212 research outputs found

    Levantamento da Realização de exames periódicos preventivos em funcionários do UniFOA e pacientes da Policlínica André Bianco

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    Os métodos de rastreamento permitem uma avaliação precoce dos estados fisiológicos e porventura patológicos de pacientes que não possuem indícios clínicos de doença e que se enquadrem na população de risco. Os mesmos são baseados em evidência, adotados por sistemas de saúde nacionais e internacionais com faixa da população que se submete a tais exames como preventivos do câncer de colo uterino, mamografia e próstata. Entretanto há questionamentos sobre qual parcela da população é candidata a estes métodos, principalmente no que tange a faixa etária, o conhecimento público da importância desta prática que se traduz pela não adesão e a verdadeira eficácia de cada exame. Objetiva-se verificar se existe algum fator preditivo para a adesão ou não dos candidatos a testes de rastreamento, um melhor compreendimento das razões pelas quais a procura pela medicina preventiva por parte do paciente não é ótima. A pesquisa, em andamento, é realizada em domínios do UniFOA, na cidade de Volta Redonda-RJ. Foram aplicados, até o presente momento, 211 questionários contendo perguntas a serem respondidas pelo pesquisado, mediante a assinatura de um Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. Todos os questionários obtidos foram incluídos, uma vez que preenchiam os critérios de inclusão. Esta avaliação baseia-se em análise interina não planejada, após coleta de 18,11% do total de entrevistas intencionadas. O que se pode observar apesar de um “n” ainda pouco significativo é que o acesso a medicina privada através de planos ou seguros de saúde, aparenta ser um fator facilitador para a realização de exames preventivos ginecológicos, justificado pelo fato de 73% dos entrevistados que relataram dificuldade não serem possuidores dos mesmos. Este dado também é reproduzido entre indivíduos do sexo masculino, cerca de 20% que referem a não realização de exames preventivos contra o câncer de próstata por conta de dificuldade de acesso ao mesmo

    The dependence of the anomalous J/psi suppression on the number of participant nucleons

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    The observation of an anomalous J/psi suppression in Pb-Pb collisions by the NA50 Collaboration can be considered as the most striking indication for the deconfinement of quarks and gluons at SPS energies. In this Letter, we determine the J/psi suppression pattern as a function of the forward hadronic energy E-ZDC measured in a Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC). The direct connection between EZDC and the geometry of the collision allows us to calculate, within a Glauber approach, the precise relation between the number of participant nucleons N-part and E-ZDC. Then, we check if the experimental data can be better explained by a sudden or a smooth onset of the anomalous J/psi suppression as a function of the number of participants. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Centrality Behaviour of J/ψ\psi Production in Na50

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    The J/ψ\psi production in 158 A GeV Pb-Pb interactions is studied, in the dimuon decay channel, as a function of centrality, as measured with the electromagnetic or with the very forward calorimeters. After a first sharp variation at mid centrality, both patterns continue to fall down and exhibit a curvature change at high centrality values. This trend excludes any conventional hadronic model and is in agreement with a deconfined quark-gluon phase scenario. We report also preliminary results on the measured charged multiplicity, as given by a dedicated detector.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures (in eps) talk given at XXXI International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Sep. 1-7, 2001, Datong China URL http://ismd31.ccnu.edu.cn

    Compositional analysis and physicochemical and mechanical testing of tanned rabbit skins

