1,045 research outputs found

    Unemployment Duration, Schooling and Property Crime

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    It is well known that there is no consensus with respect to the relationship between unemployment and crime. As well, there is very little research on the linkages between crime and the educational experiences of young people. In this paper we show a very strong positive relationship between criminal activity and the extent of youth male long-term unemployment. We also show that criminal activity is negatively associated high school completions, and positively associated with high school non-completion rates. The analysis suggests that labour market and education policies have the potential to significantly reduce property crime. However, increased high school participation of the targeted group only decreases crime if it results in graduation. This suggests that the effectiveness of education policy is a critical influence on crime activity, a unique finding for the literature

    Integrating Radar Image Data with Google Maps

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    A public Web site has been developed as a method for displaying the multitude of radar imagery collected by NASA s Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (AIRSAR) instrument during its 16-year mission. Utilizing NASA s internal AIRSAR site, the new Web site features more sophisticated visualization tools that enable the general public to have access to these images. The site was originally maintained at NASA on six computers: one that held the Oracle database, two that took care of the software for the interactive map, and three that were for the Web site itself. Several tasks were involved in moving this complicated setup to just one computer. First, the AIRSAR database was migrated from Oracle to MySQL. Then the back-end of the AIRSAR Web site was updated in order to access the MySQL database. To do this, a few of the scripts needed to be modified; specifically three Perl scripts that query that database. The database connections were then updated from Oracle to MySQL, numerous syntax errors were corrected, and a query was implemented that replaced one of the stored Oracle procedures. Lastly, the interactive map was designed, implemented, and tested so that users could easily browse and access the radar imagery through the Google Maps interface

    Flight Planning in the Cloud

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    This new interface will enable Principal Investigators (PIs), as well as UAVSAR (Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar) members to do their own flight planning and time estimation without having to request flight lines through the science coordinator. It uses an all-in-one Google Maps interface, a JPL hosted database, and PI flight requirements to design an airborne flight plan. The application will enable users to see their own flight plan being constructed interactively through a map interface, and then the flight planning software will generate all the files necessary for the flight. Afterward, the UAVSAR team can then complete the flight request, including calendaring and supplying requisite flight request files in the expected format for processing by NASA s airborne science program. Some of the main features of the interface include drawing flight lines on the map, nudging them, adding them to the current flight plan, and reordering them. The user can also search and select takeoff, landing, and intermediate airports. As the flight plan is constructed, all of its components are constantly being saved to the database, and the estimated flight times are updated. Another feature is the ability to import flight lines from previously saved flight plans. One of the main motivations was to make this Web application as simple and intuitive as possible, while also being dynamic and robust. This Web application can easily be extended to support other airborne instruments

    Relevance of soft modes for order parameter fluctuations in the Two-Dimensional XY model

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    We analyse the spin wave approximation for the 2D-XY model, directly in reciprocal space. In this limit the model is diagonal and the normal modes are statistically independent. Despite this simplicity non-trivial critical properties are observed and exploited. We confirm that the observed asymmetry for the probability density function for order parameter fluctuations comes from the divergence of the mode amplitudes across the Brillouin zone. We show that the asymmetry is a many body effect despite the importance played by the zone centre. The precise form of the function is dependent on the details of the Gibbs measure, giving weight to the idea that an effective Gibbs measure should exist in non-equilibrium systems, if a similar distribution is observed.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Ionospheric Specifications for SAR Interferometry (ISSI)

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    The ISSI software package is designed to image the ionosphere from space by calibrating and processing polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) data collected from low Earth orbit satellites. Signals transmitted and received by a PolSAR are subject to the Faraday rotation effect as they traverse the magnetized ionosphere. The ISSI algorithms combine the horizontally and vertically polarized (with respect to the radar system) SAR signals to estimate Faraday rotation and ionospheric total electron content (TEC) with spatial resolutions of sub-kilometers to kilometers, and to derive radar system calibration parameters. The ISSI software package has been designed and developed to integrate the algorithms, process PolSAR data, and image as well as visualize the ionospheric measurements. A number of tests have been conducted using ISSI with PolSAR data collected from various latitude regions using the phase array-type L-band synthetic aperture radar (PALSAR) onboard Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's Advanced Land Observing Satellite mission, and also with Global Positioning System data. These tests have demonstrated and validated SAR-derived ionospheric images and data correction algorithms

    The role of particle, energy and momentum losses in 1D simulations of divertor detachment

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    A new 1D divertor plasma code, SD1D, has been used to examine the role of recombination, radiation, and momentum exchange in detachment. Neither momentum or power losses by themselves are found to be sufficient to produce a reduction in target ion flux in detachment (flux rollover); radiative power losses are required to a) limit and reduce the ionization source and b) access low-target temperature, T_target, conditions for volumetric momentum losses. Recombination is found to play little role at flux rollover, but as T_target drops to temperatures around 1eV, it becomes a strong ion sink. In the case where radiative losses are dominated by hydrogen, the detachment threshold is identified as a minimum gradient of the energy cost per ionisation with respect to T_target. This is also linked to thresholds in T_target and in the ratio of upstream pressure to power flux. A system of determining the detached condition is developed such that the divertor solution at a given T_target (or lack of one) is determined by the simultaneous solution of two equations for target ion current - one dependent on power losses and the other on momentum. Depending on the detailed momentum and power loss dependence on temperature there are regions of T_target where there is no solution and the plasma 'jumps' from high to low T_target states. The novel analysis methods developed here provide an intuitive way to understand complex detachment phenomena, and can potentially be used to predict how changes in the seeding impurity used or recycling aspects of the divertor can be utilised to modify the development of detachment

