1,990 research outputs found

    Shear yielding and crazing in dry and wet amorphous PLA at body temperature

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    Understanding the inelastic, rate-dependent mechanical response of biodegradable polymers is important for the design of load-bearing biodegradable structures with controlled deformation and failure response. In this study, we investigate the mechanical response of amorphous polylactic acid (PLA) in dry and wet conditions prior to the onset of degradation at body temperature. The presence of water decreases the glass transition temperature by 4.5 °C, the storage modulus by 21%, and the compressive and tensile yield strengths by about 10%, despite a small water uptake of 0.93 wt%. The tensile response of PLA is dominated by craze yielding, rather than shear plasticity, and is stable against necking despite pronounced strain softening and local strain heterogeneities measured by Digital Image Correlation (DIC). Further analysis of the DIC strain fields in dry and wet samples suggests a transition from pure craze yielding in dry samples to a coexistence of craze yielding and shear plasticity in wet samples. The mechanism shift between tension and compression behaviour of dry and wet PLA has implications for the design of load-bearing structures and for constitutive modelling

    De Broglie Wavelength of a Nonlocal Four-Photon

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    Superposition is one of the most distinct features of quantum theory and has been demonstrated in numerous realizations of Young's classical double-slit interference experiment and its analogues. However, quantum entanglement - a significant coherent superposition in multiparticle systems - yields phenomena that are much richer and more interesting than anything that can be seen in a one-particle system. Among them, one important type of multi-particle experiments uses path-entangled number-states, which exhibit pure higher-order interference and allow novel applications in metrology and imaging such as quantum interferometry and spectroscopy with phase sensitivity at the Heisenberg limit or quantum lithography beyond the classical diffraction limit. Up to now, in optical implementations of such schemes lower-order interference effects would always decrease the overall performance at higher particle numbers. They have thus been limited to two photons. We overcome this limitation and demonstrate a linear-optics-based four-photon interferometer. Observation of a four-particle mode-entangled state is confirmed by interference fringes with a periodicity of one quarter of the single-photon wavelength. This scheme can readily be extended to arbitrary photon numbers and thus represents an important step towards realizable applications with entanglement-enhanced performance.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, submitted on November 18, 200

    On-demand semiconductor single-photon source with near-unity indistinguishability

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    Single photon sources based on semiconductor quantum dots offer distinct advantages for quantum information, including a scalable solid-state platform, ultrabrightness, and interconnectivity with matter qubits. A key prerequisite for their use in optical quantum computing and solid-state networks is a high level of efficiency and indistinguishability. Pulsed resonance fluorescence (RF) has been anticipated as the optimum condition for the deterministic generation of high-quality photons with vanishing effects of dephasing. Here, we generate pulsed RF single photons on demand from a single, microcavity-embedded quantum dot under s-shell excitation with 3-ps laser pulses. The pi-pulse excited RF photons have less than 0.3% background contributions and a vanishing two-photon emission probability. Non-postselective Hong-Ou-Mandel interference between two successively emitted photons is observed with a visibility of 0.97(2), comparable to trapped atoms and ions. Two single photons are further used to implement a high-fidelity quantum controlled-NOT gate.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Experimental delayed-choice entanglement swapping

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    Motivated by the question, which kind of physical interactions and processes are needed for the production of quantum entanglement, Peres has put forward the radical idea of delayed-choice entanglement swapping. There, entanglement can be "produced a posteriori, after the entangled particles have been measured and may no longer exist". In this work we report the first realization of Peres' gedanken experiment. Using four photons, we can actively delay the choice of measurement-implemented via a high-speed tunable bipartite state analyzer and a quantum random number generator-on two of the photons into the time-like future of the registration of the other two photons. This effectively projects the two already registered photons onto one definite of two mutually exclusive quantum states in which either the photons are entangled (quantum correlations) or separable (classical correlations). This can also be viewed as "quantum steering into the past"

    Cardiac Myosin Binding Protein C and MAP-Kinase Activating Death Domain-Containing Gene Polymorphisms and Diastolic Heart Failure

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    OBJECTIVE: Myosin binding protein C (MYBPC3) plays a role in ventricular relaxation. The aim of the study was to investigate the association between cardiac myosin binding protein C (MYBPC3) gene polymorphisms and diastolic heart failure (DHF) in a human case-control study. METHODS: A total of 352 participants of 1752 consecutive patients from the National Taiwan University Hospital and its affiliated hospital were enrolled. 176 patients diagnosed with DHF confirmed by echocardiography were recruited. Controls were matched 1-to-1 by age, sex, hypertension, diabetes, renal function and medication use. We genotyped 12 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) according to HapMap Han Chinese Beijing databank across a 40 kb genetic region containing the MYBPC3 gene and the neighboring DNA sequences to capture 100% of haplotype variance in all SNPs with minor allele frequencies ≄ 5%. We also analyzed associations of these tagging SNPs and haplotypes with DHF and linkage disequilibrium (LD) structure of the MYBPC3 gene. RESULTS: In a single locus analysis, SNP rs2290149 was associated with DHF (allele-specific p = 0.004; permuted p = 0.031). The SNP with a minor allele frequency of 9.4%, had an odds ratio 2.14 (95% CI 1.25-3.66; p = 0.004) for the additive model and 2.06 for the autosomal dominant model (GG+GA : AA, 95% CI 1.17-3.63; p = 0.013), corresponding to a population attributable risk fraction of 12.02%. The haplotypes in a LD block of rs2290149 (C-C-G-C) was also significantly associated with DHF (odds ratio 2.10 (1.53-2.89); permuted p = 0.029). CONCLUSIONS: We identified a SNP (rs2290149) among the tagging SNP set that was significantly associated with early DHF in a Chinese population

