8,229 research outputs found

    Wideband and UWB antennas for wireless applications. A comprehensive review

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    A comprehensive review concerning the geometry, the manufacturing technologies, the materials, and the numerical techniques, adopted for the analysis and design of wideband and ultrawideband (UWB) antennas for wireless applications, is presented. Planar, printed, dielectric, and wearable antennas, achievable on laminate (rigid and flexible), and textile dielectric substrates are taken into account. The performances of small, low-profile, and dielectric resonator antennas are illustrated paying particular attention to the application areas concerning portable devices (mobile phones, tablets, glasses, laptops, wearable computers, etc.) and radio base stations. This information provides a guidance to the selection of the different antenna geometries in terms of bandwidth, gain, field polarization, time-domain response, dimensions, and materials useful for their realization and integration in modern communication systems

    Children's basic memory processes, stress and maltreatment

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    Building upon methods and research utilized with normative populations, we examine extant assumptions regarding the effects of child maltreatment on memory. The effects of stress on basic memory processes is examined, and potential neurobiological changes relevant to memory development are examined. The impact of maltreatment-related sequelae (including dissociation and depression) on basic memory processes as well as false memories and suggestibility are also outlined. Although there is a clear need for additional research, the investigations that do exist reveal that maltreated children's basic memory processes are not reliably different from that of other, nonmaltreated children

    A Wideband High-Gain Circularly-Polarized Dielectric Horn Antenna Equipped With Lamé-Axicon Stacked-Disk Lens for Remote Sensing, Air Traffic Control and Satellite Communications

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    A wideband high-gain circularly polarized (CP) shaped dielectric horn-lens antenna (SDHLA) operating in the frequency band between 6.7 and 18.2 GHz [fractional impedance bandwidth (FIBW) of 92.4%] with a 3-dB axial-ratio in the frequency range from 8.1 to 16.3 GHz [fractional axial-ratio bandwidth (FARBW) of 67.2%], is presented. The antenna, composed of a suitably shaped dielectric horn, integrated with a super-ellipsoidal-axicon dielectric lens made out of stacked thin dielectric disks, is mounted on a printed circuit board (PCB) where a microstrip line terminated with a wideband radial stub is used to excite a S-shaped slot through which the circular polarization is achieved. Parameterized 3D Lamé curves, describing the horn and lens profile, are used to optimize the antenna design. The antenna features a peak realized gain exceeding 13.1 dBi that is beneficial in a variety of applications, such as digital video broadcasting (DVB), remote sensing, weather monitoring, satellite communications, and air traffic control. The full-wave electromagnetic solver CST Studio Suite™, based on a locally conformal finite integration technique (FIT), was employed to design and characterize the antenna whose performances were found to be in good agreement with the experimental measurements.</p

    Diritto e ambiente

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    Il degrado abusivo e il "degrado legale" del territorio: gli ecomostri

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    The paper analyses the illegal and legal spatial blight, linked by abuse and disfigurement of the surrounding buildings, seen as wrong planning and balanced land use, wear disguise tourism, which only serve to justify and make winning the project and obtain the law permits. The pathology of urbanization without criteria or measures, connected to unspecified reasons tourism, which retain only the meaning of terminology has led the Italian news in some respects and the case for others to deal with those now commonly and sadly are known as ecomostri (eye-sores) . An effective tourism policy can be a powerful lever for sustainable development, or even a tool for sustainable tourism landscape transformed into a landscape of decay.Il fenomeno di una urbanizzazione senza criteri né misure, collegata a ragioni turistiche, molto spesso opportunistiche, è affrontato dalla giurisprudenza nella sua azione di controllo del territorio: ne sono un caso esemplare gli “ecomostri”, ormai comunemente e tristemente sono conosciuti dalla società civile. Queste costruzioni di grande impatto territoriale, ambientale e paesaggistico, in alcuni casi sono legittimati da interventi normativi non bene soppesati e in altri avvengono in maniera c.d. abusiva, con l’unica conseguenza, in entrambe le ipotesi, di deturpare l’ambiente circostante sotto molteplici profili, non ultimo quello incidente su località turistiche. Il contributo si pone l’obiettivo di contribuire ad una politica turistica attenta al profilo ambientale: occorre individuare una maggiore cogenza e conoscenza normativa a favore di una pianificazione urbanistica e politica del paesaggio, in grado di sostenere il recupero, la riqualificazione e valorizzazione delle bellezze naturali presenti sul territorio. Solo il coinvolgimento e la necessaria collaborazione di tutti i soggetti del territorio per una programmazione orientata a realizzare uno «sviluppo capace di rispondere ai bisogni delle generazioni attuali, senza compromettere la capacità delle generazioni future di rispondere ai propri». _________________________________________________________

    Habitat use, secondary production, and trophic export by salt marsh nekton in shallow waters

