3,199 research outputs found

    Cosmic Ray Spectra in Nambu-Goldstone Dark Matter Models

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    We discuss the cosmic ray spectra in annihilating/decaying Nambu-Goldstone dark matter models. The recent observed positron/electron excesses at PAMELA and Fermi experiments are well fitted by the dark matter with a mass of 3TeV for the annihilating model, while with a mass of 6 TeV for the decaying model. We also show that the Nambu-Goldstone dark matter models predict a distinctive gamma-ray spectrum in a certain parameter space.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Glueball plus Pion Production in Photon-Photon Collisions.

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    We here compute the reaction γ  γ→G  π0 \gamma \; \gamma \rightarrow G \; \pi^{0} for various glueball candidates G G and their assumed quantum states, using a non-relativistic gluon bound-state model for the glueball.Comment: To appear in Zeit. fur Phys. C; Plain Latex file, 16 pages; 5 figures appended as a uuencoded postscript file

    A new type of optical activity in a toroidal metamaterial

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    We demonstrate experimentally and numerically the first ever observation of optical activity in a chiral metamaterial that is underpinned by the exotic resonant combination of an electric quadrupole and the elusive toroidal dipole

    Reconstructing the 3-D Trajectories of CMEs in the Inner Heliosphere

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    A method for the full three-dimensional (3-D) reconstruction of the trajectories of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) using Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) data is presented. Four CMEs that were simultaneously observed by the inner and outer coronagraphs (COR1 and 2) of the Ahead and Behind STEREO satellites were analysed. These observations were used to derive CME trajectories in 3-D out to ~15Rsun. The reconstructions using COR1/2 data support a radial propagation model. Assuming pseudo-radial propagation at large distances from the Sun (15-240Rsun), the CME positions were extrapolated into the Heliospheric Imager (HI) field-of-view. We estimated the CME velocities in the different fields-of-view. It was found that CMEs slower than the solar wind were accelerated, while CMEs faster than the solar wind were decelerated, with both tending to the solar wind velocity.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, 1 appendi

    Orthology prediction methods: a quality assessment using curated protein families

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    The increasing number of sequenced genomes has prompted the development of several automated orthology prediction methods. Tests to evaluate the accuracy of predictions and to explore biases caused by biological and technical factors are therefore required. We used 70 manually curated families to analyze the performance of five public methods in Metazoa. We analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of the methods and quantified the impact of biological and technical challenges. From the latter part of the analysis, genome annotation emerged as the largest single influencer, affecting up to 30% of the performance. Generally, most methods did well in assigning orthologous group but they failed to assign the exact number of genes for half of the groups. The publicly available benchmark set (http://eggnog.embl.de/orthobench/) should facilitate the improvement of current orthology assignment protocols, which is of utmost importance for many fields of biology and should be tackled by a broad scientific community

    Toroidal circular dichroism

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    We demonstrate that the induced toroidal dipole, represented by currents flowing on the surface of a torus, makes a distinct and indispensable contribution to circular dichroism. We show that toroidal circular dichroism supplements the well-known mechanism involving electric dipole and magnetic dipole transitions. We illustrate this with rigorous analysis of the experimentally measured, polarization-sensitive transmission spectra of an artificial metamaterial, constructed from elements of toroidal symmetry. We argue that toroidal circular dichroism shall be found in large biomolecules with elements of toroidal symmetry and should be taken into account in the interpretation of circular dichroism spectra of organics

    Effect of Solar Wind Drag on the Determination of the Properties of Coronal Mass Ejections from Heliospheric Images

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    The Fixed-\Phi (F\Phi) and Harmonic Mean (HM) fitting methods are two methods to determine the average direction and velocity of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from time-elongation tracks produced by Heliospheric Imagers (HIs), such as the HIs onboard the STEREO spacecraft. Both methods assume a constant velocity in their descriptions of the time-elongation profiles of CMEs, which are used to fit the observed time-elongation data. Here, we analyze the effect of aerodynamic drag on CMEs propagating through interplanetary space, and how this drag affects the result of the F\Phi and HM fitting methods. A simple drag model is used to analytically construct time-elongation profiles which are then fitted with the two methods. It is found that higher angles and velocities give rise to greater error in both methods, reaching errors in the direction of propagation of up to 15 deg and 30 deg for the F\Phi and HM fitting methods, respectively. This is due to the physical accelerations of the CMEs being interpreted as geometrical accelerations by the fitting methods. Because of the geometrical definition of the HM fitting method, it is affected by the acceleration more greatly than the F\Phi fitting method. Overall, we find that both techniques overestimate the initial (and final) velocity and direction for fast CMEs propagating beyond 90 deg from the Sun-spacecraft line, meaning that arrival times at 1 AU would be predicted early (by up to 12 hours). We also find that the direction and arrival time of a wide and decelerating CME can be better reproduced by the F\Phi due to the cancellation of two errors: neglecting the CME width and neglecting the CME deceleration. Overall, the inaccuracies of the two fitting methods are expected to play an important role in the prediction of CME hit and arrival times as we head towards solar maximum and the STEREO spacecraft further move behind the Sun.Comment: Solar Physics, Online First, 17 page

    Exchange Current Operators and Electromagnetic Dipole Transitions in Heavy Quarkonia

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    The electromagnetic E1 and M1 transitions in heavy quarkonia (ccˉc\bar c, bbˉb\bar b, cbˉc\bar b) and the magnetic moment of the Bc±B_c^\pm are calculated within the framework of the covariant Blankenbecler-Sugar (BSLT) equation. The aim of this paper is to study the effects of two-quark exchange current operators which involve the QQˉQ\bar Q interaction, that arise in the BSLT (or Schr\"odinger) reduction of the Bethe-Salpeter equation. These are found to be small for E1 dominated decays such as ψ(nS)→χcJÎł\psi(nS)\to \chi_{cJ} \gamma and ΄(nS)→χbJÎł\Upsilon(nS)\to \chi_{bJ} \gamma, but significant for the M1 dominated transitions. It is shown that a satisfactory description of the empirical data on E1 and M1 transitions in charmonium and bottomonium requires unapproximated treatment of the Dirac currents of the quarks. Finally, it is demonstrated that many of the transitions are sensitive to the form of the QQˉQ\bar Q wavefunctions, and thus require a realistic treatment of the large hyperfine splittings in the heavy quarkonium systems.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figures, uses Feynmf. Submitted to Nucl. Phys. A Accepted versio

    Dark matter annihilation and non-thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect: II. dwarf spheroidal galaxy

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    We calculate the CMB temperature distortion due to the energetic electrons and positrons produced by dark matter annihilation (Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect), in dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs). In the calculation we have included two important effects which were previously ignored. First we show that the electron-positron pairs with energy less than GeV, which were neglected in previous calculation, could contribute a significant fraction of the total signal. Secondly we also consider the full effects of diffusion loss, which could significantly reduce the density of electron-positron pairs at the center of cuspy halos. For neutralinos, we confirm that detecting such kind of SZ effect is beyond the capability of the current or even the next generation experiments. In the case of light dark matter (LDM) the signal is much larger, but even in this case it is only marginally detectable with the next generation of experiment such as ALMA. We conclude that similar to the case of galaxy clusters, in the dwarf galaxies the SZ_2DM} effect is not a strong probe of DM annihilations.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, version accepted by JCA
