the TPC-C workload standard

    Adaptive, scalable and reliable monitoring of big data on clouds

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    Real-time monitoring of cloud resources is crucial for a variety of tasks such as performance analysis, workload management, capacity planning and fault detection. Applications producing big data make the monitoring task very difficult at high sampling frequencies because of high computational and communication overheads in collecting, storing, and managing information. We present an adaptive algorithm for monitoring big data applications that adapts the intervals of sampling and frequency of updates to data characteristics and administrator needs. Adaptivity allows us to limit computational and communication costs and to guarantee high reliability in capturing relevant load changes. Experimental evaluations performed on a large testbed show the ability of the proposed adaptive algorithm to reduce resource utilization and communication overhead of big data monitoring without penalizing the quality of data, and demonstrate our improvements to the state of the art.Real-time monitoring of cloud resources is crucial for a variety of tasks such as performance analysis, workload management, capacity planning and fault detection. Applications producing big data make the monitoring task very difficult at high sampling frequencies because of high computational and communication overheads in collecting, storing, and managing information. We present an adaptive algorithm for monitoring big data applications that adapts the intervals of sampling and frequency of updates to data characteristics and administrator needs. Adaptivity allows us to limit computational and communication costs and to guarantee high reliability in capturing relevant load changes. Experimental evaluations performed on a large testbed show the ability of the proposed adaptive algorithm to reduce resource utilization and communication overhead of big data monitoring without penalizing the quality of data, and demonstrate our improvements to the state of the art

    Detection and Threat Prioritization of Pivoting Attacks in Large Networks

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    Several advanced cyber attacks adopt the technique of "pivoting" through which attackers create a command propagation tunnel through two or more hosts in order to reach their final target. Identifying such malicious activities is one of the most tough research problems because of several challenges: command propagation is a rare event that cannot be detected through signatures, the huge amount of internal communications facilitates attackers evasion, timely pivoting discovery is computationally demanding. This paper describes the first pivoting detection algorithm that is based on network flows analyses, does not rely on any a-priori assumption on protocols and hosts, and leverages an original problem formalization in terms of temporal graph analytics. We also introduce a prioritization algorithm that ranks the detected paths on the basis of a threat score thus letting security analysts investigate just the most suspicious pivoting tunnels. Feasibility and effectiveness of our proposal are assessed through a broad set of experiments that demonstrate its higher accuracy and performance against related algorithms