659 research outputs found

    China’s Contemporary Trends of Trade in Educational Services and It’s Countermeasures under the Opening Environment

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    While China is opening its educational market to the outside world, the main international trends of trade in educational services are: the developed countries are still the chief exporters while the developing countries are increasing their involvement; aside from the overseas consumption there is also remarkable development in other forms of educational service trade. This text analyzes the main trends of China’s educational service trade under the opening environment, which include: there is a progressively increasing population of overseas students; the number of overseas students whose schooling is paid by themselves is increasing, so is the returning rate; China becomes more and more attractive to foreign students by its unique advantages; Educational mid-organizations have been developing rapidly and other forms of educational service trade have also been experiencing a considerable development. To deal with these trends, we may take several measures as follows under the opening environment: to carry out researches into the law of development of trade in educational services; to standardize the domestic intermediary market; to prefect relevant laws and regulations. Key words: trade in educational services/educational service trade, trend, countermeasure Résumé: Lors de l’ouverture du marché éducatif de la Chine vers l’extérieur, les tendances principales du secteur de service éducatif sont : les pays développés restent encore les exportateurs essentiels alors que les pays en développement augmentent leur part. En plus de la consommation étrangère il y a encore un développement remarquable sous d’autres formes du service éduatif. Cet article analyse les principales tendances du secteur de service éducatif de la Chine dans un environnement ouvert, qui englobent : la population des étudiants étrangers s’agrandit progressivement ; le nombre des étudiants étrangers dont la scolarité est à leur charge augmente, d’où le taux de retour ; la Chine devient de plus en plus attractive pour les étudants étrangers grâce à ses avantages uniques ; les intermédiaires éducatifs se développent rapidement et d’autres formes du service éducatif connaissent aussi un développement considérable. Face à ces tendances, on peut prendre dans un environnement ouvert des mesures comme suite : effectuer des recherches sur la loi de développement sectoriel du service éducatif, standardiser le marché intermédiaire domestique, perfectionner les lois et régulations concernées. Mots-Clés: secteur du service éducatif, tendance, contre-mesur

    The Game Analyses of the Effect of Bank Claim, Penalty and Compensation to High Educational Aid-Loan

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    The paper mainly researches behavior of banks and students which affects the efficiency of Chinese high-educational aid-loan. Using the game theory, the paper analyzes the behavioral selection of bank and students in the domestic process of education aid-loan. The paper emphatically anatomizes the impact of the reliability of the bank’s claim, the intensity of penalty and the degree of the compensation to the behavior of banks and students. Gets the conclusion that, under the condition of the credit system lagging, the government should intervene to reduce the cost of the claim, raise the success probability of the claim and increase the degree of the penalty to the students who default in loan contract,to ensure the healthy development of the education aid-loan. Key words: Behavior Analysis, Educational Aid-Loan, Game Theory Résumé: Cet article examine principalement les comportements des banques et des étudiants qui influent l’efficacité du prêt d’études supérieur chinois. Utilisant la théorie du jeu, l’article analyse la sélection comportementale des banques et des étudiants dans le processus du prêt d’études. Il disséque catégoriquement les impacts de la fiabilité de la réclamation de la banque, l’intensité de la pénalité et le degré de la compensation sur les comportements des banques et des étudiants. Il en résulte que, dans le contexte du système de crédit en retard, le gouvernement doit intervenir pour réduire le coût de la réclamation, augmenter la probabilité de succès de la réclamation et élever le degré de la pénalité infligée aux étudiants qui ne s’aquitte pas de leur prêt, et enfin pour assurer le développement sain du prêt d’études. Mots-Clés: analyse comportementale, prêt d’études, théorie du je

    Bis{μ-4′-[4-(quinolin-8-yloxymeth­yl)phen­yl]-2,2′:6′,2′′-terpyridine}disilver(I) bis­(perchlorate) dimethyl­formamide disolvate

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    In the binuclear title complex, [Ag2(C31H22N4O)2](ClO4)2·2C3H7NO, the AgI atom is penta­coordinated by three N atoms from the tridentate chelating terpyridyl group and by one N atom and one O atom from the quinolin-8-yl­oxy group in a distorted square-pyramidal geometry with the O atom at the apical position. The centrosymmetric complex cation involves intra­molecular π–π stacking inter­actions [centroid–centroid distance = 3.862 (4) Å] between the central pyridine and benzene rings. In the crystal structure, inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds result in the formation of a supra­molecular network

    Bis(1,3-diethyl­benzimidazolium) tetra­bromidomercurate(II)

