147 research outputs found

    Modelos teóricos en inteligencia emocional y su medida

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    El de 'inteligencia emocional' se ha convertido en uno de los conceptos psicológicos más populares. Este hecho presenta, sin duda, diversos aspectos positivos como, por ejemplo, el interés generalizado por las emociones y las competencias personales y su desarrollo en aras de una mejor adaptación social y laboral. En este artículo se procederá a describir las diferentes perspectivas teóricas más actuales en inteligencia emocional así como los instrumentos de medida desarrollados hasta este momento para evaluar este interesante constructo psicológic

    Estereotipos de género 2.0 : auto-representaciones de adolescentes en Facebook

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    Chicas y chicos adolescentes hacen un uso diferente de las redes sociales online, y las chicas presentan un mayor riesgo de verse perjudicadas por un uso no adaptativo. El objetivo de este estudio era investigar hasta qué medida los adolescentes se presentan en términos de estereotipos de género en sus perfiles de Facebook. Los participantes, 623 usuarios de Facebook de ambos sexos contestaron el Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) y el Personal Well-being Index (PWI). En la primera fase, respondieron sobre cómo ven a un adulto típico en términos de estereotipos de género. En la segunda fase, la mitad de ellos contestó el BSRI en relación a cómo se ven a sí mismos, y la otra mitad cómo se presentan en Facebook. Los resultados muestran que los adolescentes se consideran más sexualmente indiferenciados que un adulto típico de su mismo sexo, tanto en su auto-percepción como en su presentación en Facebook. Se confirma que el bie-nestar psicológico de las chicas baja considerablemente con la edad, y que está asociado a un mayor grado de masculinidad. Se concluye que: los adolescentes producen representaciones verdaderas en sus perfiles de Facebook; y que existe una tendencia hacia una auto-concepción y auto-presentación más sexualmente indiferenciada con una leve preferencia por rasgos masculinos, tanto en chicos como en chicas; además, la masculinidad está asociada a un mayor grado de bienestar psicológicoAdolescent girls and boys use online networking sites differently, and girls have a higher risk of being harmed by non-adaptive use. The aim of the study was to assess the extent to which adolescents portray themselves according to gender stereotypes on their Facebook profiles. Participants were 623 Facebook users of both sexes who responded to the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) and the Personal Well-being Index (PWI). In the first step, the adolescents responded to the BSRI with respect to how they view a typical adult in terms of gender stereotypes. In the second step, half of them responded to the BSRI with respect to how they view themselves and the other half responded with respect to their self-presentation on Facebook. The results show that adolescents consider themselves to be less sexually differentiated than a typical adult of their own sex, both in their self-perception and their self-portrayal on Facebook. The study confirms that the psychological well-being of girls decreases considerably with age and that it is associated with a greater degree of masculinity. We conclude that adolescents produce accurate self-representations on their Facebook profiles, and both boys and girls tend to offer a less sexually differentiated self-concept and self-portrayal than of the typical adult, with a slight preference for masculine traits; moreover, masculinity is associated with a greater degree of psychological well-bein

    Hole spin dephasing time associated to hyperfine interaction in quantum dots

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    The spin interaction of a hole confined in a quantum dot with the surrounding nuclei is described in terms of an effective magnetic field. We show that, in contrast to the Fermi contact hyperfine interaction for conduction electrons, the dipole-dipole hyperfine interaction is anisotropic for a hole, for both pure or mixed hole states. We evaluate the coupling constants of the hole-nuclear interaction and demonstrate that they are only one order of magnitude smaller than the coupling constants of the electron-nuclear interaction. We also study, theoretically, the hole spin dephasing of an ensemble of quantum dots via the hyperfine interaction in the framework of frozen fluctuations of the nuclear field, in absence or in presence of an applied magnetic field. We also discuss experiments which could evidence the dipole-dipole hyperfine interaction and give information on hole mixing.Comment: 35 pages, 7 figures and 2 table