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    [EN] Chemical composition and physicochemical and mechanical parameters of New Zealand White rabbit tanned skin were evaluated. Skin samples from 70-d-old males, in natura and semi-finished, were collected for evaluation. The in natura treatment comprise skins without any processing, while semi-finished treatment comprise skins after soaking, fleshing, liming, de-liming, purging, degreasing, pickling, tanning, neutralising, re-tanning and dyeing, followed by oiling, drying, stretching and softening. After tanning, samples from the dorsal and flank regions were removed for tensile and physicochemical testing in the longitudinal and transverse directions. A split plot design was used with plot treatments (leather regions: R1=dorsal and R2=flank) and subplots directions (S1=longitudinal and S2=transversal), using 10 examples per treatment. At the end of processing, the leather analysis revealed low moisture (31.76%), protein (46.48%) and fat content (24.95%), and a high ash content (8.58%). Leather presented a pH of 4.9 and contained 2.0% chromium oxide, 25.5% extractable substances in dichloromethane, and these characteristics were coupled with a higher tensile strength (10.84 N/mm2) in the dorsal region. However, samples in the same region proved to have higher elasticity (64.57%) in the longitudinal direction, although there was no difference in the progressive tearing analysis (21.07-23.50 N/mm). Overall, our analyses suggest that, in this case, the tanned leather product does not have sufficient resistance for application in clothing production.Souza, MR.; Hoch, AL.; Gasparino, E.; Scapinello, C.; Mesquita Dourado, D.; Claudino Da Silva, SC.; Lala, B. (2016). Compositional analysis and physicochemical and mechanical testing of tanned rabbit skins. World Rabbit Science. 24(3):233-238. doi:10.4995/wrs.2016.4037SWORD233238243ABNT. Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. 2014. ABNT NBR ISO 3376: 2014 - Couro - Ensaios físicos e mecânicos – Determinação de resistência à tração e alongamento percentual. Rio de Janeiro, 1-5.ABNT. Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. 2014. NBR - 2589: Couro - Ensaios físicos e mecânicos - Determinação da espessura. Rio de Janeiro, 1.ABNT. Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. 2013. NBR - 11030: couro - Determinação de substâncias extraíveis com diclorometano (CH2Cl2). Rio de Janeiro, 1-3.ABNT. Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. 2013. ABNT NBR 11032: 2013 - Pele e couro - Amostragem na amostra de teste - Procedimento. Rio de Janeiro, 1-4.ABNT. ABNT Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. 2014. NBR – 5398-1: Couro – determinação química do teor de óxido de cromo Parte 1: Quantificação por titulação. Rio de Janeiro, 1-5.ABNT. Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. 2014. NBR - 3377-2: Couro – Ensaios físicos e mecânicos — Determinação da força de rasgamento Parte 2: Rasgamento de extremidade dupla. Rio de Janeiro, 1-3.ABNT. Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. 2014. ABNT NBR 10455: 2014 - Clima de materiais utilizados em calçados e artigos relacionados fabricar. Rio de Janeiro, 1-2.ABNT. Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. 2006. NBR – 11057: Couro –determinação do pH e da cifra diferencial. 2. ed. Rio de Janeiro, 1-3.Cunniff P.A. 1998. Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International. 16th ed. Arlington: Association of Official Analytical Chemists.Franco, M.L.R.S. 2007. Curtimento de pele de tilápia. In: Boscolo, W.r., Feiden, A. (Orgs.) Industrialização de tilápias. Toledo: GFM Gráfica e editora, 185-223.Freire M.C., Canl R.M. 2000. A pele bovina como matéria-prima. Revista Nacional da Carne, 24: 100-110.Gerhard J. 1998. Posibles fallas e el cuero y e su producción – conceptos, causas, consecuencias, remedios y tipos de cueros. Partner Rübelmann GmbH: Lampertheim (Alemania).Gutterres M. 2001. Distribuição, deposição e interação química de substâncias de engraxe no couro. In: Congresso da federação latino-americana das associações dos químicos e técnicos da indústria do couro, 15, Salvador. Anais... v.1, 108-119.Gutterres M. 2003. Efeito do Curtimento sobre a Microestrutura Dérmica. Revista do Couro Abqtic, Estância Velha, 26: 56-59.Oliveira A.C., Souza M.L.R., Hoch A.L.V., Gasparino E., Scapinello C., Kffuri V.R. Domingues M.C. 2007. Resistência dos couros de coelhos em função do sexo e da idade de abate. Tecnicouro, 28: 52-56.Prado M., Franco M.L.R.S., Uchimura C.M., Souza E.D., Bordignon A.C., Justen A.P., Silva S.C.C., Del Vesco A.P. 2013. Efeito da etapa de engraxe no processo de curtimento das peles de coelhos. Acta Tecnológica, 8: 8-11. http://portaldeperiodicos.ifma.edu.br/index.php/actatecnologica/article/view/131SAEG. 2000. Sistemas de Análises Estatísticas e Genéticas. Versão 8.0. Universidade Federal de Viçosa. Viçosa.Souza M.L.R. 2004. Tecnologia para processamento das peles de peixe. Maringá, PR. Coleção Fundamentum, 11: 14-55.Souza M.L.R. 2006. Tecnologia para processamento de peles de coelhos: peleteria e couro. In Proc: 3rd Rabbit Congress of the Americas, 2006, Maringá –Pr, Brasil. v. 1.Souza M.L.R. 2008. Tecnologia para processamento das peles de peixe. Maringá: Eduem. 3° Ed