    Tool path pattern and feed direction selection in robotic milling for increased chatter-free material removal rate

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    Robotic milling becomes increasingly relevant to large-scale part manufacturing industries thanks to its cost-effective and portable manufacturing concept compared to large-scale CNC machine tools. Integration of milling processes with industrial robots is proposed to be well aligned with the aims and objective of the recent fourth industrial revolution. However, the industrial robots introduce position-dependent and asymmetrical dynamic flexibility, which may reflect to the tool tip dynamics under several conditions. Under such circumstances, the stability limits become dependent on the machining location and the feed direction. In this respect, selection of machining tool path patterns is crucial for increased chatter-free material removal rates (MRR). This paper proposes an approach to evaluate and select tool path patterns, offered by the existing CAM packages, for increased chatter-free MRR. The machining area is divided into number of machining locations. The optimal feed direction is decided based on the absolute stability at each region considering the asymmetrical and position-dependent tool tip dynamics. Then, the alternative tool path patterns are evaluated and the corresponding optimum feed direction is decided for increased chatter-free material removal. The application of the proposed approach is demonstrated through simulations and representative experiments

    Hong-Ou-Mandel interference with a single atom

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    The Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) effect is widely regarded as the quintessential quantum interference phenomenon in optics. In this work we examine how nonlinearity can smear statistical photon bunching in the HOM interferometer. We model both the nonlinearity and a balanced beam splitter with a single two-level system and calculate a finite probability of anti-bunching arising in this geometry. We thus argue that the presence of such nonlinearity would reduce the visibility in the standard HOM setup, offering some explanation for the diminution of the HOM visibility observed in many experiments. We use the same model to show that the nonlinearity affects a resonant two-photon propagation through a two-level impurity in a waveguide due to a " weak photon blockade" caused by the impossibility of double-occupancy and argue that this effect might be stronger for multi-photon propagation

    Effect of MWCNTs on Gastric Emptying in Mice

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    After making model of gastric functional disorder (FD), part of model mice were injected intravenously (i.v.) with oxide multi-walled carbon nanotubes (oMWCNTs) to investigate effect of carbon nanotubes on gastric emptying. The results showed that NO content in stomach, compared with model group, was decreased significantly and close to normal level post-injection with oMWCNTs (500 and 800 ÎŒg/mouse). In contrast to FD or normal groups, the content of acetylcholine (Ach) in stomach was increased obviously in injection group with 500 or 800 ÎŒg/mouse of oMWCNTs. The kinetic curve of emptying was fitted to calculate gastric motility factor k; the results showed that the k of injection group was much higher than FD and normal. In other words, the gastric motility of FD mice was enhanced via injection with oMWCNTs. In certain dosage, oMWCNTs could improve gastric emptying and motility

    Micro-manufacturing : research, technology outcomes and development issues

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    Besides continuing effort in developing MEMS-based manufacturing techniques, latest effort in Micro-manufacturing is also in Non-MEMS-based manufacturing. Research and technological development (RTD) in this field is encouraged by the increased demand on micro-components as well as promised development in the scaling down of the traditional macro-manufacturing processes for micro-length-scale manufacturing. This paper highlights some EU funded research activities in micro/nano-manufacturing, and gives examples of the latest development in micro-manufacturing methods/techniques, process chains, hybrid-processes, manufacturing equipment and supporting technologies/device, etc., which is followed by a summary of the achievements of the EU MASMICRO project. Finally, concluding remarks are given, which raise several issues concerning further development in micro-manufacturing

    The value of diffusion-weighted imaging in assessing the ADC changes of tissues adjacent to breast carcinoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To define a threshold value of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) with which malignant breast lesions can be distinguished from benign lesions, and to evaluate the ADC change of peri-tumor tissue in breast carcinoma by echo planar-diffusion weighted imaging (EPI-DWI).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>57 breast lesions were scanned by routine MRI and EPI-DWI. The ADC values were compared between malignant and benign lesions. The sensitivity and specificity of EPI-DWI and the threshold ADC value were evaluated by Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (ROC). The ADC values of malignant lesion and layered peri-tumor tissues (from innermost layer 1 to outermost layer 4 with 5 mm every layer) in different directions were compared and the ADC values among different layers were compared.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The ADC value of 35 malignant lesions was statistically lower than that of 22 benign lesions (P < 0.05). In ROC curve, the threshold value was 1.24 +/- 0.25*10E-3 mm<sup>2</sup>/s (b = 500) or 1.20 +/- 0.25*10E-3 mm<sup>2</sup>/s (b = 1000). The ADC value of malignant lesions was statistically lower than that of peri-tumor tissues in different directions (P < 0.05). For peri-tumor tissues, the ADC values increased gradually from layer 1 to layer 4 and there was a significant difference between the ADC values of layer 1 and layer 2 (P < 0.05); while from layer 2 outwards, there was no statistical difference among different layers.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>ADC value was a sensitive and specific parameter that could help to differentiate benign and malignant breast lesions. ADC changes in tissues adjacent to breast carcinoma could be detected by EPI-DWI, which made EPI-DWI a promising method for helping to determine surgical scope of breast carcinoma.</p