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    In the title compound, (C11H15N2)2[HgBr4], the tetra­coordinated HgII center of the complex anion adopts a distorted tetra­hedral geometry [Hg—Br = 2.5755 (8)–2.623 (11) Å and Br—Hg—Br = 103.78 (19)–116.4 (3)°]. One of the Br atoms is disordered over two sites [site-occupancy factors = 0.51 (6) and 0.49 (6)]. The N—C—N angles in the cations are 110.7 (6) and 111.4 (7)°. In the crystal packing, a supra­molecular chain is formed via both weak inter­molecular C—H⋯Br hydrogen bonds and π–π aromatic ring stacking inter­actions [centroid–centroid separation = 3.803 (1) Å]

    Cyclin D2 plays a regulatory role in HBV replication

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    AbstractHepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is the leading cause of liver diseases. However, the molecular mechanisms of HBV infection and carcinogenesis have not been fully elucidated. In this study, we found that cyclin D2 was upregualted in HBV-expressing cells and liver tissues of HBV-transgenic mice. Gene silencing of cyclin D2 inhibited HBV DNA replicative intermediates, 3.5kb mRNA, core protein level, as well as the secretions of HBsAg and HBeAg. On the contrary, overexpression of cyclin D2 promoted HBV replication. Furthermore, cyclin D2 regulated HBV replication by enhancing the activity of HBV core and Sp1 promoters by targeting transcription factor CREB2. Silencing of CREB2 abolished enhancement of HBV replication induced by cyclin D2. Together, our study has uncovered a positive role of cyclin D2 in HBV replication. It is conceivable that therapeutic application of cyclin D2 inhibitor in HBV infection therapy

    Changes of monocyte human leukocyte antigen-DR expression as a reliable predictor of mortality in severe sepsis

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    INTRODUCTION: Many studies have shown that monocyte human leukocyte antigen-DR (mHLA-DR) expression may be a good predictor for mortality in severe septic patients. On the contrary, other studies found mHLA-DR was not a useful prognostic marker in severe sepsis. Few studies have taken changes of mHLA-DR during treatment into consideration. The objective of this study was to estimate the prognostic value of changes of mHLA-DR to predict mortality in severe sepsis. METHODS: In this prospective observational study, mHLA-DR was measured by flow cytometry in peripheral blood from 79 adult patients with severe sepsis. mHLA-DR levels were determined on day 0, 3, 7 after admission to the surgical intensive care unit (SICU) with a diagnosis of severe sepsis. ΔmHLA-DR(3 )and ΔmHLA-DR(7 )were defined as the changes in mHLA-DR value on day 3 and day 7 compared to that on day 0. Data were compared between 28-day survivors and non-survivors. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were plotted to measure the performance and discriminating threshold of ΔmHLA-DR(3), ΔmHLA-DR(7), ΔmHLA-DR(7-3), mHLA-DR(0), mHLA-DR(3 )and mHLA-DR(7 )in predicting mortality of severe sepsis. RESULTS: ROC curve analysis showed that ΔmHLA-DR(3 )and ΔmHLA-DR(7 )were reliable indicators of mortality in severe sepsis. A ΔmHLA-DR(3 )value of 4.8% allowed discrimination between survivors and non-survivors with a sensitivity of 89.0% and a specificity of 93.7%; similarly, ΔmHLA-DR(7 )value of 9% allowed discrimination between survivors and non-survivors with a sensitivity of 85.7% and a specificity of 90.0%. Patients with ΔmHLA-DR(3 )≤4.8% had higher mortality than those with ΔmHLA-DR(3 )> 4.8% (71.4% vs. 2.0%, OR 125.00, 95% CI 13.93 to 1121.67); patients with ΔmHLA-DR(7 )≤9% had higher mortality than those with ΔmHLA-DR(7 )> 9% (52.9% vs. 2.0%, OR 54.00, 95% CI 5.99 to 486.08). The mean change of mHLA-DR significantly increased in the survivor group with the passage of time; from day 0 to day 3 and day 7, changes were 6.45 and 16.90 (P < 0.05), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The change of mHLA-DR over time may be a reliable predictor for mortality in patients with severe sepsis

    Genetic characterization, species differentiation and detection of Fasciola spp. by molecular approaches

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    Liver flukes belonging to the genus Fasciola are among the causes of foodborne diseases of parasitic etiology. These parasites cause significant public health problems and substantial economic losses to the livestock industry. Therefore, it is important to definitively characterize the Fasciola species. Current phenotypic techniques fail to reflect the full extent of the diversity of Fasciola spp. In this respect, the use of molecular techniques to identify and differentiate Fasciola spp. offer considerable advantages. The advent of a variety of molecular genetic techniques also provides a powerful method to elucidate many aspects of Fasciola biology, epidemiology, and genetics. However, the discriminatory power of these molecular methods varies, as does the speed and ease of performance and cost. There is a need for the development of new methods to identify the mechanisms underpinning the origin and maintenance of genetic variation within and among Fasciola populations. The increasing application of the current and new methods will yield a much improved understanding of Fasciola epidemiology and evolution as well as more effective means of parasite control. Herein, we provide an overview of the molecular techniques that are being used for the genetic characterization, detection and genotyping of Fasciola spp.

