173 research outputs found

    Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) spectrometer design and performance

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    The development of the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) has been completed at JPL. This paper outlines the functional requirements of the spectrometer optics subsystem, and describes the spectrometer optical design. The optical subsystem performance is shown in terms of spectral modulation transfer functions, radial energy distributions, and system transmission at selected wavelengths for the four spectrometers. An outline of the spectrometer alignment is included

    AVIRIS foreoptics, fiber optics and on-board calibrator

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    The foreoptics, fiber optic system and calibration source of the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) are described. The foreoptics, based on a modified Kennedy scanner, is coupled by optical fibers to the four spectrometers. The optical fibers allow convenient positioning of the spectrometers in the limited space and enable simple compensation of the scanner's thermal defocus (at the -23 C operating temp) by active control of the fiber focal plane position. A challenging requirement for the fiber optic system was the transmission to the spectral range 1.85 to 2.45 microns at .45 numerical aperture. This was solved with custom fluoride glass fibers from Verre Fluore. The onboard calibration source is also coupled to the spectrometers by the fibers and provides two radiometric levels and a reference spectrum to check the spectrometers' alignment. Results of the performance of the assembled subsystems are presented

    Convex Diffraction Grating Imaging Spectrometer

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    A 1:1 Offner mirror system for imaging off-axis objects is modified by replacing a concave spherical primary mirror that is concentric with a convex secondary mirror with two concave spherical mirrors M1 and M2 of the same or different radii positioned with their respective distances d1 and d2 from a concentric convex spherical diffraction grating having its grooves parallel to the entrance slit of the spectrometer which replaces the convex secondary mirror. By adjusting their distances d1 and d2 and their respective angles of reflection alpha and beta, defined as the respective angles between their incident and reflected rays, all aberrations are corrected without the need to increase the spectrometer size for a given entrance slit size to reduce astigmatism, thus allowing the imaging spectrometer volume to be less for a given application than would be possible with conventional imaging spectrometers and still give excellent spatial and spectral imaging of the slit image spectra over the focal plane

    Preclinical Evaluation of Novel All-in-one Formulations of 5-Fluorouracil and Folinic Acid with Reduced Toxicity Profiles - Supplementary Data

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    Objectives: 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) in combination with its synergistic biomodulator folinic acid maintains a pivotal position in cancer chemotherapy. However, clinical limitations persist with the administration of these drugs in combination including phlebitis and catheter blockages, which are associated with reduced efficacy and/or quality of life for patients. We have previously reported novel all-in-one, pH neutral, parenteral 5-FU and folinic acid formulations (termed Fluorodex) incorporating beta-cyclodextrins. Fluorodex maintains potency while overcoming the accepted incompatibility of 5-FU and folinic acid.Methods: We performed toxicological, pharmacokinetic and biodistribution, and efficacy evaluations of Fluorodex compared to 5-FU:folinic acid using several administration routes and schedules in two rodent models. These were compared to dose-matched sequential administration of 5-FU:folinic acid.Results: Fluorodex showed bioequivalence to 5-FU:folinic acid as assessed by tissue distribution and pharmacokinetics of 5-FU, but was generally better tolerated as determined by weight loss, hematological and other clinical parameters. Compared to 5-FU:folinic acid, Fluorodex was also associated with reduced phlebitis using a rabbit ear vein model. Furthermore, equivalent to enhanced efficacy of Fluorodex compared to 5-FU:folinic acid against human carcinoma tumour models in mice was observed.Conclusions: These novel all-in-one formulations represent a superior injectable form of 5- FU that allows co-delivery of folinic acid. This should translate to improved patient tolerability with potential for enhanced efficacy

    Developments in Performance Monitoring of Concrete Exposed to Extreme Environments.

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    The performance of the surface zone of concrete is acknowledged as a major factor governing the rate of deterioration of reinforced concrete structures because it provides the only barrier to the ingress of water containing dissolved ionic species such as chlorides, which ultimately initiate corrosion of the reinforcement. In situ monitoring of cover-zone concrete is therefore critical in attempting to make realistic predictions as to the in-service performance of the structure. To this end, this paper presents developments in a remote interrogation system to allow for continuous, real-time monitoring of the cover-zone concrete from an office setting. Use is made of a multi electrode array embedded within cover-zone concrete to acquire discretized electrical resistivity and temperature measurements, with both parameters monitored spatially and temporally. On-site instrumentation, which allows for the remote interrogation of concrete samples placed at a marine exposure site, is detailed together with data handling and processing procedures. Site measurements highlight the influence of temperature on electrical resistivity and an Arrhenius-based temperature correction protocol is developed using on-site measurements to standardize resistivity data to a reference temperature; this is an advancement over the use of laboratory-based procedures. The testing methodology and interrogation system represent a robust, low-cost, and high-value technique that could be deployed for intelligent monitoring of reinforced concrete structures

    An argument against the focus on Community Resilience in Public Health

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    Background - It has been suggested that Public Health professionals focus on community resilience in tackling chronic problems, such as poverty and deprivation; is this approach useful? Discussion - Resilience is always i) of something ii) to something iii) to an endpoint, as in i) a rubber ball, ii) to a blunt force, iii) to its original shape. “Community resilience” might be: of a neighbourhood, to a flu pandemic, with the endpoint, to return to normality. In these two examples, the endpoint is as-you-were. This is unsuitable for some examples of resilience. A child that is resilient to an abusive upbringing has an endpoint of living a happy life despite that upbringing: this is an as-you-should-be endpoint. Similarly, a chronically deprived community cannot have the endpoint of returning to chronic deprivation: so what is its endpoint? Roughly, it is an as-you-should-be endpoint: to provide an environment for inhabitants to live well. Thus resilient communities will be those that do this in the face of challenges. How can they be identified? One method uses statistical outliers, neighbourhoods that do better than would be expected on a range of outcomes given a range of stressors. This method tells us that a neighbourhood is resilient but not why it is. In response, a number of researchers have attributed characteristics to resilient communities; however, these generally fail to distinguish characteristics of a good community from those of a resilient one. Making this distinction is difficult and we have not seen it successfully done; more importantly, it is arguably unnecessary. There already exist approaches in Public Health to assessing and developing communities faced with chronic problems, typically tied to notions such as Social Capital. Communityresilience to chronic problems, if it makes sense at all, is likely to be a property that emerges from the various assets in a community such as human capital, built capital and natural capital. Summary - Public Health professionals working with deprived neighbourhoods would be better to focus on what neighbourhoods have or could develop as social capital for living well, rather than on the vague and tangential notion of community resilience.</p

    Recognition and diagnosis of sleep disorders in Parkinson's disease

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    Contains fulltext : 109296.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Sleep disturbances are among the most frequent and incapacitating non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD), and are increasingly recognized as an important determinant of impaired quality of life. Here we review several recent developments regarding the recognition and diagnosis of sleep disorders in PD. In addition, we provide a practical and easily applicable approach to the diagnostic process as a basis for tailored therapeutic interventions. This includes a stepwise scheme that guides the clinical interview and subsequent ancillary investigations. In this scheme, the various possible sleep disorders are arranged not in order of prevalence, but in a 'differential diagnostic' order. We also provide recommendations for the use of sleep registrations such as polysomnography. Furthermore, we point out when a sleep specialist could be consulted to provide additional diagnostic and therapeutic input. This structured approach facilitates early detection of sleep disturbances in PD, so treatment can be initiated promptly