1,331 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Hubungan diplomatik antara Indonesia dan Kanada dimulai sejak ditandatanganinya persetujuan kedua negara untuk masing-masing membuka perwakilan diplomatiknya pada tanggal 9 Oktober 1952. Namun demikian secara historis hubungan keduanya sudah dimulai sejak tahun 1948. Indonesia telah mengalami perubahan dramatis sejak Badan Kerjasama Pembangunan Internasional Kanada (CIDA) menetapkan Kerangka Program Kerjasama Pembangunan yang terakhir pada tahun 1991. CIDA, telah menyalurkan lebih 375jutabantuanpembangunankepadaIndonesia.Anggaranyangdirencanakansebesar375 juta bantuan pembangunan kepada Indonesia. Anggaran yang direncanakan sebesar 23 juta juga, diluar kegiatan-kegiatan rekonstruksi. Cabang-cabang CIDA lain telah melengkapi usaha-usaha bilateral. Cabang Program Multilateral (Multilateral Programs Branchs) menyalurkan bantuan melalui kombinasi programming, termasuk pendanaan untuk organisasi-organisasi multilateral. Semua saluran bantuan-bantuan ini digerakkan sebagai tanggapan terhadap gempa bumi dan tsunami Lautan India 26 Desember 2004 khususnya dalam usaha untuk merekonstruksi dan rehabilitasi Aceh. Perumusan masalah dari penelitian ini adalah “Sejauhmana hasil dari pelaksanaan yang dilakukan CIDA terhadap wilayah Aceh?”. Sebagai acuan terhadap permasalahan, dikemukakan teori-teori dan konsep-konsep dari para ahli Hubungan Internasional yang dituangkan dalam kerangka pemikiran dalam bentuk Premis Mayor yang mencakup Negara, Hubungan Internasional, Politik Internasional, Organisasi Internasional, Kerjasama Internasional, dan Ekonomi Internasional. Sedangkan Premis Minornya adalah Teori Ketergantungan, Tujuan CIDA, Program CIDA, Fungsi CIDA, dan Tantangan yang dihadapi CIDA di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif analitis menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan program rekonstruksi dan rehabilitasi yang dilakukan oleh CIDA terhadap wilayah Aceh membawa hasil yang positif dan rekonstruksi dan rehabilitasi di Aceh saat ini cenderung berangsur pulih dan membawa kesejahteraan terhadap masyarakat Aceh dibuktikan dengan tercapainya beberapa tujuan dari program yang dirancang oleh CIDA terhadap Aceh telah membuahkan hasil yaitu :a. Tujuan CIDA dalam peningkatan perencanaan dan pelaksanaan kegiatan-kegiatan rekonstruksi dan layanan publik dengan cara yang wajar, partisipatif berjalan efektif dan berangsur pulih. b. Tujuan CIDA dalam penciptaan dan pemulihan peluang mata pencaharian yang berkesinambungan melalui dukungan pada usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah (MSM) dan pemulihan dan penggunaan basis sumberdaya alam di Aceh berangsur pulih diantaranya kapasitas lembaga-lembaga keuangan berangsur pulih dan diperkuat, pasar dan sistem pemasaran berangsur pulih dan berfungsi, kapasitas layanan pembangunan usaha berangsur pulih dan diperkuat, mata pencaharian di bidang kehutanan, perikanan, pertanian yang berkesinambungan berangsur pulih dan diperkuat melalui pelatihan dan pembiayaan mikro, peningkatan kapasitas pemerintahan daerah dan masyarakat untuk memahami dan mengelola sistem sumber daya alam dengan cara yang berkesinambungan. Kata Kunci : Kerjasama CIDA, Program CIDA, Rekonstruksi dan Rehabilitas


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    Educating the leaders of tomorrow : the library without walls

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    A description of library services offered to students in distance programs within Canada and Ecuador

    Vitamin A supplementation in Tanzania: the impact of a change in programmatic delivery strategy on coverage.

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    BACKGROUND\ud \ud Efficient delivery strategies for health interventions are essential for high and sustainable coverage. We report impact of a change in programmatic delivery strategy from routine delivery through the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI+) approach to twice-yearly mass distribution campaigns on coverage of vitamin A supplementation in Tanzania\ud \ud METHODS\ud \ud We investigated disparities in age, sex, socio-economic status, nutritional status and maternal education within vitamin A coverage in children between 1 and 2 years of age from two independent household level child health surveys conducted (1) during a continuous universal targeting scheme based on routine EPI contacts for children aged 9, 15 and 21 months (1999); and (2) three years later after the introduction of twice-yearly vitamin A supplementation campaigns for children aged 6 months to 5 years, a 6-monthly universal targeting scheme (2002). A representative cluster sample of approximately 2,400 rural households was obtained from Rufiji, Morogoro Rural, Kilombero and Ulanga districts. A modular questionnaire about the health of all children under the age of five was administered to consenting heads of households and caretakers of children. Information on the use of child health interventions including vitamin A was asked.\ud \ud RESULTS\ud \ud Coverage of vitamin A supplementation among 1-2 year old children increased from 13% [95% CI 10-18%] in 1999 to 76% [95%CI 72-81%] in 2002. In 2002 knowledge of two or more child health danger signs was negatively associated with vitamin A supplementation coverage (80% versus 70%) (p = 0.04). Nevertheless, we did not find any disparities in coverage of vitamin A by district, gender, socio-economic status and DPT vaccinations.\ud \ud CONCLUSION\ud \ud Change in programmatic delivery of vitamin A supplementation was associated with a major improvement in coverage in Tanzania that was been sustained by repeated campaigns for at least three years. There is a need to monitor the effect of such campaigns on the routine health system and on equity of coverage. Documentation of vitamin A supplementation campaign contacts on routine maternal and child health cards would be a simple step to facilitate this monitoring