    Pharmacokinetics of diltiazem hydrochloride delay-onset sustained-release pellet capsules in healthy volunteers

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    Embora a farmacocinética (PK) do cloridrato de diltiazem nas formas de comprimidos de liberação imediata e cápsulas de liberação modificada em ensaios clínicos já tenha sido relatada, a pesquisa da PK do cloridrato de diltiazem na forma de cápsulas com peletes de liberação retardada e sustentada ainda é muito importante. Neste trabalho, propusemos avaliar a farmacocinética do cloridrato de diltiazem administrado através desta nova forma farmacêutica em voluntários chineses sadios, assim como a influência da ingestão de alimentos neste perfil farmacocinético. Foi realizado um ensaio clínico aberto, randomizado e paralelo em 36 voluntários, que receberam dose oral única de 90 mg, 180 mg ou 270 mg e dose múltiplas (90 mg/d × 6 d) pela mesma via de administração. Para avaliar o efeito da ingestão de alimentos sobre a PK do diltiazem foi realizada a administração de dose única (360 mg) em 24 voluntários chineses sadios. A concentração plasmática do diltiazem foi determinada por Cromatografia Liquida de Alta Eficiência em fase reversa (CLAE-FR) e os principais parâmetros farmacocinéticos foram analisados através do emprego do software PKSolver (Ver 2.0). O ensaio de farmacocinética clínica foi conduzido na clínica Pharmacological Center (No.JDX1999064) do Hospital de Xiangya, Central South University, China. Os parâmetros PK obtidos indicaram que a nova formulação de cápsulas de liberação retardada e sustentada de cloridrato de diltiazem possue marcantes características de liberação retardada e controlada do fármaco.The pharmacokinetics (PK) of ordinary tablets and sustained release capsules of diltiazem hydrochloride in human clinical trials had been studied. The PK of diltiazem hydrochloride delay-onset sustained-release pellet capsules, a new dosage form, has not been reported, although it is very important to clinical use. In this paper, we investigated the PK of diltiazem hydrochloride delay-onset sustained-release pellet capsules and the food influence in Chinese healthy volunteers. The PK parameters indicated that the diltiazem hydrochloride delay-onset sustained-release pellet capsules appeared marked characteristics of delayed and controlled release. An opened-label, randomized and parallel clinical trial was conducted in 36 Chinese healthy volunteers with single oral dose (90 mg, 180 mg or 270 mg) and a multiple oral dose (90 mg d-1×6 d) administration. The effect of food on the PK of one single oral dose (360 mg) was investigated in 24 healthy Chinese volunteers. Plasma diltiazem concentration was determined by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) and the main pharmacokinetic parameters were analyzed by PKSolver (Ver 2.0). All clinical studies were conducted in the Clinical Pharmacological Center (No. JDX1999064) of Xiangya Hospital Affiliated Central South University, China. The PK parameters suggested that the new formulation had marked characteristics of delayed and controlled release of diltiazem, and food intake did not alter significantly diltiazem pharmacokinetic parameters

    Eosinophils from murine lamina propria induce differentiation of naïve T cells into regulatory T cells via TGF-β1 and retinoic acid

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    Treg cells play a crucial role in immune tolerance, but mechanisms that induce Treg cells are poorly understood. We here have described eosinophils in lamina propria (LP) that displayed high aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity, a rate-limiting step during all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) synthesis, and expressed TGF-β1 mRNA and high levels of ATRA. Co-incubation assay confirmed that LP eosinophils induced the differentiation of naïve T cells into Treg cells. Differentiation promoted by LP eosinophils were inhibited by blocked either TGF-β1 or ATRA. Peripheral blood (PB) eosinophils did not produce ATRA and could not induce Treg differentiation. These data identifies LP eosinophils as effective inducers of Treg cell differentiation through a mechanism dependent on TGF-β1 and ATRA

    Fluorescent protein tagged hepatitis B virus capsid protein with long glycine-serine linker that supports nucleocapsid formation

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    Fusion core proteins of Hepatitis B virus can be used to study core protein functions or capsid trafficking. A problem in constructing fusion core proteins is functional impairment of the individual domains in these fusion proteins, might due to structural interference. We reported a method to construct fusion proteins of Hepatitis B virus core protein (HBc) in which the functions of fused domains were partially kept. This method follows two principles: (1) fuse heterogeneous proteins at the N terminus of HBc; (2) use long Glycine-serine linkers between the two domains. Using EGFP and RFP as examples, we showed that long flexible G4S linkers can effectively separate the two domains in function. Among these fusion proteins constructed, GFP-G4S186-HBc and RFP-G4S47-HBc showed the best efficiency in rescuing the replication of an HBV replicon deficient in the core protein expression, though both of the two fusion proteins failed to support the formation of the relaxed circular DNA. These fluorescent protein-tagged HBcs might help study related to HBc or capsids tracking in cells