    Aspectos psicológicos del baile: Una aproximación desde el enfoque de la pasión

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    El presente estudio pretende caracterizar a los practicantes de baile en relación al modelo dualístico de la pasión descrito por Vallerand. La pasión se define como una fuerte inclinación de la persona hacia una actividad considerada importante y autodefinitoria. Vallerand et al. (2003) proponen un modelo dualístico constituido por dos tipos de pasión: la pasión armoniosa y la obsesiva. La pasión armoniosa es el resultado de una internalización autónoma de la actividad, es decir, está integrada por razones intrínsecas del individuo, y pasa a formar parte de su identidad. La pasión obsesiva es consecuencia de una internalización controlada por motivos contingentes a la práctica de la actividad en cuestión, como por ejemplo la aceptación social, que produce una fuerte y poco adaptativa adhesión a la misma. Las hipótesis que se plantean en este estudio consideran que tanto los practicantes que se dedican profesionalmente al baile, como los que participan en competiciones presentarán mayores niveles de pasión obsesiva, y que los practicantes con más años de experiencia obtendrán puntuaciones más elevadas tanto en pasión obsesiva como en pasión armoniosa. En contra de lo esperado, los bailarines profesionales y competidores no presentan una mayor pasión obsesiva, sino que es la pasión armoniosa la que se incrementa con las horas de práctica. Concluimos que los participantes no viven la práctica del baile como una actividad sometida a modas y aceptación social, sino que más bien se trata de una práctica que contribuye al bienestar de los individuos y compatible con otras actividades de la vida cotidiana.El present estudi pretén caracteritzar els practicants de ball amb relació al model dualístic de la passió descrit per Vallerand. La passió es defineix com una forta inclinació de la persona vers una activitat considerada important i autodefinitòria. Vallerand et al. (2003) proposen un model dualístic constituït per dos tipus de passió: la passió harmoniosa i l'obsessiva. La passió harmoniosa és el resultat d'una internalització autònoma de l'activitat, és a dir, és integrada per raons intrínseques de l'individu, i passa a formar part de la seva identitat. La passió obsessiva és conseqüència d'una internalització controlada per motius contingents a la pràctica de l'activitat en qüestió, com per exemple l'acceptació social, que produeix una forta i poc adaptativa adhesió a la mateixa. Les hipòtesis que es plantegen en aquest estudi consideren que tant els practicants que es dediquen professionalment al ball com els que participen en competicions presentaran majors nivells de passió obsessiva i que els practicants amb més anys d'experiència obtindran puntuacions més elevades tant en passió obsessiva com en passió harmoniosa. En contra del que s'esperava, els ballarins professionals i competidors no presenten una passió obsessiva més elevada, sinó que és la passió harmoniosa la que s'incrementa amb les hores de pràctica. Concloem que els participants no viuen la pràctica del ball com una activitat sotmesa a modes i acceptació social, sinó que més aviat es tracta d'una pràctica que contribueix al benestar dels individus i que és compatible amb altres activitats de la vida quotidiana.This study aims to characterize dancers in relation to the dualistic model of passion described by Vallerand. Passion is defined as a person's strong inclination to an activity considered to be important and self-defining. Vallerand et al. (2003) proposed a dualistic model with two types of passion: harmonious passion and obsessive passion. Harmonious passion is the result of autonomously internalizing the activity, that is, it is made up of the individual's intrinsic reasons and becomes part of the individual's identity. Obsessive passion is the result of internalization guided by reasons contingent to that activity, such as social acceptance, which causes a strong and scarcely adaptive adhesion to the activity. We hypothesized that both professional dancers and competitive dancers would have higher scores in obsessive passion, and dancers with more years of experience would have higher scores in both obsessive passion and harmonious passion. Contrary to what we expected, professional dancers and competitive dancers do not show greater obsessive passion, but it is harmonious passion that increases with practice. We conclude that participants do not experience dance as an activity subject to fashion and social acceptance, but it is an activity that contributes to the individual's wellbeing and is compatible with other daily life activities

    Photoluminescence Stokes shift and exciton fine structure in CdTe nanocrystals

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    The photoluminescence spectra of spherical CdTe nanocrystals with zincblende structure are studied by size-selective spectroscopic techniques. We observe a resonant Stokes shift of 15 meV when the excitation laser energy is tuned to the red side of the absorption band at 2.236 eV. The experimental data are analyzed within a symmetry-based tight-binding theory of the exciton spectrum, which is first shown to account for the size dependence of the fundamental gap reported previously in the literature. The theoretical Stokes shift presented as a function of the gap shows a good agreement with the experimental data, indicating that the measured Stokes shift indeed arises from the electron-hole exchange interaction.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, LaTe

    Effect of the frustration of psychological needs on addictive behaviors in mobile videogamers. The mediating role of use expectancies and time spent gaming

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    Casual videogames (CVGs), played on smartphones, are becoming increasingly popular, especially among females and adults. Whereas the addictive potential of online (computer) videogames is well-established, there is yet insufficient evidence for Internet gaming disorder (IGD) in mobile gamers and for the mediating role of some mechanisms involved. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of the frustration of psychological needs on mobile videogamers' addictive behavior as well as the role of cognitions (game-use expectancies) and behaviors (time spent playing) through a hypothesized serial mediation model, while controlling for important correlates, such as game genre, age, gender and payment during play. A total of 471 mobile game users (211 males) with an average age of 21.73 replied to an online survey containing sociodemographic and game variables, the Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (NSFS), the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale-Short Form (IGDS9-SF) and a slightly modified version of the Internet Use Expectancies Scale (IUES). The results corroborate the negative effects of need frustration on IGD among mobile gamers and clarify the role of time spent playing and game-use expectancies in the development of IGD, highlighting the important role of cognitions in this relationship. We conclude that both the time spent playing and game-use expectancies should be important targets for clinical interventions, even though they are not included in the diagnostic criteri

    Emotional Intelligence and Social Interest : are they related constructs?