    The role of particle, energy and momentum losses in 1D simulations of divertor detachment

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    A new 1D divertor plasma code, SD1D, has been used to examine the role of recombination, radiation, and momentum exchange in detachment. Neither momentum or power losses by themselves are found to be sufficient to produce a reduction in target ion flux in detachment (flux rollover); radiative power losses are required to a) limit and reduce the ionization source and b) access low-target temperature, T_target, conditions for volumetric momentum losses. Recombination is found to play little role at flux rollover, but as T_target drops to temperatures around 1eV, it becomes a strong ion sink. In the case where radiative losses are dominated by hydrogen, the detachment threshold is identified as a minimum gradient of the energy cost per ionisation with respect to T_target. This is also linked to thresholds in T_target and in the ratio of upstream pressure to power flux. A system of determining the detached condition is developed such that the divertor solution at a given T_target (or lack of one) is determined by the simultaneous solution of two equations for target ion current - one dependent on power losses and the other on momentum. Depending on the detailed momentum and power loss dependence on temperature there are regions of T_target where there is no solution and the plasma 'jumps' from high to low T_target states. The novel analysis methods developed here provide an intuitive way to understand complex detachment phenomena, and can potentially be used to predict how changes in the seeding impurity used or recycling aspects of the divertor can be utilised to modify the development of detachment

    Airborne Radar Interferometric Repeat-Pass Processing

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    Earth science research often requires crustal deformation measurements at a variety of time scales, from seconds to decades. Although satellites have been used for repeat-track interferometric (RTI) synthetic-aperture-radar (SAR) mapping for close to 20 years, RTI is much more difficult to implement from an airborne platform owing to the irregular trajectory of the aircraft compared with microwave imaging radar wavelengths. Two basic requirements for robust airborne repeat-pass radar interferometry include the ability to fly the platform to a desired trajectory within a narrow tube and the ability to have the radar beam pointed in a desired direction to a fraction of a beam width. Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAVSAR) is equipped with a precision auto pilot developed by NASA Dryden that allows the platform, a Gulfstream III, to nominally fly within a 5 m diameter tube and with an electronically scanned antenna to position the radar beam to a fraction of a beam width based on INU (inertial navigation unit) attitude angle measurements


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    This paper demonstrates by simulation that in the estimation of vegetation profiles from multibaseline interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR), the peak extinction coefficient is poorly determined for typical interferometric coherence and phase accuracies. This coefficient determines overall density and affects the relative density profiles estimated from interferometry. This paper shows that a given radar power profile gives rise to a family of vegetation density profiles, depending on the peak extinction assumed. It is further  demonstrated that estimating the peak extinction requires coherence accuracies of better than 0.1% and phase accuracies of better than a few tenths of a degree, both of which exceed the performance of typical or envisioned SAR systems. Two recommended approaches to profile production with InSAR are 1) use the radar power profile instead of the vegetation density profile for biomass estimation and other ecosystem characterization (in analogy to LIDAR power which is most frequently used for lidar studies of biomass) or 2) apply external information to establish the extinction characteristics needed for vegetation density profiles.Esse artigo procura demonstrar, por simulação, que na estimativa de perfis de volume da vegetação por interferometria  com múltiplas linhas de base, o pico de extinção não é adequadamente determinado pela coerência interferométrica e fase, com acurácias típicas de InSAR. Esse pico determina a densidade global, afetando os perfis de densidade relativa da vegetação estimados por interferometria. Esse trabalho mostra que para um dado perfil de potência-radar há uma série de perfis de densidade da vegetação, dependendo do pico de extinção assumido. É ainda demonstrado que a estimativa do pico de  extinção requer exatidões de coerência melhores que 0,1%, bem como, de acurácias de fases que alguns décimos de graus, valores esses que atualmente excedem o desempenho de sistemas SAR em operação ou aqueles previstos. As duas abordagens recomendadas para a produção de perfis com InSAR são: (1) utilizar o perfil-radar, ao invés do perfil de densidade de vegetação, para estimação de biomassa e outras caracterizações de ecossistema (em nalogia à potência-lidar, a qual é mais  frequentemente utilizada nos estudos de biomassa baseados em LIDAR); ou (2) aplicar informação externa para estabelecer as características de extinção necessárias aos perfis de densidade de vegetação

    Temperature dependent fluctuations in the two-dimensional XY model

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    We present a detailed investigation of the probability density function (PDF) of order parameter fluctuations in the finite two-dimensional XY (2dXY) model. In the low temperature critical phase of this model, the PDF approaches a universal non-Gaussian limit distribution in the limit T-->0. Our analysis resolves the question of temperature dependence of the PDF in this regime, for which conflicting results have been reported. We show analytically that a weak temperature dependence results from the inclusion of multiple loop graphs in a previously-derived graphical expansion. This is confirmed by numerical simulations on two controlled approximations to the 2dXY model: the Harmonic and ``Harmonic XY'' models. The Harmonic model has no Kosterlitz-Thouless-Berezinskii (KTB) transition and the PDF becomes progressively less skewed with increasing temperature until it closely approximates a Gaussian function above T ~ 4\pi. Near to that temperature we find some evidence of a phase transition, although our observations appear to exclude a thermodynamic singularity.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures and 1 tabl