13 research outputs found

    Evangelización e inculturación

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    Evangelización e inculturación

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    A respeito da materialidade do patrimônio imaterial: o caso do INRC Porongos

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    O colecionamento e a conservação de "bens culturais" vêm ganhando em complexidade pela inclusão de temas oriundos de minorias étnicas e econômicas. Apesar do consenso relativo ao conceito de patrimônio cultural proposto pela Unesco, a definição do que deve ser preservado e celebrado como "bem cultural" pode ser objeto de lutas políticas, jurídicas, econômicas e sociais. Visando refletir sobre as consequências dessas lutas, este artigo aborda o processo de inventário de referências culturais em torno do Massacre de Porongos, evento da Revolução Farroupilha (1835-1845) que vem servindo de apoio à configuração de uma identidade negra e gaúcha no Rio Grande do Sul. Segundo os autores, apesar de se apresentar no registro de "patrimônio imaterial", o processo de inventário possibilitou a fabricação de um "corpo" (de textos e imagens) e a delimitação de "lugares" (de memória) a partir dos quais os referentes culturais ditos "imateriais" vêm se inscrever.<br>The collection and conservation of "cultural objects" has been gaining in complexity with the inclusion of non-material associations regarding ethnic and economic minorities. Despite the consensus on the concept of cultural heritage proposed by Unesco, the definition of what should be preserved and celebrated as "cultural object" may be subject of political, legal, economic and social struggles. In order to reflect upon the consequences of these struggles, this article discusses the process of inventory of cultural references related to the Porongos Massacre, an event of the Farroupilha's Revolution (1835-1845). These cultural references are serving in the configuration of black people's and gauchos identities. According to the authors, althought relating to the "intangible heritage", the process of inventory has enabled the fabrication of a "body" (text and images) and the definition of "places" (from memory) from which the cultural references so-called "non-material" come subscribe

    Calibration and precision of serum creatinine and plasma cystatin C measurement: impact on the estimation of glomerular filtration rate

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    Serum creatinine (SCr) is the main variable for estimating glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Due to interassay differences, the prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) varies according to the assay used, and calibration standardization is necessary. For SCr, isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS) is the gold standard. Systematic differences are observed between Jaffe and enzymatic methods. Manufacturers subtract 0.30 mg/dl from Jaffe results to match enzymatic results (‘compensated Jaffe method’). The analytical performance of enzymatic methods is superior to that of Jaffe methods. In the original Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) equation, SCr was measured by a Jaffe Beckman assay, which was later recalibrated. A limitation of this equation was an underestimation of GFR in the high range. The Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology (CKD-EPI) consortium proposed an equation using calibrated and IDMS traceable SCr. The gain in performance was due to improving the bias whereas the precision was comparable. The CKD-EPI equation performs better at high GFR levels (GFR[60 ml/ min/1.73 m2). Analytical limitations have led to the recommendation to give a grade ([60 ml/min/1.73 m2) rather than an absolute value with the MDRD equation. By using both enzymatic and calibrated methods, this cutoff-grade could be increased to 90 ml/min/1.73 m2 (with MDRD) and 120 ml/min/1.73 m2 (with CKD-EPI). The superiority of the CKD-EPI equation over MDRD is analytical, but the precision gain is limited. IDMS traceable enzymatic methods have been used in the development of the Lund– Malmo¨ (in CKD populations) and Berlin Initiative Study equations (in the elderly). The analytical errors for cystatin C are grossly comparable to issues found with SCr. Standardization is available since 2011. A reference method for cystatin C is still lacking. Equations based on standardized cystatin C or cystatin C and creatinine have been proposed. The better performance of these equations (especially the combined CKD-EPI equation) has been demonstrated