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    In the last 15 years, a new psychological construct has emerged in the field of psychology: Emotional Intelligence. Some models of Emotional Intelligence bear ressemblence with aspects of one of the core constructs of Adlerian Psychology: Social Interest. The authors investigated, if both constructs are also empirically related and which is their capacity to predict psychiatric symptoms and antisocial behavior. Results indicate that Social Interest and Emotional Intelligence are empirically different constructs; Social Interest was negatively correlated to aspects of antisocial attitudes (but not to antisocial behavior). Social Interest also failed to predict symptoms of psychological distress. Emotional Intelligence, in change, was a better predictor for mental problems than Social Interest. The results are discussed in view of the validity of Social Interest measurement.En els últims 15 anys, un constructe psicològic s'ha desenvolupat en el camp de la psicologia: Intel·ligència Emocional. Alguns models de la intel·ligència emocional mantenen similituds amb un dels principals constructes de la psicologia Adleriana: Interès Social. Els autors van investigar si tots dos constructes estan també empíricament relacionats i la seva capacitat per predir els símptomes psiquiàtrics i la conducta antisocial. Els resultats indiquen que el interès social i la intel·ligència emocional són constructes empíricament diferents, el interès social es va correlacionar negativament amb aspectes de les actituds antisocials (però no amb la conducta antisocial). El Interès Social també va fallar en predir els símptomes d'angoixa psicològica. La intel·ligència emocional, en canvi, va ser un millor predictor dels problemes mentals que el Interès Social. Els resultats es discuteixen en el punt de vista de la validesa del mesurament del Interès Social.En los últimos 15 años, un constructo psicológico se ha desarrollado en el campo de la psicología: Inteligencia Emocional. Algunos modelos de la inteligencia emocional mantienen similitudes con uno de los principales constructos de la psicología adleriana: Interés Social. Los autores investigaron si ambos constructos están también empíricamente relacionados y su capacidad para predecir los síntomas psiquiátricos y la conducta antisocial. Los resultados indican que el interés social y la inteligencia emocional son constructos empíricamente diferentes, el interés social se correlacionó negativamente con aspectos de las actitudes antisociales (pero no con la conducta antisocial). El Interés Social también falló en predecir los síntomas de angustia psicológica. La inteligencia emocional, en cambio, fue un mejor predictor de los problemas mentales que el Interés Social. Los resultados se discuten en el punto de vista de la validez de la medición del Interés Social

    The 1600 CE Huaynaputina eruption as a possible trigger for persistent cooling in the North Atlantic region

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    Paleoclimate reconstructions have identified a period of exceptional summer and winter cooling in the North Atlantic region following the eruption of the tropical volcano Huaynaputina (Peru) in 1600 CE. A previous study based on numerical climate simulations has indicated a potential mechanism for the persistent cooling in a slowdown of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre (SPG) and consequent ocean-atmosphere feedbacks. To examine whether this mechanism could have been triggered by the Huaynaputina eruption, this study compares the simulations used in the previous study both with and without volcanic forcing and this SPG shift to reconstructions from annual proxies in natural archives and historical written records as well as contemporary historical observations of relevant climate and environmental conditions. These reconstructions and observations demonstrate patterns of cooling and sea-ice expansion consistent with, but not indicative of, an eruption trigger for the proposed SPG slowdown mechanism. The results point to possible improvements in future model-data comparison studies utilizing historical written records. Moreover, we consider historical societal impacts and adaptations associated with the reconstructed climatic and environmental anomalies

    Western U.S. lake expansions during Heinrich stadials linked to Pacific Hadley circulation

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552Lake and cave records show that winter precipitation in the southwestern United States increased substantially during millennial-scale periods of Northern Hemisphere winter cooling known as Heinrich stadials. However, previous work has not produced a clear picture of the atmospheric circulation changes driving these precipitation increases. Here, we combine data with model simulations to show that maximum winter precipitation anomalies were related to an intensified subtropical jet and a deepened, southeastward-shifted Aleutian Low, which together increased atmospheric river-like transport of subtropical moisture into the western United States. The jet and Aleutian Low changes are tied to the southward displacement of the intertropical convergence zone and the accompanying intensification of the Hadley circulation in the central Pacific. These results refine our understanding of atmospheric changes accompanying Heinrich stadials and highlight the need for accurate representations of tropical-extratropical teleconnections in simulations of past and future precipitation changes in the region