25 research outputs found

    Influencia del sorbato potásico y del benzoato sódico sobre la estabilidad de las aceitunas de mesa en salmuera

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    The results of a study on the effects of potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate on the chemical, microbiological and organoleptic characteristics of green table olives during the preservations, are presented. The olives stored in glass vessels at room temperature and at 28°C, in aerobic conditions, to promote the growth of surface yeasts and moulds, are added of fungistatics at two concentration levels, calculated by weight on the basis of the total content of the vessel; that is the weight of olives plus the weight of the water in the brine. The results showed that these additives were effective to preserve the product a period of two months, without affecting the olive flavour. However a certain darkening of some samples was observed. To increase such period higher initial concentrations must be used, although their residual values should be within the limits permitted by the C.O.I.Se estudian los efectos del sorbato potásico y del benzoato sódico sobre las características físico-químicas, microbio lógicas y organolépticas de conservas de aceitunas verdes de mesa. Las aceitunas conservadas en frascos de vidrio a temperatura ambiente y en cámara termostática a +28°C, en condiciones aeróbicas para facilitar el crecimiento de levaduras y mohos superficiales, se tratan con fungistáticos en dos niveles de concentración calculados sobre la masa total de aceitunas y salmuera, respecto a los contenidos relativos. Los resultados indican que los aditivos empleados son efectivos para la conservación del producto durante los dos primeros meses, sin que afecten al sabor de las aceitunas, mientras que se ha apreciado un cierto oscurecimiento en algunas muestras. Para aumentar el período anterior serían necesarias cantidades iniciales más altas, que den unos valores residuales del orden de los límites establecidos por el C.O.I

    Investigation of activation cross-sections of proton induced nuclear reactions on natTl up to 42 MeV: review, new data and evaluation

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    Cross-sections of proton induced nuclear reactions on natural thallium have been studied for investigation of the production of the medical important 201Tl diagnostic radioisotope. The excitation functions of 204mPb, 203Pb, 202mPb, 201Pb, 200Pb, 199Pb, 202Tl (direct, cumulative), 201Tl (direct, cumulative), 200Tl(direct), and 203Hg were measured up to 42 MeV proton energy by stacked foil technique and activation method. The experimental data were compared with the critically analyzed experimental data in the literature, with the IAEA recommended data and with the results of model calculations by using the ALICE-IPPE, EMPIRE-II and TALYS codes

    Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy-Partial Least Squares (FTIR-PLS) coupled procedure application for the evaluation of fly attack on olive oil quality

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    A Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy-Partial Least Squares (FTIR-PLS) strategy for the determination of the quality of olive fruits and the respective virgin olive oil (VOO) has been developed. This methodology has been demonstrated as able to correlate the level of fly attack in olive oils with their FTIR spectra. A multivariate calibration model was built by the PLS algorithm using the 4000 to 700 cm-1 spectral range on pretreated data and an evaluation of some of the usual quality parameters of VOO (free acidity, fatty acids composition, oxidative stability by OSI time and phenolic compounds obtained by capillary electrophoresis) and was performed to corroborate the real influence of fly attack on the quality of the oils. Furthermore, the evaluation of the FTIR data showed some differences in the regions of the fatty acids and phenolic compounds depending on the percentage of fly attack on the olives. This non-destructive method easily allows a non-destructive measure and, at the same time, establishes the level of Bactrocera oleae attack in olive fruit thus analyzing directly the olive oil obtained without any previous treatment

    Grandparents: From Neglect to Idolization

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    While the extended family has been widely studied in France, and several major surveys have focused on relationships and exchanges between family members in France and Europe, grandparents have long been neglected by the research community. Yet data from the Biographies et entourage survey, and the detailed life histories of 80 respondents reveal the importance of grandparents in individuals’ lives. Their roles are very diverse, with some grandparents taking full charge of their grandchildren’s upbringing, and others living under the same roof as the parents; with some providing “close protection”, while others maintain a certain distance or even lose all ties with the family. Contrary to the affirmations of certain American and French researchers, it is not the new role of the “doting” grandparent that represents modernity. Rather, grandparents are a symbol of continuity rather than novelty, with the baby-boom generations continuing to assume their grandparental role, as did their parents and forebears. With the rise of individualism, one might assume that these generations give priority to their professional and social networks, with the family taking secondary importance. Their modernity lies in the fact that they can invest in both