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    I used 1.75 m&\sp2& drop rings and throw rings to sample communities of nekton at high and low tides in contiguous salt marshes, unvegetated flats, and seagrass beds (Ruppia maritima) of lower Chesapeake Bay. Thirty-two species of nekton were captured between June and October 1995, with a mean overall abundance of 28.6 inds m&\sp{lcub}-2{rcub}& and a mean biomass of 3.8 g m&\sp{lcub}-2{rcub}& (dry weight, dw). Blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, were the biomass dominants and used seagrass and marsh edge habitats extensively from recruitment to maturity. Palaemonetes shrimp were the most abundant nekton; patterns of allopatry and apparent sympatry were found among the three species present. Menidia menidia used the marsh surface at night. Behavioral patterns for marsh residents Fundulus heteroclitus, F. majalis, Lucania parva, Gobiosoma bosc, and P. intermedius differed from patterns reported elsewhere. This suggests behavioral flexibility in habitat use between regions. Seagrass and marsh edges supported a large biomass of nekton. Secondary production on the marsh surface was estimated at 7.4-8.0 gdw m&\rm\sp{lcub}-2{rcub}150\ d\sp{lcub}-1{rcub}& (28.4-30.7 gww m&\rm\sp{lcub}-2{rcub}150\ d\sp{lcub}-1{rcub}&) between June and October 1995 (150 days). Gut contents of predators were examined, and a mathematical model was constructed to estimate consumption and export by nekton. Predation on invertebrates was highest in marsh edge areas, at 44.2 gdw m&\rm\sp{lcub}-2{rcub}150\ d\sp{lcub}-1{rcub}& removed; predation at the edge by transients (export) was 28.0 gdw m&\rm\sp{lcub}-2{rcub} 150\ d\sp{lcub}-1{rcub}.& The value of marsh edge was clearly linked to both vegetated and unvegetated components as refuge and feeding. Predation in the entire marsh was approximately 13 gdw m&\rm\sp{lcub}-2{rcub} 150\ d\sp{lcub}-1{rcub},& and transient export was 5.6 gdw m&\rm\sp{lcub}-2{rcub} 150\ d\sp{lcub}-1{rcub}.& Most export from marsh interior habitats was via blue crab predation on Uca and Sesarma. Predation in unvegetated areas was 13.3-17.0 gdw m&\rm\sp{lcub}-2{rcub} 150\ d\sp{lcub}-1{rcub};& export was 8.0-11.7 gdw m&\rm\sp{lcub}-2{rcub}150\ d\sp{lcub}-1{rcub}.& The unvegetated intertidal was an important resource for nekton due to lengthy inundation and abundant polychaete prey. The trophic contribution of each habitat was significant. Marsh, unvegetated, and seagrass habitats function together in this area to provide feeding and refuge for intertidal nekton

    Rock On: The State of Rock Music Among Generation Z

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    Rock music is a significant part of American culture and has always had ties to the socialization of the youth since its rise in the 1950s. Many musicians and music journalists have pushed forth the opinion that the genre is “dead” as its relevance in young adult culture has faded away in favor of different genres of mainstream music. However, rock artists have seen more success and virality in the past few years. This is primarily true through the social media platform TikTok, the largest platform of its kind with most young people as part of its userbase. The following study intends to analyze and explain the relationship between rock music and members of Generation Z, particularly 18- to 24- year-olds, through an online Qualtrics survey. It highlights the musical preferences of this target group, including how they discover rock music and respond to the rock music they are presented on social media. Many of the participants embrace the genre with a feeling that it is rising in popularity in their age group. Secondary research was conducted to find data on some of the rock artists that have gained traction on TikTok, to highlight the impact that massive exposure to Generation Z has had on them. The effects of virality are evident in the short term for these artists, but the long term effects are minimal. Findings of the study suggest that artists and labels need to develop strategies to convert those who come across their viral music into devoted fans of the band

    A Dance in the Palatina Library of Parma

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    El Baile de quien más ama forma parte del importante fondo de textos teatrales españoles de la colección cc*iv 28033 de la Biblioteca Palatina de Parma. Este estudio prentende dar a conocer un baile del Siglo de Oro anónimo y prácticamente desconocido, y sobre todo colocar la obrita en el contexto del baile como género literario, poniendo de relieve los rasgos constantes del género que la pieza de Parma presenta. Particular atención se reserva a la forma métrica del textoThe “Baile de quien más ama” is part of the important collection of Spanish dramatic texts (cc *iv 28033) guarded in Biblioteca Palatina of Parma. Its analysis pretends to make know an anonymous and unknown Golden Age text, placing it in the context of the baile as literary genre, pointing out its constant characteristics which this short dramatic text presents. Special attention is reserved to the metric form
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