    Scaling of charged particle multiplicity in Pb-Pb collisions at SPS energies

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    The charged particle multiplicity distribution dNch/dηdN_{ch}/d\eta has been measured by the NA50 experiment in Pb--Pb collisions at the CERN SPS. Measurements were done at incident energies of 40 and 158 GeV per nucleon over a broad impact parameter range. The multiplicity distributions are studied as a function of centrality using the number of participating nucleons (NpartN_{part}), or the number of binary nucleon--nucleon collisions (NcollN_{coll}). Their values at midrapidity exhibit a power law scaling behaviour given by Npart1.00N_{part}^{1.00} and Ncoll0.75N_{coll}^{0.75} at 158 GeV. Compatible results are found for the scaling behaviour at 40 GeV. The width of the dNch/dηdN_{ch}/d\eta distributions is larger at 158 than at 40 GeV/nucleon and decreases slightly with centrality at both energies. Our results are compared to similar studies performed by other experiments both at the CERN SPS and at RHIC.

    Charmonia and Drell-Yan production in proton-nucleus collisions at the CERN SPS

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    Charmonium production in p-A collisions is a unique tool for the study of the interaction of bound ccbar in nuclear matter. It can provide details on the basic features of the resonance formation mechanism and, in particular, on its non-perturbative aspects. In this Letter, we present an experimental study of Charmonia and Drell-Yan production in proton-nucleus collisions at 450GeV/c. The results are analyzed in the framework of the Glauber model and lead to the values of the nuclear absorption cross-section sigma^abs_pA for j/psi and psi'. Then, we compare the J/psi absorption in proton-nucleus and sulphur-uranium interactions, using NA38 data. We obtain that, for the J/psi, omega^abs_pA and omega^abs_SU are compatible, showing that no sizeable additional suppression mechanism in present S-U collisions, and confirming that the anomalous J/psi suppression only sets in for Pb-Pb interactions

    Autoregulation in resistance training : addressing the inconsistencies

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    Autoregulation is a process that is used to manipulate training based primarily on the measurement of an individual's performance or their perceived capability to perform. Despite being established as a training framework since the 1940s, there has been limited systematic research investigating its broad utility. Instead, researchers have focused on disparate practices that can be considered specific examples of the broader autoregulation training framework. A primary limitation of previous research includes inconsistent use of key terminology (e.g., adaptation, readiness, fatigue, and response) and associated ambiguity of how to implement different autoregulation strategies. Crucially, this ambiguity in terminology and failure to provide a holistic overview of autoregulation limits the synthesis of existing research findings and their dissemination to practitioners working in both performance and health contexts. Therefore, the purpose of the current review was threefold: first, we provide a broad overview of various autoregulation strategies and their development in both research and practice whilst highlighting the inconsistencies in definitions and terminology that currently exist. Second, we present an overarching conceptual framework that can be used to generate operational definitions and contextualise autoregulation within broader training theory. Finally, we show how previous definitions of autoregulation fit within the proposed framework and provide specific examples of how common practices may be viewed, highlighting their individual subtleties