    Programme financing and public budgets: new instruments and starting-points of development policy

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    Im Zeitraum 2001/2002 ist im Sektor der internationalen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit eine Reform der wichtigsten Instrumente eingeläutet worden. Dabei spielen die staatlichen Budgets und ihre Finanzierung von außen eine entscheidende Rolle. Somit bilden die Budget-Unterstützung und andere Formen der Programmfinanzierung (programmbasierte Herangehensweisen) einen bedeutenden Block bei der neuen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Nach einer einführenden Darstellung der konstitutiven Elemente der programmorientierten Entwicklungszusammenarbeit diskutiert der Beitrag zunächst die notwendigen Ausrichtungen auf der Geberseite, um programmatische Ansätze so effektiv wie möglich zu unterstützen. Hier stehen die Bedingungen, welche die Finanzierung dieser Vorhaben begleiten, im Mittelpunkt des Interesses. Im Anschluss werden die zentralen Anforderungen an die Strukturen und Prozesse für eine erfolgreiche Einführung von programmbasierten Ansätzen in den Entwicklungsländern erörtert. Dabei fokussieren die Ausführungen auf die Budgets, deren Strukturierung und Qualität für die Implementierung von armutsreduzierenden Strategien entscheidend sind. Abschließend werden die bisherigen Erfahrungen mit den neuen Instrumenten der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit zusammengefasst und beschrieben. (ICG2

    Crianças e adolescentes em situações de risco no Brasil

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    Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Does foreign aid make a difference? a case study of the Boseele Association in Northern Lesotho.

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    Lesotho is a country plagued by underdevelopment and poverty. This research is a case study of an indigenous community organisation in the northern district of Botha-Bothe in Lesotho. Boseele is a rural development organisation which attracted international donor investment in the aftermath of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project. The study aims at investigating the impact of capacity development processes on Boseele and its members. The study identified capacity building landmarks over a period of ten years. A case study approach was used within a qualitative research design. Data was collected through individual and group interviews, observations, story-telling and transect walks. The results were analysed through thematic, chronological, narrative and document analysis. Boseele’s successes with CIDA funding reflect positive foreign aid contributions towards the work of civil society organisations in Lesotho. However, setbacks and lack of continuity by a nursery project funded by MS-Lesotho show that the empowerment process is vulnerable where social and economic problems of individual members and communities are not fully addressed

    European Union and democratization of Africa: the case of Ghana, Uganda, Zimbabwe and Morocco (1990-2010)

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    A research report submitted to the School of Social Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for a Degree of Master of Arts in International Relations by coursework and research report.In the early 1990s, issues of democracy, good governance, security and human rights became more prominent in the international system and attained space in various policy documents. The period has been characterized by massive waves of transitions from one-party to multi-party political systems, which can be described as global democratic revolutions. Such democratic revolutions or movement towards democracy was not confined to one territory; rather it was a worldwide phenomenon that reached many parts of the world such as Latin America, Europe, Asia and Africa. It involved radical political transitions due to pressure to promote political liberalization and foster democratic reforms in most of these countries. The push for democratization was led by various democratic actors such as the European Union, United States of America, Britain, Norway, Canada and institutions like the International Monetary Fund and World Bank among others. The waves and calls for democratization by these actors have resulted in various democratic transition outcomes in which some of the recipient countries of external democratic support are left stuck in the process while some of them have completely failed and reverted back to authoritarian or oppressive regimes. Countries that have failed in the democratization process experience various consequences such as limited access to the media, fragmented opposition political parties, fraudulent electoral activities, violence and poor citizen participation. These shortfalls reflect gaps or inconsistencies in the outcomes of the democratization process that needs to be investigated. This study looks at the factors causing inconsistencies in the outcomes of the process

    Urban agriculture and food security in the city of Lubumbashi (DRC).

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    The aim of this study is to find out whether or not urban farming is a response to food insecurity in the post-Gécamines era at the household level. This period is characterized by acute economic crisis at a time of rapid population growth and increasing urban poverty. Data was collected by means of semi-structured interviews, in-depth questions, observation and informal conversation, as well as primary and secondary sources. One hundred Lubumbashi farming households were selected and interviewed between November 2004 and March 2005. The data was analyzed within a sustainable livelihood approach based on the alternative theories of development, and using SPSS and thematic content analysis. Because of its potential in food supply and income generation, the focus on urban agriculture gives in-depth insights about categories of people involved, types of food crops grown and livestock kept, relations within the household members, and so on. The key findings of the study are that urban agriculture is more of a survival-entrepreneurial strategy than a survival or an entrepreneurial strategy for the majority of farming households. Less than a quarter of the selected farmers were able to move out of food insecurity and poverty. However, the majority of farmers were food secure for a short period of time (three to four months, particularly at the harvest period). The study also shows that though the living conditions of the majority of farmers (75%) declined despite the practice of food production, these conditions might have worsened without it. iii Poverty, competition for land and rapid population growth constitute the factors that threaten the expansion of agricultural activities within and around the city. The sustainability of urban agriculture is linked to its capacity to cope with and recover from stresses and shocks as well as its adaptability to the dynamism of the city, and the nature of support received from state and non-state institutions. However, food production and income generation remain the central functions of urban agriculture in Lubumbashi. Keywords: urban agriculture, food security, urban livelihood strategy, sustainable livelihoods approach, sustainability, entrepreneurial urban agriculture, survival urban agriculture, alternative theories of development, household economy, parallel economy